Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3205 The Dark Tribe

Jinshan World, in the main holy city.

Many ninth-level powerhouses received calls from the forces behind them and rushed back from all over the Holy City, and then were secretly taken into the world of Portable Cave by someone.

Those who put the people away were also nine-level strong men, and they rushed to the Meng Mansion from their respective family forces.

These people all received instructions from the leader of the family power, gathered about half of the ninth-level powerhouses in the family, and then secretly rushed to the Meng family's mansion to obey the orders.

For such a big move, the possibility of not being discovered by outsiders is extremely low.

At best, it can only make people suspicious, but it is difficult for the other party to guess what is going on behind this in a short period of time.

After people from various families entered the Meng family's mansion, they came to the heads of their families one after another, and were then taken into the cave world one by one by Du Long.

Until this moment, those ninth-level powerhouses who hurried over from the family forces did not understand the reason for their trip.

One by one, the ninth-level powerhouses came to the Meng Mansion, and then they, along with their respective family patriarchs, were taken into the world of Portable Cave Heaven by Du Long.

Gradually, there were not many leaders of various races who were still at the scene, and this was also Du Long's last test for them.

Finally, everyone from all the family forces arrived, and only two clones of Du Long were left in the entire hall.

The two clones looked at each other, and there was a faint smile in each other's eyes. There was no need to speak at all, and the Yin Yang Creation clone was put away.

At this point, only Du Long's true god clone remained in the entire hall.

He didn't waste any more time and directly transformed into the appearance and soul of a disciple of the Meng family, and then walked out of his own courtyard in a swaggering manner.

‘Great Elder! ’ Du Long walked towards the gate of Meng Mansion and secretly sent a message: ‘No one will be allowed to enter the other courtyard where I live before I come back! ’

'yes! True God! ’

After receiving the answer from the eldest elder of the Meng family, Du Long walked out of the Meng Mansion a little faster, then quickly entered the main holy city and secretly changed his appearance and soul aura several times.

It was only after he was sure that no one could detect his true identity in a short period of time that he quickly left the main holy city and teleported away over a long distance.

Dark sea of ​​hell.

This is a dangerous situation that is extremely far away from the main holy city. It can be regarded as more than half of the Jinshan World.

Even if Du Long reaches the realm of the Eternal True God, he still needs to undergo three ultra-long-distance teleportations before he can reach the coast of the Dark Sea of ​​Hell.

Looking around, the entire Dark Sea of ​​Hell is just as its name suggests. It is a vast ocean filled with the aura of boundless darkness.

The entire vast ocean can only obtain a very small amount of light source from the starlight in outer space.

It is precisely because of this that the entire dark sea of ​​hell is in a dark state most of the time.

Just looking at it from the shore will give people an extremely uncomfortable feeling, let alone those who enter it.

Unless necessary, very few monks nowadays are willing to enter this legendary cursed dark sea of ​​hell!

Du Long stood on the shore and observed silently for a moment. He found that his consciousness was also severely restricted and interfered with in this dark ocean.

He didn't stay too long on the coast. He stepped directly towards the dark ocean in front of him. His whole body instantly turned into a stream of light and quickly shot into the depths of the ocean.

Like the main holy city, the time and space of the dark sea of ​​hell in front of us is also blocked, making it impossible to teleport over long distances.

Du Long could only rely on his own speed to keep flying over the dark sea of ​​hell.

Because he had the memory information of the Dark Tribe, he was not worried that he would stray into a dangerous situation.

In fact, many dangers that are dangerous to a ninth-level powerhouse are not too fatal compared to him, the eternal true god.

Now, with a relatively safe path, there is no need to worry about Dulong's safety.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


In this way, he moved forward unimpeded and at high speed over the Dark Sea of ​​Hell. If he looked up from the sea, it seemed as if there was a trail of dark electricity shooting towards the deepest part of the darkness of Hell.

