Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3132 Six Animal Skins

Jinshan World!

The hottest topic discussed by all parties recently is the sudden collapse of the top power, the Tarot Family.

There is also the originally unknown New Meng family, which followed the fall of the Tarot family and quickly succeeded in rising by stepping on the legacy left by the other party.

Throughout the Jinshan world, one can see that the territory left by the Tarot family was easily handed over by the people of the New Meng family.

It can be seen that the clan members sent by the Meng family to take over the territory's foundation are generally relatively low in strength. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people of this strength to guarantee the security of the territory.

However, the Xinmeng family peacefully inherited the Tarot family's territory and foundation, and no force from any party dared to make trouble!

Perhaps because they felt they were out of their depth early on, the Xinmeng family also openly recruited people with other surnames, and successfully recruited a large number of strong people to join their service.

But it still cannot meet all the territory and foundation needs left by the entire Tarot family. It can also be seen from this that how much territory and foundation the Tarot family has taken from various forces over the endless years? !

All in all, with Du Long, the eternal quasi-true god, in charge, no one from all the big and small forces would dare to embarrass the New Meng family. Didn't you see that even the top Tarot family fell? !

Jinshan Temple, a huge mansion that originally belonged to the Tarot family, has now been completely decorated with a plaque bearing the name of the Meng family.

Du Long lives in an elegant courtyard in the deepest part of the mansion. In addition to fishing at the lake on one side of the courtyard every day, he also receives requests from some top powerful clan leaders.

Gradually, almost all the top and first-level forces in the entire Jinshan world came to visit, and they all tacitly handed over one-third of the collection in the hands of this force.

Today, he finally received a visit from Chief Adam of the Eight-Armed Titan Clan, and directly received the leader of the Titan Clan in the reception hall of the other courtyard where he lived.

"Haha!" Du Long laughed loudly from the main seat: "Clan Chief Adam is finally willing to pay a visit. This is really a long wait!"

"Don't blame Meng Tao!" Patriarch Adam, who was sitting in the guest seat, hurriedly lowered his head and replied: "In addition to the three pieces of animal skin paper in my hands, I have also raised nearly half of the family's resources and wealth in the recent period. , that’s why I kept the True God waiting for so long!”

"Oh?!" Du Long actually didn't believe the other party's rhetoric in his heart, so he said jokingly: "Then it's Patriarch Adam's intention! It seems that I used the heart of a villain before to judge the heart of a gentleman. ah!"

"Meng Tao's words are serious!" Patriarch Adam secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "This is the price that our Titan tribe must pay. I hope that the True God can forgive the Titan tribe's previous offenses!"

"That's natural!" Du Long said with a smile: "If the Titan clan can show such sincerity, I will naturally be magnanimous and let things go!"

"Yes!" Patriarch Adam breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There will definitely be no problem with the credibility of True God Meng Tao. This has become the consensus of all forces in the entire Jinshan world!"

After the words fell, he immediately presented a top-level space formation stone to Du Long. In addition to containing nearly half of the wealth and resources of the entire Titan clan, it also contained the three pieces of animal skin paper he mentioned.

Du Long calmly took the space formation stone that flew in the air, and then directly penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness in front of Patriarch Adam, and began to comprehensively explore the massive wealth resources inside.

To be honest, the amount of wealth and resources provided by the Titan family is indeed extremely large.

But after taking away the massive wealth and resources from all the major forces in the Jinshan world in recent times, Du Long was no longer as excited as he was at the beginning when facing these external things.

After a brief calculation, he focused on the three pieces of animal skin paper, and then took them out in front of Chief Adam.

Directly spreading the three pieces of animal skin paper on the table in front of him, Du Long looked at the animal skin paper carefully and asked pretending to be calm: "I wonder how much the Titan patriarch knows about these three pieces of animal skin paper?! Are you willing to give me some advice? two?!"

