Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3102 The inheritance of the God King

time flies!

In the blink of an eye, another million years passed quietly between the fingers. Du Long just sat there in the cross-legged position and immersed himself in practice. The total number of cells in his body reached an astonishing nearly one hundred billion!

This is a value that is infinitely close to one hundred billion, not the ninety-two trillion that was reached before this practice!


Dulong's body is dividing the last 99 cells with great difficulty. These last 99 cells are just one short of reaching the limit of one hundred billion!

Before that, he was able to divide hundreds of millions of body cells at the same time, but as the body cells approached one hundred trillion, the rate of division began to become extremely slow.

Just like the last 99 body cells, they will create an extremely strong pressure during the division process.

It's as if an ordinary person has eaten ten bowls of noodles and feels like if you ask him to eat another bowl, he has reached the limit of what his body can bear anyway!

Boom, boom, boom!

After spending an unknown amount of time, the last 99 body cells began to divide continuously. Each division represented the addition of one more physical cell.

After reaching Du Long's level of cultivation, every time a cell is added to the body, there is an illusion that he has successfully created the world!

It was as if there were nuclear bombs exploding inside the body. The feeling was indescribable in words.

He just watched quietly as one body cell after another successfully divided. As time went by, the last 99 body cells were divided one by one.

Bo! Buzz!

When the last body cell was successfully divided, a terrifying aura suddenly spread from his body!

Just like the shock wave of a nuclear bomb explosion, it instantly radiated in all directions.

As the master of this body, Du Long could clearly see that the towering tree in his body had finally fully grown, and all the branches and leaves on the tree had been stretched to perfection.

The previous feeling that his body was not perfect completely disappeared without a trace. His body bloomed with thousands of golden lights from the inside out, as if an enlightened monk had reached the invincible state of the Buddhist golden body through cultivation.

Du Long continued to sit there in the cross-legged position and practice. He also wanted to cultivate all the body cells that had just been split into the original clones of the cells.

However, the feeling of reaching the limit of his body emerged again, which meant that his physical strength was not enough and he needed to continue to improve.

He turned over his hand and took out the two bottles of elixirs that were awarded in the previous competition. He had already taken one pill each, and there were still two pills left in the bottle.

Du Long took out one pill each, stuffed it directly into his mouth and swallowed it, and then began to work hard to cultivate the newly added body cells into their original clones with the help of the medicine.

This process requires not only sufficient strength of the physical body, but also sufficient strength of the soul.

Because the soul source also needs to continue to divide more to meet the needs of new body cells, and then the new body cells can be cultivated into clones of the cell source!

As time continues to pass, the newly added body cells begin to transform towards their original clones.

What surprised Du Long was that the number of newly added body cells was not too many, but it became extremely difficult to cultivate them into original clones.

Not only does transformation become very difficult, but the energy required for transformation is also extremely amazing!

Time continues to pass day by day, and Du Long's newly added body cells are constantly being cultivated into cell origin clones.

After this continued for a long time, he was a little surprised to find that the two pills he had just taken were not enough, so he had to take the last two pills together again.

In this way, with the elixir continuously strengthening the origin of his body and soul, it took him hundreds of thousands of years to successfully cultivate all the cells in his body into clones of their origin!


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body, and all the cells inside and outside his body glowed with golden light, as if there were millions of billions of suns shining inside his body!

Du Long was still sitting cross-legged on the lotus throne. At this moment, he was like the statue facing him, his whole body bathed in golden light.

This golden light appears to be diffuse light on the surface, but in fact if you can see the world of cells under a microscope, this golden light is emitted from each body cell.

Du Long's body was like a searchlight that gathered hundreds of billions of suns, constantly spreading golden light in all directions!


He subconsciously exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then began to regularly operate the huge power of the world in his body according to the body-training techniques he had practiced before.

As he started to use this set of body-training techniques again, the golden light on his body became more and more dazzling, and his whole body seemed to turn into a golden sun!

Before his physical body was still defective, he felt something was not right when he was running this set of body-training techniques, but now the process of running that set of body-training techniques has become extremely smooth and silky.

As the body-training exercises were carried out smoothly.

Du Long felt that all the cells in his body were rapidly strengthened again!

This feeling is wonderful.

The whole person feels like being soaked in a hot spring, and all the cells in the body are cheering comfortably!

After practicing like this for a long time, Du Long finally felt that the strengthening of his physical body had reached its limit, and then he stopped and opened his eyes.

"This...is the true ultimate state of body and soul!"

"At this moment, it seems that I can easily kill a strong man in the late ninth level with the strength of my body!"

Crackling. . .

While muttering to himself, Du Long stood up directly from the lotus throne, and all the bones in his body made sounds like exploding beans.


I saw him suddenly punching the void in front of him. Without using any world power, the sound of roaring and breaking through the void easily appeared.

This feeling of unlimited explosive power made him grin involuntarily.

You must know that the time and space in front of you is extremely stable, and it would not be so easy to cause this phenomenon under normal circumstances!


He looked at the golden statue in front of him in astonishment, and vaguely felt that the smile on the statue's face had become a little strange, and seemed to be more human than before.

Until now.

Only then did Du Long remember that he was undergoing a test in the Super Temple, and he didn't know if he had passed the test now? !


At this moment, the statue actually spoke directly, and his mouth could be seen moving.

