Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3215 Blood Sacrifice of Ferocious Beasts


After a vicious ocean beast exploded and died, the entire underground cave suddenly fell into silence.

Densely packed ocean beasts surrounded the dark crystal ball. Most of the larger ocean beasts occupied the front positions, while the smaller ones followed obediently behind them.

All the ocean beasts were staring at the dark crystal ball in front of them with red eyes, as if they wanted to rush over and swallow the dark crystal ball into their belly.

However, because the first ocean beast exploded and died, the remaining ocean beasts did not dare to mess around.

After this tense and strange state lasted for a long time, Du Long, who was inside the magic circle below, felt that Monk Zhang Er was confused.

Oh ho!

Finally, another ocean beast couldn't help but pounce on the dark crystal ball. Even though it knew that a powerful ocean beast was being stretched to pieces, it still pounced on it without hesitation.

In full view of everyone, it opened its huge mouth again and swallowed the dark crystal ball into its belly in one gulp.

However, its body quickly swelled up again, and in less than a second it burst into pieces of flesh and blood!

The sound of explosions resounded in the underwater cave. Just when Du Long thought it should be enough to scare away other ocean beasts, bursts of roars suddenly sounded in the underwater cave.

One after another, the vicious ocean beasts were seen charging toward the dark crystal ball one after another, as if they had no idea what death was.

Then, in front of Du Long, they continued to stage a weird drama of swallowing the dark crystal ball and then being exploded to death. This scene made Du Long dumbfounded on the spot.

"No! Something's wrong!"

"No matter how crazy those ferocious beasts are, they must know that they will die if they swallow the dark crystal ball, but why do they still want to die there?!"

"Could it be that if you successfully swallow this dark crystal ball and survive, will there be any unknown great benefits?!"

"But what kind of benefits will these ocean beasts get after they successfully swallow the dark crystal ball?!"

"What kind of great benefit will make these sea creatures rush towards the dark crystal ball without fear of death?!"





Under the protection of the magic circle, Du Long stood there and murmured in confusion. He really couldn't understand why the ocean beasts in front of him behaved so strangely. !

From the perspective of a bystander, Du Long could not figure out the truth behind the scene in front of him. He could only continue to silently watch the actions of those ocean beasts.

As time went by, more and more ocean beasts died tragically on the dark crystal ball, and a large number of flesh and blood fragments directly dyed the seawater inside the cave red.

As a result, a bright red luster began to appear on the surface of the dark crystal ball.

Even Du Long couldn't figure out whether this layer of bright red luster was the reflection of sea water or a change in the color of the surface of the crystal ball.


There was another explosion, and the body of another ocean beast suddenly exploded, and then the next ocean beast dodged and rushed forward without hesitation.

The seemingly ordinary explosion made Du Long's heart move slightly, and he finally discovered some abnormal changes.

That is, as more and more ocean beasts died miserably on the dark crystal ball, and the ocean beasts that rushed up to devour the crystal ball later, the time they could last began to become longer.

After the first vicious beast swallowed the dark crystal ball, it only lasted less than a second before its body exploded.

Nowadays, as more and more ocean beasts die tragically on the crystal ball, the time they can last has been extended to about two seconds.

Du Long could feel that as time went by, the ocean beast could last longer and longer.

This made him have a vague guess in his heart. Could it be that these ocean beasts in front of him were using blood sacrifice to do something that he didn't know? !

But if they could sacrifice blood to the dark crystal ball like this, why did these vicious ocean beasts hold back before, not daring to rush over and perform a blood sacrifice to the dark crystal ball? !

All in all, Du Long's doubts in his heart were not less than before, but on the contrary, they were becoming more and more doubtful.

Since you still don't understand the secret behind this, just continue to stand there and observe silently.

Du Long just stood in the building under the energy shield of the magic circle, silently watching the scenes that were constantly playing out in mid-air.

Peng Peng Peng.


One after another, the vicious ocean beasts continued to rush towards the dark crystal ball without fear of death, and then directly swallowed it in one gulp before exploding to death.

