Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3261 Three Goals

The secret realm of Qiankun.

Du Long's Yin-Yang creation clone quickly and thoroughly explored the entire environment inside the secret realm.

The results of the investigation made him both surprised and disappointed.

The reason why he felt a little surprised was that he was able to feel the mystery of the yin and yang creation path of the eternal true god realm inside this secret realm of the universe.

The reason for disappointment is very simple, that is, inside this secret realm of Qiankun.

At most, he only has the secrets of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation that reach the realm of the Eternal True God. There is simply no mystery of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation that he needs at the level of the Eternal God General!

Not only that, he could also feel that the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation in front of him, which reached the level of the Eternal True God, still had many flaws.

Du Long, who has successfully broken through from the Yin-Yang Creation Realm of the Eternal True God Realm to the Eternal God General Realm.

It can be said that he has long understood all the mysteries of the eternal true divine realm of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to easily discover the Yin-Yang creation level inside the secret realm of Qiankun in front of him!


Du Long shook his head with some disappointment, and then he was too lazy to go deeper into the depths of the Qiankun Secret Realm to explore the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm in front of him.

He turned around and retreated from the time and space channel again, and then continued in the chaotic void of Xuantian to find the next secret realm of Yin and Yang creation that suits him!

The multi-dimensional creation clone on the other side was no exception. He was not so lucky that he successfully found a multi-dimensional creation secret realm that suited him the first time he entered a Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm!

Time continued to pass day by day, Du Long kept rushing every day, and then entered one yin and yang secret realm after another.

Often just by entering a certain secret realm, he can quickly find out the level of the creation path contained within a certain secret realm.

Once he fails to find a suitable Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm, he will turn around and exit without hesitation, and will not waste time inside any Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm!

As time went by, his two clones began to feel full of expectation at the beginning, and gradually became a little numb.

In the entire Xuantian Chaos Void, the Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm that exists is like the sun, moon and stars in the universe. Almost no one can calculate their total number.

Under such circumstances, Du Long wanted to sift and explore the endless Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm to find a suitable target, which really felt like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After repeated failures, he was no longer anxious to find the Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm suitable for his cultivation, but treated the investigation results with a normal heart.

Inside the great world of Yin Yang Xuantian.

Dozens of Du Long's cell origin clones are leisurely accompanying many relatives and friends.

Of course, the key people who need his company are definitely his confidantes who have reached double digits.

Each confidante is assigned a cell origin clone to accompany her alone. There is no need to worry about which one will be left out because there are too many confidants.

The boundless big world of Yin and Yang is also surrounded by tens of millions of small worlds of immortality and mortals of the origin of cells. Each world has its own different customs and customs that are naturally formed.

Du Long will accompany each of his confidants into different worlds according to their personal preferences. While touring the mountains and rivers, he will also randomly choose certain places to live in seclusion.

This kind of companionship can be described as no dead ends. Du Long accompanied many confidants through life after life that ordinary ordinary people could not imagine.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it has been thousands of years since the two origin clones left Mount Sumeru!

On this day, the Yin-Yang creation clone, who was rushing quickly in a certain chaotic void, suddenly received a brief message from the multi-dimensional creation clone.

When he read the contents of the letter clearly, he was happy for the multi-dimensional creation clone, but also annoyed that he had not been able to find a suitable inheritance secret realm for him.

That's right!

After thousands of years of searching in real time, the multidimensional creation clone found a suitable inheritance secret realm very quickly.

That secret realm is called the Vika Secret Realm. It is a secret realm of Xuantian Chaos left by a god-king who took the path of multi-dimensional creation in the prehistoric civilized world.

The secret realm left by the multi-dimensional god king is naturally the most suitable inheritance place for Dulong's multi-dimensional creation clone!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Du Long's Yin-Yang Creation Clone, after receiving the brief letter from the multi-dimensional Creation Clone, subconsciously accelerated its search for the inheritance place of the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm.

