Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3073 Peaceful separation of families

"The master of the house is so majestic!"

Faced with the sudden accusation from the family leader Meng Long, Du Long looked calm and calm, without the slightest bit of nervousness or shock.

"I would like to hear the master explain it in detail!"

"I, the hero who just fought so hard to win the eighth-level ranking competition championship for the Meng family, what kind of terrible crime did I commit to make the family owner so angry?!"


As his words fell, the entire hall fell into a strange silence.

The faces of many senior members of the Meng family all showed extremely strange expressions, and each one had a different expression.

"Hmph!" The head of the family, Meng Long, snorted coldly, attracting everyone's attention: "How dare you publicly offend a top power like the Tarot family in the ranking arena, and bring disaster to the Meng family that could annihilate the entire clan? Doesn’t that count as committing a heinous crime?!”

"Haha!" Du Long still had a faint smile on his lips, and continued in an indifferent tone: "According to the logic of the family head, does it mean that we, the Meng family, must endure without any limit when faced with the public humiliation of the Tarot family? ?!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" The head of the family, Meng Long, immediately shouted angrily: "You decided to help the Yin family to fight against the Tarot family's participating teams without authorization. Could it be that someone forced you to do this?!"

"No one forced me to do this!" Du Long replied with a nonchalant smile: "It's just... I had a falling out with the Tarot family at the beginning of the competition. In this case, why not help the Yin family? How about getting some help yourself?!"

"You..." The head of the family, Meng Long, was so angry that he pointed at Du Long and yelled: "You are seeking death yourself, but you don't want to drag the entire Meng clan to back you up!!"

"Oh?!" Du Long pretended to be surprised, then turned his head and glanced at the many senior Meng family officials present and said, "So, do everyone here think so?!"

"If this is the case, then Meng Tao doesn't want to involve the entire Meng family. The easiest way is for me to withdraw from the Meng family!"

"That's enough!" The eldest elder of the Meng family finally couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice: "It's not easy for our Meng family to have a monster child, how can we give up on this clan member because of the threat of a powerful clan?!"

"Stop talking nonsense. I have already said before on the martial arts field that since there are two irreconcilable voices within the Meng family, let's just separate the families and live in peace!"


Many senior officials of the Meng family who didn't know what to say at first were immediately in an uproar after hearing the words of the great elder.

Everyone was shouting something, whispering to each other, or shouting out their opinions.

In short, the entire family hall was boiling with excitement.

As a member of the senior management of the Meng family, almost everyone understands what it means to separate the family, and no one wants to get to this point easily unless absolutely necessary.

After all, the most valuable thing for a family is its powerful clan members.

Once the family is separated, those powerful clan members will inevitably be dispersed, which will cause the entire family's strength to plummet instantly!

Various cultivation resources may explode in a short period of time, but the number of strong family members can only be accumulated slowly over countless years. No family force can afford the sudden drop in the strength of the branch family!

Neither the head of the family, Meng Long, nor the eldest elder of the Meng family are in a hurry to express their opinions at this moment, but let the clan members below have a good exchange first.

Separating a family is not a trivial matter. Many clan members must understand the causes and consequences, and then they can make the most correct choice!

"Okay!" After seeing that everyone was almost chatting, the great elder said in a deep voice: "You should be clear about the cause and effect of the matter. I don't want to continue talking nonsense here!"

"Now the family is divided over whether to support or abandon Meng Tao, and it has reached the point where we have to separate!"

"I have decided to give my full support to Meng Tao without any hesitation. I must not let such an outstanding tribesman feel cold!"

"The head of the family, Meng Long, has decided to give up Meng Tao in order to protect the Meng family from the Tarot family!"

"To be honest, both choices have their own rights and wrongs, and I don't have anything good to say about my choice."

"Everyone here represents each branch of the family's bloodline for countless years. Today, it is up to you to make the choice on behalf of your respective bloodline!"

"Those who choose to follow the family leader Meng Long after the separation and continue to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life can sit on the right side of the hall where he is!"

