Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3085 Violet

"Meng Tao! You are looking for death!!"

After feeling the complete disconnection between himself and the black dagger, Karl looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

Then, under the uncomprehending gazes of hundreds of millions of spectators, he suddenly launched another round of all-out attacks on Du Long.

This round of onslaught was somewhat different from the previous deliberate attacks. It was a mode of venting dominated by anger, and Karl became extremely crazy.

Facing the crazy Karl, Du Long not only did not show any fear, but the fighting will on his face became more passionate, and he also resumed his fighting form with three heads and six arms to launch a full-scale counterattack.

Clang clang clang. . .

In the arena.

The extremely fierce sound of gold and iron clashing sounded again, and a fierce battle broke out again. The seemingly fierce battle made many people shake their heads.

These people who shook their heads knew very well that Karl had no chance of winning, and at most he would just be led by his opponents.

On the rostrum, Dennis, the head of the Tarot family, looked livid, and his eyes looking at Karl only contained a look of deep disappointment.

When he looked at Du Long again, Dennis's pupils shrank slightly!

The growth rate of the person in front of me is so fast that even when Karl uses the Soul-Eating Dagger, he cannot kill him quickly? !

'no! We absolutely cannot allow this child to continue to grow. At this rate of growth, sooner or later he will become a nightmare for the Tarot family! ’

Dennis quickly made a decision in his heart. When he was about to turn his attention to another contestant from the Tarot family in the contestants' rest area, it turned out to be Burton Tarot, who had previously provoked Du Long in public!

‘Boton! ’ The voice of the head of the Dennis family came directly into Bolton’s mind: ‘I order you to use all means to completely kill Meng Tao no matter what, when you may encounter Meng Tao in the future! ’

'yes! Head of the house! ’

Denis's power within the Tarot family was extremely strong. Even if Bolton was dissatisfied after receiving the order, he could only bow his head and accept it.

‘Just feel free to take action! ’ Dennis seemed to add again in order to appease him: ‘I will do my best to protect your life afterwards, and the family will also give you a reward equivalent to the champion of the ninth level ranking competition! ’

‘Of course, the premise is that you must use all your strength to kill Meng Tao. If you fail to complete the task, there will be no reward! ’

'yes! I will do my best to kill this beast! ’

Bolton's eyes lit up at first, and then immediately dimmed again, but in the end he still made a resounding message with a firm look on his face.

Anyway, he has already provoked Meng Tao in public before. Regardless of the guarantees and promises from the family leader, he will go all out to kill Meng Tao!

In the arena!

Du Long didn't know about the secret exchange between the Tarot family leader and Bolton. He was once again distracted by tens of trillions of copies, and went all out to carry out combat enlightenment practice.

What is the concept of tens of trillions of minds? !

That's equivalent to tens of trillions of Du Long fighting and practicing at the same time, and its efficiency is astonishingly high!

Coupled with the huge pressure exerted by the opponent, the potential of tens of trillions of minds is almost fully opened, and the efficiency of combat perception practice has been greatly improved again.

Time keeps passing by minute by minute, and every minute and every second is extremely precious to Du Long now!

As time went by, his own cultivation level also continued to improve.

Continue to integrate more and more nine-dimensional rules of heaven into actual combat, and continue to understand more and more mysteries of the nine-dimensional rules of time and space.

Gradually, as his opponent, Karl finally felt that something was not good. Compared with being able to crush Du Long at the beginning, he could only have the absolute upper hand later on.

Later on, it can only be regarded as having a slight advantage, but until now, it can only be regarded as slightly better.

You know, Du Long is still in a fighting form with three heads and six arms. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is actually letting off steam!

But when the opponent lets go, he tries his best but is only slightly better? !

If the opponent uses a fighting form with three heads and more arms, then where does he have half a chance of winning? !

Just when Karl felt something was wrong, Du Long also felt that his opponent could no longer put enough pressure on him.

If the pressure is not high enough, you will not be able to stimulate your greater potential. Such battle insights will only waste more of your time!


