Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3167 Fighting Challenge

"Hong Wu! Come on, come sit down here and talk!"

As soon as the eldest elder of the Meng family saw Hong Wu, his whole face smiled into the shape of a chrysanthemum, and he immediately invited him to sit next to him.

Du Long was not polite and sat directly on the stone chair next to the great elder, then picked up the tea he had made and took a sip.

"Haha!" The eldest elder of the Meng family had a kind smile on his face. While filling up the tea for Du Long, he said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you could actually stay in the Dou Zhan Secret Realm space. A long time of more than ten thousand years!"

"It's not bad!" Du Long said with a smile: "While I was working hard, I didn't feel how hard the time was!"

"Everyone says that fighting in the secret realm is hard!" The eldest elder of the Meng family raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise: "Only a genius like you, who has both talent and perseverance, can feel so relaxed, right?!"

"Great Elder, thank you!" Du Long could only respond humbly.

To be honest, he just said it casually. As a monk who can endure hardships and stand hard work, Du Long also felt that the fighting secret realm had exceeded the limit that he could bear.

"Hongwu!" The eldest elder of the Meng family spoke again in an enthusiastic tone: "I wonder how much theoretical insights you have integrated into practical applications after practicing hard in the secret realm of Douzhan for more than ten thousand years?!"

"Not much!" Hong Wu took a sip of tea and sighed helplessly: "I've probably only succeeded in integrating about half of the theoretical insights into actual combat!"


The eldest elder of the Meng family widened his eyes in astonishment, obviously shocked by his answer.

In just over 10,000 years, he has integrated about half of his theoretical insights into practical applications. His talent in cultivation can only be described as super abnormal.

But when he thought about it, he realized that this was a little pervert who had the same talent as his master, the Eternal True God Meng Tao. He could successfully break through and reach the peak limit by participating in a ranking competition, so the shock in his heart was not that great.

"Hongwu!" The eldest elder of the Meng family organized his words again and said: "You were able to successfully integrate about half of your theoretical insights into actual combat in the secret realm of fighting in just over 10,000 years of real time."

"Then, it seems that you don't need to participate in the ranking competition. Directly through the battle insights in the fighting secret realm, it is enough to fully integrate all the eighth-level theoretical insights into actual combat?!"

"It's not that easy!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "The difficulty becomes more and more difficult as you get to the back, and the time required is also increasing exponentially!"

"That's it!" The eldest elder of the Meng family replied with relief: "In that case, participating in the ranking competition is the best choice!"

"That's right!" Du Long replied with a smile: "Only high-intensity ranking competitions can integrate theoretical insights into actual combat in the shortest possible time!"

"Well!" The eldest elder of the Meng family gently stroked his white beard and finally got to the point: "I don't know how long it will take for Molodun to come out of seclusion?! And when will your master, True God Meng Tao, prepare to come out of seclusion? !”

"Junior Brother Moroton will be released from seclusion in more than twenty years. As for Master, he will be released from seclusion early at that time!" Du Long immediately told the truth about the results of his contact on the way here.

The Jinshan Token currently used by Molodun will expire in more than twenty years, and he will be ready to leave seclusion by then.

As for Du Long's multi-dimensional creation clone, he wanted to waste a little time before a Jinshan Token was used up and come out of seclusion at the same time as Moloton!

"More than twenty years?!" The eldest elder of the Meng family suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "So, we have to arrange the promotion of the eighth-level ranking competition in advance!"

"Okay!" Du Long nodded directly and replied with a smile: "The Great Elder can just let it go and arrange this matter. Those monks who want to participate in the eighth-level qualifying competition can start registration directly now!"

After getting the result he wanted, the eldest elder of the Meng family had no intention to continue chatting with Du Long. The two briefly chatted for a few words and then dispersed.

Du Long returned to the courtyard where he lived and continued to chat over tea with Yin Feifei, the saint of the Yin family.

"Alas!" After Yin Feifei heard that the eighth-level ranking competition was about to start, she immediately sighed helplessly: "It would be great if this was a seventh-level ranking competition. Now I can only be a spectator!"

