Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3302 Official Appearance

Ten days go by in a blink of an eye!

And Du Long's patient waiting finally came to fruition.

With the ten-day deadline given by the alien race, many forces in the entire Jinshan Lord Holy City finally chose to embark on the path of betrayal.

The reason why Du Long was willing to spend so much time and slowly wait for these wallflowers to show up was because he didn't want these wallflowers to deal a fatal blow from behind again in the future when he didn't care about his rear!

Jinshan Temple, in the main meeting hall.

The leaders of various forces, big and small, are still studying and discussing issues that will never come to a conclusion.

At this moment, the leaders of all the forces had different thoughts and could not calm down and unite to fight against the enemy.

Everyone is suspicious of the people around them, and they don't know who else has betrayed them, and which forces still insist on refusing to surrender? !

all in all.

In the main meeting hall of the Jinshan Temple, it can only be described as a feeling of excitement.

Compared to Yin Qingyi and others who didn't know what to do, Adam, Bai Xiangming and others had a strange smile on their faces.

They have received a reply from the Karachi Family Lework, and have also determined which forces will finally choose to surrender, allowing Adam and Bai Xiangming to formulate a corresponding plan to destroy the city and destroy the city's defense array as soon as possible!

Precisely because they had confidence in their hearts, Adam and Bai Xiangming seemed very relaxed when they were discussing the plan to break the city!

They had already received information from Lework that quite a few forces had chosen to surrender. The number was so large that they no longer had to worry about being besieged by various races in the city when they tried their best to break through the city.

Other forces can completely help them and fend off the various clans in the city who want to besiege them!

'Very good! ’

‘I didn’t expect that after the ten-day restriction, so many forces would choose to surrender secretly. If we were the first to surrender to the foreign forces, it would be a great achievement! ’

Bai Xiangming spoke to Adam with his eyes shining brightly.

‘That’s right! ’

‘Next we have to unite all the forces on this list and work with them to formulate a perfect plan to destroy the city! ’

Adam followed closely and replied with a smile.

‘Don’t let them know too detailed a plan! ’ Bai Xiangming shook his head and replied: ‘It’s best to just let them know a simple action plan to prevent some people from pretending to surrender and defraud us! ’

‘That makes sense.

. ’

In this way, the two rebels, Adam and Bai Xiangming, began to secretly discuss the next action plan there.

Under the secret planning of the two, a plan that they thought was perfect to destroy the city was finally formulated.

Soon, all the large and small forces that had sent word of Lework's surrender received a simple action plan.

According to the consensus reached by Adam and Bai Xiangming, the newly joined forces only know that at a certain point in time, their respective strong men must obey the instructions and launch an all-out attack against the forces that have not surrendered!

Those forces who received the order remained calm on the surface, but secretly understood that the main holy city in front of them was about to change hands.

Outside the main holy city of Jinshan.

Within the dark energy clouds rolling over the city, countless alien armies began to gather again!

They have begun to prepare for the upcoming war, and are always ready to launch a full-scale attack on the main holy city of Jinshan after it is breached from the inside!

Inside the core forbidden garden of Jinshan Temple in the main holy city.

A great elder of the Eight-Armed Titan Clan has also received the action order long ago. He has also sharpened his sword and is ready to cooperate with the tribesmen outside to launch a devastating blow to the main control core of the defense array in the core forbidden garden!

Adam and Bai Xiangming did not give up their plan to destroy the core of the magic circle, but launched it simultaneously with the plan to destroy the city outside. They must achieve a two-pronged approach that is foolproof!

How could they know?

There is a pair of eyes that has seen all the action plans clearly, and will never leave any possibility for them to successfully break through the city!

In the main holy city of Jinshan.

On the surface, the streets still seem to be bustling and bustling, but there is a faint aura of chilling!

In addition to the top forces that Du Long contacted before, he also used these top forces to contact other forces that did not choose to surrender.

Let them all prepare for battle, the victory or defeat will be decided in one fell swoop!

