Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3296 Total collapse


"My eight-armed Titan clan is willing to send troops to support the defense line responsible for the Leng family!"

"My Bai family is also willing to send troops to support the defense line responsible for the Yin family!"

Under pressure from all parties in the hall, Adam and Bai Xiangming pretended to be helpless and made a promise.

"Haha!" Hearing the two people's sincere promises, Yin Qingyi smiled coldly and said: "Everyone can say empty words. I ask the two clan leaders to send at least one-third of the frontline troops to support me within a quarter of an hour. square!"

"Impossible!" After hearing Yin Qingyi's request, Bai Xiangming refused without hesitation: "It's really a lion's mouth. After sending one-third of the reinforcements, what will happen to the defense line that our Bai family is responsible for? Woolen cloth?!"

"That's right!" Adam followed and objected: "Where in the world can there be such a confident person in asking for help?! Yin Qingyi, you, the young head of the Yin family, don't be too arrogant!"





Some large and small forces who were clearly standing behind them spoke out, supporting the opposition of the two clan leaders.

"Quiet!" After Yin Qingyi listened for a moment, he shouted coldly on the spot: "When our Yin family sent troops to support the Bai family's defense line, we sent one-third of the defenders. Why did we come to your side? Is it going to be impossible?!”

"Today is different from the past!" Bai Xiangming said with a frown on his face: "The alien army we face now is many times stronger than before!"

"You also know that the enemy's strength has become many times stronger, but why don't you understand that at times like this, if we remain as we are, the final result will be defeat!" Yin Qingyi retorted in a deep voice.


With Yin Qingyi's final rebuttal, the entire hall fell into silence again.

The fact is, as he said, the situation has become so unfavorable. If the local alliance is still like a piece of loose sand, then the outside defense line will have no meaning.

"Anyway, with the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to send one-third of our frontline defenders to support the friendly forces!" After a long silence, Bai Xiangming finally refused stubbornly.

"Very good!" Yin Qingyi nodded and replied without any concern: "In that case, Leng Feng and Moroton! Immediately order their respective families' frontline defenders to retreat 100 million miles!"


The two agreed one after another, then took out their respective communication formation stones and issued an order to the defenders of their respective families on the front line.

"Hmph! Don't think that you can threaten us like this!" Bai Xiangming snorted coldly: "You retreated first, so our Bai family will not stand in front and die, but also retreat 100 million miles back!"

"Second the proposal!" Adam responded in a deep voice immediately after.

"Haha!" Facing the fact that they immediately started to order the withdrawal, Yin Qingyi sneered and said indifferently: "Let's all retreat together! It's best to give up all the territory of the Jinshan World, and everyone withdraws together to defend the Lord Saint of Jinshan. Just the city will do!”

"That's right!" Leng Feng responded with a smile: "The more people there are, the more lively it is. I don't believe that when it's time to protect the Lord's Holy City, some people can still allow foreigners to attack!"





In the main hall.

With the conflicts completely aroused, all parties simply began to choose to give up on themselves.

Since we can't defend Nuo Da's territory, we might as well not defend it.

All forces from all parties have returned to the main holy city. As long as the main holy city is still there, there is no fear of being completely destroyed by the aliens!

Of course, if all the forces can unite to face the enemy, there is no need to go to the most difficult step!

On the frontline battlefield of Jinshan World.

As all parties issued retreat orders respectively, the defense line of the entire Jinshan World's local power alliance completely collapsed.

Pieces of unfavorable battlefield information were continuously transmitted into the Jinshan Temple.

As the general command center of this war, we can see the detailed process of the complete collapse of the entire battlefield situation.

Originally, all the forces were still retreating a hundred million miles away, but with the complete collapse of the defense line, they finally retreated directly towards the main holy city at full speed.

The entire Jinshan Temple is in the main hall.

The faces of the senior officials from all the forces looked very ugly, but a very few people seemed indifferent.

