Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3127 Achieve Eternity


Thousands of swords, axes, and artifacts burst out together, like a stunningly beautiful lotus blooming out of thin air!

The blooming lotus silences the surrounding space and time, as if all the sounds in this space and time have disappeared.

Under the shocking gaze of countless eyes, this seemingly simple lotus slowly bloomed. The seemingly slow blooming speed was able to easily block the thunderous strike that gathered the power of sixteen people.

At that moment, the time for the lotus to bloom and the time flow for the thunder strike were affected.

Originally, the speed of thunder and lightning was supposed to be countless times faster, but this lightning strike still waited until the lotus flower was fully bloomed before it hit it.

The expected terrifying roar did not sound. The thunderous strike that gathered sixteen peak extreme experts was like a dumb bomb that had been smashed into the water and disappeared.

The blow that was supposed to destroy the world was like hitting cotton, but was inexplicably offset by the blooming lotus!

Before the surrounding audience could react to what was going on, the blooming lotus continued to bloom, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge energy lotus, radiating towards the sixteen elite members of the Titan clan.

The seemingly slow speed did not allow these sixteen peak extreme experts to make any dodge movements, and they just watched the lotus flying across their bodies.

Wherever the lotus petals passed, whether it was their physical bodies or the origins of their souls, they all turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

During this period, the sixteen elite members of the Titan clan didn't even have time to scream, and just watched their bodies turn into rain of light and scatter down in front of their eyes.

The entire time and space covered by the blooming lotus flower was confused in time and space at that moment, becoming extremely strange and mysterious.

It seems that the lotus blooms extremely slowly, but in fact it seems to be over in the blink of an eye.

Along with the blooming and withering of the lotus, there were sixteen peak experts from the Titan clan. This scene made countless spectators at the scene dumbfounded!


Before everyone could react to what was happening, a roar from the origin of heaven suddenly resounded throughout all levels of time and space in the ancient battlefield ruins.

Immediately afterwards.

Billions of dazzling nine-color rays of light suddenly bloomed from Du Long's body. He seemed to have transformed into a Thousand-Armed Vajra Buddha. Standing there, countless viewers had the illusion of wanting to kneel down.

At this moment, it was as if Du Long was the only true god at the scene, and all the other ninth-level spectators were just ordinary people.

Winter winter winter. . .

The roar from the origin of heaven began to ring throughout all time and space in the ancient battlefield ruins!

A nine-color halo of light began to appear on Du Long's body, and the time and space around his body began to condense billions of rays of light, and various divine patterns of heavenly order continued to emerge.

Countless divine patterns of the order of heaven have transformed into various different aspects of heaven and earth, forming many auspicious and different aspects of heaven and earth, such as golden lotuses emerging from the earth, auspicious beasts volleying in the sky, and so on.

This scene directly stunned countless people at the scene, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

As the source of the strange phenomena in heaven and earth, Du Long closed his eyes thoughtfully, then put his thousands of arms together in twos and threes, and the remaining thousands of arms held up knives and axes to pick up artifacts.

His seemingly ordinary actions actually contain endless mysteries of heaven, and he is integrating the ninety-nine things he just realized.

After successfully realizing the Nine-Nine Return to One, Du Long finally fully understood and broke through to the eternal invincible state of the ninth level of Great Perfection!

Now he only needs to spend a certain amount of time to successfully condense the true god status. By then, he will break through the ninth level of eternal invincibility and become a brand new eternal true god!


It was only at this moment that many spectators around finally understood what happened.

After easily crushing and slaying the sixteen peak powerhouses of the Titan clan, the 'Meng Tao' in front of him actually successfully broke through and reached the legendary ninth level of great perfection and eternal invincibility? !

"Oh my God! Is this... is this a breakthrough to reach the ninth level of eternal invincibility?! Am I witnessing the birth of a true god with my own eyes?!"