Relying on the powerful cultivation level of the Eternal God General, his speed in the chaotic void of Xuantian can only be described as extremely fast.

As time went by, one after another, Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm, which was marked as the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm, was investigated by him one after another.

However, as more and more Yin-Yang Xuantian Chaos Secret Realms are being investigated, a suitable place for the creation and inheritance of Yin-Yang has never been found!

Gradually, even Du Long, who was already numb, began to become a little impatient.

In desperation, he couldn't help but take out the message formation stone and seek help from the ancient Buddha Bodhi.

"Are you looking for a place suitable for the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Creation Path?!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi quickly judged the purpose of his contact from the content of his letter.

"Yes, Master!" Du Long immediately agreed: "My three origin clones have all broken through and reached the realm of eternal divine generals. Now the two creation clones, Xumi and Duowei, have all found suitable inheritance places!"

"However, there is only the Yin-Yang creation clone of the disciple, and we still haven't found a suitable place for the Yin-Yang inheritance!"


The ancient Bodhi Buddha on the other side of the message array stone was silent for a long time, and no message was immediately sent to answer his question.

Du Long thought that Master Bodhi was thinking about how to answer him, but he had no idea that the other party was shocked by what he just said!

"Du Long! Do you mean to say that all three of your origin clones have broken through and reached the realm of eternal divine generals?!" Finally, Ancient Buddha Bodhi replied again.

"Yes, Master!" Du Long replied affirmatively again: "The disciple's three original clones have indeed successfully broken through and reached the realm of eternal god generals!"

"This, this means that the several auspicious and auspicious phenomena of heaven and earth that appeared not long ago were all caused by you?!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi finally asked the doubt in his heart.

Previously, Du Long's three original avatars had been practicing in seclusion on Mount Sumeru. The ancient Bodhi Buddha's message was blocked, so naturally it was impossible to send a message to ask for this answer.

It was only now that Du Long took the initiative to bring it up that the doubts in Bodhi Buddha's heart were solved on the spot!

"Probably!" Du Long scratched his head and replied with a smile: "Master! Regarding the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm, do you have a suitable target?!"

"If not, even if this Yin-Yang creation clone of my disciple breaks his legs, he still won't be able to find a suitable inheritance place until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse and Moon!"

After this period of continuous searching, Du Long almost lost his confidence in finding a suitable inheritance place.

Imagine that someone is standing in the vast void of the universe, surrounded by endless sun, moon and stars.

Then you have to find a planet that fits certain parameters. That kind of difficulty will definitely make anyone feel desperate!

"Child!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi's reply arrived again: "About this issue, I'm afraid I need to ask Hunyuan Taoist Patriarch!"

"Although we Buddhist cultivators also have monks who follow the path of Yin-Yang creation, Yin-Yang creation has always been the foundation of Taoism. The information they have in their hands is definitely more complete than that of our teachers!"

"Okay! Thank you, Master!"

Du Long ended the conversation with Ancient Buddha Bodhi. When he turned to contact Hunyuan Daozu, Ancient Buddha Bodhi was still thinking about the news he had just received in great shock.

While he, the master, was still worried about breaking through to the realm of eternal true gods, had his little apprentice's three origin clones all broken through and reached the realm of eternal true gods? !

"What?! Have all three of your origin clones broken through and reached the realm of eternal divine generals?! This, how is this possible?!"

When Hunyuan Daozu received Du Long's letter and found out why he was looking for the secret realm of Yin and Yang inheritance, his reaction was no different from that of the ancient Bodhi Buddha.

Whether it was the leader of the Buddhist sect or the head of the Taoist sect, they were all shocked beyond measure after hearing the news!

Just as Bodhi Ancient Buddha thought, they couldn't even break through to the realm of eternal true gods, but Du Long's three clones have actually broken through to the realm of eternal gods? !

