Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 342 Talent Test

Everyone immediately turned around and saw the belated arrival of the two sisters from the Liu family. These two women lived in the Immortal League and they attended this grand event in a hurry.

The redness and swelling on Liu Shifen's face had long since subsided. She could see Du Long in the crowd at a glance. It was easy to find him. All she had to do was find the big fiery red lion.

"Huh!" She snorted with a spiteful look and turned her head to the side.

The popularity of these two sisters in the Immortal Alliance does not seem to be very good. Among the many young talents present, there are also several circles of Immortal Alliance children, but no one is willing to accept these sisters.

The two of them stood there alone, quietly waiting for the meeting to begin.

Everyone waited for a while, and more than a dozen men and women wearing Xianmeng uniforms appeared at the entrance of the courtyard. These Xianmeng uniforms looked a bit like Taoist robes, giving people a pure and refined feeling.

"I'll go! As soon as they came out, there were more than a dozen Gangdan level masters. The strength of the Immortal Alliance is really extraordinary!" Du Long couldn't help but murmured softly.

Among the dozen or so people, an old man with a silver beard walked out. He looked at everyone with a smile and said loudly: "On behalf of the Immortal Alliance, Yi Chen, the elder of the Immortal Alliance, welcomes you all to come to the Immortal Alliance to participate in the ten-year session of the Immortal Alliance. The grand gathering! The Fairy Alliance grand gathering is about to begin, please come out with us!"

More than a thousand young talents followed a dozen Immortal League masters and walked out of the courtyard towards the square. At this moment, the Immortal League Square was crowded with people.

The appearance of many young people immediately attracted bursts of cheers. Everyone knew that the Fairy League event was finally going to start as scheduled!

A group of young people were also very excited. They did not expect that the Fairy Alliance Conference would attract so many spectators. Judging from the scene, there were nearly 100,000 spectators at least!

There is a small circular square close to the inside of the Xianmeng. More than a thousand young people were led there to stand facing the rostrum.

On the rostrum, a group of senior officials from the Immortal Alliance were already sitting, including many elders including Saint Gong Xiaoxue. Even Su Dabao actually sat down on the rostrum!

In short, those who can sit on it are all masters with strength above the spiritual level!

"Jinbao! How can your father sit up there?!" Yue Xiaoshan couldn't help but bumped Su Jinbao with his elbow and asked quietly.

"Hey! He wasn't qualified to sit on it originally, but as his strength breaks through the spiritual level, his status will naturally rise!" Su Jinbao replied with a dry smile.

"Could it be that your father is also a member of the Immortal Alliance?!" Liu Zixin asked doubtfully.

"I can only be considered half a member of the Immortal Alliance! Don't ask me the specific reason! It's a secret, it can't be said, it can't be said!" Su Jinbao said with a smile, shaking his head proudly.

"That's right!" All the girls looked at him and said disdainfully.

On the rostrum, the saint was dressed in a pure white dress and specially dressed up, giving people an extremely holy feeling. She stood up and walked to the middle of the stage to stand.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" The voice was not loud, but it could reach the ears of countless people at the scene. The originally noisy Xianmeng Square immediately fell silent, and everyone looked at the saint on the rostrum with reverence.

"Time flies, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye! The Xianmeng League once again ushered in a grand event that takes place once every ten years..." On the rostrum, Gong Xiaoxue, the saint of the Xianmeng League, began to deliver the opening speech of the grand event with her smart and sweet voice.

The general meaning is that everyone is welcome to attend the event, and there are several things to be done at this event, including selecting a new saint, recruiting outstanding disciples for overseas fairy islands, and restarting the Immortal Alliance Civil and Military Academy after the event.

The Immortal Alliance event, hosted by the saintly saint Gong Xiaoxue, gave people a different feeling, and the level of the entire event was immediately apparent.

"Finally! I officially announce that the Immortal Alliance Grand Meeting in 1010 of the Star Calendar has officially begun! Now, Elder Yi of the Immortal Alliance is responsible for testing the talents and basic combat power of all the young people who have received the invitation!" Saint Gong Xiaoxue said the last sentence After that, he turned around and went back to his seat.

The originally quiet square became noisy again!

"Quiet!" Elder Yi Chen shouted softly on the rostrum, and the noisy square became quiet again. Only then did he say with satisfaction: "Now! Let's start the test of talent and basic combat power! Who will you remember? Name, just go on stage and take the test!"

Then, Elder Yi Chen took out a roster and began to read it in public. As he called the roll, young people walked out of the queue one by one and walked to the podium.

In the corner of the rostrum, more than a dozen Gangdan-level masters wearing the standard uniforms of the Immortal League were lined up, standing next to a huge crystal. Next to them, there was a table with a crystal on it. There is a transparent crystal ball, and two Xianmeng staff are waiting next to the table.

