Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3217 Clearing out the remnants

Jinshan Temple, Meng Family Mansion.

Du Long returned to the courtyard where he lived in the Meng family's mansion, and was currently sitting on the main seat of the reception hall.

On his lower left is the creation clone of Yin Yang, which of course in the eyes of outsiders is his personal disciple Hong Wu!

The reception hall was divided into two rows and filled with clan chiefs from various clans. After seeing Du Long safely bringing them back to the Meng Mansion, the clan clan chiefs were naturally smiling.

To be honest, many people were not very confident that they could come back alive when faced with the approaching terrifying and deadly celestial phenomena inside the underground cave of the Dark Sea of ​​Hell.

Being able to return to the main holy city of Jinshan safely and unharmed also made the clan leaders of all the tribes present feel a feeling of surviving the disaster in their hearts.

"Lord True God! So, that dark spiritual bead has been successfully swallowed by a certain ocean beast, and it also created a giant kun of the eternal beast level?!"

After listening to Du Long roughly explain his escape experience, Yin Qingyun couldn't help but confirm it immediately.

The clan leaders of all clans at the scene also pricked up their ears, wanting to get the final confirmation from Du Long.

"That's right!" Du Long nodded and confirmed as expected: "I have already explained to you before that successfully swallowing the Dark Spirit Pearl will transform it into an eternal beast."

"It is precisely because this eternal beast that swallows the Dark Spirit Pearl will eventually stand on a united front with us to fight against the invaders of alien civilizations."

"That's why I didn't take action to stop it at that time. Instead, I allowed the ferocious beast to successfully swallow the Dark Spirit Pearl and witnessed it transform into an eternal beast giant kun!"

"What the Lord True God said is true!" Leng Aotian of the Leng family nodded in agreement: "The Dark Clan once colluded with foreign civilizations, so naturally there is no need to be merciful to them!"

"And since these eternal beasts that grew up by devouring the Dark Spirit Pearl stand on a united front with all our races, it is natural for us to support their growth and transformation!"

"That's right! I also support Lord True God's choice!"


One after another people spoke up, and almost all of them chose to support Du Long's decision.

It can be seen that when everyone speaks, they will always look at the creation clone of Yin and Yang sitting in the lower left corner of the True God, intentionally or unintentionally.

Because everyone here knows deep down that this ‘Hongwu’ has become a quasi-true god and will soon transform into another eternal true god.

Both the master and the disciple have achieved the status of eternal true gods. How can this not make everyone here envious? !

"Haha! Congratulations to the True God and the Hongwu Quasi-True God!"

"That's right! Under the careful training of the True God, the eldest disciple Hong Wu has achieved the status of Quasi-True God, which is really enviable to us!"

"Both Master and Disciple, Master True God, have been promoted. This is a beautiful story that can be passed down to my Jinshan World for endless years!"





In the reception hall, many people began to praise the two true gods on the throne, which made Du Long feel a little speechless.


. Du Long, who didn't want to hear too many compliments, directly interrupted and changed the subject: "This time, with the help of all the tribes here, we were able to successfully completely destroy the Dark Tribe!" "

"This mission against the Dark Clan can be considered a complete success. However, in order not to alert others, we have not taken action against the Dark spies in the Holy City before!"

"Now, it's time to work together to wipe out the dark clan's spies. We will never allow those dark clan's spies to remain unpunished!"

"We are willing to continue to track the True God and work together to deal with the remnants of the Dark Clan's spies!" Yin Qingyun immediately took the lead in expressing his stance.

After hearing this, the others nodded in agreement. Naturally, the clan leaders present were willing to follow the trend of beating a drowned dog.

As a result, the scene immediately began to discuss the details of how to deal with the remnants of the Dark Clan, such as whether to completely destroy those spy forces, or only deal with those tribesmen enslaved by the Dark Clan? !

Finally, a decision was reached, that is, within the forces controlled by the Dark Clan, all clan members who have reached the eighth level or above of cultivation realm and combat strength will be killed!

