Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3290 Master Protects the Dharma

The vast and chaotic void.

Five figures stayed in front of the three Xuantian Worlds, beside them were the surging chaotic source energy.

"Put them all away!"

"As long as Xuantian's world is fine, it will be the same no matter where it is placed in Xuantian's chaotic world!"

Du Long smiled and looked at the three indigenous Xuantian gods with complicated expressions, and directly offered words of comfort.

Just as he persuaded, wherever there is the Xuantian world created by oneself, that is one's eternal home!

"Yes! Master!"

The three indigenous Xuantian gods respectfully accepted the order and directly threw the time and space crystal balls in their hands.

Three misty clear lights spread out from the space-time crystal ball and quickly enveloped the Xuantian world.

Immediately afterwards.

As three rays of light shone in the sky, the three Xuantian worlds that were originally suspended in the chaotic void disappeared without a trace!

In the chaotic void of Xuantian, there are only three space-time crystal balls flashing with dazzling white light, and it is vaguely visible that there is a Xuantian chaotic world suspended inside them!

The three space-time crystal balls flew back to the hands of the three of them, and all of them stared at the time-space crystal balls in their hands with bright eyes.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they really couldn't believe that a space-time crystal ball the size of a palm could fit into such a huge Xuantian World? !

"Master!" Qin Yu couldn't help but said with a look of amazement: "Did you refine this kind of space-time crystal ball with your own hands?! What kind of cultivation level do you need to reach to be able to refine this kind of space-time crystal ball?" Ball?!”

"When your cultivation is strong enough, you will naturally understand what level of cultivation you need to reach before you can refine this kind of space-time crystal ball!" Du Long waved his hand, obviously not wanting to explain too much on this issue.

All along, he has not wanted to reveal his true cultivation to too many people. There are only a handful of people in the world who know his true cultivation!

"Okay! Master, I will put you all into the portable cave world. It will probably take hundreds of thousands of years to go to the advanced civilization world. If you have nothing to do, you can go into seclusion and practice to pass the time!"

After explaining, Du Long directly waved his hand to collect all four people, and put them all into the world of Genlong Secret Realm that he carried with him.

Inside the Genlong Secret Realm, there are some inheritance places that are willing for the three new disciples to practice. It would be a good choice for them to spend time there!


After glancing around, Du Long took a step towards the direction of the advanced civilized world.

As a super powerful man whose cultivation has reached the realm of the Eternal God King, every advanced route will leave a trace in his mind, and he can naturally calculate which direction is the airspace where the advanced civilization world is located.

Time keeps passing.

Du Long, who was rushing back all the way, also continued to encounter many indigenous Xuantian worlds, as well as some special Xuantian secret worlds.

However, there was no one that could stop him. He kept teleporting towards the world of advanced civilization at full speed.

Hundreds of thousands of years pass by in an instant!

Du Long finally returned to the airspace where the advanced civilization world is located, and returned to the Bodhi World in the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

After learning the news of his return, the other two origin clones who were still traveling around came together to share the details of their trip!

Through memory sharing, the three origin avatars quickly understood the entire process of this trip.

Du Long also released a group of Xuantian gods from the Pangu camp and placed them in a chaotic airspace not far from the Bodhi World.

There, they met with Hongjun, Fuxi, Di Huang, Ran Deng and others, and then placed their respective Xuantian worlds in that airspace.

After soliciting the opinions of Xin Pangu, Qin Yu, and Lin Lei, Du Long finally decided to place the three of them in this airspace and let them join Pangu's world camp.

After everything was settled, Du Long gave everyone some time to adapt to the new environment.

Many indigenous monks have just arrived here from the remote Xuantian Chaos Void, and must stay for a while before they can adapt to this advanced civilized world.

Du Long is not in a hurry to help them improve their strength. It will not be too late to consider the issue of cultivation when they successfully integrate into the advanced civilized world.

The rest of the time passed more leisurely.