Soon, after the first batch of a dozen young people began to be tested, Du Long and others finally understood what the crystal ball and the huge crystal were used for!

I saw young people placing their right hands on the crystal ball under the prompts of the expert referees of the Immortal League. Soon, the originally transparent crystal ball began to glow!

Some emit fiery red light, some emit light blue light, etc. The colors are different, which means that the talent of the person being tested is yin or yang.

In addition to looking at the color to identify the subject's talent attributes, it also depends on whether the light emitted by the crystal ball is bright enough. The brighter it is, the better and stronger the subject's talent is!

"Zhang Kai! Fire attribute, two-star talent!" After a man named Zhang Kai took the crystal ball test, the staff behind the desk immediately loudly reported his attributes and talents, and then started recording them with a pen!

"Wei Ping! Water attribute, three-star talent!"


On the test bench, various test results kept coming. Du Long and others were confused about these talent level tests. At Haotian Royal Academy, although the basic combat power value was tested, there was no such crystal ball. Talent test!

"Princess Le'er! How are the levels divided in this talent test?" Du Long could only ask the princess of Dongyang Kingdom for help.

"Hehe! The talent test is a secret secret unique to the Immortal Alliance. Although Haotian Royal Academy is powerful, there is no way to buy this kind of test crystal ball!

This kind of crystal ball is very magical. It can sense the opponent's talent attributes from a person's hand. The stronger the attributes, the brighter the light it will emit!

There are seven stars in total on the crystal ball. The stronger the talent attribute, the more stars can be lit!

How many stars you can light up correspond to how many star talents you have. The Immortal League divides talents into ordinary one to two stars, excellent three to four stars, special five to six stars, and super seven stars! " Lu Leer explained with a smile.

"I see!" Du Long then understood the working principle of the crystal ball and asked with a smile: "I think the relationship between Princess Le'er and the Xianmeng is very unusual. You must have tested your talent for yourself a long time ago, right?! I don't know what your... How’s your talent?!”

"Hehe! Well... you will know after a while!" Lu Leer replied with a smile, obviously unwilling to reveal her talent value now.

'cut! ’ The voice of the ring spirit beauty sounded in Du Long’s mind again: ‘Isn’t it about a five-star talent? What's there to be proud of? . . ’

‘Linger! Can you directly measure other people's talent values? ! ’ Du Long asked in shock.

‘What’s so difficult about this? ! If you don't have this ability, how can you tell at a glance that Xia Qinglian is an innate Xuanyin body? ! In fact, the so-called talent value is just a test of the human body's tendency to favor Xuan Yin and Xuan Yang! The more biased, the higher the talent. The higher the human talent, the stronger the plasticity, and the higher the future achievements! ’ The Nazgûl beauty explained triumphantly.

‘Then with the physiques of Qinglian, Huofeng and I, how many stars of talent can we achieve? ! ’ Du Long asked curiously.

‘Hehe, what’s the point of revealing it so early? You’ll understand later if you go up and test it yourself? ! ’ The Nazgul beauty’s answer made Du Long roll his eyes on the spot.

"Zhang Kai! The basic combat power is Cyclone Level 8!"

"Wei Ping! The basic strategic value is Cyclone Level 9 Perfect!"


On the rostrum, young people who had just tested their talent attribute values ​​came directly to the huge crystal and began to test the basic combat power value. The basic combat power value test looked no different from Haotian Royal Academy!

As time goes by, people continue to come on stage to be tested. In the basic combat power test, most of them are cyclone-level strength, so there are not many highlights. In terms of talent attribute value test, there are highlights from time to time.

The talent values ​​of most of the test takers were around two to three stars. Occasionally, a four-star talent would appear, which would immediately cause the entire audience to burst into exclamations.

According to Lu Leer's explanation, as long as you can possess special talent attributes, you will almost certainly be recruited as a formal disciple by the sects of the Immortal Alliance. As for those with three to four star talents, it depends on their basic combat strength and must go through competition. A glimmer of opportunity!

Those with one to two stars will be eliminated on the spot without any chance to stand up!

"Husband, look! It's Jin Shencheng, the second prince of the Blue Moon Empire! I haven't seen this guy just now. He was hiding in the crowd and didn't dare to show his face!" Without Huofeng's guidance, Du Long had already heard the name Jin Shencheng. After paying close attention to it, I discovered that it was indeed him.

On the rostrum, the appearance of this guy who had been reviled by everyone in the Star Continent in recent days immediately aroused boos on the scene. Apparently, his method of escaping from battle had already spread throughout the Star Continent.

Chapter one arrives. . .

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