Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3075 Secret Purpose

"What?! How dare you say that there are no halls in the ninth level of fairyland?!"

"Open your eyes and take a look. With our status as a group of people, even if there is no palace hall, we still have to make room for those cats and dogs!"


Yaochi Fairyland, inside the hall of the ninth level fairyland.

The people who were holding a banquet to celebrate Du Long were directly disturbed by the noise outside the hall, and the originally warm atmosphere immediately became quiet.

Everyone has used their spiritual consciousness to detect the scene outside. After seeing clearly who was making trouble, everyone's expressions became a little ugly.

The visitors were Arthur from the Tarot family, Alex from the Titan family, Aubrey from the Arman family, and so on.

All of them are children of the top family forces in the hostile camp, and they are all figures with very unusual status within the family.

Obviously, these people would come to Yaochi Wonderland by chance, and they would definitely not come just to eat, drink and have fun.

It seems that more than 80% of them are coming for them, and the main target should be Meng Tao, who won the eighth-level ranking competition championship! ’

Sure enough, just a moment later, the group of people, helplessly surrounded by many stewards of Yaochi Wonderland, rushed directly into the hall where Du Long and others were.

"Yo! Are you celebrating the champion of the eighth-level ranking competition?!"

"Tsk tsk! It's been a while since the eighth-level ranking competition. Isn't it a bit too showy to hold a celebration banquet now?!"

"Who says it's not?! Isn't he the champion of the eighth-level ranking competition?! I really think that I am invincible in the entire Jinshan world!"


Waves of unabashed ridicule continued, and a group of top family disciples from the opposing camps were all laughing loudly and wildly.

"Shut up!"

Yin Qinchuan shouted angrily on the spot: "What the hell is going on with you stewards of Yaochi Wonderland?! We are guests here to spend money, why should we let some irrelevant bastards come in and affect our mood?!"

The stewards of Yaochi Wonderland all had bitter expressions on their faces. If only members of one or two top families came to cause trouble, they would still have the means to resolve the problem forcefully.

After all, being able to open such a luxurious place here definitely requires the support of some top family forces.

But now that such a large group of children from top family forces are making trouble, even the backers behind them have to give in, let alone ordinary stewards like them in Yaochi Wonderland.

"Haha!" After Arthur saw that the steward here did not dare to say a word, he immediately laughed loudly and said: "Yin Qinchuan! Who here is not a distinguished guest of Yaochi Wonderland?! Oh no! The child of the second-rate family sitting next to you, that is Are you a bunch of people who have never been to Yaochi Wonderland?!"


"That's right! Boss Arthur is right! That guy can't even be considered a member of a second-rate family now. I heard that the Meng family has been separated a long time ago!"

"Have the families been separated?!" Arthur pretended to be confused: "It was only a second-rate family in the first place. Doesn't this division of the family mean it is not first-rate?!"

"That's right, that's right! He's not a popular guy! Why don't you hurry up and get that bastard guy out!"

"Drive it out, drive it out! Don't let an inferior guy lower the level of Yaochi Wonderland!"

"That's right! Those who are not good enough only deserve to be trampled under our feet in the first level of Wonderland!"


Waves of sarcastic laughter continued to ring out, as a group of disciples from top families humiliated Du Long unscrupulously.

Faced with the public humiliation of this group of people, Du Long had a faint smile on his lips. From time to time he raised his wine glass and toasted with the people around him, and then watched the performances of those in the hall with interest while drinking.

His calm performance calmed down the people who were originally furious, and they were no longer as angry as they were at the beginning.

Some people even imitated Du Long's example, drinking while enjoying the performance of the group below.

Their performance fell into the eyes of Arthur and others, and their expressions changed slightly, and their laughter suddenly stopped.

"Act! Keep acting!"

Du Long said with a half-smile: "With such a group of top-notch dudes performing for fun, our interest in drinking has become much higher, hahaha..."

At the end of the sentence, Du Long couldn't help but burst out laughing. Yin Qinchuan and others were immediately amused and started laughing in cooperation.