Du Long left one original clone in each of the Pangu World camp, the Bodhi World and the Xumi World, and lived a solitary life every day.

After Qin Yu, Lin Lei and others quickly adapted to the new world civilization environment, they finally began to take their minds back, and from time to time they would go to Du Long to ask some questions about cultivation.

The three disciples Du Long accepted on his way back each have two new origin avatars who are working hard to cultivate and want to find different paths of creation in the body.

Du Long naturally patiently guided these three direct disciples on matters of cultivation.

Later, people including Sakyamuni, Yuanshi Tianzun and others also asked him for advice on how to take the path of creation within the body.

Du Long naturally knew everything about these former seniors, and he was happy to tell these seniors who he could most rely on about his experience of breaking through and achieving the realm of eternal true gods.

After experiencing the crisis of the Norman family, these great gods of the Pangu camp who were able to stick to their hearts without hesitation are basically existences worth relying on!

If you can't even rely on them, then there won't be anyone in this world who is too trustworthy!

In this way, under Du Long's patient guidance, Qin Yu took the lead in creating a world of yin and yang and Xuantian in his body!

That's right!

He himself was interested in Yin-Yang Creation, and under the guidance of Du Long's Yin-Yang Creation clone, and with his powerful cultivation talent, it was not surprising that he would break through immediately.

Following closely, a clone of New Pangu also broke through and became the Great God of Yin-Yang Creation. On the contrary, Lin Lei, who had relatively high spiritual talent, was unable to break through.

The reason is very simple, that is, he wants to follow Du Long's multi-dimensional creation clone and blaze a path of multi-dimensional Xuantian creation.

The multi-dimensional Xuantian creation path is one of the most difficult creation paths recognized by the world, and it makes sense that he failed to break through.


"The number of original cell clones in the disciple's body has reached the limit, and his understanding of the multi-dimensional space-time fluctuations inside the Dragon Secret Realm has also reached the late peak of the eleventh dimension!"

"But why haven't the disciples yet found the lowest breakthrough of one-dimensional space-time creation?!"

After watching Xin Pangu and Qin Yu achieve breakthroughs one after another and become the great creation gods of Yin Yang Xuantian, Lin Lei finally couldn't help but seek advice from Du Long again.

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head helplessly and looked at Lin Lei with a smile: "The so-called one-dimensional world, the most critical point to break through is to break and then build!"

"What does it mean to break and then stand up?! This is similar to the ball of light inside a black hole, which absorbs and compresses the entire inner world into a small ball of light!"

"And this small ball of light is actually the starting point of the formation of the entire one-dimensional world, which is also the singularity that people often mention!"

"Through a small singularity, a straight line is continuously expanded and stretched. This is the so-called one-dimensional world!"


. Lin Lei was speechless and said: "Broken and then established, completely destroying the main world in the body, and then forming a singularity, will this clone of himself be completely exploded?" ! "

"Haha!" Du Long finally understood what Lin Lei was worried about: "This is how I came here as a teacher. In order to ensure safety, it is best to raise the source of your body and soul to the limit you can reach!"

"Only an extremely strong physical body can withstand the terrifying explosive power formed by breaking and then standing up. This is the main reason why my master asked you to break through the source of your body and soul first to reach the current highest limit!"

"This disciple has raised the origin of his body and soul to the current extreme state!" Lin Lei replied helplessly: "But even at the moment of breaking and standing, I still have some worries.

. "

It can be heard that he was a little unsure at the end. It was obvious that he did not have much confidence in the process of breakthrough, and he was worried that this would completely destroy the original clone.

"That's all!" Du Long also heard what he meant, and waved his hands helplessly: "In that case, then you start to break through here, and let me protect the law for you!"

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Lei finally achieved his goal and agreed excitedly: "Then the disciple will break through directly here. Thank you for your hard work, Master!"

Du Long shook his head helplessly and looked at this disciple. He didn't know whether he was afraid of death or whether he knew how to use all conditions to ensure his own safety.