"Didn't you agree that you wanted to be a salted fish?!" Du Long shook his head and said with a smile: "Why does the salted fish want to turn over so quickly?! Hahaha.

. "

"Disgusting!" Yin Feifei said with a blushing face, "That's just a casual comment. Who wouldn't want to quickly improve their cultivation level if given the opportunity?!"


. Du Long said thoughtfully: "In addition to the ranking competition, we can actually go to the life and death challenge arena in the main holy city to participate in some life and death challenges to improve our cultivation!" "

"Life and death challenge arena?!" Yin Feifei's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "That's a good place. We can change our appearance and breath to participate in the life and death challenge!"

"That's right!" Du Long's eyes also lit up and said: "Let's go! There are still more than twenty years until the eighth-level ranking competition. Let's not waste time and go directly to participate in this life-and-death challenge. Bar!"

The two young people were so motivated that they left as soon as they could. After changing their appearance and soul aura, they left the new Meng family's mansion directly.

In order to hide from others, the two of them wandered around some large shopping malls in the main holy city. When they came out again, they had changed their appearance and soul aura.

After repeating this several times, basically no one knew that they were the couple who came out of Xinmeng Mansion.

In the northeast corner of the main holy city stands a huge building that resembles a large Colosseum.

Du Long and Yin Feifei, who had changed their appearance and aura, bought a ticket each and entered together.

This is a small martial arts square that can accommodate millions of people watching the battle at the same time. After the two entered, they immediately heard waves of sound hitting their faces!

Since it was their first time to come to this place, they did not rush to sign up for the martial arts challenge. Instead, they chose to sit in the audience and watch the battles below carefully.

There are a total of nine challenge arenas standing in the huge martial arts arena. At this moment, battles are breaking out on all nine challenge arenas.

After Du Long and Yin Feifei sat down and watched for a while, they roughly understood the competition rules here.

The nine arenas are divided into three parts, respectively used to hold challenges from levels seven to nine.

Under normal circumstances, the winner of each arena automatically becomes the champion, until they end their status as champion after winning a hundred consecutive wins, and become a 100-win seed player with the ability to challenge any player in the top 100.

After defeating a top 100 player, you will automatically occupy the opponent's ranking. The defeated top 100 player will be immediately removed from the list and directly become a new 100 seed player. If you want to enter the top 100 list again, you need to continue to challenge.

All in all, any of the top 100 players on the three top 100 lists from level 7 to level 9 are all truly strong ones left after the storm.

You must not have any covetous thoughts towards them, otherwise you will definitely die in a very ugly way!

You must know that the challenge here is a cruel battle that can determine life and death. It is not the kind of battle in the ranking competition that can only attack the opponent's body.

Here, there are only rigid rules for the weapons used by contestants, that is, contestants can only borrow various magical weapons from the organizer, and are absolutely not allowed to use magical weapons brought by themselves.

This also prevents challengers from using similar super powerful magic weapons, which will seriously affect the fairness of the challenge!

In addition to the fierce challenges and fights, there are also betting markets for each challenge. Except that contestants must not participate in betting, the audience can freely place bets on the victory or defeat of a certain side.

In order to prevent two contestants from joining forces to fake a fight and then asking relatives and friends to come forward to place bets, the organizers have introduced many highly targeted preventive measures.

For example, every challenger who takes the stage needs to make a soul oath, and will never fake a fight to let relatives and friends place bets to make money, etc.

For a little money, you make a soul oath that you must break. This alone can eliminate the possibility of cheating for most contestants!

All in all, in addition to this, the organizers have also introduced many overt or covert measures, which are enough to deter those monks who want to make money through fake beatings!

In the small martial arts square.

Du Long and Yin Feifei stayed for a long time as spectators. During this period, they also placed bets on their favorite contestants and made some small money.

Only then did they decide to join the battle in person. The extremely bloody battle scenes at the scene made Du Long's blood boil.

As a result, when they went over to register, they discovered that there were hundreds of people waiting in line in front of them.

Both of them finally chose to sign up for the competition. If there are hundreds of people lining up, just do it!

