Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3056 Support

In the lonely picture scroll world, most areas are filled with sand and dust on the desert shoals.

The two figures moved forward carefully in this lonely picture scroll world, and as time went by, the sounds of fighting around them became less and less.

This does not mean that the world of scrolls is becoming safer. On the contrary, it is becoming more and more dangerous.

Through Meng Fei's narration, Du Long finally had a more intuitive understanding of the qualifiers in the picture scroll world. Only then did he know that the number of eighth-level ferocious beasts put into the picture scroll world was very limited.

Under normal circumstances, according to the results of historical preliminaries, as long as contestants with two to three points can survive to the end, they can often successfully advance to the top one thousand positions.

In other words, although Du Long only has three points now, if he can find a place to hide and survive until the end, then he has a great possibility of advancing to the top one thousand.

Of course, with just a few points, Meng Fei may not be able to advance even if he can hide and survive until the end!

Since he brings Meng Fei with him, Du Long has the obligation to help her earn enough points to ensure promotion. Otherwise, it is better not to take her with him and send her directly to leave the world of picture scrolls, so as not to let outsiders have money.

"There seems to be a battle ahead!" Du Long, who was walking in front, suddenly raised his eyebrows and immediately spoke out what he heard.

"Then..." Meng Fei said hesitantly, "Should we go to watch the battle or..."

"Of course I have to go and take a look!" Du Long made the decision without hesitation: "No matter what, we need to face challenges from all contestants next. There is not much difference between earlier and later!"

"Yeah! I'll listen to you then!" Seeing that he had made up his mind, Meng Fei nodded immediately and made the decision.

In this way, the two of them tried their best to hide their figures, and quietly rushed towards the direction where the sound of fighting came from, and soon arrived at a mountain peak outside a stone forest.

Looking down from a high place, you can see a fierce battle taking place inside the stone forest. There are nearly a hundred contestants fighting in a big fight inside the stone forest.

‘That’s when people from the Yin family and the Tarot family are having a bloody fight! ’ Meng Fei quickly saw the identities of the two parties in the battle and reminded Du Long directly through spiritual transmission.

'Um! ’ Du Long nodded slightly and said, ‘Are we really enemies of each other? ! The Yin family and the Dai family have never been particularly good at dealing with each other! ’

‘That’s right! ’ Meng Fei nodded in agreement and said, ‘This can be regarded as an open secret in the Jinshan world. The Yin family and the Tarot family often fight overtly and covertly, even within the Tushu world! ’

Du Long nodded lightly and did not continue to answer Meng Fei's words. Instead, he frowned and looked at the battle that was breaking out in the stone forest below.

It can be seen that the number of members of the Yin clan is relatively less than about 10%, and they are at a clear disadvantage in this melee. If this continues, there is a high probability that they will fail.

Remembering that he had a close relationship with the Yin family in the lower realm, and that he had received help from the Yin family when he first ascended, Du Long secretly preferred to help the Yin family contestants.

‘Meng Fei! ’ As he thought, he sent a message again and said: ‘Which of the three major camps are our Meng clan? ! Are they in the same camp as the Yin family or the Tarot family? ! ’

‘We belong to the same camp as the Yin family! ’ Meng Fei replied without any doubt at first, then she seemed to have thought of something and exclaimed: ‘You. . . Are you going to help one of them? ! ’

'hey-hey! ’ Du Long smiled coldly and said: ‘Shouldn’t we help the family contestants in our camp? ! ’

‘Having said that. . . But after all, it is a battle between the top family forces. If we join in, we will definitely be liquidated in the future! Didn't you see that there are many family contestants with the same power as the Yin family around who dare not meddle in this matter? ! ’ Meng Fei persuaded nervously.

Looking in the direction she pointed, I could indeed see some figures lurking on the hills around the stone forest, seeming to be secretly watching the battle in the stone forest below.

‘A contestant from the Nataro family. . . Didn't he get support from some family players in the same camp? ! ’ Du Long frowned and asked via voice transmission.

