Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 327 The Secret History of the Continent

"Oh my god! We have heard Mr. Ge's words mentioned by another person before!" Princess Fire Phoenix couldn't help but exhale softly.

"Oh?!" The old man surnamed Ge said with wide eyes, "I wonder which master this girl heard said this?!"

"Her father, Xia Ye, the former fourth-grade Qin Tiansi of the Haotian Empire, said Master Xia almost exactly the same thing as Mr. Ge!" Huofeng pointed at Xia Qinglian and replied sweetly.

"Xia Ye, Imperial Secretary of the Haotian Empire?! That's it, haha! After all, Xia Ye's father and I are still brothers!" Mr. Ge, the physiognomist, said with relief on the spot: "I wonder if Her Royal Highness Princess Huofeng can transfer Xia Ye's Retell the original words again and see how they are different from what I said!”

"Master Xia Ye's original words were like this, 'Time and space are reversed, stars are moving, and lucky stars descend from the sky to drive away traitors!'" Huo Feng said Xia Ye's original words without hesitation.

"He is indeed Xia Qingsong's son! He has not fallen behind at all in the art of physiognomy! From the perspective of the Haotian Empire, this interpretation of the hexagram is quite appropriate!" Mr. Ge couldn't help but admired while stroking his beard.

"I don't know...how can Mr. Ge and my grandfather be brothers?!" Xia Qinglian asked timidly at this time.

"You little girl, you don't know what your name is?!" Mr. Ge asked without answering.

"My surname is Xia and my name is Qinglian. My father is Xia Ye, the former Qin Tiansi. Because he offended the emperor with his words, he was exiled to the border for many years!" Xia Qinglian responded timidly.

"Haha! I have heard about your father. As expected, he followed your grandfather's bad temper and was upright! As a fortune teller, they don't know the truth about how hard it is to be tough. Or, in other words, they would rather do it for what they have in their hearts. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for your principles? As everyone knows, self-sacrifice is a small matter, but it is a big deal to bring down the family!" Mr. Ge looked at Xia Qinglian with a smile and said.

"At that time, I calculated that your father was in trouble, and I also figured that after great sorrow, there would be good fortune, so I did not help. Now that I see that you are doing well, little girl, I must have escaped from the trouble, right?!"

Du Long, Huofeng, and Xia Qinglian were stunned. If Mr. Ge hadn't found out about this through investigation, he would really be a god!

"Fortunately, my father got out of trouble with the help of Master Du Long and Princess Fire Phoenix. Everything is fine now!" Xia Qinglian responded sweetly.

"I think you were originally a short-lived person, but you turned out to be a blessing in disguise. From now on, you are like a phoenix, reborn from the ashes! What a joy and congratulation!" The fortune teller surnamed Ge once again said something that shocked Du Long.

You must know that Xia Qinglian has an innate Xuanyin constitution. According to the beauty of the ring spirit, she would not live for many years, but because of her intervention, she was able to practice Xuanyin Jue and solved her physical problems. It was a blessing in disguise!

Du Long had never told anyone about this matter. Even the person involved, Xia Qinglian, was kept in the dark and had no knowledge of it. However, the fortune teller surnamed Ge did it with ease and matched his immortal style. He really looks like a god!

He is definitely many times better than Xia Ye in physiognomy. At least Xia Ye didn't calculate the information about his daughter!

It’s no wonder that the fortune teller surnamed Ge was hired as a full-time fortune teller by the Su family. To be able to hire such a divine person, the Su family’s vision and financial resources should not be underestimated!

At this time, the fortune teller surnamed Ge and Su Dabao looked at each other, nodded secretly, and seemed to be communicating something. Finally, they turned to look at Du Long and said, "This little brother! As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you must survive." Good luck! Looking back along your broken life line, there is a faint mist. I am not talented enough to see your future destiny clearly, but I know that you will have an extraordinary life. Go forward boldly. !”

"Thank you, Mr. Ge, for your advice!" Du Long expressed his sincere gratitude to the fortune teller surnamed Ge this time.

"No need to thank you, Ge has not helped me at all!" Mr. Ge waved his hand, and then promised Xia Qinglian: "But this little girl of the Xia family, if you need my help in any way in the future, just ask. !”

"Thank you, Mr. Ge!" Xia Qinglian hurriedly thanked him.

"Little girl of the Xia family! You can call me uncle, alas! I think back then...that's it! Don't mention it! Your grandfather was upright and upright throughout his life, and his passing like this has fulfilled his great reputation!" Mr. Ge Lots of emotions.

"Uncle Ge!" Xia Qinglian shouted obediently and softly.

"Okay, okay! Haha, Dabao! Remember to take good care of my senior brother's little granddaughter in the future!" Mr. Ge confessed with surprise. From his tone, it seemed that he was not hired by the Su family with money, but ordered. Su Dabao is here.

"That's natural! Haha, everyone has been standing outside for so long, it's time to go in and sit and chat!" At Su Dabao's invitation, the group entered the reception hall.

In the living room, everyone sat down to serve tea!

Du Long took a sip of the tea and turned his attention to Su Dabao, who was on top of the throne. He had already learned from the reminder of the Nazgul beauty that Jinbao's father, Dabao, had already achieved spiritual level strength!

"Haha, congratulations to Uncle Su! You broke through and reached the spiritual level!" Du Long's words caused a sudden silence in the living room. Everyone looked up at Su Dabao in shock, especially classmate Su Jinbao, who was even more excited.

"Haha! I still can't hide it from little brother Du Long! Speaking of which, I have to thank you for being able to break through and reach the spiritual level!" Su Dabao said with a grateful face.