"I don't dare to take the advice seriously. I can convey the Titan clan's understanding of animal skin paper to the True God. This is also the infinite glory of the Titan clan!" Chief Adam nodded in agreement.

"Actually, after we obtained these three pieces of animal skin paper, we launched an all-out exploration of them, but we were never able to get in!"

"Then a piece of animal skin paper inside has been buried in the family treasure house for endless years. It was not until Yi Fencai became the head of the family and took control of the treasure house that a new exploration was launched on it!"

"It turns out that the characters engraved on the inside of this animal skin paper must be someone who has walked the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation to successfully interpret its meaning!"

"So I found a clan member within the family who was following the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation, and asked him to secretly conduct a comprehensive investigation of the animal skin paper to find out what the characters and patterns on the animal skin paper meant!"

"The final result was extremely shocking. It turned out to be a map of an unknown and powerful world, which seemed to contain the truth about the destruction of ancient civilizations!"


Du Long was distracted by millions of distractions, listening carefully to Patriarch Adam's story while analyzing the information on the three pieces of animal skin paper.

One piece of animal skin paper is particularly special. In addition to many multi-dimensional characters, there is also a map-like pattern on it!

Even if it is a picture, it also needs to be analyzed through the mysteries of multi-dimensional time and space. A picture that looks simple on the surface actually hides endless changes.

It's just like one of the very thin lines, but if analyzed through the multi-dimensional space-time avenue, that line can evolve into an endless space-time road.

Around that endless road of time and space, you can also see all kinds of extremely mysterious worlds!

This is clearly, as Patriarch Adam said, a map of an unknown civilized world. It is unknown whether it is a map from before the collapse of ancient civilization.

"Chief Adam!" After listening to Adam's story, Du Long asked pretending to be curious: "Do you think the map of this civilized world could be the map of the world before the outbreak of the ancient destruction war?!"

"Definitely not!" Patriarch Adam said with a confident smile: "We, the Titan clan, store a fragment of a map of the world of prehistoric civilization, which is completely different from the map of the civilized world analyzed here!"

"I understand!" Du Long then smiled with satisfaction and said, "Thank you very much to Patriarch Adam for telling the truth. I also want to thank Patriarch Adam for personally delivering this generous gift today. If there is nothing else, let's end our conversation today." !”

"Yes!" Adam stood up and bowed respectfully and said, "Then let's say goodbye for now, Adam. I'll come back to bother True God Meng Tao again someday!"

"See you later!" Du Long gently cupped his hand in return.

Then he watched Adam's back disappear outside the reception hall door, and he had no intention of getting up to see him off.

Being able to let go of the Titan clan this time is already considered the utmost kindness, and it is already very good that he can be kind to the leader Adam.

Doo doo doo. . .

In the reception hall, Du Long's middle finger of his right hand gently tapped the eucalyptus table in front of him, while his eyes fell on the other three pieces of animal skin paper that appeared out of thin air.

At this point, the total number of animal skin papers placed on the table in front of him had reached six, and he immediately began to conduct a comprehensive study and exploration of all the animal skin papers there.

After this comprehensive investigation, he soon discovered that the animal skin paper in front of him still had some defects. Judging from the damage of the animal skin paper, it seemed that there were still three pieces of animal skin paper missing.

After figuring out that there were still three pieces of animal skin paper missing, Du Long focused on the animal skin paper with the map. He could see that it was located in the center of the nine pieces of animal skin paper.

This also confirms that it is the core piece of animal skin paper. On the surface of other animal skin papers outside, there are only a few rough lines except multi-dimensional characters.

As these lines were spliced ​​together, an almost complete topographic map appeared before Du Long's eyes!

Using the mystery of multi-dimensional time and space as line characters, just a very ordinary map can actually evolve into an extremely huge civilized world terrain.

Du Long learned a lot from it, and gained a deeper understanding of the application of the multi-dimensional space-time avenue!