I don’t know whether it’s because they don’t have much industry outside, or because they have secretly colluded with foreign forces? !

At this moment, the various forces within the entire Jinshan Temple are full of contradictions. They are all on guard against each other, and there is almost no trust at all!

Looking at the virtual Jinshan world map inside the hall, one can see that more and more land is losing its golden luster and is being covered by billowing dark clouds.

"How could we fall into this situation so quickly?! Isn't it too fast?!"

"Who can be blamed for this?! It's not appropriate to blame the forces of the True God lineage, nor the Eight-Armed Titans!"

"Haha! What kind of situation has this gotten into and we are still fighting among ourselves? It seems that the situation in Jinshan World is irreversible!"

"That's right! We must think of a way out, otherwise we will only be destroyed together if we continue like this!"

"Where is the retreat?! Apart from surrendering, the whole world will be destroyed. Where can we retreat to?!"

"Surrender to the aliens?! I'm afraid this wouldn't be good, right?!"

"Nonsense! Before the aliens conquer the world, they may still need us. Once they completely conquer the world, we will probably have to live a life worse than pigs and dogs!"





In the main hall, the hearts of various forces were floating.

At this critical juncture of life and death, no one is thinking of how to defeat the alien race. Everyone is worried about the future of their respective forces!

"What should I do?! Do we really want to completely give up the outside territory?!" Leng Feng frowned and looked at Yin Qingyi, and asked secretly through a message.

"What else can we do?!" Yin Qingyi replied coldly: "The Eight-Armed Titan Clan and the Bai Clan must be secretly colluding with other races. If our strength is seriously damaged outside, we may even lose our right to speak. They took it away!"

"That's true! Once we lose the right to speak, we will probably be completely doomed!" Leng Feng agreed.

"What should we do next?!" Molodun interjected and asked: "If those two forces collude with the aliens, then we may even lose the main holy city!"

"The three of us will keep an eye on the two of them!" Yin Qingyi responded in a deep voice: "Once we are sure that the other party has surrendered to the enemy, we will do whatever it takes, and we will make them pay a heavy price!"

"Okay!" Molodun gritted his teeth and said, "In the worst case, we will be destroyed together. We would rather die standing than surrender and become the pigs and dogs of the alien race!"

"That's right!" Yin Qingyi responded coldly: "According to the records of our Yin family, those who surrender to foreign races will live a life worse than pigs and dogs, and may be ostracized by the origin of the local heaven in the future!"

"Encountering rejection from the origin of the local way of heaven?! What the hell is this?!" Leng Feng asked in confusion.

Obviously, this was the first time he heard this statement.

Compared with the ancient Yin family, the Leng family's background is much different!

"It's very simple!" Yin Qingyi directly told the two brothers the secret he knew: "Those alien races are not the creatures of our world. They invaded this world just to devour and destroy!"

"Our world's heavenly origin will do its best to prevent all of this. When local monks rebel, those traitors will be abandoned and ostracized by the local heavenly origin!"

"Once they are excluded, the consequences will be very serious. From now on, those traitors will bear eternal infamy and will never be able to live in the bright world!"


. Leng Fengtong shrank slightly and said, "Is it like the Dark Clan that was destroyed by the Master himself before?" ! They can only live in darkness and practice dark techniques? ! "

"It's even more serious than that!" Yin Qingyi shook his head and sighed: "That Dark Tribe man is just a descendant of the traitor. Although there is a blood relationship between the two parties, they are not directly involved in the rebellion!"

"But even so, the Dark Clan still could not escape the disaster, and in the end they were completely destroyed in the hands of our master!"

"So that's it!" Leng Feng exclaimed: "Since the problem is so serious, why don't you tell everyone here about it?!"

"It's useless to say it!" Yin Qingyi shook his head and sighed: "First of all, not many forces believe what I said. Secondly, if the world we live in is going to be destroyed, will we be rejected by the origin of heaven? What does it matter?!”

