Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3079 An Ancient Book

At a party, everyone was chatting after drinking.

For monks with endless longevity, all kinds of topics have already been discussed at gatherings.

Ever since, chatting about all kinds of unknown things has become a topic that many party participants enjoy.

This gathering was like this. A group of people were chatting there, and they actually talked about how this world came into being.

It was fine at the beginning, but as the conversation progressed to the end, Du Long gradually became somewhat interested in the young man who introduced the topic in this direction.

That guy's multi-dimensional space-time theory was not just baseless nonsense at that time. Some of the theories he said actually inspired me.

In this way, it would be difficult for him not to pay attention to the other party.

So he also started to join in the chat, deliberately guiding the young man named Cui Jian to continue the in-depth chat in the direction of multi-dimensional space-time theory.

"Brother Meng Tao, do you know...why the so-called Three Realms we live in and the Jinshan World can exist forever in the world?!"

"Why can't the great world of Xuantian created in our bodies last forever? Once we, the great creator gods of Xuantian, fall, the great world of Xuantian created in our bodies will also decline and be destroyed?!"

Because Du Long always supported him in talking about this topic, Ji Jian simply sat next to him. The two of them ignored others and continued to talk about this topic in depth.

"Is... is this really true?! If Brother Ji hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten about it?! Haha!" Du Long responded following the other person's words.

"Haha!" Jiu Jian grinned, and then continued: "I didn't mention this specifically. Many people can easily forget such important information!"

"Continuing with the topic just now, some people believe that only those who are above the level of eternal gods can create the great world of Xuantian that can last forever!"

"However, I think that statement is wrong. A large world like this that can last forever should not be created by those who are above the level of Eternal God!"

"It should require a necessary condition that we don't know. As for this condition...according to my personal guess, it should be related to multi-dimensional space-time!"

"Whether it is Yin-Yang creation, Five Elements creation, or other various creation methods, although the worlds created in the end are different, they are actually an unstable Xuantian world!"

“Only by creating multi-dimensional time and space and truly grasping the balance point of multi-dimensional creation can we truly create a Xuantian world that will last forever!”

"Even if the great creator of that world dies outside, the Xuantian world he created can still exist in the world forever!"

"Excellent! Brother Ji, this theory is really advanced!" Du Long directly extended his thumb and said: "Listening to what you said, brother, I actually feel like it's better than ten years of reading!"

"Haha!" Jiu Jian laughed proudly: "I don't know why I feel like old friends at first sight towards Brother Meng Tao. It doesn't hurt to tell Brother Meng Tao the truth. In fact, these theories are not made up by my brother and I, but from my family. A theory I came across by chance in the endless collection!"

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up. No matter what Jiu Jian said, it was not as important as such a collection: "I wonder if Brother Ji can lend that collection to my brother to read?!"

To be honest, Du Long was still envious of children like Ji Jian who grew up in top families.

Apart from anything else, the background of these top families is something I cannot envy!

"No problem!" Chui Jian didn't know whether he was drunk or if he really fell in love with Du Long at first sight. He nodded and agreed without hesitation: "After this party is over, I will return to the family to look for the collection. Once I find it, Send it to your house in person right away!"

"No no! How dare you ask Brother Ji to deliver it to your door in person? Brother Ji just needs to send a message to me after finding it, and then I will come to Brother Ji to pick up the book in person!" Du Long waved his hand hurriedly.

"Don't you regard Jiu as a real good brother?!" Jiu Jian immediately said displeased after hearing this: "How can a real good brother care about these trivial matters?!"

"This..." Du Long was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother, I am being hypocritical. In this case, brother, I will offer this glass of wine to remind you. From now on, you will be my best friend, Meng Tao. Brothers!”

"Haha! That's right! Let's do it together!"

After drinking a glass of wine, the unhappiness he felt just now disappeared immediately, and the banquet party continued for a long time before it ended.