"Since the ancient war of destruction, there has never been a ninth-level Eternal Invincible Realm powerhouse in this world. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to witness this scene today?!"

"Yes! According to legend, since the great destruction in ancient times, the way of heaven in this world has been lacking, which has resulted in no one being able to break through and reach this realm. Isn't this legend wrong?!"

"That is definitely a false legend. If that's true, how did the man in front of me break through and become a quasi-true god?!"


Audiences from all directions and forces all began to discuss this matter excitedly.

Many people have figured it out. In front of them, Du Long has successfully broken through and reached the invincible state of the ninth level of Dzogchen!

While there was a lot of discussion, many people also reported what happened here to the senior officials of their respective families.

The entire Jinshan world is now wrapped in the auspicious balance of heaven and earth triggered by Du Long's breakthrough.

However, none of the various forces knew what had happened. Only some high-level figures from the major forces could vaguely guess that someone should break through and reach the ninth level of eternal invincibility.

When the adventurous teams from all the forces in the ancient battlefield spread the news that 'Meng Tao' had broken through and reached the ninth level of Dzogchen invincibility, the top brass of all the big and small forces were dumbfounded on the spot when they heard about it.

Especially Patriarch Adam of the Titan Clan. When he heard that Du Long had stepped on the bones of two elite teams of the Titan Tribe and achieved the ninth level of perfection and eternal invincibility, Patriarch Adam looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

As the leader of the Titan clan, Adam's own strength has reached the peak of the ninth level.

Logically speaking, given his strength, he would never vomit blood just because of a piece of news.

However, the news of Du Long's breakthrough was too scary, and it also led to the complete destruction of two elite teams of the Titan clan. As the leader of the clan, Adam has an unshirkable responsibility!

Only then did he vomit out a mouthful of old blood because he forgot to suppress it with all his strength.

Compared to the depression of Titan Patriarch Adam, the people of the New Meng family could only be described as ecstatic after receiving the news.


In the Xinmeng Mansion, after the elder heard the news, he laughed heartily for a long time without stopping.

Because Meng Tao completely offended the Taitan clan, the entire New Meng family was unstable, and half of the clan members were even sent to the Yin family for refuge.

Who would have thought that a 180-degree reversal would occur not long after? !

To be honest, while the eldest elder of the Meng family has been fully supporting Du Long, he is also under tremendous pressure.

Because Du Long successfully won the first place in the ninth level ranking competition, his pressure dropped to the extreme.

But not long after this, news came that Du Long had offended the Titan clan. The Titan clan even sent two elite teams to surround him in order to deal with him!

This also made the eldest elder of the Meng family feel relieved again.

Within the New Meng family, some objectionable noises began to appear again. When he was considering how to suppress these noises, an unexpected surprise suddenly came.

Seeing the auspicious and auspicious phenomena of heaven and earth covering the entire Jinshan world, the eldest elder of the Meng family burst into excited laughter.

He knew very well in his heart what it meant to the new Meng family that 'Meng Tao' had broken through and reached the ninth level of eternal invincibility!

Previously, Du Long won the first place in the ninth-level qualifying competition. At most, it only gave the new Meng family a ninth-level peak powerhouse. It could not improve the overall strength and status of the Meng family much.

Nowadays, 'Meng Tao', who has broken through to the ninth level of Dzogchen invincibility, can elevate the entire New Meng family to the top of the ranks with just one person!

The entire new Meng family was cheering for joy, but inside the old Meng family, there was a scene of misery and misery.

Not long ago, the head of the family, Meng Long, who was very excited because 'Meng Tao' completely offended the Titan clan, was now completely dumbfounded as if he had fallen from the top of a cliff.

Within the old Meng family, those clan members who were originally on the side of the great elder, but chose to side with the family leader Meng Long because they wanted to survive, all regretted it so much that their intestines turned green.

They could only vent their anger on the family leader Meng Long, blaming him for his greed for life and fear of death, which led to the division of the Meng family.