Since the whetstone in front of him no longer had much effect, he didn't need to let go anymore and directly transformed into a fighting form with three heads and twenty-four arms.

Immediately afterwards, swords, axes and shadows were blasted out along with spears and dragons one after another, directly forcing Karl into a panic and full of loopholes.

With Karl in a state of confusion, Du Long quickly found a flaw in his opponent's defense and ruthlessly blasted his body into fragments of flesh and blood.


With Karl's body being blown to pieces on the spot, this fierce elimination battle finally came to an end.

Du Long once again defeated an opponent and successfully advanced to the next round of knockout!

Half of the more than 900 people were eliminated again, leaving more than 400 people. He only needed two more rounds of eliminations before he could successfully advance to the top 100.

According to convention, the top 100 is not an integer top 100. Even if there are dozens more people, they can all enter the most brutal official ranking competition of the top 100!

After successfully defeating Carl, Dulong then encountered two opponents in the knockout rounds.

As time goes by, all the promoted players become stronger.

However, the two players he encountered later were either not much different from Carl in strength, or they were a few points stronger than him and were not enough for him to fully cope with them.

For the player who was about the same strength as Karl, he didn't even bother to waste time on fighting and understanding, and simply defeated the opponent quickly with the three-headed and twenty-four-armed fighting form.

Du Long spent some time fighting to understand the opponent who was a bit stronger than Karl.

Although there were some gains in the end, the gains were not very big, and he did not waste too much time defeating his opponent.

At this point, Du Long has easily advanced to the top 100, and is about to usher in the most brutal and intense official qualifying competition for the top 100!

The total number of people who have advanced to the top 100 has reached 122. Next, these people will have to compete with all other contestants, and each victory will earn 1 point.

The final ranking will be based on each contestant's points. Whoever has higher points will naturally be ranked higher.

"This...does this make me advance to the top 100?!"

"Yes! How long did it take for this boy Meng Tao to break through to the ninth level?! Not only did he sign up to participate in the ninth level ranking competition, but he also directly entered the top 100 list!"

"It's not uncommon for people like him to participate in the eighth-level qualifying competition and then immediately sign up for the ninth-level qualifying competition. It may be too rare to be able to enter the top 100 of the ninth-level qualifying competition so easily!"

"I finally understand why the eldest elder of the Meng family is willing to risk his life to split the entire Meng family for Meng Tao!"

"Ginger is still old and hot! I believe Meng Long, the head of the Meng family, must be regretting it in his heart right now?!"

"Maybe not yet, but if Meng Tao can continue to win the ninth level ranking competition, oh no! As long as he can get the top ten, Meng Long will probably regret his original choice?!"


In the martial arts square, countless spectators were talking about it.

Many people focused on Du Long and whispered about topics related to him.

There is no shortage of members of the old and new Meng family among these people. Their moods are different. One party is naturally happy, while the other party has complicated emotions that are difficult to describe.


In the martial arts square, energy shields began to rise one after another, completely covering the 61 arenas.

A total of 122 people were promoted to the top 100 list. They were directly transported to the corresponding competition arena by the Jinshan Spirit in the order of the number plates in their hands.

Anyway, in the next battle, everyone has to fight against all other contestants. It doesn’t matter which contestant they fight first.

"Meng Tao?!"

Standing in front of Du Long was a beautiful blonde woman wearing purple armor. She was a member of the Violet Family, the top neutral family in the Jinshan World, named Tina Violet.

After she saw that her opponent turned out to be Du Long, she immediately looked him up and down with curiosity, and then said hello in a very kind manner.

"Nice to meet you!"

"I am also honored to be Miss Tina's opponent!"

Facing a friendly opponent, Du Long would naturally not be stingy with his friendly attitude, and immediately greeted the opponent with a smile and nod.

"You are the champion of the eighth-level ranking competition. It has only been 200,000 years. Not only were you able to sign up for the ninth-level ranking competition, but you also easily entered the final top 100 list. You are amazing!" Tina! He praised with great sincerity.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Du Long replied humbly: "Miss Tina can represent the Violet family in the competition and successfully advance to the top 100. This in itself also means that your talent and strength are very good!"