To register, you need to sign a life and death certificate, and then make a soul oath not to join forces with relatives and friends to place bets during the competition, etc.

The whole process took less than half an hour, and then the two people returned to their seats to watch the battle, and continued to watch the various bloody battles in the ring!

"Feifei!" Du Long smiled and looked at Yin Feifei, who was still very beautiful even though her appearance had changed. "Now that we have both signed up, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

"I don't regret it!" Yin Feifei shook her head and replied: "If I don't even dare to go to this life-and-death challenge, then I will really become a salted fish that will never be able to stand up!"

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and laughed: "Sometimes being a salted fish is also a good choice. After all, you are a girl and don't need to work as hard as us men!"

"Daughters should strengthen themselves!" Yin Feifei did not agree with his words, shook her head and agreed: "I hope that one day in the future, I can make a breakthrough like you.

. That realm! "

Originally, she wanted to tell the truth about the Eternal God Realm, but she didn't want to expose Du Long's true identity, so she could only change her words as soon as she said it.

"It all depends on fate!" Du Long said with a smile: "If you want to break through and reach that state, you need a suitable opportunity. I have told you the breakthrough process, and then you have to rely on your own luck!"

"Yes! I will definitely do my best!" Yin Feifei nodded, her eyes filled with endless fighting spirit.

"Now that we have signed up for the competition, we must carefully study the various battles on the stage!" Du Long then entered the topic: "After all, this is not a ranking arena where only physical attacks are allowed, but a place where physical attacks can be used. The life and death challenge of soul attack!"

"Don't worry!" Yin Feifei said with a confident smile: "I have a powerful soul defense magic weapon and a relatively powerful set of soul defense combat skills. I have a certain advantage in this regard!"

"That's good!" Du Long breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's hard to defend against divine soul attacks and kills. Look at the black-robed challenger in that arena. He is a monk who is very good at divine soul attacks and kills!"

Looking in the direction of his finger, Yin Feifei immediately saw that there was a seventh-level challenge arena, in which a mysterious man shrouded in black robes was fighting his opponent with all his strength using the soul attack method.


His opponent suddenly fell onto the ring, and his whole body lost all life breath in an instant. This was the result of the complete annihilation of the origin of all souls.

Even if Xuantian's physical body is completely shattered by physical attacks, he can still quickly repair the damage caused by the source of his soul and the powerful divine power of the inner world.

But if a divine soul attack completely kills the origin of all the divine souls, then the whole person will die completely and will never be able to be repaired and revived.

"Do you see clearly?! This is the terrifying part of the soul attack!" Du Long reminded Yin Feifei in a deep voice as he looked at him.

"I saw it!" Yin Feifei frowned and replied: "My soul defense should be able to prevent the other party's soul attack!"

"That's good!" Du Long then secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Similar to this life-and-death challenge arena where soul attacks are not prohibited, monks with very strong physical combat power often die inexplicably like this! "

"Yes!" Yin Feifei responded in a deep voice: "I know that facing an opponent like this who is good at attacking with souls, blindly defending is not a good strategy. Instead, you need to use attack to replace defense!"

"very good!"

In this way, the two people sat in their seats, watching the battle and studying some special battles through sound transmission.

Most of the time, Du Long was there to explain, and then Yin Feifei listened carefully. She knew very well in her heart that Du Long was worried that something would happen to her, and told her some experiences in advance.

Time passed slowly, and it took more than ten days of waiting.

Du Long finally heard a message from the on-site staff, telling him that he could come over and borrow magic weapons for combat.

He just said hello to Yin Feifei, and then walked directly to the area where he borrowed magical weapons, resulting in the selection of more than a thousand magical weapons.

Seeing that he wanted to borrow so many magical weapons, the staff of the martial arts square was a little surprised, but they did not refuse his request.

However, when lending out so many magical weapons, we specifically explained some matters that must be paid attention to. The most important one is that the magical weapons cannot be put into the inner world and can only be placed inside a space ring provided by the organizer.

This is to prevent the organizer from being able to get back the lent magic weapon from the world inside the contestant's body after the contestant dies!

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