Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3154 Hosting the Competition

Lord Holy City, New Meng Family Mansion!

Through his spiritual exploration, Du Long found not only no trace of Yin Feifei, but also no trace of his own multi-dimensional creation clone.

Sitting alone in the courtyard where he lived as Meng Tao, no one in the entire Meng Mansion dared to have any objections.

Long before the multi-dimensional creation avatar entered the Jinshan Secret Realm to practice hard in seclusion, he had already greeted the Meng family, saying that Du Long's Hongwu identity was one of his direct disciples.

What is the concept of a direct disciple of the Eternal True God? !

His status would definitely not be lower than that of any member of the Meng family. Even the eldest elder of the Meng family would have to show courtesy to him.

"Tens of thousands of years have passed in real time. Why hasn't Yin Feifei broken through from the sixth floor of the Lost Tower yet?!"

"It's not surprising that my multi-dimensional creation clone hasn't come out yet. After all, it's only been a few hundred gold mountain tokens. The cultivation of the eternal true god realm must be much more difficult, right?!"

"No! The day to leave the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield is not far away. I don't have time to wait slowly for the multi-dimensional creation clone to come out. I must let him take time to come out!"

In a low voice, Du Long finally made a decision. No matter how important the cultivation of the multi-dimensional creation avatar is, it shouldn't be a big problem to take some time out to wander around.

Ever since, the secret contact method across all time and space that had not been used for many years was once again used by Du Long.

He soon received a reply from the multi-dimensional creation clone, saying that there were still more than thirty years left before the one-hundred-year time limit for a Golden Mountain Token, and asked the Yin-Yang creation clone to wait a little longer.

Du Long could still afford to wait for only thirty years, so he stayed quietly in the Meng family's mansion and waited.

As a result, before the multi-dimensional creation clone came out of seclusion, Yin Feifei, who had rushed back from the Lost Tower after a long journey, was waiting for her.

The two of them were sitting in the quiet courtyard dedicated to Meng Tao in the Meng family's residence, drinking the Five Elements tea brewed by Yin Feifei herself, and chatting there without saying a word.

Only then did Du Long understand why it took tens of thousands of years for her to successfully break through and leave the Lost Tower.

Haste makes waste during the journey of cultivation. For monks like Yin Feifei who leave in order to break through as soon as possible, it becomes much more difficult to break through a certain bottleneck.

"Haha!" After listening to her explanation, Du Long laughed loudly and said: "In any case, you have successfully broken through and reached the seventh level. Next, I suggest you enter the Jinshan Secret Realm as soon as possible!"

"Brother Hongwu!" Yin Feifei blinked her beautiful eyes and asked curiously: "You must have stayed in the Jinshan Secret Realm for the past tens of thousands of years, right?!"

"That's right!" Du Long knew what he wanted to ask, and he nodded simply and replied: "It takes tens of thousands of years in the outside world, but tens of thousands of epochs have passed inside the Jinshan Secret Realm. I have succeeded. Break through and reach the seventh level peak limit state!"

"Ah?!" Yin Feifei said in shock: "Brother Hongwu is still as strong as ever... so powerful!"

Originally I wanted to say pervert, but in the end I used a nicer word. Yin Feifei was obviously speechless by Du Long's terrifying talent.

The two chatted while tasting the Five Elements Tea. This conversation lasted for a long time before ending the conversation.

Yin Feifei finally listened to his suggestion and went directly into the Jinshan Secret Realm to receive the systematic inheritance of heavenly law.

The Jinshan Secret Realm is definitely the most systematic place for the inheritance of Heavenly Dao.

It contains almost all different cultivation routes, and there are only creation paths that you can’t imagine. There is absolutely no creation path that is not found in the Jinshan Secret Realm.

Of course, all creation paths within the Jinshan Secret Realm have the possibility of achieving eternity.

Similar to some people's unbridled creation path, which is absolutely impossible to break through and achieve eternity, it is naturally impossible to be included in it.

However, no matter how unimaginative your creation path is, you can always find a similar creation path inside the Jinshan Secret Realm.

In the end, it can still help you correct your mistakes and move forward on the path to eternal creation.

