Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3160 The Final Opponent

Clang clang clang. . .

On the ring, Du Long was still fighting fiercely with his opponent who was using his six-arm magical power.

The double swords in his hands continued to perform the Tai Chi Yin Yang Sword Technique, turning into two extremely agile Yin Yang fishes that kept flashing on the ring!

This set of sword techniques vividly demonstrates the principles of Yin-Yang Tai Chi: using softness to overcome hardness, and using stillness to stop.

The two Tai Chi yin and yang fish looked like virgins when they were still, and when they moved, they were as fast as running like rabbits. They were like two Tai Chi yin and yang fish that came to life, which amazed many viewers!

As time went by, facing the opponent who used the six-armed magical power, Du Long was under great pressure, and at the same time, he was distracted by hundreds of millions of distractions and launched an all-out battle comprehension practice!

This Yin-Yang Creation Clone, which has only reached the peak of the seventh level, only has 70% of the physical cells in the body transformed into the cell origin clone, and at the same time, it also produces the same number of soul-origin swords!

Hundreds of thousands of minds are running at full speed at the same time. He is like a super computer with hundreds of thousands of cores, fighting, understanding and practicing with an efficiency that many people cannot match!

It seems like there is only an ordinary set of Tai Chi Yin Yang Sword Techniques, but in fact it is the process of integrating the seventh-level Yin and Yang Creation Insights into the sword techniques and constantly integrating them into the combat comprehension process!

This process is extremely complex and delicate, and any slight imperfection will greatly affect the total combat power output, and will also change the power of this set of sword techniques.

The movements of the two Tai Chi Yin and Yang fishes were all swimming along extremely mysterious trajectories, and they began to become more and more real and agile.

The extremely thick paddle-shaped magic weapon fell with a chop on its head, and the two Yin-Yang fish quickly formed a Yin-Yang Taiji diagram to launch a defense. They instantly blocked the thick magic weapon paddle and were able to shake it and throw it away.

A Yin-Yang fish suddenly jumped out, like a carp leaping onto a dragon's gate, and then hit its opponent's other magical oar, knocking the opponent sideways.

Facing the magic oar coming from the other side, another yin-yang fish gently swung its tail and easily knocked it away.

As time went by, Du Long became more and more proficient in using Yin Yang Tai Chi sword skills, and various attack methods emerged in endlessly.

His seemingly slow Yin-Yang Tai Chi sword technique, and the two Yin-Yang fish seem to be fast and slow at times, but they always appear in the most appropriate place at the most appropriate time.

Many times, the Yin-Yang Fish obviously moves later than its opponent, but is able to block the opponent's attack in time. Many discerning people can see that this is because the Yin-Yang Fish has integrated the law of time in the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation.

If Du Long performs the Yin Yang Tai Chi sword technique in his own inner world, he can very easily integrate the law of time into the sword technique. It is easy to make time accelerate, stop and flow backward!

But in this Jinshan world where time and space are extremely stable, it becomes extremely difficult to successfully affect the surrounding time and space during the process of performing combat skills such as sword techniques.

But at this moment, Du Long was able to incorporate the Yin Yang Tai Chi sword technique into a sword technique that could partially affect the flow of time around him. This in itself was a very incredible thing.

On the rostrum, the ninth-level powerful men from all the top forces also noticed the set of sword skills displayed by Du Long on the ring.

It can be seen that the eyes of these powerful men are shining, and they are all a little surprised by Du Long's performance.

Except for Du Long's appearance on the stage, his performance has always been relatively low-key. Unless he is fighting against weaker opponents, he will always be in the disadvantageous position of being passively beaten.

He even had to choose to admit defeat at the end of the battle, which made many powerful men not take him seriously.

However, as the qualifying rounds have progressed to this point, he, a contestant who has not always performed the best, has gradually shown some strength that is enough for all parties to take seriously.

At this moment, even his opponent, the player who used the six-arm magical power, began to be shocked by his opponent.

From the beginning of the battle with Du Long to this day, he could clearly feel that his opponent's strength was constantly growing. This feeling was something that outsiders could not see.