Within the Titan clan camp responsible for defending two defense zones of the main holy city, and inside the Bai family camp, all the clan members of the two top forces are also ready to go, ready to attack the city in one fell swoop after receiving instructions!

Time passed slowly in this tense atmosphere. The sun set in the sky and night gradually fell. Adam and others made a plan to destroy the city in the early hours of tonight.

After countless people waited for a long time, the promised moment of breaking the city finally arrived.


After receiving the order, shouts of killing came one after another from inside the defense zone of the forces that chose to betray one by one.

Under the command of remote divine consciousness, each force knows what they want to do. They need to be responsible for delaying which force around them and creating opportunities for the alien army to enter the city.

As long as they persist until the moment when the alien army enters the city, their rebellion will be considered a success.

At that time, they will be able to enjoy treatment similar to that of the Karachi family. In addition to all their territories in the Jinshan world being returned, each meritorious force will be able to receive more benefits!

The entire interior of Jinshan Main Holy City was originally as prosperous as usual.

In the main holy city, various large and small defense zones near the city wall suddenly broke out in chaos. The alliance partners in the city who should have been united to deal with foreign enemies were now raising their butcher knives towards the forces around them!

The forces that were attacked were not in chaos. They seemed to have been prepared for a long time and immediately launched a counterattack against the forces that attacked them!

The interior of the main meeting hall of Jinshan Temple.

"Adam, Bai Xiangming! Is it true that your respective family forces have secretly colluded with foreign races?!"

In the main hall, Yin Qingyi's angry shout suddenly sounded.

"Haha!" Now that his face has been broken, Bai Xiangming simply stopped pretending: "We are called good birds choosing trees to roost. You stubborn idiots are waiting to be completely destroyed by the saints! "

"Bullshit saints!" Molodun, the eighteen-armed giant clan, roared angrily and transformed into a terrifying fighting form on the spot: "I have long been unhappy with you traitors, you all should die!


As soon as the words fell, all kinds of magical weapons in Moroton's hands were fired at Bai Xiangming without any money.

"That's right! Die to all these damn traitors!

"Leng Feng followed closely and entered the fighting form, and the entire main meeting hall quickly became chaotic.


In the main meeting hall, all over the extremely huge city of Jinshan Main Holy City, including the core forbidden garden of Jinshan Temple.

Many members of the rebel forces who had originally entered fighting mode and were about to start fighting for the plan to destroy the city were suddenly completely restrained by the invisible power of time and space!

Immediately afterwards, tens of millions of figures were dragged towards a certain airspace in the city by the mysterious force of time and space!

Many nine-star peak experts, including patriarch Adam and Bai Xiangming, were all inevitably dragged towards a certain airspace in the city.

Such a strange scene shocked countless people from all forces on the spot!

"Oh shit! Have we seen a ghost?! Why did those guys suddenly evacuate towards the same airspace?! Do they have some big conspiracy?!"

Molodun, who was waving all kinds of magic weapons fiercely and charging towards Bo Xiangming, was dumbfounded and fell down on the spot.

"Stop talking nonsense! Go out quickly and see what they want to do together!"

Yin Qingyi shouted in a deep voice, and immediately took the lead and rushed out of the meeting hall, chasing the enemy at full speed in the direction they left.

Seeing this, other people in the main meeting hall followed out. No matter what, this matter must be resolved desperately, otherwise the civilization of this world will be destroyed!

Until this moment, they still didn’t know that Adam and others did not escape from the hall by their own strength, but were easily taken away by an irresistible force!

The sky above the main holy city of Jinshan.

At this moment, there are countless figures gathered densely, and the number must reach tens of billions!

That's right!

After various large and small forces chose to surrender and rebel against the enemy, they have dispatched all the tribesmen with a combat strength of one star or above within their respective forces.

This is to prepare to complete the victory in one battle, completely destroy the city to welcome the aliens, and then surrender to the aliens!

It is precisely because of the astonishing number of low-level monks that the sky above the entire Jinshan Lord Holy City seems to be covered with a thick layer of dark clouds!

"What the hell is going on?! Why are we being secretly photographed here?!"

