Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3041 Borrowing Identity

"Who are you?! Why do you imprison me here?!"

In a suppression space at the bottom of the Star Tower, a ball of divine soul energy directed an extremely angry question at Du Long. The sudden change made him shocked and angry.

"You can regard me as your savior!" Du Long replied calmly: "I saved you from those wolf monsters, otherwise you would have been dead!"

"Hmph!" The source of the soul snorted angrily: "Is this how you save people?! After directly blasting my body, you also imprisoned the source of the soul here?!"

"This is just a temporary measure!" Du Long waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "In return for saving your life, I hope to lend you your identity. After I complete the task, I will naturally return your freedom!"

"Use my identity?!" The soul source was slightly startled, and then suddenly reacted: "Could it be that... you are the alien invader that has been rumored recently?!"

"Invasion doesn't count!" Du Long shook his head and replied: "We have no plan to seize the territory, we just want to get the inheritance opportunity of Jinshan World!"

"Hmph!" The source of the soul snorted coldly again: "In addition to inheritance opportunities, you have also snatched various resources that originally belonged to us!"

"You have such an idea!" Du Long continued with a meaningful smile on his face: "Even without external forces like us, wouldn't your internal forces be short of competition for various resources?!"

"In short, it is a fact that I saved your life. If you can't even save your life...then what's the use of having more resources?!"

"Stop talking nonsense here!" The origin of the soul replied coldly: "Even if I die... I will not help a foreign intruder like you!"

"Funny words?!" Du Long shook his head and laughed: "When you are a fish and I am a knife, do I need to talk to you for a long time with sweet words?!"

The origin of the soul was slightly stunned, and it seemed that it didn't understand why the foreign invader in front of him was talking to him.

"Don't think too much!" Du Long obviously saw through the other party's doubts, and immediately smiled lightly and said: "I just said that I just want to borrow your identity. For this reason, I am fully capable of directly using the method of forcibly searching for souls. After reading through all your memories, why do I need to waste so much time with you?!"

"There is only one reason why I want to waste my time with you, and that is that there is no enmity between you and me. I don't like to use any means to achieve my goals!"

"In short, it is a great favor for me to save your life. Then I will use your identity to use it. Afterwards, the grudges between you and me will be resolved and there will no longer be any cause and effect!"

"You..." The origin of the soul seemed to be moving, and he said undecidedly: "What do you want to do with my identity?!"

"It's very simple! I just want to successfully enter the Jinshan world. When I leave your world one day, I will naturally give you your freedom!" Du Long replied simply.

"That's all?!" Soul Origin asked with some disbelief.

"That's all!" Du Long solemnly nodded and said: "As long as you are willing to give me a copy of your memory, and then tell me how to enter the Jinshan world, I am willing to swear on my soul that I will return your freedom!"


The soul source seemed to be thinking hard about this matter. After thinking for a long time, it continued to ask: "In addition to returning my soul source freedom, can my physical body be returned to me as well?!"

"No problem!" Du Long nodded simply and promised: "As long as I get your copied memory and successfully enter the Jinshan world, I will return your physical body to you immediately!"

"Is this true?!"

"Seriously! I am willing to swear on my soul that I will never deceive you!"

"Very good!" After the source of the soul received a positive answer, he made a decision: "I will give you a copy of the memory first, and then I will tell you how to enter the Jinshan world!"

Under Du Long's expectant gaze, a small ball of light soon flew out from the origin of the opponent's soul, came directly to Du Long and suspended there.

Du Long didn't need to reach out to pick it up, he directly penetrated his consciousness into this small ball of light, and a large amount of memory information immediately poured into his mind along with his consciousness.

From this memory information, one can see all the experiences of the master of the soul from his birth to his growth to the present. Du Long soon had a deeper understanding of him.

Meng Tao, a monk who grew up in the Jinshan World of the God Realm. Although the family behind him is not the top power in the Jinshan World, it can be regarded as a second- or third-rate family power in the Jinshan World.

