Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3058 Two choices

"Damn it! That kid actually got together with the Yin family's team?!"

At the top of a certain mountain peak, a team of contestants from the Tarot family's camp gathered there. After receiving the information from his subordinates, Arthur Tarot cursed on the spot and lost his voice.

As the preliminaries entered the stage of confrontation between contestants from all sides, there were few eighth-level ferocious beasts that could be hunted in the entire picture scroll world. The next step was for the contestants to hunt each other.

According to Arthur's plan, the first thing that the team he led had to deal with was that damn 'Meng Tao'. Who ever thought that the people he sent out to investigate the whereabouts of 'Meng Tao' would eventually give back a result that he least wanted to see.

"Boss Arthur!" A contestant from the Tarot family rolled his eyes, and immediately said with a flattering face: "Now that the preliminaries have entered the stage where contestants are hunting each other, we can contact more people from the same camp Our team will attack the Yin family team together, and we will definitely be able to cut that damn guy into pieces!"

"It makes sense!" Arthur's eyes suddenly lit up, he glanced at the tribesman with some approval and said: "Then contact several other family teams from the same camp and tell them to attack the Yin family team from the other camp. There should be many participating teams from families that have a grudge against the Yin family that are willing to join our alliance!"

"Boss Arthur is wise!"

"Then I will leave this matter to you to be responsible for liaison. In addition, send more people to monitor the situation of the Yin family team. Be sure to control their every move in real time!"


The team led by the Tarot family quickly took action. While communicating with friendly teams from the same camp, they also sent people to monitor every move of the Yin family team at all times.

In the world of the picture scroll, there is a vast Gobi desert.

Du Long was following the Yin family's team and was moving along a set marching route. As long as he didn't encounter a strong team along the way, he would become a target for their attack.

This is also inevitable when the qualifiers enter this stage. Many contestants will form gangs to form competing teams with varying strengths, and then raid and attack other participating teams within the picture scroll world.

As the number of eighth-level ferocious beasts in the picture scroll world became extremely rare, the contestants were no longer too lazy to search for the pitifully few ferocious beasts for the measly one or two points.

Rather than wasting time on those ferocious beasts, it would be better to focus on those contestants with a lot of points.

At this stage, many powerful contestants have enough points to advance to the top 1,000, and only a handful of contestants are still working hard to advance.

Therefore, teams of all sizes are not focused on fighting. Many teams are organized not for points, but just to prevent themselves from being hunted by others.

"Meng Fei!" Du Long looked at the beauty following him with a smile and said: "You have a total of four points now, right?! As long as you can survive to the end... I guess you should be able to successfully advance to the top one thousand, right? !”

"Yes!" Meng Fei said with a smile: "Thanks to your help during this period, according to the final results of previous qualifiers, as long as you can get 3 points, you can basically advance to the top one thousand. I have now reached 4 As long as you can survive to the end, you will definitely advance!"

"That's good!" Du Long nodded slightly and said: "It seems that the Yin family team doesn't have much effort anymore. Basically, there will be no head-on conflicts with other participating teams!"

"Yes!" Meng Fei nodded and replied with a smile: "It is safer to follow the top big families. If we had not followed the Yin family this time, we would definitely have become the hunting target of all participating teams at this stage!"

"Yes!" Du Long said with emotion: "It's so easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree..."

He was just halfway through his words when he suddenly stopped because he had already seen a participating team blocking the road ahead, and it seemed that the number of people was even larger than the Yin family's participating team.

The team that was moving forward leisurely came to a sudden halt because the road ahead was blocked. All the Yin family contestants raised their eyes to look at the team blocking the road ahead.

"Arthur?!" Yin Qinchuan, the eighth-level peak powerhouse led by the Yin family, frowned and shouted: "At this stage of the game, it is almost coming to an end. Do you still want to have fun?!"

"Hmph!" Among the front team, Arthur snorted coldly: "Yin Qinchuan! The qualifiers are not over yet. Do you think I will let go of the previous debt easily?!"