At this moment, Bai Xiangming couldn't even speak clearly, and he already felt in his heart that a disaster was coming!


At this moment, a figure with shining golden energy appeared out of thin air in front of hundreds of millions of traitors.

Du Long once again appeared in the image of the 'True God Meng Tao' in front of countless creatures in the entire main holy city of Jinshan.

"No! How is this possible?! When did True God Meng Tao return?!"

"No! Lord True God, please have mercy! We were just temporarily blinded by lard, and that's why we made the wrong choice!"





Many of those traitors recognized the identity of the true god Meng Tao, many could not accept all this, and some traitors directly begged for mercy.

Yin Qingyi and others who had just chased them from a distance were also dumbfounded, and they all looked at the familiar energy figure with surprise.

"Master, Master?!" Moloton wiped his eyes in disbelief and said, "Is it really Master?! Is Master back to save us?! Hahaha.

. "

He looked in disbelief at first, but then he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly with excitement. You could see tears falling from the corners of his eyes. This was the rhythm of crying with joy!

"It's Master! It's Master who's back! We are finally saved! Hahaha.

. "Leng Feng, who has always had a cold personality, couldn't help crying and laughing in mid-air at this moment.

"Disciple Yin Qingyi pays homage to Master!"

Although Yin Qingyi behaved better, her eyes were still red with excitement, and she bowed directly to Du Long's energetic figure.

"Disciple Leng Feng pays homage to Master!"

"Disciple Molodun pays homage to Master!"

"Disciple Zhao Bingshuang pays homage to Master.

. "

Not only the three direct disciples who became the head of the clan prostrated themselves in the air, but also the several direct disciples scattered around the city also came out to pay homage.

Zhao Bingshuang, who was dressed in military uniform, looked heroic, and tears were flashing in his eyes as he looked at the energy shadow!

Throughout the main holy city of Jinshan, countless pairs of eyes were staring at the scene in the sky in shock. They finally realized the identity of the true god of the energy figure.

Ever since the alien invasion caused chaos, countless people have been looking forward to the legendary 'True God Meng Tao' appearing to help the native camp of Jinshan World repel the invading aliens.

However, under the expectation again and again, people gradually began to become desperate.

Who would have thought that just when people no longer had any hope in the 'True God Meng Tao', he would appear in front of everyone like this? !

In the viewing restaurant on the top floor of a building.

Du Long and Yin Feifei next to him looked at each other, then stood up and walked to the window with a smile.

Yin Feifei followed closely, then stretched out her jade hand to gently hold his arm, and the two of them walked step by step from the restaurant to the sky in front of them.

Their unusual behavior immediately attracted the attention of many people in the restaurant.

"Eh?! Then, isn't that the true god Meng Tao?!"

"Oh my God! Were we sitting in the same restaurant just now with True God Meng Tao?!"

"I, I was just responsible for ordering food for True God Meng Tao, but what did I just do?!"





Amidst various discussions in the viewing restaurant on the top floor of the building.

Du Long and Yin Feifei had already reached the top of the energetic figure and glanced around with piercing eyes.

"You three are already the heads of the clan, why are you still crying like children?!" His eyes fell on the three brothers Yin Qingyi with some disgust.


Although it was just a simple word, the three brothers and sisters bowed down and bowed down again.

Du Long shook his head speechlessly, then turned to look at several direct disciples in other directions.

"You all should get up too! With our master here, none of these thieves who dare to betray the local civilized world can escape!"

"True God Meng Tao!" Adam, the leader of the Eight-Armed Titan, shouted with an inward look: "Even if you are a true god, you are only a mere person! You must know that there are many powerful men at the level of eternal true gods within the alien race outside!"

"Haha!" Du Longxiao looked at the eight-armed Titan clan leader in front of him and said: "Adam! Do you know why I let your eight-armed Titan clan have a way out?!"

"At that time, I predicted that today's situation would happen. The reason why I let you go is to save more power for the local civilized world!"

"Now it seems that my kindness and mercy back then were simply unnecessary. I shouldn't have let you live!"

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