"Thank me?!" Du Long was stunned.

"That's right! At the auction in Zhenbaozhai, the capital of the Haotian Empire, you sold me a Spirit-Gathering Pill. It was this Spirit-Gathering Pill that helped me successfully break through and reach the spiritual level!" Su Dabao nodded. .

Wow. . .

Everyone looked at Du Long. They really didn't expect that his Spirit Gathering Pill actually helped Jinbao's father break through and reach the spiritual level. Su Jinbao was even more grateful and said: "Du Long! Brother, I owe you this kindness! You know, My father tried his best to break through and reach the spiritual level, but he finally broke through because of your pill!"

"Uncle Su and Jinbao were so polite. It really made me ashamed. I thought that the Spirit Gathering Pill was not given to Uncle Su for free, but was sold for a huge price! Besides, at that time, I thought that Uncle Su had already reached the level of With full strength at the Gangdan level, even without the help of the Spirit Gathering Pill, it is only a matter of time before he can break through to the Spirit level!" Du Long waved his hands politely in a hurry.

"You're wrong! If you can break through the spiritual level, what does it mean to have thousands of gold coins?! Money is always just an external possession, and the breakthrough in one's own strength is the most important thing!" Su Dabao shook his head and said: "Besides, I can feel that taking the Spirit Gathering Pill you gave me was the key factor for me to be able to break through and reach the spiritual level!"

"Anyway, congratulations to Uncle Su for successfully breaking through and reaching the spiritual level!" Du Long quickly changed the subject: "Uncle Su, Du Long would like to ask, how much do you know about the Immortal Alliance? Du Long is very curious about the Immortal Alliance. It’s tight, but you know very little about it!”

"Haha! Originally, the affairs of the Immortal Alliance are confidential and cannot be disclosed to the outside world at will. However! You guys are here to participate in the Immortal Alliance grand meeting, so there is no harm in talking about it..." Su Dabao explained with a smile. stand up.

After his explanation, Du Long and others realized that the so-called Immortal Alliance was actually an alliance of several righteous sects on overseas fairy islands. There was also a mysterious Demon Alliance in the Star Continent. As the name suggests, they were alliances of evil sects. !

I won’t tell you where the overseas fairy islands are, but why do so many righteous alliances set up fairy alliances in the Star Continent? As mentioned before, the existence of the Immortal Alliance is mainly used to deter the many powerful monsters in the Monster Forest!

The top human alliance came to the Star Continent more than a thousand years ago to open up a new domain of human power. The star calendar also started counting from that time. Therefore, the star calendar has only reached 1010!

When humans live on this vast land, they will naturally conflict with the large number of monsters in the Monster Forest. The monsters who could have freely walked anywhere on the continent discovered that a large number of highly intelligent creatures suddenly appeared on this continent.

As a result, a war inevitably broke out. In order to protect mankind's new powerful domain from attacks by powerful monsters, the righteous forces of overseas fairy islands established a fairy alliance in Dongyang Kingdom!

With the full support of the Immortal Alliance, a large number of monsters were driven back to the Forest of Monsters. Several extremely powerful beings in the core area of ​​the Forest of Monsters gave up and personally led the monster army to jointly attack. At first, it was indeed Cause huge losses to the human domain!

However, the Immortal Alliance then asked for help from overseas fairy islands. Through the teleportation array, each righteous sect sent a large number of masters to the Immortal Alliance and fought a protracted battle with the powerful monsters. Both sides suffered heavy losses!

Finally, two legendary master lovers appeared. With their strength, they swept away many powerful beings in the Forest of Monsters, but instead of killing them, they made a peace agreement with these powerful monsters!

The agreement stipulates that intelligent monsters that exist beyond the fifth level of the Forest of Monsters are not allowed to come out of the Forest of Monsters to harm humans. If humans run into the core area of ​​the Forest of Monsters, they will live or die!

Therefore, relying on this agreement, the entire Star Continent finally entered a longer period of peace!

After Su Dabao's introduction, Du Long and others realized that the so-called Immortal Alliance was an alliance of righteous sects led by Xuyun Temple, Yuqing Sect, and Ziyun Sect1!

Because it is a sectarian alliance, there is no real leader in charge of the alliance. Instead, the six elders and the saint are jointly responsible for the daily affairs of the Immortal Alliance!

"Oh my God! It turns out that the existence of the Immortal Alliance is to guard against powerful monsters in the core area of ​​the Monster Forest. I never expected! Our Star Continent actually still has such a history!" Huofeng exclaimed.

"That's right! It's so shocking!" Liu Zixin said with emotion.

"Speaking of which! Logically speaking, everyone in the Star Continent should know about this piece of history. Why do so few people seem to know about it?!" Du Long asked in confusion.

"Haha! At the beginning, the powerful existence of the Monster Forest, for the sake of face, specifically asked the human world not to publicize this matter, so..." Su Dabao replied with a smile.

"So that's it!" Du Long and others suddenly realized that such an important event was not recorded in the historical data of various countries in the mainland. Daqing was artificially restricted!

Countries dare not record it. As time goes by, they will naturally forget it. It’s just that some stories similar to myths and legends have spread among the countries in the mainland!

"Haha, you are all Jinbao's good friends. If you don't mind, you can live in the Su Mansion! Just let the brat take you around Ziyun City, by the way! I heard that little brother Du Long likes to visit Zhenbao Zhai very much. , the Treasure House in Ziyun City is definitely a collection of treasures from all over the world, it is very worth visiting!"


Chapter three is presented today. . .

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