"That account?!" Yin Qinchuan said with an ugly face: "You are obviously the first to attack the Yin family's participating team, do you still think that the Yin family owes you?!"

"Hehe!" Arthur said with a cold smile: "Your Yin family doesn't owe anything, but... that bastard boy from a second-rate family must pay a heavy price today!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows suddenly when he heard this. It seemed that the other party was coming to cause trouble for him.

He subconsciously looked at Yin Qinchuan aside, and happened to see him looking over with a complicated expression. Their eyes collided in mid-air.

There was a faint smile on Du Long's lips. He could see the tangled look on Yin Qinchuan's face, and understood that the other party was considering whether to protect himself with all his strength.

‘The Yin family has really inherited a good temperament that is weak and can be bullied! Du Long sneered secretly in his heart: "Let's see what the Yin family will choose now. If they don't even have the guts to save themselves this time, then I'm afraid more forces from the same camp will not dare to help them in the future." Already? ! ’

To be honest, Du Long didn't care at all whether the Yin family's participating team would protect him. Anyway, the preliminaries did not allow the opponent to be completely killed, and the contestants were allowed to admit defeat directly!

If it really doesn't work, you can choose to admit defeat and deduct half of your points, and you will still be able to reach the top 1,000!

"Arthur!" After Yin Qinchuan thought for a short time, he said solemnly: "The Meng family is a force in the same camp as my Yin family. Brother Meng Tao is willing to help us in times of crisis. All the contestants from my Yin family will definitely I will fight to the death to protect him, and I will never just watch something happen to him!"

Yin Qinchuan's decision made Du Long feel a little warm in his heart. It seemed that although the Yin family inherited a good temperament and could be bullied, they were still good people at critical moments!

"Really?!" Arthur's ruthless voice suddenly sounded: "It seems that you think our strength is not enough for you to compromise, right?! In that case..."

At the end of the sentence, Arthur suddenly waved his arm forward, and a group of people rushed out from behind the Yin family's team. Judging from the numbers, they were no less than the Yin family's team.

"A team from the Arman family?!" After Yin Qinchuan saw the identity of the team behind him, he immediately frowned and revealed the other party's identity: "Are you going to join forces with the team from the Tarot family to deal with us?!"

"Haha!" A sturdy middle-aged man in the Arman family's team chuckled and said, "Yin Qinchuan! You'd better follow Arthur's advice and send that second-rate family member Meng Tao out as soon as possible!"

The Arman family is a top family force as famous as the Tarot family. The person speaking in front of him is Aubrey Arman, a strong man who is at the peak of the eighth level of the Arman family and is almost at the limit.

To be honest, with his team supporting the Tarot family, Yin Qinchuan's pressure increased sharply.

He never expected that in just a qualifying match for the eighth-level ranking competition, the Yin family's team would be attacked by two top family forces together? !

This is very rare in previous preliminaries!

After all, at this stage, the teams of various forces often do not choose to continue to collide with other top forces.

The eighth-level seed contestants of each top power have basically gained enough points to advance to the top 1,000 places. There is no need to compete against the other top power for points.

‘Brother Meng Tao! What are your thoughts on this? ! ’

Under strong pressure, Yin Qinchuan seemed to be thinking about something with a gloomy face. In fact, he had secretly asked Du Long Chuanyin for his opinion.

