Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3110 Sharp Cone Magical Weapon

The third level is on the island.

At this moment, there were only two three figures left in different positions. About one-third of the others chose to enter the space-time array gate and leave, while the other two-thirds continued to step onto the iron cable bridge leading to the fourth level.

At the top of the stone mountain where Du Long stayed before, there is no trace of him now. Only a very ordinary space formation stone is left on the spot.

The two or three figures still staying on the third island were actually the spies deliberately left behind by the three parties, responsible for monitoring Du Long's every move.

At this moment, Du Long appeared to have entered the ordinary space formation stone, but in fact he had entered the Dragon Secret Realm.

He is borrowing the million-fold time acceleration in certain areas within the Dragon Secret Territory to absorb the powerful energy of the refining golden body fruit and the origin fruit.

After directly swallowing one Golden Body Fruit and one Origin Fruit, Du Long sat cross-legged in a space where time accelerated a million times.

He began to go all out to refine the huge energy contained in the two divine fruits.

The energy of the Golden Body Fruit was used by him to increase the size of the inner immortal world of the original clone of the cell, and he worked hard to increase it to the limit that it could currently reach.

The energy of the Origin Fruit was used by him to enhance the strength of the Soul Origin Sword.

Although he succeeded in dividing the Soul Origin Sword in his body to an extent equivalent to the total number of cells in his body, the strength of the Soul Origin Sword became not strong enough.

Correcting the root cause is not caused by too many divisions.

It's because when he was very weak, he used the clone technique to transform his body and soul into three parts.

In other words, his clone, which is taking the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation, has only one-third of its basic soul energy.

On this basis, no matter how you practice later, the basic flaws will be extremely difficult to change!

As a result, the important role of the Golden Body Fruit and the Origin Fruit on him became highlighted.

Time continues to pass year after year, and Du Long's choice to swallow two divine fruits in a space that accelerates time a million times is definitely a very wise decision.

Because he wants to absorb the huge energy inside the two divine fruits, and then use it to increase the strength of the sword of the origin of the soul, which is infinitely close to one hundred billion physical cells in the body.

This process is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight, but requires a relatively long period of time to slowly polish and integrate, and only then can the cells and the origin of the soul be simultaneously improved.

This continued for about thousands of years, and Du Long discovered that the energy of the two divine fruits had been completely absorbed, but the physical cells and soul origin in the body had not reached their limit.

This discovery made him secretly shake his head and smile bitterly. His long-standing worries had indeed come true. Just one divine fruit alone could not allow him to break through to the current limit!

In this case, he no longer swallowed the other two divine fruits stingily.

At the end of the first two levels, he got one Golden Body Fruit and Origin Fruit each, and then he got two Divine Fruits at the third level alone. In total, he got two Golden Body Fruits and Origin Fruit.

After the last two divine fruits entered his stomach, he continued to refine and absorb the huge energy of the fused divine fruits to continuously increase the strength of the physical cells and the origin of the soul.

It took him nearly ten thousand years to absorb and refine the huge energy of the two divine fruits.


After taking a long breath, Du Long slowly opened his eyes, as if he had some unfinished thoughts.

"Alas! After absorbing and refining the four-level divine fruit, neither the physical body nor the source of the divine soul has reached its true limit. It seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement?!"

"In this case, the subsequent breakthrough will become very important. I really don't know where else to find the Golden Body Fruit and the Origin Fruit except here!"

"You can't still dream about being able to break through and reach the eternal invincible state of the ninth level of great perfection when your body and soul have not completely reached their limits, right?!"

After the physical cells and soul origin were fully strengthened again, Du Long had a feeling in his heart.

This realization is that only by strengthening the origins of the body and soul to the limit can there be a possibility of breaking through and reaching the ninth level of Dzogchen Eternal Invincibility.

"It took more than 10,000 years to refine two divine fruits here, and only a dozen days have passed in the outside world. I hope those adventurous teams haven't broken through and reached the fourth island!"

In the murmur, Du Long dodged and rushed out of the Genlong Secret Realm, and reappeared on the island where the third level was located.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the two or three people around him. On the surface, they seemed to be indifferent, but in fact they were secretly watching Du Long's every move.

Du Long glanced at the three figures faintly, but in the end he did not take action to kill them all.

In addition to the informants from the hostile camp, these people also have people from the same camp and the neutral camp. If your true identity is exposed in the future, just try not to make it too ugly.


Du Long's figure finally flew towards the chain bridge leading to the next level, which also made the three informants breathe a sigh of relief. They were really worried that they would be killed and silenced by him before.

Watching his figure disappear at the end of the chain bridge, the three people took out their own communication formation stones and transmitted the information they just saw.

Above the vast ocean of flaming lava, Du Long continued to advance rapidly on the crisis-ridden Houcai Bridge. He was also distracted and trying his best to detect any energy changes around him.

As long as there is a crisis, he can always avoid it one step ahead. With the experience of breaking through the previous levels, and after taking the four divine fruits, both his physical body and the origin of his soul have been essentially transformed and strengthened.

This has also made great progress in his perception of energy changes and his sensitivity in taking response measures.

The Sword of Soul Origin, which is just one share away from reaching 100 billion copies, has been strengthened and improved by the Origin Fruit, and its soul perception has been greatly improved.

It is also just one short of a hundred billion physical cells. With the help of the Golden Body Fruit, the small immortal world contained within it has all been upgraded to the intermediate level of the immortal world.

According to Du Long's calculations, the current limit should be for all the small immortal worlds inside the cells to reach the large immortal world.

The improvement in this aspect has greatly improved his reaction speed and other aspects when performing the Five Elements Wind Thunder multi-dimensional space-time footwork.

The improvement in overall strength made it easier for him to deal with these early crises on the cable bridge.