"Meng Tao!" Arthur glared angrily and roared directly at Du Long: "You actually dare to go against us in public, you are really looking for death!!"

"Looking for death?!" Du Long pretended to be stunned for a moment, then waved his hands and replied with a smile: "It's obvious that you guys came here to perform for free on your own, and it's not like Meng asked you to come, so what's the matter? Are you looking for death?!"

"Stop arguing with him!" Before Arthur could continue to speak, Aubrey on the side grabbed him and said.

"This Meng Tao humiliated us in public. Today we must issue a life and death challenge to him. Let's use this life and death challenge to determine the ownership of this palace and at the same time resolve the conflicts between us!"

"Haha!" Du Long was immediately amused by the other party's request: "After beating around the bush for a long time, don't you just want to force me to take action and accept your life and death challenge!"

Arthur and others' expressions changed slightly, but they recovered quickly.

If the opponent couldn't see such a simple provocation trick, it would be the most ridiculous thing in the world!

"How is it?!" Arthur's mouth curved dangerously, and he smiled solemnly: "As the champion of the eighth-level ranking competition, don't you dare to accept the life and death challenge we have issued?!"

"Or... the eighth-level ranking championship won by some people is actually just a ranking that does not live up to the name?!"

‘Brother Meng Tao! Don't easily agree to their challenge. A life-and-death challenge is no better than a ranking competition. They may use extremely powerful eternal magic weapons, which you won't be able to handle at all! ’

Yin Qinchuan was worried that he didn't know the situation, so he directly agreed to the opponent's challenge of a life-and-death duel, and immediately sent a message secretly to remind him.

'Um! ’ Du Long was slightly startled, then quickly nodded and agreed: ‘Thank you, Brother Qanchuan, for reminding me, I will proceed with caution! ’

"You want to challenge me to life and death?!" Du Long looked at Arthur again and said, "I wonder which one of you is going to challenge me?!"

"Me!" Arthur replied directly: "I will challenge you to life and death, Meng Tao! I wonder if you, the eighth-level ranking champion, dare to accept the challenge?!"

"To be honest, I am very dissatisfied with my loss to you in the eighth-level ranking arena. I want to use today's real life-and-death duel challenge to wash away the humiliation on my body!"

"Haha!" Du Long was amused by the other party's words again: "Do you want to defeat me with your true strength?! Or do you want to kill me with some powerful eternal magic weapon?!"

Arthur was directly speechless by his question. The aura he had just pretended was instantly lowered, and the look he looked at Du Long also became gloomy.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Arthur finally had no choice but to act rogue and said: "Do you dare to accept my challenge to a life-and-death duel?!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?!" Du Long chuckled with disdain: "Unless it's a life-and-death duel challenge that prohibits the use of eternal magic weapons, I will only accept the challenge unless I have water in my head!"


Arthur was choked by his stupid answer, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"What am I?!" Du Long continued to sneer and said: "A coward who doesn't even dare to accept a life-and-death duel based on true strength actually has the nerve to say that he is not convinced after losing in the ranking arena?!"

"Haha!" Yin Qinchuan immediately laughed and said: "Brother Meng Tao is right! Such a coward actually dares to challenge you to life and death?! It's so funny!"


This time, it was Du Long's turn to laugh loudly at each other. The faces of Arthur and others standing below became extremely ugly. The look they looked at Du Long almost wanted to tear him apart. .

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense!" Du Long waved his hands and said loudly: "As long as your cultivation level does not exceed the eighth level, and you are willing to challenge me to a life-and-death duel without using eternal magic weapons, then I will It’s all coming today!”

"If you don't dare, then please go back where you came from and don't stay here any longer and make yourself look embarrassed!"


His words directly caused an uproar in the entire palace.

Everyone in the same camp as him applauded loudly, while those in the same camp as Arthur cursed and lost their voices.

After Du Long said these words, he immediately began to slowly continue to taste the fine wine and food in front of him, without paying any attention to the choices of those below.