During this period, although Du Long continued to chat with Ji Jian about the previous topic, he did not have a deep understanding of the so-called multi-dimensional space-time theories because this guy was not a multi-dimensional space-time creation person.

He only memorized some relatively simple information from the classics. If he wanted to talk in depth, he would immediately be blinded!

After the party, Du Long deliberately looked for an opportunity to say goodbye to Ji Jian alone, and did not forget to remind him about borrowing books.

Jiu Jian naturally patted his chest and promised that he would never forget it, and then Du Long said goodbye to him!

In the following days, Du Long, as an eight-star peak powerful man, once again felt that only ordinary people could live like years!

His consciousness has always been shrouded at the entrance of Xinmeng Mansion. As soon as he finds Ji Jian showing up, he will immediately welcome him out of the door.

However, waiting every day ended in disappointment, which made him secretly wonder if Jiu Jian had forgotten about this matter? !

He suppressed the thought of sending a message to remind the other party. He didn't want to be reminded how anxious he was to get the book.

Once the other party discovers this situation, who knows whether some unpredictable changes will happen in the end? !

In this way, while he was waiting for a long time, the time came to the afternoon of the ninth day after the party.

When Ji Jian's figure appeared at the gate of Xinmeng Mansion, Du Long didn't react for a moment. He was stunned for a long time before he woke up.

"Brother Ji!" Du Long's figure appeared directly at the gate of Xinmeng Mansion, bowed his hands towards Ji Jian and said: "You really personally delivered the classics to my brother, did I come to my door?!"

"Haha! As a man, you must keep your promise, and you can't break your promise if you deliver it to your door in person!" Ji Jian pretended to smile cheerfully and said, "It's just that we kept Brother Meng Tao waiting for a long time!"

"After I finished reading that classic, I threw it in the library. I even forgot the title of the book. Brother, it took me several days to dig it out from the massive collection of books!"

"In order to find this book, brother, I had to briefly read through all the billions of books in the entire library. I really don't know how to describe the difficulty!"

"Brother Ji is tired!" Du Long hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "Brother Ji, please follow me into the Xinmeng Mansion. Today you and I must keep drinking and talking till we get drunk and never come back!"

"Haha! I'm not polite about that brother!"

The two grown men stood at the door of the mansion and exchanged polite greetings. Then, under the guidance of Du Long, they entered Xinmeng Mansion and sat down in the courtyard where Du Long lived.

"Here! This is the classic book that records the creation theory of multi-dimensional time and space. This should be an ancient book that the ancestors of the family accidentally obtained from a dangerous place somewhere!"

Ji Jian directly sent a simple classic to Du Long. This classic was made of some special material and remained intact despite countless years.

"Thank you for urging me! Brother, I will put this ancient book away first. I will come to return it in person after I finish reading it some other day!"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Jiu Jian waved his hands and replied with a smile, "Brother Meng Tao, you can keep it and read it slowly. It won't be too late to return it after you finish reading the contents!"

"If this ancient book hadn't been a family collection, I would have given it to Brother Meng Tao without hesitation. It's a pity that I also lent it to the family and I will definitely need to return it in the future!"

"Thank you again, Brother Cui!" Du Long stopped talking nonsense, said another polite word and shouted towards the door: "Come here! Put the best banquet with the best wine, I will entertain my good brother today!"

A steward immediately responded and began to make arrangements.

The maid soon brought fine wine and some rare fruits, but the hot and cold dishes took some time to prepare.

Du Long did not wait for the dishes to be served, and directly asked the two maids to pour the wine. He first offered Ji Jian three large glasses of wine.

After three glasses of wine, the two began to call themselves brothers and continued the banquet and flirting mode.

Du Long only divided one or two parts of his mind to warmly entertain the guests, while the rest of his mind sank into the world inside his body and began to flip through the ancient book that recorded a large amount of theoretical knowledge about multi-dimensional space and time.

After just browsing for a moment, Du Long felt that he had definitely found a treasure.

Over the years, this avatar of his began to embark on the path of multi-dimensional time and space creation, although he was later recognized by the ancient Buddha Bodhi and accepted as his personal disciple.

