Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3136 Kidnapping a Family

In a seemingly inconspicuous narrow valley.

Du Long appeared at the entrance of this narrow valley. Due to the special nature of the Lost Tower being incapable of flying, the entire narrow valley only had a very small entrance in front of him.

"Your family lives in a narrow valley like this?!"

In the world inside the body, Du Long's voice sounded in the ears of the ginseng doll, and he could see a scene of the entrance to a narrow valley appearing in mid-air.

It was after he made his soul oath that he came to this so-called ginseng home under the leadership of the ginseng baby!

"Yes!" The little ginseng doll nodded in agreement: "My mother and other brothers and sisters live in this narrow valley!"

Du Long nodded slightly and then rushed into the narrow valley without hesitation. Even if he couldn't fly in this world, he could still fly a long distance with his own strength.

As soon as he entered the narrow valley, he immediately smelled the aroma of various exotic flowers and plants, and the entire narrow valley appeared in front of him and Yin Feifei like a paradise.

Yin Feifei didn't speak during the whole process. She had received a message from Du Long's spiritual consciousness and knew that she was going to kidnap the ginseng spirit family.

Inside the narrow valley, following the guidance of the ginseng doll, the two of them soon arrived at an area with rich spiritual energy inside the narrow valley.

It can be seen that there are still a large number of ginseng seedlings growing in this area. Although they have not completely transformed into ginseng monsters, they seem to be not far away from transformation.

The arrival of Du Long, an outsider, caused a faint commotion in the entire ginseng seedling garden. Several relatively large ginseng seedlings in the ginseng seedling garden swayed obviously for a while and then stopped.

Obviously, those ginseng spirits should be hiding inside ordinary ginseng seedlings, and they plan to use this to escape the invasion of foreign enemies.

"Everyone!" Du Long did not mince words with the other party, and shouted directly: "I have reached a consensus with your little ginseng baby, and I am ready to provide you with a pure land where you can recuperate. I wonder if you are willing to follow me and leave this dangerous place. Where’s the forest?!”


Du Long's words were as if he were speaking to ordinary flowers, plants and trees, and there was no response at all.

This also made him feel a little speechless secretly. After pondering for a moment, he waved his hand to simulate a picture, which was the picture of the little ginseng doll in his body.

"Mom! Brothers and sisters! This big brother has sworn a soul oath to provide us with such a beautiful and safe homeland on the premise that he will never harm our family!"

In the picture, the little ginseng doll shouted happily.

"Alas!" At this time, an extremely gentle voice sounded in the ginseng and seedling garden: "Xiaoxiao! Sure enough, it was you who ran out to cause trouble. Do you know that these outsiders are not trustworthy?! All they fancy is The essence and blood of our Ginseng clan?!"

"Don't worry, mother!" Du Long bowed his hands towards the garden and said, "My clone's strength has reached the peak level of the sixth level, and there are clones outside that have reached the eternal true god realm!"

"To be honest, the little blood essence in your body is not very attractive to me!"

"Hmph!" The gentle female voice snorted with some disdain: "Our family lives well here. If you really don't have any intentions, then please leave this place with Xiaoxiao who caused trouble!"

"Haha!" Du Long wasted so much time to come here. Naturally, he would not turn around and leave. He immediately chuckled and said: "What I want is not the essence and blood of the Ginseng clan in you, but the existence that can mutually benefit the nobles. !”

"Wish you heard the good news!" Ginseng's mother's voice sounded again: "I would like to hear how you deceived my silly child!"

"It's very simple!" Du Long didn't care about the irony in the other person's words and continued to explain: "Although the world in my body is extremely rich in auras of heaven and earth, there are also countless plants and exotic flowers growing in it!"

"However, plant-type monsters of your level are extremely rare. After meeting the ginseng doll, I had the idea of ​​creating a home for various plant-type monsters in the world inside my body for you!"