"Giggle! Little brother Meng Tao is really good at talking!" When Tina heard the words of praise for herself, she directly covered her mouth and chuckled: "Then let us fight with all our strength!"

"Please enlighten me!"

After some friendly business exchanges, the two opponents, who had already entered combat mode, started to fight directly.

Du Long still entered the battle in the fighting form with three heads and six arms, which made his opponent Tina very unhappy.

"Brother Meng Tao! We agreed to fight with all our strength, but you only participated in the battle in a fighting form with three heads and six arms. Doesn't this mean you don't look at me, sister?!"

"Uh!" Du Long never expected that the other party would actually say that. He was stunned for a moment before shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "I'm really sorry, Miss Tina. As long as you can force me to use more arms, I will definitely do it by then." Appropriately add some arms to join the battle!"

"Hmph!" Tina snorted slightly dissatisfied: "You will get retribution if you look down on others!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her offensive suddenly increased, and her whole body turned into purple afterimages, continuously launching fierce attacks towards Du Long.

In addition to the extremely gorgeous purple armor, this beauty from the Violet family.

In her left hand she held a purple repeating crossbow, and in her right hand she held a light blue war sword.

As she began to launch an all-out attack, the purple repeating crossbow in her left hand continued to shoot out streaks of purple light, and the sword in her right hand combined with the purple arrow light kept approaching Du Long to attack and kill him!

To put it simply, the long-range attack is launched through the continuous crossbow, and the melee defense is launched through the war sword. The coordination between the two is so wonderful that it is impossible to describe this tacit understanding in words.

Facing this special attack method, Du Long was really caught off guard at first. Every time the purple arrow light hit the battle ax, he would be knocked back.

Then the war sword was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Every time he slashed, Du Long felt like an ordinary person being hit by a hammer.

The beauty of the Violet family in front of her looked exactly like a super female tyrannosaurus, constantly forcing Du Long to retreat towards the edge of the ring.

"Giggle! Are you happy, little brother Meng Tao?! If you look down on others again, be careful of capsizing in the gutter!"

Amid bursts of sweet laughter, Tina continued to force Du Longfei to retreat with her long-range attacks and close-range attacks. The gap in strength between the two was still quite large.

The Tina in front of her was much stronger than Karl. This was a true ninth-level peak existence. Although she was still far away from the ninth-level peak limit, she was much stronger than Du Long.


Feeling that his opponent's attack methods were somewhat restrained from his three-headed and six-armed fighting form, Du Long could only transform into a three-headed and twelve-armed fighting form.

That's right!

He still did not enter the fighting form with three heads and twenty-four arms, but doubled the number of arms. In this way, he could barely block the opponent's frontal attack.

"Tsk, tsk! It took me a long time to let you use twelve arms to join the battle. It seems that little brother Meng Tao still looks down on you!"

Tina continued to vent her inner dissatisfaction to Du Long in a funny tone full of sadness, but she was no longer as careless as she was at the beginning, and a serious light finally appeared in her eyes.

The battle was still going on, and Du Long would still be forced to retreat, but he gradually found the rhythm of his opponent's weird play style.

Through the advantage of the number of arms, while constantly blocking the opponent's attacks, he will also score the opponent twice from time to time.

The battle between the two began to enter a see-saw state. While neither could do anything to the other, they could also bring some threats to the opponent from time to time, so that both sides needed to be mentally prepared to fight.

Gradually, both Du Long and Tina entered a state of combat awareness.

Their attacks were random, and they kept attacking their opponents with all kinds of ruthless moves. They didn't worry about hurting the opponent at all. As long as they didn't intentionally hurt the soul of the opponent, it was enough.

As for the physical damage to the body, if the opponent is hit due to carelessness, it will be a good thing to easily win the game!

The sound of rapid clashes of gold and iron could be heard endlessly. The two male and female players who had entered a state of combat awareness were attacking each other with all their strength with their combat awareness.

While attacking with all their strength, they are also quickly understanding the secrets of each other's creation and heaven, and their combat power is also growing at an alarming rate!

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