Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3288 Encounter on the way back

time flies!

In the blink of an eye, nearly a million years passed quietly between the fingers.

And Du Long also continued to advance for nearly a million years in the vast chaotic void.

For ordinary people, a million years is almost enough for several different civilizations to appear.

However, compared to a powerful man like Du Long, it was only the past one epoch year.

For practitioners, an epoch year is much shorter than the past year for ordinary people!

Continuously teleporting over long distances, Du Long, the multi-dimensional creation clone, kept rushing towards the deepest part of Xuantian's chaotic world at an extremely terrifying speed.

During this period, he also encountered several indigenous civilizations in Xuantian World!

But he just penetrated his spiritual consciousness and briefly explored it. After seeing that there was no information worth exploring, he left the indigenous world without hesitation.

In the deep void of the remote Xuantian Chaos World, it would indeed be particularly novel to encounter an indigenous civilization.

But Du Long didn't intend to waste too much time on them. Almost most of the indigenous worlds were almost the same.

All of them are in a state of no systematic inheritance, and most of them are only in the Xuantian World of about one to three stars. It is almost impossible to break through to the Xuantian World of a higher level!

As he went deeper and deeper into the chaotic void of Xuantian.

The chaotic energy between heaven and earth is becoming more and more violent, and all kinds of terrifying energy that is very deadly to Xuantian's creation master are crisscrossing.

Even if Du Long has grown into a powerful man in the realm of the Eternal God King, he is still prepared to face such terrifying alien phenomena!

"No wonder! The new civilized world has been around for endless years, but no one has dared to explore deeply where the boundary line of the Xuantian Chaos World is!"

"In dangerous areas like this, even I, the Eternal God-King who takes the multi-dimensional space-time creation path, must deal with it carefully!"

"If those Xuantian Creation Gods come here, they will definitely end up with a narrow escape!"

While Du Long was driving at full speed, he was secretly thinking about this matter in his heart.

The fact is just as he imagined, the Great God Xuantian has long wanted to explore whether there is any limit to this world, but in the end they all gave up halfway because it was too dangerous.

Only he, a powerful man in the realm of the Eternal God King, dares to continue deep into the dangerous situation boldly!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


After a series of ultra-long-distance teleportations, Du Long finally came to a place that looked like a wall of time and space!

An endless wall stretches between heaven and earth. This wall seems to have no curvature, just like a vertical giant screen of time and space? !

In fact.

Du Long calculated that this wall of time and space has a curvature through his cultivation at the peak level of the Eternal God King or through his powerful divine consciousness detection range!

This arc is very simple, it is an arc shape, which also means that the entire Xuantian Chaos World is a round world!

The boundary of the world is the huge wall of time and space in front of us. It is this huge wall that isolates the Xuantian Chaos World from the outside world!

At this moment, Du Long felt speechless inside.

He was once an ordinary man who practiced and improved his strength along the way.

First, he broke through and became an immortal, then ascended to the immortal world, and then ascended from the immortal world to the divine world!

Being in the God Realm is not the end, he has also explored the endless void around the entire Pangu God Realm, and finally came to the conclusion that the Pangu God Realm has boundaries, and it is similar to the scene before him!

Then he finally broke through and achieved Xuantian's creation realm, created a Xuantian world by himself, and transcended the scope of Pangu Xuantian world, and came to the so-called boundless Xuantian chaotic world!

Now, he has finally reached the pinnacle of Xuantian Chaos World in cultivation, and has once again touched the boundary of this world!

Breakthrough after breakthrough, breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly again and again, but never able to find the pinnacle of spiritual practice? !

Could it be said that this kind of practice will never have limits? !

If I continue to pursue the peak like this, maybe I will fall into an endless cycle? !

Staring dimly at the wall of Xuantian's chaotic world in front of him, Du Long felt a little desperate in his heart!

Anyone who faces a difficult problem that never has an answer will probably be at a loss like him, right? !