"Congratulations! You successfully passed this test and became my registered disciple!"

"Of course, as long as you are willing to take me as your master, you can be directly promoted to a direct disciple by kowtowing three times!"

At this point, the statue seemed to pause deliberately, staring at Du Long with burning eyes, as if waiting for his answer.

"Disciple Du Long pays homage to Master!"

Du Long, who had worshiped countless masters for a long time, knelt down on the ground with almost no hesitation and kowtowed three times towards the statue.

He did not use any false identity to become a disciple this time, but directly reported his real name.

The senior in front of him has taught him a set of super body-training techniques, which alone is enough to become his master. Du Long kowtowed without any trace of moisture.

"Haha!" The statue of the god still sat there motionless, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "He is a good and good boy. He not only cultivates the most powerful multi-dimensional space-time creation path, but also can cultivate his divine body to its current limit. , I can only say that you and I are very destined!"

"Master!" Since he successfully became a disciple, Du Long naturally wanted to satisfy his inner curiosity first: "Do you only have one soul source left here?! Where is your true body?!"

"No!" The statue shook its head and said, "Master, this is just a memory, not the origin of the soul at all!"

"When you reach a certain level of cultivation, you will naturally understand that the origin of your soul will be integrated into one, and it will no longer be able to be separated as freely as you can now!"

"As for my master's true form, I don't know where he has gone. I only know that endless years have passed and my true form has not returned to this place!"

"Master!" Du Long raised his brows and said, "Is your old true form already dead?!"

Although this question seemed a bit rude, Du Long couldn't help but ask it.

"It should not have fallen!" The statue shook its head and replied: "If it has completely fallen, I should be able to sense it!"

Du Long nodded slightly, and then continued to ask: "May I ask what level of cultivation the master's true body has achieved?! And what kind of place is this temple?! Why is the whole temple like this? Didn’t you see any life inside?!”

"Child!" The statue pondered for a long time before replying: "The master is an eternal god-king. As for the temple in front of me, it is just one of the many residences of this deity!"

"As for the lives here... they all perished with the destruction of the world after the world-destroying war!"

"Fell with the destruction of the world?!" Du Long said with a surprised look on his face: "After cultivating to the level of the Xuantian Creation God, won't you be able to survive forever?!"

"No!" The statue shook its head again and sighed: "With the destruction of the old world, all the creatures inside it will be annihilated. Only those beings in the realm of eternal true gods and above can continue to survive!"

"This is wrong!" Du Long still said with a puzzled face: "If it is as the master said, how did we survive?!"

"Haha!" The statue shook its head and chuckled: "That only means that you are not the creatures of our living world, but the creatures of another world living in the depths of the chaotic void!"

"Another world?!" Du Long seemed to understand somewhat, but he scratched his head in confusion and said, "Master! Is there a higher realm above the Eternal God King?!"

"Yes! It's just that my teacher has never seen what kind of existence it is!" The statue replied with some fascination.

"Does Master know what happened that year?! That led to the destruction of the entire world?!" Du Long finally asked the most critical point.

He has always been full of doubts about the outbreak of the ancient destruction war.

Especially after he successfully entered the core areas of several dangerous areas, he became very curious about the entrance to the unknown world there.

He could feel that the truth about the destruction of the ancient world must be hidden inside those entrances, but it was a pity that he did not dare to go in and investigate due to his strength.

To know.

In the ancient war of destruction, there were many powerful and powerful people above the Eternal True God participating in the war. However, after that war, the world was destroyed, and all the powerful and powerful people above the Eternal True God also disappeared without a trace.

"Aliens!" The statue seemed to have thought of something extremely terrifying, and the smile on its face was directly replaced by negative emotions such as fear and anger: "A group of terrifying alien creatures that exist specifically for destruction!"

"Terrible alien creatures?!" Du Long frowned slightly: "Alien creatures that exist specifically for destruction?! Where did they come from?! How did they disappear without a trace in the end?!"

"Jinshan World!"

The statue replied in a deep voice: "The appearance of the three golden mountain worlds attracted countless strong men to go crazy for them, and they rushed in from their respective world territories."

"In the end, a war of destruction broke out at several passages leading to other worlds, which directly led to the destruction of countless worlds one by one!"

"A passageway to another world?!" Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "And he has several of them at the same time?!"

"Yes!" The statue said coldly: "Those passages leading to other worlds are constantly pouring out endless powerful creatures, and a world-destroying war begins!"

"I don't know exactly what happened in the end, I just heard some snippets from the surviving creatures!"

"The teacher is just a memory left by the true body of the deity. Take care of the temple in front of you according to the will of the true deity. Once a certain predetermined time is exceeded, the test of this temple will be triggered to cultivate a suitable person for the true body of the deity. The successor!"

Hear this.

Du Long basically had a deeper understanding of the temple in front of him, and understood that this was a heritage temple left by the ancient eternal god king.

It was a great honor that he successfully passed the test and became a disciple of an eternal god king.

Although the statue in front of you is just a memory, as long as you can get his approval, if you are lucky enough to meet the true form of the deity in the future, you will definitely be recognized by the true form of the deity!

"Master! Why are the tests here hidden so deeply? Are there other different tests hidden?!"

"Yes! Other tests can only allow you to obtain the status of a registered disciple at most, and then you can only get a very small number of treasures at most. After becoming a direct disciple, you will get all the treasures in the entire temple!"

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