According to the methods used by various forces in the God Realm to train family children, Meng Tao must accept various tasks in order to obtain the family's resources. Only by completing the corresponding tasks can he obtain resources and improve his cultivation.

And this time he left the world of Jinshan and came to the living planet where the core holy city of the God Realm is located. The purpose was to collect a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that the family urgently needed in that wasteland.

Who would have thought that before the mission was completed, the adventure team he led would be attacked by a group of wolf monsters, and he almost lost his life as a result.

"This is your body!" After reading the memories copied by Meng Tao, Du Long directly threw a large ball of flesh and blood fragments in front of the soul's original energy and said: "Since you are more cooperative, I can first take your body." I’ll give you my body back!”

"Thank you very much!"

While the soul source energy thanked him excitedly, he couldn't wait to rush into the flesh and blood fragments, and saw that the flesh and blood fragments seemed to come alive and began to quickly reorganize and repair.

Soon, Meng Tao's figure was assembled. Of course, the injuries inside his body had not been completely repaired. It would take some time and energy to fully repair it.

Du Long did not bother Meng Tao to repair his injuries. His appearance and soul aura changed with a slight shake of his body, becoming the image and soul aura of another Meng Tao.

Meng Tao looked at his other self in front of him with a complicated expression, marveling at Du Long's incredible magic!

"This is my identity token. Through it, I can directly enter the core temple of the main holy city, and then directly teleport into the Jinshan world through the transmission channel inside the core temple!"

After getting Du Long's returned body in advance, Meng Tao no longer felt any resentment towards the savior in front of him, and immediately waved a token representing his identity and gave it away.

Du Long didn't show any pretense and directly reached out to accept the identity token.

Every person with a certain identity in Jinshan World will have such an identity token, which is also one of the important credentials for free entry and exit from Jinshan World.

"This is a cave world!" Since the other party threw a thumb at him, Du Long immediately reciprocated by sending a space formation stone containing a cave world to Meng Tao: "If you get bored staying here, you can enter the cave world. Inside, this is a picturesque cave world, which is more than enough for you to practice in retreat or to visit the magnificent landscape!”

"Thank you!" Meng Tao turned over his hand and accepted the space formation stone and said, "Then Meng would like to wish... that brother can successfully enter the Jinshan world. See you later!"

"See you later!"

Du Long dropped these last words and walked away. Meng Tao, who was in the suppression space, pondered for a moment, then shook his head and sighed, and walked directly into the cave world sent by Du Long.

On the top of a mountain peak, Du Long looked at the rolling mountains in the distance. In that direction was the area where he had rescued Meng Tao before.

"Bixinlian?! Since that is your mission goal, then I will help you complete this mission!"

While murmuring, Du Long took a step forward into the distance. His figure disappeared without a trace and reappeared near the mountain range where he had rescued people before.

Because he had looked through Meng Tao's huge memory, he already knew more about the Green Lotus. He also knew that Meng Tao was besieged by the wolf monsters precisely because he tracked down a Blue Heart Lotus.

After just a brief pause, he raised his feet again and walked slowly towards the depths of the dense forest. Every step he took was dozens or hundreds of miles away, and he was getting closer to the place where the Blue Heart Lotus grew step by step.

After traveling like this for about a quarter of an hour, he finally came to a misty valley. A refreshing fragrance wafted out from the depths of the valley. Du Long understood that this was the fragrance emitted by the Blue Heart Lotus.

Oh wow! !

Inside the valley, sharp wolf howls were heard from time to time. According to Meng Tao's memory, this valley was called the Howling Moon Valley, and it was also the lair of the howling moon demon wolves.

The Xiaoyue Demonic Wolf Clan has been guarding the Jasper Heart Lotus for many years. The Jasper Heart Lotus will mature every relatively long period of time. At that time, the Jasper Heart Lotus alone will be able to cultivate an Eight-Star Wolf King again.

That's right!

Blue Heart Lotus has miraculous effects, which can greatly improve the cultivation level of the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf. It has a miraculous effect on the Seventh Level peak level of the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf!