"For those clansmen who choose to follow me after we separate, are willing to risk their lives to support Meng Tao, and work hard for that chance of success, please sit on the left side of the hall where I am!"

"Okay! Please make your choice!"

After the eldest elder of the Meng family explained the pros and cons of the two players, he asked everyone to make corresponding choices.

For a long time, the eldest elder of the Meng family has always been known for his fairness and integrity, and all the Meng family members have confidence in him.

However, after all, this family separation is a matter of life and death for the clan. Even if many clan members originally supported him, they now need to weigh it carefully.

Du Long watched the scene in front of him with a complicated expression. To be honest, the eldest elder of the Meng family supported him without hesitation, which made him feel warm in his heart.

To be honest, he really admired the courage of the eldest elder of the Meng family.

In this kind of spiritual world where human life is as cheap as a dog, there are really not many high-ranking people with such courage!

In the meeting hall, many senior officials of the Meng family did not make their own choices immediately. Instead, they looked at each other and secretly communicated and inquired about each other's decisions.

Only a handful of tribesmen at the scene who had made a decision early on, such as those of the same lineage as the family leader Meng Long, would not hesitate to run over to him and sit down.

"Everyone!" Seeing that many clan members were hesitant, the family leader Meng Long finally couldn't help but said: "It was the great elder who was talking about the family separation just now, so I, the family leader, should also say a few words!"

"First of all, the head of this family will never lead his tribe into a situation of no return, especially for a tribe member who has just reached the eighth level. Of course, we cannot deny that the other party has some talents!"

"However, are there still very few people with evil talents in the entire God Realm?! But in the end, only a handful of people can really grow up!"

"Therefore, the head of this family has never believed that one talented disciple can change the fate of the entire family!"

"The head of this family believes that only when the entire family has a large number of outstanding children, and then after a long period of continuous accumulation, can it eventually grow into a first-class or even the top family!"

"For the sake of a member of the clan who is only relatively talented, I would put the life and death of the entire family at risk. This family leader thinks this is stupid!"


They had agreed to just say a few words, but the head of the family, Meng Long, was shamelessly talking at length.

Everything in the words is trying to lower the opponent and push yourself higher. As expected, there is still no limit as before!

The eldest elder of the Meng family narrowed his eyes slightly, pretending that the matter had nothing to do with him and allowed Meng Long to talk at length.

He didn't have high expectations as to how many clansmen would be willing to join his side in the split family. Since he had no desires and desires, he naturally allowed the family leader Meng Long to talk nonsense.

Some tribesmen who were still a little undecided finally chose to side with the family leader after listening to the long speech of the family leader Meng Long.

Only those who had long disliked the family leader and had been suppressed for many years continued to sit firmly on the side of the great elder.

There are not many of these tribesmen, and many of them would rather continue to be exploited by their family masters than seek their own death.

"Okay!" After seeing that everyone below had almost made their choice, the great elder finally opened his eyes and said, "Finally, I will give everyone ten breaths of time to choose. Once there is no change after ten breaths, then it will be confirmed!"

Ten, nine, eight. . .

As the great elder's words fell, amidst the silent countdown in everyone's heart, one or two tribesmen once again made a choice.

"Okay! The choice ends here!" The great elder said in a deep voice: "The choice of dividing a family is not a child's play. From now on, everyone will go back to their own way, no matter whether they are rich or poor, whether they are alive or dead. An Tianming!”

"We hereby announce the most fair and equitable family division plan. Each side will occupy all the resources and wealth of the entire Meng family according to the number of registered clan members!"

"For the sake of fairness and justice, all the distribution will be handed over to the formation spirits of the Meng clan. I believe everyone here has no objections, right?!"

"Of course I have no objection!" The head of the family, Meng Long, glanced at his absolute numerical advantage and immediately agreed very readily.

"Very good!" With his reply, the great elder immediately nodded and continued: "Then ask the formation spirits of the Meng clan to come forward and start counting the number of clan members registered on both sides, and then divide all the properties of the Meng clan according to the number of people. Make a fair distribution!”

"Yes! Great Elder!"

In the main hall, the voices of the family formation spirits immediately sounded.