As Yin Feifei entered the secret realm of Jinshan to practice in seclusion again, Du Long once again fell into a boring state of waiting. After waiting for more than ten years, he finally got his multi-dimensional creation clone.

The news that the Eternal True God ‘Meng Tao’ had left the Jinshan World soon alarmed all the forces in the Jinshan World!

The entire New Meng family's mansion cheered for it, and they were all excited for their eternal true god to come out of seclusion.

Du Long rejected all the invitations from the Great Elder and others, and also had others reject the kind invitations from all forces, and then stayed in his courtyard and chatted with his direct disciple 'Hong Wu' for a long time.

The news quickly went viral, and many people were speculating on the identity of this 'Hongwu'.

Soon, the news that Hong Wu was the direct disciple of the Eternal True God Meng Tao was leaked throughout the Jinshan world.

This news naturally reached the ears of Bai Xiangming, the deputy leader of the Biluo Sect. In his heart, he was secretly grateful for his wise act of not seeking revenge.

Until this time, all parties finally figured out that the Eternal True God Meng Tao was originally for his own disciples, so he deliberately left the Jinshan secret territory in the middle of his retreat? !

Meng's mansion, in the quiet courtyard where Du Long lives.

On the surface, the two origin clones seemed to be chatting about something, but in fact, they had already shared their various experiences with each other through memory sharing.

"Lost Tower?! Special Five Elements Creatures?!"

"The Yin-Yang Creation has also broken through to reach the sixth level of Dzogchen, and is still on the sixth floor of the Lost Tower, successfully comprehending the true meaning of the Five Elements Avenue?!"

"No wonder, in such a short period of time, I was able to successfully realize the breakthrough and reach the peak limit of the seventh level. The rest is a lack of actual combat!"

"In that case, let's use my identity to create a ranking competition tailored for Yin Yang's creation clones!"

After sharing each other's memories, Du Long's multidimensional creation clone immediately made a decision.

"Before that, we need to fulfill our promise to those five elements creatures and let them all migrate to the eternal world in the multi-dimensional creation avatar!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Long's multi-dimensional creation clone disappeared out of thin air and appeared directly in the inner world of the Yin-Yang creation clone.

In that star system that is temporarily inhabited by five elements of life.

The Earth Beast Mother Queen, the Giant Kun Mother Queen, the Jinshan Giant, the Flame Dragon, and the clan leaders of the plant-type monsters gathered together.

They were all moved together by Du Long, the master of this world, directly using his great supernatural powers. There was a majestic and magnificent palace, and the person sitting on the golden dragon throne was the clone of the eternal true god.

"Meet the master!"

Feeling the undisguised aura of eternity on Du Long's body, all the clan leaders of the Five Elements living creatures on the scene knelt down and bowed down, not daring to be as casual as before in front of the Yin-Yang creation clone.

"Everyone, please get up and take your seats!" After Du Long accepted their gifts, he waved his hands with a smile and said: "Although I am an existence in the realm of eternal true gods, I am still one with the creation clone of Yin and Yang. Everyone You can be exempted from the worship ceremony as before!"

"Thank you, Master!"

The heads of the Five Elements Creatures all had smiles on their faces, and it became much more natural when they expressed their gratitude again.

"You must have guessed it?!" After Du Long and everyone else sat down, he smiled again and said: "That's right! This is my eternal true god clone. This appearance is to discuss your migration into the eternal world. thing!"

"We have all signed a soul contract. From now on, we are all our own. The focus of this discussion is naturally to see what requirements you have for the future settlement location of your respective tribes!"

"Of course, if you are willing to live together, I can also help you create a galaxy suitable for your five races to settle in the inner world!"

"Master!" the Earth Beast Queen's voice sounded softly: "We would like to live in the same galaxy, so that we old friends can still chat with each other about home affairs when we have nothing to do! "

"Yes, yes!" Empress Jukun followed closely and said, "We hope to be good neighbors so that we won't be so lonely in the future!"


After having a leader, the leaders of the other four series of creatures nodded in agreement, hoping to live in a nearby galaxy.

For creatures like them who have survived for endless years, it is extremely difficult to make another friend. Naturally, they all hope to settle down with their old friends so that they can communicate with each other more easily in the future.