Then Lin Lei was seen sitting cross-legged on the futon in the hall, quickly entering into a state of preparation.

Du Long pondered for a moment, then waved his hand to set up a shielding circle around the hall. The breakthrough process of creation in the body was indeed dangerous, and Lin Lei must not be interfered with in any way.


Almost at the same time, earth-shaking changes began to occur in Lin Lei's body, and the world inside the main Dantian world began to collapse and fission!

An earth-shaking upheaval began to take place in the main Dantian world within his body.

Pieces of starry sky are constantly being destroyed, all kinds of energy from heaven and earth are constantly converging towards the central area, and a terrifying aura that destroys heaven and earth is born in his body.

It has to be said that when Du Long felt this terrifying energy that could destroy the world, he secretly felt a little hairy in his heart.

When I broke through back then, without anyone to protect me, I just entered a state of breaking and then standing without any care for life or death.

Thinking about it now, I still feel a little scared. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to survive until the end, otherwise I would have lost one of the three original clones.

No wonder Linley was hesitant before breaking through. Under normal circumstances, few people would have the guts to directly enter the breakthrough state without external protection.

This kind of breakthrough state is, at best, called neither breaking nor establishing, and at worst, it is self-destruction!



In Linley's inner world, a devastating energy storm was rapidly forming, and he himself was trying his best to limit the terrifying power of this devastating storm.

This is like an atomic bomb slowly exploding in the body, but the owner of the body wants to rely on his own strength to compress the energy of the explosion to the extreme, or even compress it into a black hole in the center of the main Dantian world!

As the terrifying energy exploded rapidly, Lin Lei's body began to tremble violently, his face became hideous and terrifying, and his body was already soaked with blood and sweat.

Du Long looked helplessly at his apprentice who was trying his best to suppress the terrifying power exploding in his body.

Seeing that although he was gritting his teeth and trying his best to suppress it, there were faint signs that he was about to fail in suppressing it.


Sighing, he finally took action. A terrifying force of heaven and earth instantly enveloped Lin Lei, and then suppressed the terrifying energy that was erupting in his body.

The invisible power of heaven and earth continues to suppress the energy that can destroy the heaven and earth, and continues to compress towards the center of the main Dantian world.

Feeling the emergence of this invisible force, Lin Lei immediately breathed a sigh of relief and had a relieved smile on his face.

"Hmph! Hurry up and go all out to suppress the destructive energy in your body. You don't want to have to protect your master forever, do you?" Du Long saw the change in his expression and shouted angrily on the spot.

Lin Lei's mind was slightly shaken, and he hurriedly gathered his mind and continued to use all his strength to suppress the terrifying energy explosion in his body!

Because Du Long had taken action to limit the most dangerous outbreak point, he only had to go all out to continue to suppress it, and he could succeed without the help of external forces at all.

Du Long's power was slowly retreating. He didn't want to help Lin Lei completely suppress the power in his body into a singularity. If he had to help him do it by himself, then there would be no point in accepting this direct disciple!

Linley lived up to his expectations and began to quickly compress the destructive energy still raging in his body towards the core of the main dantian world.

This process must be rapid. If the speed is even slightly slow, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Under Du Long's reminder, Lin Lei did not dare to hesitate at all, and tried hard to control the violent destructive power in his body, quickly compressing it towards the central area!


Until a certain moment, all the destructive energy in the world inside Lin Lei was finally completely bound into a tiny crystal ball.

In this way, he can be regarded as successfully creating a world singularity in the world inside his body as required, and successfully breaking through to the early stage of the first level of multi-dimensional creation!

"I finally broke through to the early stage of the first level!" After the successful breakthrough, Lin Lei couldn't help but said in surprise: "Thank you, Master! If the Master hadn't been here today, I'm afraid the disciple would have died.

. "

"Don't rush to say thank you!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "Your creation process is equivalent to the intervention of external forces, and I don't know whether it will affect your progress in practice in the future!"

"In short, everything is possible, good or bad, just take care of it yourself!"

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