All in all, he was secretly shocked by the speed at which Du Long's combat power increased, and he also admired his opponent from the bottom of his heart!

Du Long's performance also completely inspired his fighting spirit. He also put away the idea of ​​​​defeating Du Long quickly at the beginning, and instead learned from Du Long to calm down and learn while fighting to improve his own strength.

It's a pity that he still has the upper hand when facing Du Long at this moment, and he can't feel much pressure at all. As a result, his strength improvement efficiency will not be much higher.

Clang clang clang. . .

Du Long finally found a suitable opponent, so naturally he would not let go of such a whetstone easily, and devoted most of his attention to the battle understanding.

Tens of trillions of minds are running at high speed, constantly integrating the theoretical understanding of the seventh-level Yin and Yang creation into the sword technique.

This kind of combat environment with a strong opponent to train with is a basic condition that is not available when practicing alone in seclusion. The progress of integrating the theory of the Seventh Level Creation Avenue into actual combat is also increasing.

All this is a long story. During Du Long's battle with this opponent, the proportion of theory integrated into actual combat continued to increase, breaking through 60%, 70%, and heading towards 80%!

He has thoroughly understood the theoretical knowledge of the seventh-level Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation, and now it is equivalent to fully integrating 70 to 80% of these theoretical insights into actual combat.

Only when one day, more than 99% of his theoretical insights are integrated into actual combat, will he truly reach the seventh level of peak combat power.

Only at that moment will he have the opportunity to break through to the seventh level of Great Perfection. Of course, if he doesn't want to break through this realm, he can directly break through to the eighth level.

That was also the breakthrough path chosen by the multi-dimensional creation clone. The final result showed that the original choice of the multi-dimensional creation clone was very correct!

It is not necessary to break through to reach the Great Perfection state at level 7 or 8. It is not worth wasting too much time and energy just to break through that bottleneck!

According to Du Long's experience, only the sixth level of Dzogchen is very necessary, and then the last nine levels of Dzogchen are necessary.

As for the seventh to eighth level, it is necessary to break through and reach the true peak limit.

In the true sense of the peak limit, in addition to the need to break through and reach the limit in both the physical body and the soul, there is also the need to reach the peak limit in theoretical understanding and practical application!

Time is still passing by minute by minute, and the proportion of Du Long integrating theoretical insights into actual combat is also increasing, and his total combat power output is also rising.

It has to be said that the player in front of him who used his six-arm magical power to participate in the battle was also a huge help to him.

Du Long's way of repaying these people is very simple, that is, after he doesn't need the opponent's sparring, he directly surrenders and lets the opponent gain a few more points.

In this way, the opponent will have a chance to obtain a higher ranking, and then there will be a greater chance of obtaining higher rewards in the ranking competition!

This battle lasted a long time, because Du Long saved a lot of time when fighting weak opponents before, and his progress in the game was not much worse than other players.

Until a certain moment, he felt that the pressure placed on him by his opponent was not strong enough, and the effect of fighting on him in improving himself was getting smaller and smaller, to the point where he could no longer accept it.

He then roughly summarized the battle, and he probably integrated a little more than 80% of his theoretical insights into actual combat.

In other words, he still has about 19% theoretical understanding and has not yet been able to integrate it into actual combat.

"I choose to admit defeat and move on to the next battle immediately!"

After briefly summarizing, Du Long stepped out of the battle, then shouted out the words of surrender, and chose to directly enter the next battle.

The formation spirits in the martial arts field responded immediately, announcing that because his number voluntarily surrendered, his opponent successfully advanced and gained a point.

You can see the ranking list next to the martial arts arena, listing the rankings from first to 136th. In addition to their respective points, each ranking also has a long list of numbers.

As for the name column of the contestants, it is completely blank. It is estimated that the real names of the contestants will not be displayed until the entire ranking competition is completed.

"Brother!" After Du Long chose to surrender, he was stunned for a moment. The six-armed opponent quickly sobered up and said, "I hope I can have a drink with you in the future!"