"What kind of topographic map of a civilized world is this?! Why was it recorded on this piece of animal skin paper?!"

"According to Patriarch Adam's understanding, this should be a topographic map of another civilized world, and there should be the truth about the destruction of ancient civilization hidden behind it?!"

"Suppose that this picture is of an ancient super powerful man who, after being trapped in a certain civilized world, recorded the topographic map of this civilized world. Then why did it float out from the ancient battlefield where time and space collapsed? !”

"Ancient battlefield! Why did it evolve into an ancient battlefield in ancient times?! And what does it have to do with the civilized world recorded on animal skin paper?!"

"Could it be that a war broke out between two different civilized worlds, leading to the destruction of our ancient civilization?!"

"Since the great master left this animal skin map, why didn't he tell the cause and effect of the matter clearly, so that I wouldn't have to make random guesses here!"

"Hypothesis two, this map is not left by a certain great master, but is a map owned by a civilization from another world. It just happened to be left in the ancient battlefield after the World Destruction War!"

"It's just that because it is almost indestructible, it can survive in the harsh environment of the Third Battlefield!"

"If this is the result, then the significance of the existence of this map will not be so important. After all, no one knows where this civilized world exists now!"

"Hypothesis three, the civilized world depicted on this map is the time and space behind the black sun on the ancient battlefield. Then can we think that countless powerful men in ancient times were finally lost in the depths of the civilized world behind the black sun? Where is it?!"

"Currently, I can only detect the topographic map of a brand new civilized world from the six existing maps. Those lines can be regarded as the traveling routes of many powerful people in ancient civilizations!"

"So, the center of this map should be an important area of ​​another civilized world?! Or maybe we hope that people here can go to that area to save them after seeing it?!"

"But if so many powerful men are trapped in that area, with such weak strength remaining in this civilized world, how can they have the ability to save the other party?!"


Du Long sat quietly in the main seat of the reception hall, where millions of minds were constantly thinking about various possibilities.

Because there are hundreds of billions of minds, it is impossible to describe all the wonderful thoughts that emerge from his heart through words.

At best, I can only capture some key points to describe here. As for many wild deductions and imaginations, I am afraid that even if we are given an extra TB of hard disk space, we may not be able to accommodate them, right? !

Du Long couldn't figure out the reason in the end. If he wanted to successfully decipher the secret hidden behind the animal skin paper, he would have to step into the black sun hanging high in the sky on the ancient battlefield.

According to his understanding, the destruction of ancient civilization due to the emergence of the Jinshan World must be inseparable from the Jinshan World!

But if it has something to do with the Jinshan world, those time and space gates in the core of dangerous areas should most likely be time and space passages leading to civilizations in other worlds!

Since he couldn't figure out the reason, Du Long stopped wasting time on a few pieces of animal skin paper.

His avatar, who has just broken through to reach the ninth level of the Great Perfection and Eternal Invincibility, still needs to go all out to gather the True God status, and then break through from the Quasi-True God to the real Eternal True God state!

In addition to this clone, he also has a Yin-Yang creation clone who also came to this world. Because the multi-dimensional creation clone ascended to the Jinshan world of the gods, the Yin-Yang creation clone never dared to show up.

Before, he was afraid of being discovered by outsiders because he was not strong enough. Now that he has become the strongest person in the world, he naturally no longer needs to be as cautious as he was at the beginning!

With a wave of his hand, he set up a heavy shielding circle in the reception hall, and then he waved again to release one person first.

"Long time no see, Your Highness the Saint!"

The first person he released was Yin Feifei, the saint of the Yin family in the lower realm. Since she ascended, in order to avoid exposing their true identities, he has not released her.

"Yours is..." Saint Yin Feifei looked at Du Long with some hesitation.

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and chuckled: "My name is Hong Wu in the lower realm. After ascending up, my current identity is Meng Tao of the Meng family. As for the truest identity, I am the outsider Du Long!"

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