‘Arthur! You might as well agree to his request! ’

‘Do I agree to his request? ! Do you want me to die? ! ’

‘You just have to do this. . . ’

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Arthur and others began to secretly communicate there, and soon reached an insidious plan.

"Meng Tao!" After communicating with the people around him, Arthur looked at Du Long again and said: "I promise you not to use any eternal magic weapon in the life and death duel challenge! Now I dare to ask you if you dare to accept my life and death Duel challenge?!"

"Oh?!" Du Long looked at him in surprise and said, "How dare you challenge me to a life-and-death duel?! Do you think your life is too long?!"

"It's none of your business whether I think you'll live forever, but now I'm asking you if you dare to accept my challenge to a life-and-death duel?!" Arthur replied impatiently.

"As long as you dare to make a soul oath in public that you will never use any eternal magic weapon in a life-and-death duel challenge, then I will agree to your life-and-death duel challenge!" Du Long thought for a moment and immediately agreed in a deep voice.

"Very good! I, Arthur Tarot, hereby make a soul oath. During the life and death duel challenge with Meng Tao, I will never use any eternal magic weapon to participate in the battle. If I violate this oath, I will be punished by God and never be reincarnated! "Arthur actually made this soul oath without hesitation.

"Okay! Now it's your turn to swear the soul oath!" Arthur was not stupid. After he finished swearing the soul oath, he actually knew how to ask Du Long to swear the oath as well.

"Okay! I, Meng Tao, hereby make a soul oath..."

Du Long swore the soul oath without hesitation. After all, he was not Meng Tao, so it didn't matter even if he had to break the oath in the end. Anyway, this was just an oath for Meng Tao.

After the two people had sworn their soul oaths, they left the hall and came to the ring in the center of the nine halls.

In addition to eating, drinking and having fun, Yaochi Wonderland will naturally also arrange some special programs. It is not surprising that there will be an arena.

As the two men appeared on the ring, not only the people in the hall where Yin Qinchuan and others were preparing to watch the battle, but also the guests in the other eight halls were attracted by the duel that was about to begin.

"Both of you!"

An executive from Yaochi Wonderland appeared at the edge of the ring: "Are you sure you want to challenge a life-and-death duel? After that, whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with anyone else?!"



The two people on the ring answered almost in unison.

"Okay! Then I will activate the protective formation on the stage now. I wish you both good luck!"

Seeing that the situation could not be changed, the supervisor had no choice but to say polite words and immediately activated the protective circle on the arena.

A hemispherical energy shield directly enveloped the entire arena.

The two people on the stage entered the fighting form one after another, and Du Long entered the powerful fighting form with three heads and ninety-six arms. This can be regarded as the importance he attaches to Arthur.

no way.

The opponent dared to risk his life to launch a life-and-death challenge even though he knew that his true combat power was inferior to his own. If Arthur said that he didn't have any trump cards, even if he beat Du Long to death, he wouldn't believe it.

Since the opponent has a trump card that you don't know about, you must be fully prepared and you must not underestimate your opponent at all!

On the other hand, his opponent Arthur has also entered a fully armed fighting form, with a shield in one hand and a giant sword in the other, which seems a bit unreliable.

'hey-hey! The bastard named Meng! Recently, I have tried my best to investigate all your information, but I can't figure out how you quickly increased your strength to where you are today! ’

'According to your past performance, you have always been very ordinary. It was only after you left the Jinshan world not long ago, entered the outside world of gods and came back, that your whole person changed. . . ’

‘What exactly did you go through when you left Jinshan World this time? ! Why such a sudden and earth-shaking change? ! ’

‘Boy named Meng, as long as you are willing to tell me this secret in detail, I can guarantee you that I will spare your life! ’

Just when Du Long was considering whether to strike preemptively, Arthur's words suddenly gave him goosebumps all over his body.

Dare the other party to risk his life and initiate a life-and-death duel challenge, just to secretly force himself to ask this question? !

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