"Create a home for monsters of different plant types?!" Mother Ginseng thought thoughtfully: "Is this the environment where Xiaoxiao lives now?!"

"That's right!" Du Long replied with a smile: "Because this world was created by me, as the creator of the world, I have the ability to protect the safety of you plant-based monsters!"

"Hmph!" Mother Ginseng snorted again: "Then what if you, the God of Creation, fall?! Young man, although you are very powerful, I'm afraid you are just a descendant of me, the ginseng spirit. If you want It’s not that easy to deceive me!”

"Awesome!" Du Long shook his thumb and said, "I just said that I still have an original clone of the eternal true god realm!"

"I don't know if you know the situation in the outside world. In the current world, the Eternal True God Realm is already an invincible strong man. I have such a clone of the Eternal Invincible Realm, how can I fall so easily?!"

"Ten thousand steps back, even if this clone of mine dies, my eternal true god clone can easily locate the location of the world inside my body and transfer all the resources within this world, including everyone here!"

"The original clone of the eternal true god?!" Ginseng's mother didn't care about the beautiful scene described by Du Long, but was more concerned about this key information: "How can you prove that you have the original clone of the eternal true god?!"

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and chuckled: "In today's world, there is only one human named Meng Tao who has broken through and reached the realm of the eternal true god. This matter has long been spread by the outside world. This ginseng mother must have heard about it, right? !”

"Yes!" Mother Ginseng nodded simply and replied: "I did hear about this from an outside adventurer not long ago, but how do you prove that the eternal true god is your original clone?!"

"The simplest way is, I am willing to swear with my soul that the eternal true god in the outside world who just broke through not long ago is my original clone!" Du Long swore the soul oath without hesitation.

There was a brief silence in the ginseng garden. It was obvious that the ginseng mother was thinking about where to go next.

Du Long did not force the other party to give an immediate answer, but stood there patiently and silently waited for the final result.

"Alas!" Without letting him wait too long, the ginseng mother sighed: "We seem to have heard a secret that we shouldn't know. Now it seems that even if we don't agree, it won't work!"

"Young man, I have a special request. As long as you agree, you can take our whole family away at will. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will risk my life and order all the children to flee for their lives!"

"Please speak!" Du Long frowned slightly, as if he was worried that the other party would make some excessive request.

"My request is very simple!" Mother Ginseng replied solemnly: "That is, when you meet the original clone of the Eternal True God, divide us into two parts and send one of us into the inner world of the Eternal True God!"

"No problem!" After hearing that it was such a simple request, Du Long immediately nodded and agreed: "I originally had this plan, to separate you into the inner worlds of two different origin clones, so that the two inner worlds can be treated differently. The world is a better place!"

"Very good!" After receiving an extremely positive reply, the ginseng mother smiled happily and said: "Now, please master, please open the channel to the world inside your body, and we will move into it immediately!"


Du Long directly opened a time and space channel into a certain place in the inner world, covering the entire ginseng garden in front of him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Feeling the attraction of the world inside their bodies, one after another the ginseng spirits gave up their resistance and were sucked into the Xuantian world inside Du Long's body one after another.

The ginseng mother resisted the attraction until all the children had left, then she spoke again.

"Master! In addition to my children, the remaining ginseng seedlings are also my children who have not yet grown up and transformed. I hope that the master can transfer them safely in a while!"

"Don't worry!" Du Long said with a smile, "That's exactly what I meant!"


After getting his answer, Mother Ginseng no longer resisted the attraction of the power of the world and directly entered the world inside Du Long's body.

As a result, there was only a whole ginseng seedling left on the scene, and there was no longer any ginseng spirit that had transformed.

Du Long directly waved his hand to circle the entire ginseng garden, and then used the powerful power of the world in his body to shovel a piece of soil several meters deep in the ginseng garden. The ginseng seedlings and ordinary flowers and plants growing on it all carried the soil with them. Being instantly transferred to the world of embodied people.