"Yes! Senior Hunyuan!" Du Long replied helplessly: "My multi-dimensional and Xumi creation clones have all found suitable inheritance places. Now only this Yin-Yang creation clone is left without a clue. !”

"Haha!" Hunyuan Daozu was immediately amused and laughed: "It's not surprising at all that there will be such a result!"

"How do you say this?!" Du Long asked with confusion on his face.

"It's very simple!" Hunyuan Daozu replied almost instantly: "Whether it is the prehistoric civilized world or the current new civilized world, yin and yang creation is the most common method of creation!"

"I understand!" Du Long understood in an instant: "It is precisely because there are so many monks in Yin-Yang Creation that most of the Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm is Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm, so I want to find it there. Is it much more difficult to get to a relatively advanced Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm?!"

"That's right!" Hunyuan Daozu said in approval: "It is precisely because of this that your Yin-Yang creation clone failed to find a suitable inheritance secret realm for so long!"

"Since you have found Pindao, I will give you two or three names of the Yin-Yang Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm. Although Pindao cannot guarantee that they are the Yin-Yang Heritage Secret Realm that is suitable for you, at least they are of a higher level in Pindao's opinion. The secret realm of Yin and Yang creation!”

"Thank you, Senior Hunyuan!"

Soon, the names of the three Xuantian Chaos Secret Realms and their location coordinates were all transmitted.

In the chaotic void, Du Long quickly locked onto the nearest coordinate position, then changed his direction without hesitation and rushed towards the Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm at full speed.

Honghu Secret Realm!

This is a Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm transmitted to Du Long by Hunyuan Daozu. It is also a Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm that he considers to be relatively advanced.

When Du Long entered the Honghu Secret Realm, he really felt that the level of the secret world in front of him was not low, and it had reached the higher level of the Eternal God General.

However, Du Long's brows furrowed, obviously not satisfied with this secret realm of inheritance.

If the secret realm in front of us is a secret realm at the level of a god-general, it also means that the inheritance within this secret realm has only reached a certain level of the realm of a god-general.

In other words, the inheritance of the Great Dao of Creation of the Divine General Realm contained in the Yin-Yang Creation Secret Realm in front of us is not perfect enough!

Letting Du Long accept an imperfect and systematic inheritance of the Eternal God General Realm was an outcome he could not accept.

After all, once the inheritance you receive is not perfect and systematic, deviations may occur, and you may waste a lot of time trying to correct it in the future.

After shaking his head and sighing, Du Long turned around and retreated without hesitation.

If he didn't have the best choice, he would never choose an inheritance that was less than perfect. The time it would take might be even more terrifying!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


After leaving Honghu Secret Realm, Du Long once again embarked on a new journey, rushing towards the second goal provided by Hunyuan Daozu at full speed.

Although the scope of Xuantian's chaotic void is boundless, in the eyes of Du Long, the eternal god general, as long as he can identify a target and want to rush there, it won't take long.

He quickly entered the second target secret realm provided by Hunyuan Daozu, but once again he could only leave disappointed.

This is also a secret realm of Yin-Yang creation that can reach the peak of the Eternal God General at most, and it cannot provide a path of theoretical understanding that is sufficient to reach the peak of the Eternal God General.

Du Long could not accept such a result, and chose to withdraw without hesitation again, and then continued to rush towards the third target at full speed.

While rushing towards the last target, Du Long's heart could only be described as uneasy.

If even the three goals provided by Hunyuan Daozu cannot meet his cultivation needs, should he be forced to choose one of them at will? !

To be honest, Du Long really didn't want to choose this imperfect secret realm of Yin and Yang inheritance, and he didn't want to waste too much time and energy because of it.

If this goes astray because of this, it will be difficult to correct it later!

With such an uneasy mood, Du Long finally arrived at the Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm where his last target was, and then rushed into the time and space channel without hesitation.

On the other side of the time and space channel is the secret space and time of Du Long's last goal on this trip.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he felt shocked for no reason. He was directly shocked by the familiar picture he saw in front of him.

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