In Du Long's portable cave world, many figures, including the creation clones of Yin and Yang, were all sitting in a large square in front of a palace.

In the square, a huge picture was also displayed, on which was an image of Du Long rushing outside.

This time, when he led people from various tribes to conquer the Dark Clan, Du Long had no intention of making the chiefs of each tribe black-eyed, but wanted them to remember this safe passage.

In the subsequent process of killing enemies, someone may get lost. At that time, such a safe route will be needed to ensure that as many people as possible can safely get out of the Dark Tribe's location.

Above the dark ocean.

All kinds of surging waves can be seen everywhere, and many ocean surfaces are covered by thick clouds, and all kinds of deadly thunder and lightning appear and disappear.

Inside the Dark Sea of ​​Hell, the extremely bad weather is very deadly, and this is also a source of danger recognized by all parties.

In addition to those bad weather conditions that are fatal to Xuantian's creation master, some powerful sea beasts hidden in the depths of the dark sea are also another source of fatal danger.

Du Long moved forward at a high speed without being attacked by any monsters. In addition to the fact that he was walking a safe route, there was another reason why the underwater monsters could not catch up with his speed.

Relying on the strength of the peak realm of the Eternal True God, his understanding of time and space far exceeds that of ordinary people, and he can run extremely fast in the dark sea of ​​hell.

Even if those monsters in the dark sea wanted to rush out of the sea to chase them, they could only stay behind him.

As they galloped all the way, a magnificent spectacle began to appear on the ocean ahead.

The thick clouds pressed down to a height of less than a hundred meters from the ocean surface. Amidst the lightning and thunder inside the dark clouds, there were actually some faint cracks in space and time that kept flashing.

Under the clouds, the ocean surface is covered with various sea beasts. Various sea beasts are tumbling and undulating on the rough ocean surface, as if they are ready to give the intruder a fatal blow at any time!

Even a powerful man like Du Long, who was in the Eternal True God Realm, couldn't help but stop and take a closer look at the terrifying scene in front of him.

He quickly locked on to the safe entrance for the Dark people to enter and exit, which was an area in the middle of the thick clouds. The clouds there seemed to be slightly thinner, but otherwise there was nothing unusual at all.

"Okay! Have you seen that area?! That's where the safe entrance to the Dark Tribe is!"

"I am now entering it and will simulate the route. Please remember this safe route carefully!"

In the square in the Portable Cave World, Du Long's voice resounded in the air, giving correct explanations to everyone present.

After finishing his words, Du Long dodged directly and rushed into the relatively thin cloud layer, and then continued to advance along a dark cloud channel.

During this period, every time you advance a certain distance, you have to make a sudden turn to change the trajectory, then turn again and continue flying forward.

This is a winding and unpredictable safe route. Without the memory information of the Dark people, even Du Long, an eternal true god, would not be able to find this safe passage!

In this pitch-black environment, he could only rely on his powerful spiritual exploration to determine whether there was any fatal danger on the safe route and find the only safe passage range.

For example, the safe passage in some areas was less than two meters in diameter, and he even had to bow his head to cross it.

This safety range needs to be finally confirmed through spiritual exploration.

After crossing the safe passage without any danger, the vast ocean in front of us suddenly lit up.

Although it still looked like a dark ocean, compared to the darkness inside the clouds before, the dark ocean surface in front of us could almost be described as bright and sunny.

Looking back, the thick clouds were like a wall reaching the sky, spanning the dark sea.

The ocean behind him, belonging to the Dark Tribe, seemed to be a time and space completely isolated from the world by the Wall of Heaven.

Du Long just looked at it in mid-air and immediately accelerated forward.

Perhaps because they have never been invaded by foreign enemies for countless years, the Dark Tribe did not even send anyone to guard such an important safety exit.

Over the years, after controlling many powerful members, the Dark Clan's self-confidence seems to have exploded.

Du Long went in unimpeded and soon came to a large island with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. Finally, he could see many black figures flying over the island.

