Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3063 Top 100 Ranking

Jinshan Temple and Yanwu Square were filled with people!

The competition from 500 to 250 came to an end once again. After a half-hour intermission, it was time to enter the third and final round of eliminations.

In this knockout round, half of the 250 contestants will be eliminated again, leaving 125 finalists, and then there will be no knockout round.

This will be followed by a qualifying round involving one hundred and twenty-five finalists, with each finalist competing against one hundred and twenty-four other contestants.

You will get one point for each game you win, and the top 100 players will be ranked according to their scores.

There are many battles in this kind of ranking match, and it takes much more time. Only in this kind of world of practice can one be so arrogant.

First of all, the audience and contestants can go without eating or drinking for a long time. Secondly, even if the contestants are blasted, they can still quickly repair their injuries and continue to participate in the battle.

What's more, the rankings in this qualifying competition will be very fair. Basically, each player will be ranked according to their strength.

In the huge martial arts square, the number of competition stages dropped sharply from 500 to 125, and Du Long was standing on the first stage at the moment.

It has to be said that being able to get first place in the qualifiers did bring him a lot of benefits in the knockout rounds.

At the very least, he will be assigned to the lowest ranked opponent in the qualifiers in the three knockout matches, which also saves him a lot of energy.

At this moment, he was opposite a contestant who was ranked 518th in the qualifiers. This guy was able to successfully advance to the top 250 with a ranking of more than 500 in the qualifiers. His personal strength is definitely not that weak. .

"Are you the 'Meng Tao' who comes from a second-rate family?! It is said that you were once besieged by several eighth-level peak powerhouses, and you were still able to kill everyone?!"

As soon as this guy saw Du Long, he immediately said such a sentence very rudely, and you could hear that his tone was full of arrogance and disdain.

"Any advice?!" Seeing that his opponent's attitude was rather bad and he even failed to follow the most basic etiquette of reporting his family status, Du Long asked indifferently.

"What else can I teach you?!" the other party asked again with disdain, and then continued to point his nostrils to the sky: "If most of the eighth-level peak experts in the preliminaries were not willing to waste too much time and energy, how would they have gotten you? Won first place in the preliminary competition?!"

"Oh!" Du Long pretended to suddenly realize: "Then I have to thank you for your persistence in order to win the first place in the preliminaries?!"

"That's natural!" Seeing that Du Long was so easy to fool, the other party smiled proudly again and said: "If you are not the first place in the preliminaries, I am afraid that you may not even be able to advance to the top 500 in the official qualifying competition!"

"Really?!" Du Long said noncommittally again: "So, you have great confidence that you can defeat me?!"

"Nonsense!" the guy shouted again: "What I mean is that if you meet me in the knockout round where one thousand to five hundred, you will not even have the chance to advance to the top five hundred!"

"Oh!" Du Long looked at the fool in front of him with a half-smile: "Then I'll wait and see. I hope you can successfully eliminate me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he transformed directly into the three-headed and six-armed fighting form. He didn't even bother to use the three-headed and twenty-four-armed fighting form.

The guy in front of me with his nostrils pointing upwards, his aura is at most an eighth-level and almost peak existence, and I don't know where he got the face to make such nonsense.

"Hmph!" Seeing that Du Long didn't seem to want to continue talking nonsense to him, the guy snorted coldly and entered fighting mode: "You don't know whether to live or die, let me tell you today the consequences of offending the Tarot family. Then there’s no need to bother Boss Arthur and waste his energy!!”

After working together for a long time, this guy turned out to be Arthur's little follower from the Tarot family. No wonder he was so resentful towards Du Long.

After he came out of the picture scroll world, he had inquired about Du Long's situation in the picture scroll world. Finally, he heard that Du Long had never dared to fight Arthur head-on, but relied on his advantage in movement and speed to pick off weaklings. The contestants know what to do!

It was precisely because of this misunderstanding that he dared to act so forcefully in front of Du Long. To put it bluntly, his purpose was to indirectly flatter the Tarot family.

As both of them entered fighting form, the energy shield on the ring where they were standing immediately rose, which also meant that the battle between them could begin at any time.

"You brat! I want it today..."

