Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3194 Yaksha Clan

Clang clang clang.


On dozens of arenas, all kinds of fierce battles were dazzling.

The same is true for Du Long's arena. One side has a fighting form of eighteen arms, and the other side has a fighting form of three heads and twelve arms.

Because both parties in the battle are not familiar with each other, neither party knows who the other is.

Therefore, there is no mercy in the battle in the ring, and everyone is focused on resisting their opponents.

Du Long used a fighting form with three heads and twelve arms to fight Carlotta, who had a fighting form of eighteen arms. On the surface, it seemed that he only had six fewer arms than his opponent.

In fact, in the combat mode with three heads and twelve arms, the twelve arms will be evenly distributed in the direction of the three heads.

In other words, each head can only be assigned four arms, and every time it faces Carlotta, there are only four arms.

All in all, the three-headed and multi-armed magical power is suitable for use in an environment with an outnumbered enemy. The advantage of fighting alone is not that obvious!

At this moment, Du Long was fighting with his opponent's eighteen arms with four arms, and this was the main reason why he felt tremendous pressure.

However, he had no intention of using more arms and continued to fight Carlotta under great pressure.

In the process of constant fighting, he is also working hard to integrate the last less than 10% of theoretical insights into practical applications.

And the proportion of Du Long's theory integrated into actual combat is also constantly moving towards the eighth level peak extreme state!

Time continues to pass by minute by second. Du Long relies on his terrifying computing power that can distract tens of trillions at the same time, coupled with his extremely evil cultivation talent, his cultivation level is also constantly improving at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

Don’t underestimate the integration of the last 10% of theoretical insights into actual combat. In the later stages, every 0.1% improvement in combat will be very impressive!

During Du Long's battle with Carlotta, the proportion of his theoretical insights integrated into actual combat quickly exceeded 95%!

When his theoretical understanding reached 95% integration into actual combat, he immediately felt that the pressure his opponents could put on him had dropped sharply, which also led to a sharp drop in the efficiency of integrating theory into actual combat.

Du Long knew very well in his heart that it was time to change to a new opponent, instead of continuing to reduce the number of arms to increase his pressure.

Once the number of arms falls below a certain safety threshold, then instead of putting more pressure on yourself, your opponent may find an opportunity at any time to blast your body with one blow.


Du Long did not hesitate for too long and transformed directly into a fighting form with three heads and forty-eight arms. His transformation also shocked his opponent Carlotta.

In the fighting form of three heads and forty-eight arms, Du Long was assigned eighteen arms to each head, which was the same number of arms as his opponent Carlotta.

With the number of arms equal, Dulong no longer took the defensive position as before, but launched a counterattack against Carlotta with all his strength!

In order to hide his true identity, all of Du Long's arms used the most common swords. This all-out counterattack instantly covered the entire arena with the light of swords.

Clang clang clang.


The sword light all over the sky poured out toward Carlotta. The layers of sword light seemed chaotic, but in fact they carried the mystery of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi movement.

Carlotta was not worried at first because his opponent suddenly had so many arms. He actually wanted to have a head-on confrontation with Du Long.

But after the two sides of the battle collided, he finally discovered the horror of his opponent.

Originally, with only four arms, he could easily withstand his all-out attack. Now that the number of arms is equal, it is discovered that the real gap in combat power between the two begins to show a contrast.

Yin-Yang creation is not as powerful a creation method as multi-dimensional creation.

However, Du Long is a perverted monk who once reached the sixth and seventh levels of Great Perfection. Even if he has not yet reached the eighth level, he is still stronger than Carlotta!

The sword light in the sky turned into a yin-yang Tai Chi fish, galloping back and forth on the ring, constantly pouring towards Carlotta.

Since the beginning of this ring battle, Carlotta has always had a clear upper hand. Suddenly, he was beaten by his opponent in turn, and he began to lose balance both mentally and physically.

The Tai Chi swords and fishes that came fiercely one after another were like thick mountains constantly hitting his weapon, and endless pressure was constantly sweeping towards him.

Until this moment, Carlotta finally felt the huge gap between himself and his opponent, and finally understood why his opponent did not use the three-headed and forty-eight-armed fighting power at the beginning of the war!

At first, I thought of myself as a whetstone, but now I feel that the whetstone is no longer useful. Are I ready to replace myself? !

No matter how unwilling Carlotta was in her heart, in the end she could only accept the reality that her combat power was not as good as her opponent's.

After watching his opponent's attacks become stronger one after another, Carlotta finally understood that he was bound to lose.

"I surrender!"

Since there was no hope of victory, he could only accept the reality of defeat. Carlotta shouted three words of surrender in public.

And Du Long would not push people too hard. After hearing the opponent surrendering, he would immediately withdraw from the battle, and then look at the opponent who surrendered expressionlessly.

Deep down in his heart, he does not look down on opponents who voluntarily admit defeat. Those who know that defeat is inevitable but still endure the process of having their bodies exploded are the ones who are truly stupid.

"You are very strong!" Carlotta looked at Du Long with a complicated expression and said, "Especially after you use this three-headed and forty-eight-armed magical power, you will become even more powerful. It's a pity that if you meet that person.

. "

At this point, Carlotta couldn't help but turn her head and look at a certain arena, where a battle was breaking out. A male player who also used eighteen-arm magical powers was completely crushing another opponent who had reached the true peak of the eighth level!

As we all know, most of the top 100 players who can stand out from hundreds of thousands of contestants and become the last one hundred or so have broken through and reached the true eighth level peak limit!

But in the arena that Carlotta was looking at, the tall male player who also displayed his eighteen-arm fighting form displayed a combat power that would make most of the players in the arena feel powerless.