With a heavy breath of depression, he shook off the depression in his heart and raised his eyes to look at the boundless wall of the world!

His consciousness, which had reached the peak of the Eternal God King realm, then spread, directly penetrating into the huge wall of the world in front of him, and began to study the composition of the wall of time and space seriously with a million distractions.

Just like he was inside the prehistoric battlefield civilization ruins, he also arrived at the huge boundary wall of the prehistoric battlefield ruins world to conduct comprehensive exploration and research on it!

Now, he is doing similar things, but now he is no longer what he used to be!

At the beginning, he was just a mere eternal true god, but now he has reached the realm of eternal god king!

In particular, his original clone is still on the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation, and its understanding of the avenue of time and space far exceeds that of the other two original clones!

The tyrannical consciousness covered a large area of ​​​​the giant wall of the world, and also penetrated into the depths of the giant wall of time and space, and began to conduct extremely detailed exploration and research on it.

that's all!

Du Long, who successfully arrived at the giant wall of Xuantian's chaotic world, began to be completely immersed in the research and analysis of the giant wall of the world.

In the cave world he carries with him, there is also the Xuantian world inside his body.

All the Xuantian Creation Gods can clearly see the giant wall of the world outside.

They all also learned from Du Long that this was the barrier of the Xuantian Chaos World where they lived!

As long as he had nothing to do, Great God Xuantian also began to study like Du Long, hoping to find out the deep secrets of the emergence of Xuantian's chaotic world.

However, their research on the giant wall of the world is definitely not as detailed as Du Long's.

You know, Du Long now has billions of original clones, and he can study the giant wall of the world in billions of distractions at the same time.

In addition, his terrifying spiritual consciousness coverage is beyond the reach of other Xuantian gods!

Time keeps passing day by day.

Du Long's multi-dimensional Creator clone is constantly studying the giant wall of the world in front of him, while several of his cell origin clones are accompanying his two confidants and relatives and friends in the inner world.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, has just been added as a confidante, and the two of them are still in a state of inseparability.

It has to be said that the goddess Athena is a sacred and inviolable goddess in front of outsiders.

But when facing Du Long, she was an ever-changing goddess who could be gentle, savage, or cold.

Several of Du Long's cell origin clones were bewildered by her various tricks!

Time just kept passing by as Du Long studied the barriers of Xuantian's chaotic world while living a shameless and impetuous life with his confidante!

In the blink of an eye, several epochs of time passed quietly through the fingers.

On this day, Du Long's multi-dimensional creation clone's eyes gradually became fiery.

He seems to have obtained some very important information from the barriers in the world in front of him!

"The barriers in the world of prehistoric battlefield ruins are exactly the same as the barriers in the world in front of you?!"

"Could it be that the ruins of prehistoric battlefields are located in the cracks between the barriers of this world?!"

"But if this is true, how does the world of prehistoric battlefield ruins regularly open time and space passages outside?!"

"Could it be that the Xuantian Chaos World where I live actually has an existence similar to the Great God of Creation?!"

As he murmured, Du Long subconsciously turned around and looked around, as if he was looking for a figure hiding in the dark in the chaotic void of Xuantian.

And in fact.

In a void that was not particularly far away from him, there were indeed some huge eyes watching him silently.

After seeing Du Long looking around for him, his big eyes blinked subconsciously, as if he didn't expect that the other party would suspect him.

"Time and space passage?!" Du Long did not see the pair of eyes hidden in the dark, but continued to turn and look at the world barrier in front of him: "Since the prehistoric battlefield ruins can reflect a time and space passage, then the time and space passage once appeared The location should be closer, right?!"

While murmuring, he continued to study the giant wall of time and space in front of him, trying to find some patterns of change in it.

As his cultivation reached the peak of the Eternal God King, he felt confident in finding the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield and re-entering it through his own means.

His original avatar is walking the path of creation in multi-dimensional time and space. As long as he is willing to work hard to find certain laws, it is really possible to find the possibility of re-entering the world of prehistoric battlefield ruins with his own abilities!