He was constantly galloping forward at an extremely terrifying speed throughout the whole process. If he had never dared to think about this before, there was definitely a high probability that he would hit the fatal energy.

Du Long just ran forward at the maximum safe speed, and soon appeared on the chain bridge where he could vaguely see the island at the end of the fourth level.

Dozens of figures could be seen staying on the chain bridge in front, and it seemed that no one dared to rush across the last section of the chain bridge.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of all the adventure teams, and those people looked at Du Long with extremely complicated eyes.

After seeing him successfully break through the levels again and again, many people felt very relaxed.

But this time Du Long gave them the opportunity, but the final result was that after losing more than a dozen people, no one successfully broke through and reached the island in front!

‘Not long after I received the message, why did this guy come here? ! ’

'yes! It's so fast that it's a bit scary. Could it be that he has made another breakthrough in his cultivation on the island behind? ! ’

'Maybe! The people behind said that he had been hiding inside the space formation stone and had no idea what he had done. ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Many people at the scene looked at Du Long with a hint of hostility. No one took the initiative to talk to him. Everyone chose to communicate secretly.

"Haha!" Du Long just glanced at it and knew what the situation of the group of people in front of him was, and immediately laughed with some disdain: "You have obviously arrived in front of Baoshan, why don't you rush into Baoshan to hunt for treasures?!"

He was clearly asking questions knowingly. Many people present looked embarrassed and annoyed, and the looks in their eyes became even more unkind.

"Since you don't dare to rush in, let's come down and explore the way!" Du Long didn't care whether anyone answered or not, and said again: "We can't all be in a stalemate like this, and waste time by blocking here. ?!”

"Hmph!" This time someone finally couldn't help but snorted softly: "If you want to die, just go ahead. Of course we won't stop you from dying!"

"That's right!" After someone started, someone else immediately followed and shouted loudly: "If you can successfully pass the first three levels, you may not be so lucky to pass the fourth level. This place should be your burial place." land!"


The scene immediately burst into bursts of laughter.

Those adventurers, after witnessing dozens of people failing to break through the level and falling on the road ahead, and not daring to go up to break the level themselves, seemed to really want to see the scene of Du Long's failure.

Facing the many jeers, Du Long shook his head indifferently, then dodged and rushed forward.

"I've borrowed it, I've borrowed it! Anyone who dares to make a stumbling block should think carefully about the fate of Kenneth!" Du Long rushed past the adventuring teams while making a loud threat.

To be honest, there were people at the scene who really wanted to take action, but after seeing that no one was with them, they could only suppress it silently.

Just as Du Long said, even Kenneth, the ninth-level peak powerhouse, has fallen.

Unless many people join forces, anyone who attacks alone will suffer a devastating counterattack.

In this way, Du Long rushed past many adventure teams openly, and no one dared to intercept him along the way.

Those people didn't dare to take action, but they all made good excuses for themselves, secretly thinking that they wanted Du Long to die on his own, and then they would be able to deal with this arrogant guy without spending a single soldier!

Du Long reached the critical point of the dangerous zone without any hindrance, and then started to perform his same tricks directly in front of everyone.

Sometimes it rushes into dangerous areas to stimulate various deadly energies to cause oscillations, and sometimes it quickly retreats to a safe zone to allow all kinds of deadly energies to calm down.

After going through this process many times, the adventurous team gradually began to see some clues, and a light gradually shone in their eyes.

Did Du Long use this method before to test the law of fatal energy fluctuations, and then successfully rush to the island at the end of the chain bridge in one fell swoop? !

"Haha! I'll go too! The reward for this fourth level still belongs to me!"

After testing it many times in a row, Du Long seemed to be rushing towards the danger zone again, but in fact this time he actually rushed towards it.

His mocking laughter sounded directly in the minds of everyone behind him, and he himself rushed over without hesitation.

As he went deeper and deeper into the dangerous zone, it was as if someone was sprinting all the way to detonate all the booby traps along the way. All kinds of deadly energy began to emerge crazily like a hornet's nest was poked.

Du Long once again became only about one meter tall, and then moved forward crazily amidst various deadly energy explosions, successfully avoiding various fatal energy impacts time and time again.

It has to be said that if he had not refined four divine fruits on the third island in advance, his reaction speed would never have been able to successfully rush through this deadly wave of energy!

Boom, boom!

He rushed all the way to the end of the chain bridge, and was about to successfully reach the shore, but the way forward was completely blocked by several deadly energies.

In desperation, Du Long could only use the eternal artifact sword and shield to deftly resolve the last crisis, and was in danger of being knocked to the island by a burst of energy.


It wasn't until his feet successfully set foot on the island that Du Long secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The last crisis almost scared him to the point of peeing.

Looking back at the dozens of figures in the distance of the cable bridge, I could vaguely see their stunned faces, with only envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Du Long grinned coldly, then without saying any more nonsense, he ducked directly into the only building in front of him.

With the same architectural style, there is only one eucalyptus stand inside. In addition to the two familiar sacred fruits, there is also a root-cone-shaped magic weapon placed on the eucalyptus stand!

Du Long's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately had no time to study what kind of treasure this sharp-conical magic weapon was. He directly waved his hand and put away the two divine fruits and the sharp-conical magic weapon.

After receiving the prize, he immediately left the hall and ran towards a rocky mountain on the island.

After having the previous experience, he knew not to rush through the level, but to look for opportunities to refine the two divine fruits again.

Only by strengthening the origin of the body and soul to a higher level can you have a greater chance of passing the next level!

He quickly climbed up the stone mountain and then sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

He did not immediately start refining the two divine fruits, but was distracted by studying the pointed magic weapon while monitoring the other adventurous teams that rushed to the island.

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