"Okay! This is the island where the Dark Clan's clan is located. According to the previously drawn up battle plan, I will personally rush into the island to launch a frontal attack, while you will spread out with your respective clansmen and completely destroy the entire island. Surround!"

"Yes! True God!"

In the portable cave world, Du Long's voice sounded again, and the strong men of all races on the scene respectfully accepted the order.

Du Long waved his hand to release everyone. Currently, only the clan leaders of each clan and one clansman appeared in the sky above the vast ocean. As for half of the ninth-level experts of the race, they had not yet appeared.

As soon as the clan leaders of the race appeared, they immediately surrounded the huge island on both wings.

Du Long himself flew leisurely and contentedly over the big island. He was leaving time for the strong men of the race to encircle him, so as to prevent the Dark Tribe from escaping after hearing the news.

"Who is coming!"

Finally, Du Long's appearance attracted the attention of a dark patrol team, and the five figures of the dark team stepped forward to block his way.

After discovering the outsider Du Long, they also discovered other foreign invaders that were encircling the big island.

"No! Enemy attack!


The Dark tribesman who had just stepped forward to intercept Du Long then belatedly sounded an enemy attack alarm.

Once upon a time, ever since they migrated here from the Dark Tribe, they have never been invaded by any foreign enemy.

It was precisely because of this that their reaction seemed so slow, which made Du Long couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

"There are no innocent people in the Dark Tribe. I hereby sentence all Dark Tribe members to death!"

Du Long suddenly spoke such a puzzling words, and then he reached out and pointed at the patrol team of the Dark Tribe in front of him.

"Destroy them! The evil Dark people!"

As his words fell, he immediately saw the bodies of the five members of the Dark Patrol Team turning into powder, and even their souls had no time to escape.

Compared to Du Long's previous use of the power of time and space to only destroy someone's physical body, this time he didn't even let go of the opponent's soul, annihilating it simultaneously with one blow!

The strangulation with the power of multi-dimensional time and space can not only strangle the opponent's physical body, but as long as Du Long is willing, he can also kill the soul source instantly!



Almost immediately after all the members of the patrol team were wiped out in an instant, bursts of rapid horn sounds sounded on the island in front of them.

Du Long knew that in addition to this warning horn sound, the opponent must also be carrying out a more efficient battle mobilization, and many ninth-level strong men from the Dark Tribe quickly gathered together.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the chaos of the Dark Tribe and flew directly towards one of the most magnificent cities on the island.

Through searching the souls of the Dark Tribe people, he knew that the largest city in front of him was the true location of the Dark Tribe.

Inside the grand city, there is also a majestic Dark Temple. Inside the temple resides those people with the highest status in the entire Dark Tribe.

Du Long has already seen that the largest team has gathered inside the Dark Temple, and the number of ninth-level powerhouses alone has reached an astonishing tens of thousands!

This does not include other areas outside the Dark Temple. Within the detection range of Du Long's divine consciousness, there are a full 300,000 strong Dark men who have reached the ninth level or above? !

You must know that this time Du Long personally led the conquest personnel from various ethnic groups, and only about 200,000 people came in total.

And this is almost half of the ninth-level powerhouses in the entire Jinshan World, but compared with the Dark Tribe, there are still less than a hundred thousand? !

It is not difficult to see from this that the Dark Clan has occupied the land of Hell and Darkness for endless years, which is very suitable for the Dark Clan's practice.

But the Dark Tribe is not satisfied with this. They actually continue to devour the souls of foreign monks and adventurers to rapidly improve their respective cultivation levels.

It is precisely because of this that the entire Dark Clan has such a strong strength, and they dare to covet the golden mountain world outside.

However, when they were preparing to speed up their operations, they unexpectedly learned that a powerful man from the Eternal True God Realm had appeared in the outside world.

It was precisely this news that the Dark Clan quickly retracted its claws that were about to reach out!

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