He obviously wanted to make friends with Du Long. It was not surprising that he wanted to make friends with such an amazingly talented contestant in the seventh-level ranking arena.

"See you later!"

Du Long didn't make any promises and just responded with a fist-cup salute to the other party.

After having the experience of making friends with multi-dimensional creation clones, he knew very well that his cultivation breakthrough speed was too fast, and friends with similar seventh-level combat power often couldn't keep up with him in the end.

Although we can still get together in the end, there are often some gaps. Even if you don't dislike each other, those friends will become cautious when interacting with you.

This is clearly reflected in the multi-dimensional creation avatar. Even those who won the ninth level ranking competition were able to get along happily with those friends.

But after the multi-dimensional creation avatar broke through and reached the realm of eternal true gods, those former friends became extremely respectful and polite when they saw me, and they could no longer treat me as a friend with a normal heart.

Therefore, after a breakthrough in cultivation reaches the realm of true gods, it often represents a huge gap between true gods and false gods.

Those so-called Xuantian Creator Gods are all false gods, and only the Eternal True God is the real god of this world!

Just imagine, how can ordinary people make friends with gods? !

Du Long's Yin Yang Creation clone was quickly moved to another arena and began to enter the new arena ranking competition battle.

Facing those contestants whose cultivation levels were much worse than his own, he was too lazy to waste any more time. With Yin Yang Tai Chi Sword Technique, he had powerful offensive and defensive moves, and it would be much easier to defeat those opponents who were weaker than him. .

Du Long no longer needs to use the defensive Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram to crush and defeat his opponents.

It is completely possible to use the flexible Yin-Yang Fish to directly defeat one of his opponents one after another, and constantly gain one ranking point after another.

During this period, Du Long's ranking also continued to improve, from the previous middle position to the top position.

As a direct disciple of the Eternal True God, he could take the initiative to admit defeat and lose his first ranking.

But he can't let his ranking fall too far behind. How will he face the attention of all parties in the future? !

Therefore, except for those opponents who need to repay his kindness, he is not prepared to admit defeat easily, but will defeat them one by one in an open and honest manner.

During this process, Du Long finally selected the two contestants who performed the most dazzlingly, and they will be his final whetstones.

Before encountering them, Du Long would never lose to any contestant easily.

In this case, he will naturally encounter some opponents who are relatively strong but are not qualified to be his whetstone.

There is no shortage of opponents with multi-armed supernatural powers, and there are even contestants such as the eight-armed Titans and the eighteen-armed giants.

The possibility of Du Long easily defeating these people on a base without using Thousand Hands Magical Power is not high.

As a result, when facing those powerful opponents, Du Long simply did not adopt a defensive battle strategy, but used a frontal and hard-on approach to fight against them.

In order to defeat these players who were powerful but not yet powerful enough to be their own whetstones, Du Long integrated the theory of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation into actual combat, resulting in another unexpected improvement.

After defeating several powerful players one after another, he successfully integrated about 86% of the theoretical understanding of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation into the actual combat of Yin-Yang Tai Chi swordsmanship.

Tai Chi sword technique is based on softness overcoming hardness and static braking. In order to defeat those powerful contestants, Du Long had to work hard to improve the offensive and killing capabilities of Tai Chi sword technique.

In this way, he really benefited a lot from it, and this gain was really beyond his expectation!

In this way, Dulong finally ushered in a powerful contestant who was one of the final live grindstones.

The opponent is a seventh-level peak expert from the eighteen-armed giant clan, and he is also a powerful player who has reached the seventh-level peak in both theoretical understanding and practical application.

This is definitely a seventh-order peak extreme powerhouse that is much more powerful than the previous contestant who used the six-arm magical power. He is also one of the very few contestants who can still put great pressure on Du Long.

"Yin Yang Tai Chi Knife Technique?!" After seeing that his new opponent was Du Long, the contestant's eyes lit up slightly and said: "I have been paying attention to your competition, and you are one of the few at the scene. One more opponent that I don’t have absolute confidence to defeat!”

"Thank you for the compliment!" Du Long extended his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man, and bowed to him: "Please enlighten me!"

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