'this. . . ’ Meng Fei frowned slightly and looked at the figures fighting in the stone forest for a long time before sighing helplessly: ‘The Tarot family did receive help from some contestants from the same camp, but. . . ’

‘There’s nothing good to say! After Du Long got the answer he wanted, he immediately waved his hand to interrupt her and said: "Since they are allowed to do the first grade of junior high school, don't blame us for doing the fifth grade of junior high school. You just stay here quietly, and I will be the one to do it." People go down and help the Yin family contestants! ’

After finishing his words, Du Long immediately dashed down the mountain peak without waiting for Meng Fei's reply, and shot straight towards the stone forest where a battle was breaking out below.

In the stone forest, both sides of the battle naturally saw another contestant rushing down, but no one was too surprised by Du Long's arrival.

In conflicts between two top families, some members of small forces who do not know how to live or die often cannot help but take action. Most of their purposes are to flatter one of the top forces.

Of course, under normal circumstances, most members of small family groups would wisely sit on the sidelines and not participate in such battles.

Flattery may not necessarily bring big rewards, but if you participate in the conflict between the two top forces, the retribution will often come faster!

In particular, the Tarot family has always had a bad reputation in the Jinshan world. Everyone knows that they are a top-notch family that must take revenge, and few people dare to offend such a family in public.

Because of this, many people dared to stand up to support the Tarot family in the fierce battle within the stone forest, but almost no one dared to stand up to support the Yin family.

Therefore, when Du Long charged in with great fanfare, many people subconsciously thought that this was another guy who wanted to flatter the Tarot family.

When he entered the stone forest, the players from the Yin family were all wary and angry, while the people from the Tarot family looked at his arrival with a smile.

After Du Long waved the weapon in his hand and knocked out a contestant from the Tarot family, someone actually exclaimed: "Hey! Did you get the wrong person?! The member of the Tarot family who was just blasted by you On the Tarot family side, can you really be sure before taking action?!"

Du Long almost didn't laugh out loud at the other party's words. In the end, he pretended to be flustered and said, "I'm really sorry! I...I really didn't recognize that guy as one of my own!"

While responding to the funny guy in a panic, Du Long launched an all-out attack on another target without hesitation.

Because the target he chose was relatively close, and a very fatal vulnerability was exposed towards him, his body was exploded on the spot when he suddenly launched a fierce attack.

According to the rules of the preliminaries, the explosion of the body means elimination, and all the fragments of flesh and blood and the origin of the soul will be sent out of the picture scroll world.

"Do you, you bastard, have eyes?!" Seeing him accidentally injuring a contestant from the Tarot family camp again, the living treasure who had just spoken actually shouted angrily again: "This one just now was also a contestant from the same camp as us. Players!"

"Ah?!" Du Long pretended to be shocked: "I...I don't know him?! I only know that he is not a contestant from the Tarot family!"

"You..." The living treasure who opened the mouth said angrily: "I will send you all the information of everyone! You must never hit the wrong person again!!"

Soon, a simple message appeared in Du Long's mind, which clearly identified which party each contestant belonged to.

Du Long was secretly happy in his heart. He really didn't know the identities of all the people on both sides of the battle. He only knew a small part of them. With this information, he no longer had to worry about accidentally injuring friendly forces!

Of course, his allies will always be contestants from the same camp as the Yin family, and will definitely not be those who side with the players from the Tarot family!

I saw Du Long grinning and nodding at the living treasure, which made the other person feel that he was thanking him. The living treasure immediately smiled at him kindly and nodded and responded: "It's better this time! Don't hit yourself by mistake again." People!"

You can hear the concern in his words. Although Du Long only made two moves, the strength he displayed is impressive. He has at least the eighth level of peak combat power!

It was precisely because of this that the living treasure would take the trouble to correct Du Long's mistakes without even thinking that he was actually being fooled.

After nodding in greeting, Du Long feigned ferocity and rushed towards the opponent in front of the living treasure, as if he was preparing to thank the living treasure.