The mutated ocean beasts no longer seem to know the horror of death, and they are all doing the same thing crazily.

As time goes by, the ocean beasts persist for longer and longer after devouring them.

Two seconds, three seconds, four seconds.


One minute, two minutes, three minutes.


As the ocean beast could hold on longer and longer, the blood-red light on the surface of the dark crystal ball became more and more obvious.

This is no longer a color that only appears when it is covered with blood and water around it.

As more and more ocean beasts explode and die, the number of ocean beasts in the underground caves becomes less and less, and it can be seen that new beasts are constantly pouring in above the cave.

The newly influx of ferocious beasts continued to join in without fear of death, constantly swallowing the dark crystal balls in their belly, and then they themselves exploded and died.

Gradually, the dark crystal ball became more and more red as blood. At this moment, it no longer looked like a dark crystal ball, but instead looked like a bright red blood ball!

There are still dark chains connected to the surface of the crystal ball from all directions, but now even the dark chains are glowing slightly red. From a distance, it seems as if blood is constantly being transported along the chains.

This picture looked extremely weird, and a sense of uneasiness began to linger in Du Long's heart. He vaguely felt that there was something wrong with this phenomenon, and it didn't look like a good phenomenon!

However, he still doesn't understand how this scene will evolve until the end, and he doesn't know whether he should interrupt the blood sacrifice-like behavior in front of him? !

'etc! Since I don’t understand what’s going on, why can’t I ask the God King Master’s memory to come out and take a look? ! ’

‘Although his old man is just a memory, he is also the memory of the former God King. At least he has many insights that he does not have? ! ’

Just when Du Long was puzzled, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Master!" In the world of Xuan Tian Lord in his body, a voice suddenly resounded in the mind of an old man who was traveling in the world: "There is something that I need your help to see what is going on!"

Inside the multi-dimensional Xuantian Lord World, the memory of the God King transformed into an ordinary old man traveling leisurely. He immediately smiled and nodded after hearing Du Long's call.

"Okay! Show the screen to my teacher for a look!"

The God King Memory had no intention of going out, so he directly asked Du Long to virtualize the picture for him to watch, and soon a live picture appeared in front of him.

"Eh?! Isn't this the legendary Blood Sacrifice Dark Spirit Bead?!"

The moment he saw the picture, the God King Memory immediately murmured in surprise.

"What does the blood sacrifice to the Dark Spirit Pearl mean?!" Du Long asked excitedly as soon as he heard what he said.

"Alas!" The God King's memory sighed softly: "In the era of prehistoric civilization, nine dark spiritual beads were born from heaven and earth!"

"They are nine dark spiritual beads born from the most yin and dark side of the world. They are inextricably linked to each other. They can continuously absorb the most original dark energy, and then release the dark energy suitable for other living beings to absorb. energy."

"This kind of dark energy is of great help to the people who practice the dark way, but it is extremely harmful to ordinary creatures with low intelligence!"

"Those creatures with low intelligence will become extremely ferocious after absorbing a large amount of dark energy!"

"Once there is a chance to get close to the Dark Spirit Pearl, he will rush to devour it without fear of death, until one day a ferocious beast succeeds!"

"Until success?!" Du Long's expression changed slightly and he said, "Is it really possible for these ferocious beasts to successfully swallow the Dark Spirit Pearl?! Once they successfully swallow the Dark Spirit Pearl, what will be the consequences?!"

"Once it succeeds!" the God King's memory murmured: "It will be like a dragon swallowing a spiritual bead, and from then on, it will transform into an eternal divine beast when it encounters a stormy beast!"

"Eternal Divine Beast?!" Du Long whispered in shock: "That's not it.

. Are you on the same level as yourself, the eternal true god? ! "

"Yes!" The God King Memory said with emotion: "If you can swallow two dark spiritual beads, you can become an eternal general realm divine beast, and if you swallow three dark spiritual beads, you can become an eternal king realm divine beast!"


Du Long was obviously stunned by the answer from the God King's memory. If it were that simple, wouldn't he be about to encounter a powerful enemy? !