"Is it him?!" Du Long followed the opponent's gaze and naturally saw the eighteen-armed contestant: "Don't worry, he is also one of the few players that I can pay attention to, and I will also treat him Completely defeated!"

"Really?!" Carlotta grinned and said, "Then I'll wait and see. I hope you don't lose too badly in the end, because he hasn't really used his full strength so far!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, and his gaze towards the arena not far away became a little more intense.

To be honest, when Carlotta talked about that player, he didn't take it too seriously.

The reason is very simple, that is, he feels that although the combat power displayed by that player is strong, his performance is still not too amazing.

But as Carlotta said that the opponent did not use all his strength, Du Long's expectations for this player increased a lot.

As Du Long integrates more and more theoretical insights into actual combat, he has lost interest in most of the contestants. Even the most powerful players in this competition will only interest him a little bit at most. .

Seeing that theoretical insights are increasingly integrated into actual combat, Du Long is becoming more and more confident in his own strength. Unless he faces an eighth-level opponent, no one can really make him bow his head.

In a flash of thought, his opponent Carlotta had been teleported away, and another opponent soon appeared in front of Du Long.

The moment he saw the opponent, Du Long's expression changed slightly, because his next opponent was his junior brother and apprentice Molodun!

At this time, although Molodun changed his appearance and soul aura, he did not change the form of the eighteen-armed giant clan.

There were only three eighteen-armed giants who successfully advanced to the top 100 in the entire eighth-level ranking competition. Du Long had long recognized from those three that the one in front of him was Molodun!

Molodun was also stunned for a moment when he saw Du Long, because at this moment Du Long still maintained the fighting form from the previous battle, which was the fighting form with three heads and forty-eight arms.

‘Are you Senior Brother Hongwu? ! ’ Molodun subconsciously sent a message to Du Long for confirmation.

'Um! ’ Du Long didn’t want to hide his junior brother: ‘Moloton, do you want to have a fight with me to decide the outcome? ! ’


. ’ Molodun was dumbfounded and said: ‘I have just integrated about 70% of my theoretical understanding into practical applications, so the gap with my senior brother will be quite big! ’

‘With such a huge gap, I need to be merciful from senior brother to be able to fight. I’d better not waste senior brother Hongwu’s time! ’

"I choose to admit defeat!"

After communicating secretly, Molodun loudly and without hesitation chose to admit defeat and was not prepared to fight Du Long.

And Du Long didn't say much. Since Molodun didn't intend to waste his time, let him do whatever he wanted!

Du Long once again changed his opponent and entered the next top 100 ranking battle.

Because Leng Feng and Molodun voluntarily admitted defeat one after another, many spectators and contestants began to secretly guess Du Long's true identity.

Of course, no matter what his identity is, most of the other contestants will fight with him.

In this eighth-level ranking competition, every contestant wants to perform well. They all want to be able to gain Du Long's Dharma and become a direct disciple of the Eternal True God.

Because only by becoming a direct disciple of the Eternal True God, will you have a greater chance to break through and reach the Eternal True God realm in the future, and become the second Eternal True God in this world!

In the ring, one battle after another continued to unfold.

When faced with opponents who could not put pressure on him, Du Long always chose the three-headed and forty-eight-arm fighting form to join the battle, and then defeated those opponents one by one as quickly as possible.

In this way, he continued to defeat one opponent after another, and his personal points continued to increase.

In the entire eighth-level top 100 qualifying field, among the more than one hundred contestants, there are still more than a dozen people who have maintained zero defeat points.

Among these zero-defeat records, many contestants’ zero-defeat records are based on the fact that the total number of battles is relatively small and each battle takes a long time.

Du Long, on the other hand, continued to defeat opponents one after another with a faster fighting frequency, but his ranking at this moment was still only third.

In other words, among the players who also quickly defeated all their opponents with their postures, there were two other players who were even stronger than Du Long!

Among the two contestants, one of them is the eighteen-armed strongman that Carlotta told Du Long.

In addition, there is another special group whose body is covered with bone spurs and sharp claws, and they are not human at first glance.

This was the first time Du Long saw creatures of this ethnic group competing. In the previous ranking competitions, he had never seen this ethnic group participating in similar competitions.

"Great Elder!" On the rostrum, Du Long's true god clone couldn't help but ask the First Elder of the Meng family on the side: "Which ethnic group does that contestant number 021346 belong to?! How can their ethnic group be qualified to sign up for the competition?! "

On the rostrum, the leaders from all forces looked over, all waiting for the reply from the elder of the Meng family.

"Lord True God!" The eldest elder of the Meng family replied respectfully: "That is the Yaksha clan from the Jinshan world's secret realm of Jinhai. The other party can be regarded as one of the many forces in the Jinshan world!"

"They have rarely had contact with the Holy City, but this time they still sent outstanding members of the clan to sign up for the competition. I thought there was no problem with their identity, so I agreed to their request to sign up for the competition!"

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded slightly and said, "As long as there is no problem with the identity, it will be fine. Although the opponent's identity is quite special, it is also a rare whetstone for the ranking competition!"

Many people nodded after hearing Du Long's words and seemed to agree with his statement. I don't know what those people were thinking secretly.

In fact, many people still recognized the identity of the Jinhai Yaksha clan, and they felt a little uncomfortable with the fact that this clan participated in the competition.

However, since this matter has been approved by the Eternal True God ‘Meng Tao’, other people will naturally not express any objections.

In the arena, fierce battles continued.

After Du Long won sixty-two consecutive victories, he finally faced another familiar opponent, Yin Qingyi from the Yin family!

After Yin Qingyi saw Du Long, a helpless smile appeared on his face. He obviously already knew the true identity of the contestant in front of him.

After Leng Feng took the initiative to admit defeat, Yin Qingyi communicated with him secretly, and naturally learned Du Long's true identity easily!

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