Once he enters the inner world, it is the world of him, the creator of the world. With just one thought, he opens a deep pit of the same size at the settlement site, and then seamlessly plants the entire ginseng garden into it!

"Mom! Brothers and sisters! Haha! Our family can finally live in a world without any danger. We no longer have to worry about the bad guys who suddenly rush into the valley!"

The ginseng baby who was first captured by Du Long cheered and cheered excitedly after the family reunion, without even noticing his mother's ugly face.

The little guy is equivalent to revealing all their past. Is this directly telling the master Du Long how bad their living environment was? !

"Master!" In order to divert attention, Mother Ginseng could only speak in the air: "Since the master is more enthusiastic about transplanting plant-type monsters, I happen to know some of the surrounding plant-type monster tribes, and I can convince those tribes for the master. Join us together in this safe world rich in aura!”

"That's great!" Du Long's voice sounded in the air: "Then please ask Mother Ginseng to guide me on the way forward!"

As his voice fell, the picture centered on Du Long's perspective appeared out of thin air in front of the Ginseng family.

Outside, Du Long and Yin Feifei followed the instructions of Mother Ginseng and began a journey to conquer more plant monsters.

They were not in a hurry to rush to the second floor of the Lost Tower. Anyway, the main goal of venturing out this time was to take risks and find some opportunities.

The opportunities on the first floor of the Lost Tower are nothing more than plant-based monsters like the Ginseng Family!

They are not the plant spirits that Du Long once obtained in the Pangu world, but high-end goods that can live in a stable time and space like the Lost Tower Secret Realm!

It is easy to simply distinguish the difference between the two, that is, if those plant spirits obtained inside Pangu World grow in the first secret realm of the Lost World, they will no longer be able to take human form!

Instead, like those ginseng seedlings in the ginseng garden that have not yet transformed, they can only stay in the soil and continue to grow!

‘Hongwu! On the way to the next secret home of plant monsters, Yin Feifei couldn't help but said with some jealousy: "I just wanted to catch a ginseng doll before, but you can kidnap the whole family away." ! ’

'hehe! ’ Du Long was immediately amused by her and said: ‘The first floor of the Lost Tower seems to be full of plants, but not all plant spirits are earth-eating beings! ’

‘Existences such as those piranha flowers, man-eating trees, and man-eating vines all regard the ginseng spirit family as a great tonic for advancement, and they will definitely devour them once encountered! ’

‘That’s true! ’ Yin Feifei nodded lightly and said: ‘I understand all this, but I didn’t expect you to be able to convince Mother Ginseng to let her family leave this world with you! ’

‘Mama Ginseng is so smart! ’ Ye Yuan smiled meaningfully and replied: ‘She is not just looking for a safe place to live, the request she just made is actually very smart! ’

'how do I say this? ! ’ Yin Feifei asked in confusion.

‘It’s very simple! ’ Du Long smiled calmly and said, ‘Didn’t she propose to separate half of her family members and live in the inner world of my eternal true god’s avatar? ! ’

‘That is the inner world of the Eternal True God. The whole world possesses the attribute of eternity. After living in it as a plant spirit, you will naturally have eternal life! ’

‘Of course, the premise of this eternal immortality is that my eternal true god clone will not perish due to encountering powerful external forces! ’

‘What a smart ginseng mother! ’ After Yin Feifei listened to Du Long’s explanation, she suddenly realized: ‘I’ll just say it. . . How could she be convinced by you so easily? ! ’

'Ha ha! ’ Du Long was amused by her again and laughed heartily: ‘Didn’t you hear that Mother Ginseng just said confidently that although she is not very powerful, she is definitely our elder? ! ’

'Ginger is still old and hot. This ginseng mother has survived for endless years. If she is not smart enough, how can she protect the entire ginseng spirit family for such a long time with such weak strength? ! ’

‘That makes sense! ’

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