Seeing his fierce gaze locked on his opponent, the living treasure felt for a moment that he wanted to repay him and wanted to join forces with him to deal with the opponent in front of him.

Just like that, when he had no defense against Du Long, a flash of the sword that was supposed to be attacking his opponent suddenly slashed past him.


In full view of everyone, the living treasure's body was slashed and exploded on the spot. In addition to the power of breaking through defenses, Du Long's sword also contained terrifying power that could tear most of his body apart.

With just one slash, the guy's body was blasted to a large extent. In the end, only his lower body and head were still intact. You could see his eyes looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"You...are you from the Yin family camp?!"

Until the moment when he was about to be eliminated, the poor living treasure finally realized how stupid and naive he was: "You bastard! How dare you deceive me like this... I will definitely make you pay the price!!"


Du Long didn't want the other party to continue talking, so he slashed past with another sword, ax and shadow, directly blasting this stupid living treasure into pieces of flesh and blood flying across the sky, and then was directly teleported and eliminated from the picture scroll world. .

"This kid is from the Yin family!!" The scene in front of them finally made the people of the Tarot family wake up completely. Immediately, some people were frightened and angry and said: "Let's join forces to kill this young man!!"

The members of the Tarot family already had the advantage in numbers. With this shout, two contestants immediately rushed towards Du Long, preparing to combine their efforts to completely eliminate him.

Outside the picture scroll world, the living treasure who had just been eliminated was being condensed into a large pile of flesh and blood fragments. Before he could completely repair his injuries, he glared angrily at Du Long in the picture scroll world.

You can see the sympathetic looks from the audience around him, and some older people actually have a little sympathy in their eyes, seeming to sympathize with his somewhat worrying IQ.

"Second Grandpa!" In the end, the living treasure could only secretly send a message to his closest second grandfather, asking: "Who is that kid?" ! Why do I know nothing about his identity? ! ’

'well! ’ The old man who was called Second Grandpa sighed softly: ‘Child! That boy's name is Meng Tao, and he is a member of the second-rate Meng family. I heard that he has just broken through and reached the eighth level for more than 100,000 years. Most of the eighth-level contestants you followed before have been famous for a long time, so it is normal not to recognize a newcomer like him. But that's it! ’

‘I just broke through and reached the eighth level. . . More than 100,000 years? ! ’ The living treasure said with disbelief: ‘Is it a real time of more than 100,000 epoch years? ! ’

‘No! ’ Second Grandpa sighed helplessly: ‘As far as Second Grandpa knows. . . It is more than 100,000 years in real time, not the epoch year! ’

'How can this be? ! ’ Huo Bao said in disbelief: ‘He is still a child of a second-rate family? ! This is more than 100,000 years. . . Does he spend every day in the secret territory of Jinshan? ! But even if I soak in it every day. . . It’s impossible to grow that fast, right? ! ’

‘There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world! ’ Second Grandpa sighed: ‘Second Grandpa hopes that you will not be a direct enemy of that Meng Tao. If he takes action against the Tarot family today, people from the Tarot family will naturally come forward to deal with him! ’

'Understood! ’ That living treasure was just a fool, but not a real fool. He immediately shook his head and said with a bitter smile: ‘I think so. . . The Tarot family doesn't want to see a monster from a hostile force grow up, right? ! ’

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately turned his attention back to the scroll world and could see that the guy named 'Meng Tao' was being besieged by two players from the Tarot family camp.

One of the two contestants who besieged him was an eighth-level peak powerhouse from the Tarot family. Although there was still some distance from the peak limit, it should be enough to deal with the children of the second-rate family in front of him, right? !

However, before he could think too much about the sudden change in the field, he saw that 'Meng Tao' launched a high-speed rotating ultimate move without hesitation, directly blasting away one of the opponents who had joined forces to besiege him.

It was just a big move. The opponent was caught off guard and his body was exploded on the spot!

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