Previously, Meng Tao and his party had not been able to penetrate deeply into Xiaoyue Narrow Valley, so they were discovered by the Xiaoyue Monster Wolf who was in charge of guarding the outside and chased them all the way until Du Long appeared.

Fortunately, they were not pursued by the Eight-Star Wolf King, otherwise they would not have been able to survive the moment Du Long showed up to rescue them!

"Jade Heart Lotus, Howling Moon Demon Wolf?!" Du Long muttered softly: "In order to sneak into the Jinshan world more perfectly, I must get this Blue Heart Lotus!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed into the misty valley without hesitation, and then turned into an extremely small insect and shot into the depths of the valley.

With the help of the ancestral spirit vine to change his aura, it would be extremely difficult to see the true identity of this little insect unless a strong person went out of his way to investigate him.

He just flapped his wings and flew into the depths of the valley. When he met some patrolling demon wolves along the way, he would try his best to take a detour and try not to meet these patrolling demon wolves.

After flying like this for half a month, Du Long finally came to a narrow valley occupied by many moon-whispering demon wolves. He could see a stream that was constantly evaporating water vapor flowing among the demon wolves. Pass.

Du Long's gaze extended along the stream and discovered that the source of the stream was actually a cave over three meters high. The entrance of the cave was crowded with a large number of demon wolves.

Waves of aroma spread from the entrance of the cave, and many demon wolves seemed to be enjoying themselves, squinting their eyes slightly, and then lying on the edge of the stream like wolf dogs.

‘Looks like it. . . The Blue Heart Lotus should be growing in this cave. It's not easy to sneak into it without anyone noticing! ’

Du Long frowned and looked at the narrow valley in front of him, knowing very well that even if he transformed into a small insect, it would be extremely difficult to sneak into the cave quietly.

In desperation, he could only secretly contact Master Bodhi Buddha and tell the truth about the difficulties he faced.

After a short discussion, the master and apprentice quickly reached a consensus. With the master's strong support behind him, Du Long flew into the narrow valley with confidence again.

Amidst the buzzing sound of flapping wings in the air, the small insect transformed from Du Long flew into the narrow valley and flew towards the water hole in the deepest part of the valley.

His appearance will naturally attract the attention of some Howling Moon Demonic Wolfs. From time to time, some demonic wolves will turn their heads and look at this bold little insect in confusion. How dare you break into the core lair of the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf? !

Du Long was like a frightened little pitiful man, rushing towards the cave entrance in a panic. After seeing his funny look, some of the Howling Moon Demonic Wolfs looked back with disdain.

Of course, there were still demon wolves paying attention to this silly little guy. Seeing it approaching the cave, some of the Howling Moon demon wolves began to let out bursts of warning roars from their nostrils.

Under normal circumstances, any creature would flee with just a little warning, but the little insect that Du Long had transformed showed no intention of leaving.

This made one of the demon wolves responsible for guarding the entrance of the cave become angry on the spot, and saw it open its mouth and shoot an air blade towards Du Long, preparing to easily destroy this nasty little insect!

However, when he saw the air blade shooting towards him, the little insect actually dodged out of the way at the last dangerous moment!

Then he continued to rush towards the cave in a panic. This scene made all the demon wolves responsible for guarding the cave angry.

Accompanied by bursts of roars, several air blades were shot at Du Long, who was flying staggeringly over. These demon wolves were obviously not ready to let go of this hateful little insect.

However, after the turbulence caused by the air blades dispersed, the small insect, instead of being blasted away, successfully rushed to the entrance of the cave and plunged into the dark cave interior.

Oh wow!

Waves of wolf howls continued, and the demon wolves responsible for guarding the cave rushed into the cave one after another, obviously trying to drive out this uninvited guest.

At this time, Du Long no longer concealed his true speed, and directly accelerated the lightning and rushed into the depths of the dark cave. This scene directly told the demon wolves responsible for guarding the entrance of the cave that this little insect was not simple at all!

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