However, Du Long has no understanding of the multidimensional space-time theory.

But it is still at the stage of half-learning existing knowledge and groping for self-cultivation.

To put it simply, there is no systematic concept of multidimensional creation theory.

Now, with the appearance of this ancient book, although Du Long has only read a very small part of it, he feels that he has benefited a lot.

The two minds who were in charge of receiving the guests couldn't help but briefly understand the situation of the ancient book. After discovering this, they immediately became much more enthusiastic when receiving Ji Jian.

The Jiu Jian in front of him gave him a great gift, so he naturally wanted to repay it as much as possible.

In the world inside the body, a large number of minds are reading ancient books while conducting analysis and research from various angles.

‘Nine, the number is extremely high! ’

‘Therefore, it is extremely critical to break through into the beginning of nine-dimensional time and space. Once the balance point is not grasped, it will be difficult to make corrections after the breakthrough! ’

‘In multi-dimensional space-time, every three dimensions is a stage. Even if the previous three or six dimensions are out of balance, there is still a chance for correction! ’

‘Only the ninth dimension cannot make mistakes. Once a mistake is made, irreversible changes will occur. The possibility of breaking through the ninth dimension and entering the tenth dimension will be almost zero! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Du Long saw such a passage in that ancient book that made him tremble with fear. He was secretly glad that he did not act impulsively.

Otherwise, once you casually break through and reach the realm of nine-dimensional time and space, it will be too late to regret it!

Subsequently, there are also relevant matters that need to be paid attention to in the ancient books about breaking through the nine-dimensional time and space. For those who are not involved in multi-dimensional creation, these matters are as difficult to understand as reading a heavenly book.

But compared to a monk like Du Long who takes the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation, he only needs to go through some deductions to understand many abstract and difficult contents, and he will immediately understand the mystery.

In this way, he read and deduced while reading, and gradually read this ancient book that summarized the theory of multi-dimensional space and time.

With a photographic memory, he no longer needs to read it several times, he only needs to conduct in-depth deductions on many of the contents mentioned in it.

In other words, this book is no longer of use. Du Long can directly copy countless copies if needed!

Tens of trillions of minds are constantly deducing what details need to be paid attention to to maintain a key balance point when breaking through nine-dimensional time and space!

It is as if endless multi-dimensional symbols are being pieced together and combined to form a perfect chain of nine-dimensional time and space order.

This perfect nine-dimensional space-time order chain does not allow any errors or omissions, and this requires Du Long to spend a lot of time and energy to continue to deduce and improve it until there are no errors or omissions.

In Xinmeng Mansion, Du Long warmly entertained the guests who presented them with great gifts, and finally managed to send them away.


Standing at the gate of Xinmeng Mansion, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

Secretly sent a message to the eldest elder of the Meng family, telling the old man that he was about to enter the secret realm of Jinshan to practice hard in seclusion, and this time he would probably stay there for a longer period of time.

The eldest elder of the Meng family also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Du Long has been attending various banquets and gatherings at intervals recently, and he was really worried that he would become addicted and unable to stop himself.

Now it seems that he still thinks too much. After long years of hard work, he must also take some time to relax, right? !

The eldest elder of the Meng family did not know that Du Long did not attend the party to relax, but to find an opportunity to break through to the ninth level.

What's more, I didn't know that Du Long actually found the opportunity he wanted most from a seemingly ordinary banquet party, although this opportunity still needed some time to be polished and deduced.

"Meng Tao has entered the Jinshan secret realm again, report this matter quickly!"

"What?! Meng Tao entered the Jinshan Secret Realm again?! It seems that the previous attempt to lure him into the ancient secret realm failed!"

"Meng Tao has entered the Jinshan Secret Realm again. I don't know how long he will stay there this time?!"


The entire Jinshan world, behind the seemingly calm and prosperous scene, became turbulent because Du Long entered the secret realm of Jinshan again.

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