Only leaving those tribesmen with combat prowess below the seventh level is considered a blessing from God. Not exterminating them all is considered an act of benevolence and righteousness.

After reaching a consensus, the matter was immediately put into action. Du Long's true god clone was mainly responsible for dealing with the Arman family.

After all, the Arman family belongs to the top family power, and only the Eternal True God himself can minimize the losses.

As for the other tribes, all the remaining targets were distributed. According to the decision, whoever takes action will get the spoils.

Being able to destroy each force in such a grand manner and confiscate all the resources and wealth controlled by the other party is a rare thing. The clan leaders of each clan are scrambling to fight for the target of their clan's attack.

In this way, the various tribes were quickly distributed, and the tribal forces that were once controlled by the Dark Clan were quickly distributed like pieces of cake.

Arman House.

As the top power, the residence of the Yaer family is located in the core area of ​​the Jinshan Temple.

In fact, Arman's Mansion is near Meng's Mansion, after allocating the targets to be dealt with.

Du Long's two clones appeared directly in the sky above Arman's house.

The sudden appearance of two figures immediately attracted the attention of all members of the Arman family, and they all rushed out of their respective courtyards.

This kind of behavior of directly standing in the sky above other people's mansions is a very provocative behavior in the spiritual world, and will definitely be treated seriously by the owner of the mansion.

At this moment, a large number of members of the Arman family were flying into the air, and they all looked at the two figures standing in the air in shock and anger.

"Meng, True God Meng Tao?!" Among the crowd, an elder of the Arman family said tremblingly: "I wonder why you suddenly came to the humble residence?!"

Facing the inquiry, Du Long turned over his hand and released a ball of divine soul energy. It was the patriarch Kaiman who was struggling painfully in the flames!

Kaiman is the patriarch of the Arman family. He has not appeared since he was summoned to the Meng family by Du Long last time.

Although there were many suspicions within the Arman family, they did not dare to go to the Meng family to inquire about the whereabouts of the patriarch.

During that time, Du Long also led the chiefs of other tribes to leave the Holy City of Jinshan. Most of the Arman family members believed that their chiefs were also following the True God to do things.

Who would have thought that when I saw the clan leader again, it would be like this? !

"Lord True God Meng Tao!" The elder who just spoke loudly shouted again: "I don't know why you want to imprison the origin of the soul of the patriarch of my Arman family?! And you still use such brutal means to deal with it?!"

There was an obvious element of doubt in this elder's tone. He was clearly questioning the origin of Du Long's imprisoned clan leader and then burning the clan leader's soul with blazing flames? !

Du Long did not answer the question immediately, but glanced in all directions with piercing eyes. He was waiting for the strong men of all races to arrive over the target they were responsible for before formally solving the problem of the Arman family.

"Lord True God Meng Tao!" The elder of the Arman family asked again: "The feud between the Arman family and you was completely put aside back then. Are you ready to overturn the promise you made back then? ?!”

"Haha!" Du Long was amused by the threatening words: "Don't worry, I will never go back on the promise I made!"

"That's great!" The elder breathed a secret sigh of relief, and immediately put on a flattering smile on his face and said: "Then, Lord Meng Tao, True God, can you release the leader of this tribe back?!"

"No!" Du Long shook his head and refused without hesitation: "I have long forgiven the Arman family for the mistakes they made back then, but that does not mean that I will continue to tolerate other mistakes committed by the Arman family from now on. All wrong!"


. "The elder was dumbfounded on the spot and said: "I wonder what mistake the clan leader made? ! As long as Lord Meng Tao, the true god, can produce real evidence, then our Arman family is willing to give up this patriarch to appease the anger of the true god! "

Du Long ignored the elder's question, and his eyes fell on a certain direction in the main holy city.

After seeing the last group of people finally arrive, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked away.

"Okay! Since you are so anxious to know the answer, then I will grant it to you!"

"The Arman family secretly colluded with some forces in the Jinshan world and the Dark clan, and they should be punished for their crimes!"