'hehe! ’ Du Long immediately understood what the other party was thinking, and immediately chuckled and replied: ‘I don’t have any ideas! Is it possible that Brother Qinchuan still can't understand the other party's plan? ! ’

‘What is the other party’s plan? ! ’ Yin Qinchuan pretended to be puzzled and asked: ‘Brother Meng Tao, please help me solve my doubts! ’

'hehe! ’ Du Longruo glanced at Yin Qinchuan meaningfully, and then continued to answer with a smile: ‘On the surface, the other party came for me, but actually. . . They are coming for you, the Yin clan! ’

'how do I say this? ! ’

‘It’s very simple! Du Long sneered and said: "Brother Qichuan also saw it before. When the Yin family's participating team was besieged by the Tarot family and several small forces, there were many participating teams from the same camp as the Yin family lurking around, but no one dared to Stand up and support you. In the end, I was the only one who stood up! ’

'What does this show? ! This shows that all participating teams in the same camp as the Yin family have succumbed to the power of the Tarot family and do not dare to support your Yin family participating team! ’

‘Now, I, the only person who dares to lend a hand to support the Yin family, is receiving special attention from the other party! ’

'To be honest, even if I am eliminated by the opponent, according to the rule of halving the points, I can still steadily advance to the top one thousand! ’

‘If that’s the case, why does the other side have to mobilize so much force and force to do this useless thing? ! ’

'Obviously, they are here to slap the Yin family in the face. They want to make the countless viewers outside understand one thing, that is, those who help the Yin family deal with the Tarot family will be liquidated! ’

‘If this continues, how will you, the Yin family, lose face? ! Which small force dares to stand by your side at the critical moment? ! ’

Du Long conveyed his opinions to Yin Qinchuan in detail. This could be regarded as repaying him for not giving up his approach immediately, otherwise Du Long would never waste any words.

'well! ’ Yin Qinchuan sighed and said, ‘That makes sense! I wonder if Brother Meng Tao has any good suggestions? ! ’

'suggestion? ! ’ Du Long didn’t expect that the other party would ask for advice from him, so he immediately shook his head and said with a bitter smile: ‘There are only two suggestions. One is to hand me over, and the other is to protect it at all costs! ’

‘If I are handed over, it will be nothing more than a slap in the face for the Yin family, and it will make all forces never dare to associate with the Yin family again! ’

'If you don't hand me over, then the Yin family's participating team may be wiped out by the other party with excuses. By then, there should be many people who will miss the top 1,000 places because of insufficient points! ’

Du Long only analyzed the pros and cons of the two options and did not give his own suggestions. Such matters still need to be judged by the parties themselves.

After listening to his analysis, Yin Qinchuan fell into a brief silence again. It could be seen that he was torn between these two choices. Du Long stood quietly and had no intention of speaking again.

No matter what choice the other party makes, the most I can do is leave the picture scroll world first, which will not affect my promotion to the top one thousand at all.

"Yin Qinchuan!" In the distance, Arthur shouted impatiently: "Are you going to put all the contestants of the Yin family in danger for the sake of a second-rate family member?! If this is really the case, then don't blame us. Let’s join forces and annihilate all of you!”

Arthur's words awakened Yin Qinchuan from his entanglement.

"Alas!" He let out a long sigh, then glanced at Du Long with a complicated expression, and then turned to look at the many Yin family contestants around him and said, "Do you know... why for so many years, whenever I am in the Yin family? When the clan members are besieged by the enemy, do they choose to stand aside even if some forces from the same camp pass by?!"

At this point, he paused for a moment, and seeing the doubtful looks on the faces of many clan members, he continued: "It's very simple! If the Yin family can't even protect those who help them, then how can they have the face to ask others to continue to help us? Woolen cloth?!"


As soon as his words fell, many Yin clan members who were originally full of doubts immediately became uproar, and many people seemed to understand Yin Qinchuan's plan.

"Brother Qichuan is right! If we can't even protect the people who help us, then how can we have the shame to ask others to help us?!"

"That's right! We must not let those benefactors who help the Yin family feel cold!"

"I support whatever decision Boss Qichuan makes..."

It has to be said that Yin Qinchuan's words are still very effective. Most of the Yin family contestants who were originally hesitant about whether to protect Du Long with all their strength felt suddenly enlightened.

Of course, there are still a very few people in the Yin family who disagree, and they seem to be unwilling to offend the two top families of Tarot and Arman for the sake of a child from a second-rate family.

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