Seeing that the energy shield of the arena had been raised, the guy habitually wanted to speak harsh words again. Who would have thought that Du Long, who had long been fed up with him, would not give him a chance to finish his words, and walked towards him in a flash. He electrocuted it.


Because of the boredom in his heart, Du Long directly used the three-headed and six-armed version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill. Based on the sword and axe, and the six eternal magic weapons, Du Long instantly turned into a high-speed rotating dragon and rushed straight towards the opponent. to.

The guy was interrupted just in the middle of what he said. Seeing Du Long turn into a dragon and shoot at him, he immediately roared and waved the golden war sword in his hand to meet it.

Maybe it was out of absolute confidence in his own strength, or maybe because he had talked too much before, and now he was embarrassed to avoid Du Long's full blow.

A golden war sword cut through time and space, exploded in the wind and turned into a huge golden energy sword. It slammed into the Chi You Poison Dragon head-on with the force of splitting the Huashan Mountain!

When he saw that the opponent actually chose to defend himself, a cruel smile appeared on Du Long's lips. He continued to blast the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond with all his strength, completely ignoring the power of the opponent's golden energy sword.

Rumble. . .

On the ring, the golden energy giant sword slashed hard at the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond. The high-speed rotating Chi You Poison Dragon used the long sword as its sharp horn, the light of the sword as its body, and the shadow of its ax as its claws!

After the golden energy giant sword was blasted with all its strength, it directly bombarded the dragon formed by the sword light. The sword light all over the sky showed the centrifugal force of high-speed rotation, and instantly crushed the golden energy giant sword into golden light all over the sky.

Of course, the golden sword in the opponent's hand did not break into pieces, it was just thrown away by the tyrannical centrifugal force.

At this moment, the dragon's horns with Chang Jian as the core were blasting towards the opponent without losing any strength, tearing his protective armor to pieces in an instant, and then crushing him mercilessly.

The guy's body was instantly twisted into pieces of flesh and blood by the swords and axes that followed, and they scattered and landed on the ring!

At this point, in just one face-to-face encounter, the guy who was making nonsense just now was instantly killed!

Of course, according to the rules of the ranking competition, Du Long did not use the power that could kill the origin of the soul. The guy's body was only shattered, and the origin of his soul did not suffer substantial damage.

In front of everyone's eyes, the fragments of flesh and blood covering half of the arena began to condense and take shape quickly. In the blink of an eye, a familiar human silhouette appeared, and then the guy who had just been blasted by Du Long appeared again in front of countless spectators.

However, at this moment, he is no longer as arrogant and arrogant as before, and the eyes he looks at Du Long are full of fear and resentment!

"You brat! I didn't expect the power of your ultimate move to be so amazing?! It was because I was too careless just now that I got hit by it, huh! If there is a chance in the future... I will definitely not let you have the opportunity to use this ultimate move. Hit! I will definitely avenge today’s humiliation!”

The physical body was re-condensed and formed. Although it would take some time to completely repair the injuries, the guy still did not forget to say such cruel words.

"I think...compared to your frail strength, your mouth is invincible! I hope Jinshan World can hold a bickering competition in the future, and I will definitely admit defeat as soon as I meet you!!"


Du Long's laughter immediately amused the countless spectators who were paying attention, and bursts of laughter echoed throughout the martial arts square.

Compared with many people who are worried about the identity of Arthur of the Tarot family, the audience in front of them will not worry too much about this contestant who is barely entering the first-class family at best.

The fragments of flesh and blood all over his body had just been reassembled, and there were still many small cracks on his face that were almost unstretched. The guy could only retreat to the contestants' rest area in shame and anger.

Seeing that he had won, Du Long ducked over to Meng Fei in the rest area. This girl had already been eliminated when she entered the 250th place from 500th place.

"Congratulations to Brother Tao! You have successfully advanced to the top 125. In the next qualifying round, you only need to win one game to advance to the top 100!" Meng Fei congratulated Du Long with a smile.

"Thank you so much!" Du Long said with a cupped hand: "There is no suspense about advancing to the top 100. The key is to see what kind of ranking you can get in the end!"

The two people continued to chat there, during which Du Long was distracted by all the remaining battles and the conversations between countless spectators.