"Master!" Du Long said a little depressed: "Is it so easy to break through the eternal general realm and the king realm divine beast?!"

"Haha!" The God King Memory shook his head and chuckled and replied: "No, no! It is very difficult to achieve the eternal beast itself. There are hundreds of millions of ferocious beasts swallowing the Dark Spirit Pearl, and only one of them can succeed!"

"After the nine eternal beasts are born, they will fight each other and the winner will be able to devour each other's flesh and blood and spirit beads, becoming the eternal general realm beast!"

"It's not like you have just successfully devoured one Dark Spirit Pearl and then immediately devoured the second and third ones. In that case, usually only one of them explodes and dies!"

"So that's it!" After listening to the explanation of the God King's memory, Du Long suddenly realized: "Master! Then if a vicious beast successfully swallows the first dark spirit bead, will the eternal beast transformed into a good one be good or not? What about evil?!”

"Will they transform into a peerless ferocious beast, and then the world will be in chaos?!"

"The Dark Spirit Bead, as the name suggests, is a spirit bead that is biased toward darkness and evil. The eternal beast born from devouring the spirit bead will naturally be biased toward darkness and evil!" God King Memory continued to explain patiently.

"However, I have heard outsiders mention that these eternal beasts can bravely stand on the side of the local civilization forces when facing the invasion of aliens, and become a sharp knife for the local civilization forces to fight against the aliens!"

"It's a pity that it is said that the three Eternal King-level beasts eventually died in the war of destruction to protect the local civilization!"

"As for the Dark Spirit Pearl appearing here, it must be that after the fall of the Eternal King Realm Beast, several Dark Spirit Pearls were lost here, right?!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not expecting such a result.

I originally thought that if the Dark Spirit Pearl was swallowed, it would transform into a peerless ferocious beast that would harm the world, so it would be better to directly stop their transformation.

Now, after hearing these words from the God King's memory, his inner thoughts immediately changed.

"Three-headed Eternal King-level divine beasts?!" Du Long once again grasped the key point and said: "In other words, those nine dark spiritual beads will eventually evolve into three-headed Eternal King-level peerless divine beasts!"

"It's just that in the end they all fought to protect the local civilization, and in the end they all died in that devastating war for the sake of the local civilization?!"

"That should be it!" God King Memory sighed softly.

In this way, Du Long ended the conversation with the God King's memory, and he also had a very intuitive understanding of the strange blood sacrifice scene in front of him.

Since it is the relic of the Eternal King-level divine beast that once fought to protect the local civilization, then I have no reason to prevent the birth of the new Eternal Divine Beast!


Standing inside the building under the shield of the magic circle, Du Long sighed.

Then he continued to look up and stare outside, looking at the ferocious beasts that were still rushing towards the Dark Spirit Pearl.

Because he understood the true purpose of these ferocious beasts' blood sacrifices to the dark spirit beads, he relaxed and no longer had to think about whether to stop the ferocious beasts' blood sacrifices.

The former Dark Spirit Pearl cultivated three Eternal King-level beasts, all of which were able to fight to protect the local civilization and even sacrificed their own lives for it.

Du Long has reason to believe that they will continue to fight for the local civilization, and maybe they will become a big help to him in the future.

With such a relaxed thought, Du Long just stood there silently, quietly watching the tragic and sacred blood sacrifice scene in mid-air.

One after another, the ferocious beasts of the ocean rushed towards the Dark Spirit Pearl without fear of death, and then swallowed it in one gulp even though they knew they would die.

In fact, how could these ferocious beasts that kept exploding to death not know that they would die if they swallowed the spirit beads in the early stage? !

However, they knew they would die, but they still rushed over without hesitation. Wasn't this the choice of the three Eternal King-level beasts back then? !

All in all, Du Long, who was standing below silently watching this scene, couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

Regardless of whether they are creatures of any different race, as long as they can fight for a common belief, the act of daring to fight for it without fear of life and death is worthy of admiration in itself!

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