"Okay!" Du Long said with a crisp wave of his hand: "Then I will arrange a galaxy according to your requirements. Now let's start choosing the planet you each like to settle on the most!"

The so-called choice is for Du Long to open his inner world and let the patriarchs of these Five Elements creatures explore and choose for themselves!

In this way, the world inside his body will be displayed in front of the leaders of the Five Elements of Creatures without much reservation!

When the patriarchs of these Five Elements creatures penetrated their respective spiritual consciousness into Du Long's inner world, they were shocked by the structure of his inner world on the spot.

The multi-dimensional Xuantian world has almost endless layers of parallel time and space inside it!

The omnipresent aura of eternity made the eyes of these Five Elements Clan Leaders shine, and they were all delighted with the fact that they had made the most correct choice!

Soon, these Five Elements creatures woke up from the state of shock.

Then they each chose a planet that was most suitable for their own creatures to settle on, and then Du Long came forward to move them to the same galaxy.

The migration of the five elements' creatures was soon over. As the master of the two Xuantian worlds in his body, Du Long could easily complete such a task of moving stars and changing buckets!

Meng's mansion!

The eldest elder of the Meng family, who was idle and bored, suddenly received a message from Du Long's spiritual consciousness, asking him to come and sit in his other courtyard.

This invitation made the great elder very excited. Ever since Du Long broke through and reached the realm of eternal true god, the great elder's mentality has become a little humble.

When facing Du Long, it was like an ordinary person facing an immortal.

"Greetings to the True God!"

After the great elder arrived at Du Long's courtyard, he immediately bowed respectfully to Du Long who was sitting there.

"There's no need to be polite, Great Elder!" Du Long waved his hand and said, "Come and sit down together to talk about serious business!"

As soon as he heard that there was something serious to talk about, the great elder immediately sat down with some doubts.

"I want to hold a banquet in the Meng Mansion and invite the clan leaders of all the forces in the Jinshan world to gather in the manor!"

Du Long looked at the great elder who was sitting upright and explained his intention directly.

"This is a good thing!" The great elder immediately said with a smile on his face: "As long as the True God is willing to extend the invitation, it is estimated that no force will refuse to participate in this party!"

"That's great!" Du Long said with a satisfied smile: "I have an idea for this gathering. I want to discuss it with the great elder in advance to avoid bringing it up too suddenly!"

"Lord True God, please speak!"

"It's very simple!" Du Long pointed at the Yin Yang creation clone and said, "This gathering is held for my direct disciple Hong Wu. The purpose is to hold the new ranking competition in advance!"

"Hold a ranking competition in advance?!" The great elder's eyes widened in astonishment, then he turned to look at the Yin-Yang creation clone and said, "Could it be that... this kid also wants to be like the True God and prove his way through ranking competitions?! "

"That's right!" Du Long's multi-dimensional creation clone said with a faint smile: "This kid has reached the seventh level of peak cultivation. Now he just needs the opportunity to fully integrate the theoretical understanding into actual combat as soon as possible!"

"Oh?!" The Great Elder's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "It seems like little brother Hongwu is preparing to participate in three ranking competitions of different levels in a row like the True God?!"

"That's right!" Du Long continued to answer: "So the time interval between the three qualifying matches must be controlled well. It is best to wait until Hong Wu has reached a certain level of theoretical understanding and practice before holding the next ranking match! "

"This..." The Great Elder pondered and said undecidedly: "I'm afraid this will be a bit difficult, unless... it is hosted by our Meng family, and all ranking rewards will be provided by us?!"

"No problem!" Du Long waved his hand and agreed: "We will hold this qualifying match in the name of the Meng family. All the prizes after the match will be provided by us, and there is no need for Jinshan Temple to expend any resources! "

"That's easy!" The great elder immediately said with a smile: "Then I will send out the invitation now. I can leak the news that the Meng family will host the ranking competition in advance. Then those forces will probably be more accepting!"

"Okay!" Du Long didn't insist on too many details and directly agreed: "Then Elder Lao will do the hard work!"

"No hard work, no hard work!" the great elder agreed with a smile, and then looked at the Yin Yang creation clone with a smile and said: "Hong Wu! You must keep in mind the good intentions of the True God!"

"Hongwu naturally dare not forget each other!"

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