The entire family separation process is very fast. Under the automatic calculation and distribution of the family spirit, neither party has to worry about being taken advantage of by the other party.

Du Long, on the other hand, witnessed the whole process of the Meng family being separated because of him. He secretly sighed in his heart that the big family of Ganqing could break up peacefully in this way? !

Property distribution, delivery of various resources, etc. will all take some time and cannot be completed overnight.

Du Long didn't need to get involved in the subsequent family separation process. After the elder arranged for his clan members to take over the handover, he took him to the new Meng Mansion.

Because the number of people on the Great Elder's side was small, they chose to move out of the Meng Mansion to a mansion in the family property. From now on, there will be a brand new Meng Mansion!

"Meng Tao!" The Great Elder and Du Long were sitting in a hall in the new mansion. The Great Elder looked at him with a complicated expression and said, "What do you think of this separation?!"

Du Long smiled bitterly, thinking that you guys separated without even asking me. Isn't it a little too late to ask my opinion now? !

"Well... I feel a little sudden. Let me tell you my opinion... I just feel that it has caused some trouble for the great elder and many clan members!" Du Long could only reply like this.

"There is no such thing as a series of accusations!" The great elder waved his hand and said: "I did not force anyone to stand up. Since they have made such a choice, they need to bear the corresponding price!"

"I don't care what they think now. I just want to know your views and thoughts on this matter. Don't have any worries and feel free to speak freely!"

"Okay!" Du Long sighed softly and said, "To be honest, I am very grateful to the great elder and many clan members for their trust. I will definitely live up to your high expectations in the future. I will work harder to practice and find opportunities to repay your high expectations!"

"Yes!" The great elder nodded with satisfaction: "Then do you have any plans to practice next?! When are you going to break through and reach the ninth level?!"

"I guess it won't be too long!" Du Long replied in a deep voice: "Most of the time I will stay in the Jinshan Secret Realm inheritance space. With the thousand Jinshan Tokens rewarded by the competition, I will break through to eight as soon as possible. The peak level limit, and then directly break through to reach the ninth level realm!"

"Breaking through to the ninth level so quickly?!" The great elder asked doubtfully: "Why don't you consolidate more at the eighth level?!"

"No! It's not necessary!" Du Long shook his head directly and said: "Anyway, after the cultivation level reaches the peak limit of the eighth level, the possibility of breaking through to the eighth level of Dzogchen is very low. It is better to directly break through to the ninth level. Then continue to work hard to improve your cultivation... and strive to participate in the ninth level ranking competition one hundred thousand years later!"

"You want to participate in the ninth-level ranking competition?!" The great elder immediately grasped the key point and said: "Does it mean that you are confident that you can continue to get good results in the ninth-level competition?!"

"I can't guarantee this!" Du Long immediately shook his head and replied: "I can only say that I will try my best!"

"Hmm!" The Great Elder nodded lightly, and then seemed to have made an important decision. He took out a space ring and handed it to Du Long: "There are a thousand Jinshan Tokens in it. They are most of my collection over the years. Got it!"

"So many Jinshan Tokens?!" Du Long said with some confusion: "Why are they all given to me?!"

"Haha!" The great elder shook his head and sighed softly: "Is this a lot?! The geniuses trained by other top families have given out tens of thousands of Jinshan Tokens!"

"It's a pity that you grew up in the second-rate Meng family. Now that the second-rate Meng family has split up, there's not much I can do to help you!"

"That..." Du Long still refused: "I already have a thousand Jinshan Tokens as a reward from the competition, which is enough for me to use until the day of the ninth-level competition a hundred thousand years later. I won't accept these thousand Jinshan Tokens." Are you ready?!"

"Take it quickly!" The great elder said angrily: "The ninth level competition will not be held in one hundred thousand years, but in two hundred thousand years. Your thousand Jinshan Tokens are simply not enough!"

"This..." Du Long was stunned for a moment, then reluctantly took the space ring and said, "Then we really need these thousand Jinshan Tokens! Thank you, Great Elder, for the generous gift!"

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