Of course, the accusations made by these people are also ridiculous. They are clearly laughing at the same thing.

All in all, the news that the new Meng family's 'Meng Tao' has broken through and reached the ninth level of the Great Perfection and Eternal Invincibility is like a gust of wind blowing to all the major and small forces in the entire Jinshan world.

Many smarter forces responded quickly by sending tribesmen to visit the New Meng family with generous gifts!

The threshold of the entire Xinmeng family was once again trampled by various forces, big and small, and the line of people who came to visit with generous gifts queued far away from the gate of Xinmeng's house.

Titan clan leader Adam, who originally wanted to threaten Du Long with the New Meng Family after the failure of the elite team's operation, gave up on the spot after seeing this scene.

In any case, the three elite teams of the Titans are gone anyway. It is definitely the stupidest thing to do to continue to anger that 'Meng Tao'!

As the leader of the Titan clan, Adam did not dare to go further and further down the road of seeking death. He did not dare to completely lose the entire Titan clan!

As a result, the Titan clan leader Adam was so shameless that he sent a relatively high-status elder in the clan to visit the New Meng family with a super generous gift.

The performance of the Titans fell into the eyes of all parties. No one was amused by their shamelessness. On the contrary, they thought that they made the right choice.

After all, that is the legendary ninth-level Dzogchen Eternal Invincible Realm powerhouse, that is, a quasi-true god-level powerful man who will definitely be able to break through and become the eternal true god.

He is definitely the strongest person in the world right now, and he alone is enough to completely wipe out the Titans!

In the days to come, the Titans will always have to worry about whether they will suffer full revenge from 'Meng Tao'.

Patriarch Adam chose to play the family card and asked people to send generous gifts to the new Meng family. In fact, he also wanted to apologize and turn hostility into friendship.

As the Titans made a wise choice, other top forces followed suit, sending important figures from the clan to visit with generous gifts to express their congratulations.

Among these top forces, naturally include those who have always been on good terms with Du Long.

They don't need to prepare too heavy gifts. After all, they once provided help in times of need, and now there is no need to spend too much money on the icing on the cake.

In the face of the guests from all walks of life who came to congratulate them, the eldest elder of the New Meng family personally came to deal with the situation and accepted all the gifts from all the forces without politeness.

Then someone will be sent to register it carefully, and it will definitely be handed over to Du Long for inspection in the future.

All the forces in the Jinshan world were shocked because of Du Long's successful breakthrough to the invincible state of the ninth level of Dzogchen. Visitors to the New Meng Family Mansion were never stopped.

Inside the ancient battlefield.

Du Long has been standing there with his eyes closed, and he is still surrounded by a large number of different phases of heaven and earth.

Sixteen elite members of the Titan clan died, and more than a hundred standard thunder warriors in their hands were scattered on the ground. No one dared to rush over to fight for Du Long's loot at this time.

At this moment, Du Long was still immersed in the understanding of the eternal heavenly way of the ninth level of great perfection, but he also separated some of his mind into the main Xuantian world in his body to carefully observe and study the changes in this Xuantian world.

As he successfully broke through and reached the ninth level of eternal invincibility, the Xuantian world that dominated the Dantian space in his body was also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

If there are still some flaws in the Xuantian world before, then with Du Long's successful breakthrough, these flaws are being constantly repaired in a subtle and transformative way.

This repair process is not a change in the volume of Xuantian World, but a huge change that cannot be described in words.

It was as if the flaws in Xuantian's world were constantly being repaired, and as it became more and more perfect, a vague aura of eternity began to spread out.

That's right!

At this moment, the main world in Du Long's body is constantly exuding an eternal aura.

Based on his deduction, he can calculate that when he completely achieves the true god status, then the Xuantian World in his body will be able to truly achieve the eternal world!

By then, unless it is destroyed by a strong external force, the Xuantian world in his body will exist forever!

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