In this way, he silently studied for tens of thousands of years in front of the barrier of Xuantian Chaos World.

"Almost! It's time to leave and go back!"

On this day, Du Long finally woke up from his immersed research. After muttering softly to himself, he turned around and took a step in a certain direction!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


He did not go back the way he came, but deviated slightly.

A good horse never turns back. He wanted to see if he could encounter special indigenous forces on different routes.

Although I have not encountered any special indigenous forces along the way, does it mean that this return is the same? !

In Xuantian's chaotic void, all kinds of violent chaotic energy were crisscrossing, but Du Long ignored the deadly Xuantian chaotic energy and continued to teleport forward at an extremely terrifying speed.

It took nearly an epoch year to come here, and it is estimated that it will take more than an epoch year to return.

After all, if you go back and change the direction slightly, you are no longer moving in a straight line!

Time continues to pass year after year, and Du Long is not in a hurry to rush back to the advanced civilized world as soon as possible. After every ultra-long-distance teleportation, he will always use his spiritual consciousness to scan and investigate.

If there is no trace of Xuantian World, he will teleport away immediately.

On the contrary, he would stop for a while and then carefully explore the Xuantian world he encountered.

"Huh?!" On this day, 180,000 years after he rushed back, three indigenous Xuantian worlds appeared within the coverage of his spiritual consciousness. Du Long stopped subconsciously: "These three Xuantian worlds It seems that the world has just been opened. It hasn’t been too long ago?!”

"One of the great creator gods of the Xuantian world is actually named Pangu?! The other two great gods of Xuantian are Qin Yu and Lin Lei respectively?!"

Through spiritual exploration, Du Long quickly obtained the identity information of the three Xuantian creation gods.

"God Pangu is also a Xuantian creation god who was naturally born from the energy of Xuantian's chaotic origin. He is also the son of Xuantian's chaotic origin and the ancient chaotic demon god?!"

"In that case, let's go over and take a look, so that our ancestor Pangu can get to know the other party's great god Pangu?!"

With this thought flashing through his mind, Du Long stepped forward without hesitation and appeared inside the great world of Pangu Aboriginal people.

Also on an isolated island above Jiutian, a small thatched house stood there alone, and a burly old man was sitting cross-legged under an ancient tree.


Du Long's figure appeared beside the old man out of thin air, and he looked at the other great God Pangu with a look of astonishment with a smile.

It has to be said that the two are indeed ancient creatures born from chaos, and their appearance and aura are at least 70% similar.

"This fellow Taoist! I don't know where he came from. Where is he going?!"

Great God Pangu was wary in his heart, but on the surface he asked calmly.

Du Long ignored the investigation of Xuantian, the Great God of Creation, and appeared directly on the isolated island where he settled, which made him feel very uneasy in his heart.

Of course, he didn't feel any murderous intent from Du Long, but he also secretly sent a message to the other two Xuantian gods for help.

"Haha!" Du Long looked at the Great God Pangu in front of him with a smile: "Don't rush! After the other two Great Gods Xuantian from your camp arrive, it won't be too late for us to sit down and chat slowly!"

Great God Pangu's face changed slightly. It was obvious that he had just secretly summoned the other two Great Gods Xuantian, and he simply could not escape the eyes of the strange man in front of him!


They didn't have to wait too long. Two figures appeared on the island almost one after the other.

The two great Xuantian gods, Qin Yu and Lin Lei, who had just appeared, all entered fully armed fighting forms, surrounding Du Long in the middle with the force of their horns.

"Haha! So angry!"

Du Long smiled faintly, and then suddenly released a force of tyrannical time and space from his body, instantly completely restraining the three Xuantian gods on the scene.

After successfully restraining the three Xuantian Great Gods, he waved his hands and released a set of stone tables and chairs and sat down.

"How is it?! Have you calmed down?! If you have calmed down, you can sit down and have a chat with me!"

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