"I think it would be better to tell everyone present about this matter. It will be more or less effective, right?!" Moloton didn't seem to agree with Yin Qingyi's point of view.

"Okay!" Yin Qingyi nodded and smiled when he heard this: "Then I will disclose the classics owned by the Yin family to everyone present!"

"As for how many people believe it in the end, and how many people still choose to surrender to the alien race, that is beyond our control!"

After the words fell, Yin Qingyi looked solemnly at the senior officials of all forces in the hall.


"I have in my hand a secret book passed down from the Yin family from endless years ago!"

"As the crisis of world destruction approaches again, I think it is very necessary to make it public. I hope that the information recorded in it can provide you with the most important reference for your next choices!"

Under the curious gaze of everyone at the scene, Yin Qingyi directly threw a jade talisman containing a large amount of information into the air of the hall, and it floated quietly in front of everyone.

"Okay! I have lifted the restrictions on the jade talisman. Now anyone can easily penetrate the jade talisman with spiritual consciousness and view all the information recorded in it at will!"


The whole hall was in an uproar for an instant, and then everyone was searching their own consciousness into the jade talisman that recorded a large amount of information.

The people present here are all high-level Xuantian Creation God-level figures, and the process of exploring the massive information inside the jade talisman was also very fast. In just a moment, someone was the first to end the investigation.

"How is this possible?! The Yin family is indeed one of the oldest family forces. It actually owns jade talismans that record information about the end of prehistoric civilization?!"

"Yes! Have you noticed that it contains general information about those alien races?!"

"It turns out that the alien races are indeed creatures from different world civilizations. They appear to destroy and devour. There is simply an undying relationship between us and each other?!"

"Those who betray the native world will actually be rejected by the origin of heaven in the native world. Is this information true or false?!"





As more and more people read the information recorded inside the jade talisman, the hall began to discuss it again.

"Haha!" Bai Xiangming, who had also completed the investigation, looked up to the sky and laughed: "This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world! The origin of the world's heaven is ruthless and asexual. No matter how powerful the ancestors of the Yin family are, they cannot know the origin of the heaven. How will you behave?!"

"That's right!" Adam, the eight-armed Titan clan leader, followed closely and solemnly nodded: "The Yin family really does everything in order to control people's hearts! They even made up such ridiculous lies! "





In the main hall.

After the two people, many people spoke, and they all supported the arguments of Bai Xiangming and Adam. It is not difficult to see that some people may appear tough on the surface, but they are uneasy in their hearts.

It is not difficult to see from this that it would be strange if there were no ghosts behind these people!

"Haha!" Yin Qingyi said with a faint smile: "As the patriarch of the Yin family, I am willing to swear a soul-deep oath with the life of the entire Yin family!"

"This jade talisman, which records a large amount of information, is definitely a classic passed down from the ancestors of the Yin family. There are absolutely no lies in the content recorded in it!"


The people who were still questioning the jade talisman, as Yin Qingyi made such a serious soul oath in public, instantly didn't know how to continue questioning.

All in all, many of the power leaders present who were still wavering secretly accepted all this in their hearts.

I also understand what correct choice I should make next!

On the main seat.

Yin Qingyi silently watched everyone's reactions, secretly sighing in his heart that Moroton's opinion was really good.

At the very least, many forces that were still wavering now seem to be leaning towards their side.

"Everyone!" In this case, he naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot: "In fact, as long as we unite as one and defend the Lord Holy City of Jinshan with all our strength, then the aliens will not be able to pass through the teleportation array in the Lord Holy City and rush to the Lord God Realm outside!"

"In this way, we can still persevere, and we don't have to worry about being completely destroyed because of this!"

As he once again put forward such an argument, the eyes of the power leaders who originally saw no hope lit up one after another.

From their point of view, what they fear most is that they cannot see any hope. If they can have hope of continuing to live, they will naturally not easily choose to surrender to the alien race, work for the alien race, and live a life worse than a pig or a dog!

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