"The lower-level tribesmen who are within these family forces don't know it. God is kind enough to spare your lives!"

"The rest of the clansmen who have reached the eighth level or above of cultivation realm will all be rectified on the spot, and the execution will begin immediately!


Du Long's words resounded not only in the ears of the members of the Arman family, but also in the ears of most people in the entire Jinshan Lord Holy City.


As his words fell, a huge space-time palm print was born out of thin air, and then it seemed to be slow, but in fact it hit the Arman family mansion with lightning speed.


Over the Arman family mansion that was under attack, a protective energy barrier suddenly rose up, completely covering the entire mansion.

"No!" Inside the protective shield of the magic circle, the elder of the Arman family exclaimed, "Lord True God Meng Tao, we have been wronged!"

"Even if there is a problem, it is the matter of the clan leader Kaiman. All of us clan members are innocent!"

However, Du Long took action personally this time and was not prepared to listen to the other party's nonsense. The huge space-time palm print slapped hard on the protective shield of the magic circle.

The huge magic circle shield only lasted for a moment, and was immediately slapped and exploded.

The huge space-time palm prints continued to hit hard, completely covering the entire Arman family mansion in an instant.

I saw many members of the Arman family, their bodies and souls exploding, losing all vitality in the blink of an eye and disappearing into ashes!

The huge space-time palm print was not an indiscriminate attack. Those Arman tribesmen whose cultivation level was lower than the eighth level did not suffer much damage below the palm print.

With this trip to the Darkness of Hell to destroy the Dark clan, Du Long's application of the giant palm of time and space has greatly improved.

Under this giant palm of time and space, he can easily decide who lives and who dies, and will not accidentally hurt any innocent person.

In the main holy city, countless monks were alarmed by Du Long's declaration just now, and then they all flew into the air to watch.

As a result, many people witnessed the tragic scene of the Arman family's mansion being blasted by a giant palm of time and space.

Amidst countless exclamations in the main holy city, the powerful men of various races responsible for the targets of other forces also took action and launched an all-out attack on the targets they were responsible for.

Except for the Arman family, the remaining forces do not have a top family force, and at most there is only one first-class force.

Under the joint siege of hundreds of large and small forces, those weak forces had no ability to resist at all, and all the tribesmen who had reached the eighth level of combat power were targeted for destruction.

This battle can be regarded as a one-sided massacre. Only a handful of clan members who happened to be absent escaped. Almost no other clan members who had reached the eighth level of combat strength or above escaped.

In the sky above the Arman family, Du Long destroyed most of the eighth- and ninth-level experts in the family with just one slap.

Then the Yin-Yang Creation clone launched a comprehensive exploration of all hidden time and space, and tried its best to kill the enemies who were in the secret space of the family cave.

This process is very fast, and the Yin-Yang creation clone that has become a quasi-true god can easily detect all space artifacts on site.

While hunting down the high-ranking members of the Arman family, he was also quickly looting all the wealth and resources of the family.

This is the distribution of this operation. Du Long is personally responsible for the Yaman family, so all the wealth and resources within the family naturally belong to him, the true god who does it.

Of course, this is also the biggest cake that each family deliberately gives up. As the top power in the world for many years, the Arman family has a huge amount of wealth that is absolutely astonishing.

"Okay!" After the Yin Yang creation clones plundered the entire Arman family, Du Long waved his hand towards the Arman clansmen in the mansion and said: "You Arman clansmen below the seventh level, now Get out of this mansion immediately, from now on this mansion will be the trophy of the True God!"

Inside the mansion, a large number of low-ranking members of the Arman family could only flee in all directions as if they were mourning for their heirs.

They all know very well in their hearts that the once top power, the Arman family, is finished. From now on, they, the once-high-ranking Arman clan, will probably be reduced to street rats that everyone shouts about.

Who made the Arman family and the Tarot family so arrogant and domineering? After offending too many enemies, after learning this news, they will definitely launch revenge against them without hesitation!

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