‘Brother Tao! The guy who provoked you just now is named Calorie, and he is a descendant of a first-rate family. Their family happens to be in the same camp as the Tarot family! ’

On the surface, she was chatting with Du Long about some innocuous words, but secretly, Meng Fei explained the identity of the fool just now, so as to save the family behind him from looking for the reason in the future.

'I see! ’ Du Long directly sent a message and replied: ‘Even the Tarot family has been completely offended. Even if the debt is too large, it won’t hurt their family! ’

'Um! ’ Meng Fei smiled faintly and said: ‘The key still depends on the subsequent ranking of the top 100. By then you will definitely encounter eight-level peak powerhouses such as Arthur and Aubrey. . . ’

‘Don’t worry! ’ Du Long waved his hands and said confidently: ‘Facing an eighth-level peak powerhouse, even if I am not sure of winning, it shouldn’t be too difficult to be undefeated! ’

This is not because he is too complacent, mainly because he is a being who has broken through and reached the sixth level of Dzogchen, and he has also achieved the sixth level of Dzogchen through multi-dimensional space-time creation!

On this basis, he broke through all the way to the eighth level.

Continuously mastering most of the mysteries of the seven-dimensional and eight-dimensional space-time avenues, even if he has not reached the seventh and eighth levels of Dzogchen in cultivation, he is not an existence that can be easily defeated by ordinary eighth-level peaks!

All in all, compared to some people, the top 100 ranking competition system may be cruel, but compared to Du Long, it is a very good opportunity to learn about combat.

Only in the process of high-intensity battles, trying to integrate various theoretical insights into actual combat, can he truly integrate the secrets of the seven-dimensional and eight-dimensional space-time avenue into actual combat as soon as possible!

The top 125 players were all decided quickly, and many of them were seriously injured and needed to be repaired. After half an hour of rest, the top 100 ranking competition finally kicked off.

According to the rules, Du Long appeared in the first arena again, and the number of arenas at the scene was reduced from the previous one hundred and twenty-five to only sixty-two.

In this way, one contestant will definitely get a bye in the first round of the arena, but this bye does not mean much.

After all, regardless of whether they have a bye or not, everyone has to fight one hundred and twenty-four times in a row, and they have to fight against all the remaining contestants!

In the subsequent high-intensity qualifying competition, there will always be people who are injured and need to rest after the battle. The sixty-two arenas are definitely enough for the qualifying competition.

"Meng Tao!" Du Long soon met his first opponent, who greeted him warmly upon meeting him: "I am Zheng Rudao from the Zheng family, please give me your advice!"

"Brother Rudao!" Du Long said politely, "Please give me more advice!"

Through the memory information given by Zhen Meng Tao, Du Long already understood the identity of the Zheng family member in front of him. He was clearly a member of the Zheng family, one of the top family forces in the Jinshan world, and he was also a person whose cultivation had reached the peak of the eighth level.

The eighth level is the peak limit, and the next step is the eighth level of Dzogchen.

Of course, many people may not be able to reach Dzogchen through breakthrough at the eighth level. That would most likely just waste time and energy, and they may not be able to break through in their lifetime.

This was the case with Zheng Rudao in front of him. He planned to finish participating in this eighth-level qualifying competition before choosing an opportunity to break through and reach the ninth-level realm.

Many peak eighth-level players in the eighth-level competition also have similar plans. This is also a very common phenomenon in the Jinshan world.

Swish, swish, swish!

Zheng Rudao lived up to his name. After saying hello, he waved the two swords in his hands and went straight to Du Long to strangle him.

Although he only had two swords in his hands to attack, when he fell into Du Long's eyes, it seemed as if there were sword lights all over the sky rushing towards him. This feeling could only show that Zheng Rudao's mastery of sword techniques had entered the realm of transformation.

That is, his eighth-level peak combat power has no water, and his eighth-level understanding of a certain kind of creation and heaven has been completely integrated into actual combat. He is just short of the last step to reach the eighth-level invincible state of great perfection!

'did not expect! The first opponent in the Top 100 qualifying match turned out to be a fierce man who had reached the peak of the eighth level! ’

Such a helpless thought immediately appeared in Du Long's mind, and he transformed into a fighting form with three heads and twenty-four arms without any idle hands. He did not dare to underestimate the enemy in the face of a true eighth-level peak-level powerhouse!

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