Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3039 Take off the head

'Owner! The subordinate was just stopped by a strange man. . . ’

On this day, Du Long, who was on his way, received a message from Yamos, reporting in detail his experience of being intercepted.

'Owner! Is the other party following you? ! Is there anything the subordinates need to do to help the master as much as possible? ! ’

Du Long was staying in a main city at the moment. After receiving the letter from Yamos, he immediately distracted himself and started analyzing and deducing. He needed to deduce the best action plan.

After just a few moments, he immediately responded to Yamos: ‘You did a great job! Next, you just need to continue on your way as planned, and there is no need to ask any other questions! ’

'yes! Owner! ’

Yamos put down the communication formation stone, and his face became a little ugly. There were various signs that his master Hongwu was being tracked, and he was most likely a smoke bomb thrown by his master!

‘Where is this place? ! ’ Yamos looked out of the client window where he was staying: ‘These teleportation place names are very unfamiliar, maybe they are not the world that I am familiar with? ! ’

'besides. . . The person who blocked his way before actually exuded a terrifying aura that made him feel unable to resist. Could it be that the other person had broken through to the seventh level or above? ! ’

'in this case. . . Could it be this place? . . Spirit world? ! ’

Yamos didn't know that Du Long had ascended to the God Realm. He had been following instructions and constantly teleporting on his way. He also didn't realize that he had arrived in the God Realm.

As he finally had time to calm down and think, he was finally shocked to discover that there was a high possibility that he had arrived in the God Realm!

‘No wonder. . . ’ Yamos suddenly realized: ‘The way the master dealt with the Tarot family in the lower realm, he will definitely be hunted down by the Tarot family after ascending to the God Realm! ’

'in this case. . . I should be a smoke bomb released by my master, but I don’t know which force the master wants me to join? ! ’

‘Meet those people yourself. . . What kind of danger will it bring to myself? ! How can you protect yourself? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Yamos stayed alone in the inn room, quietly staring at the landscape of the divine world outside the window, with various thoughts and conjectures constantly emerging in his mind.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he thought, it was useless. The mark Du Long implanted deep in his soul could easily detonate and kill him no matter how far away it was!

On the other side, after Du Long finished replying to Yamos, he continued to think about his subsequent travel plan.

‘I didn’t expect that Yamos would be found so quickly, and he would also be subject to a comprehensive investigation! ’

‘Explore all spatial objects on the body and all corners of the world inside the body. . . The Tarot family is still as arrogant as ever! ’

‘The main reason why Yamos came to the door is probably because he kept teleporting on his way. In addition, there is another reason, and that is the route Yamos took. . . They happened to be heading towards the group of people sent by the Yin family! ’

‘Therefore, if I don’t want to make the same mistake and be visited by people from the Tarot family, I have to make corresponding changes in my travels! ’

‘One is that you can’t keep going, you have to stop every once in a while to change your appearance and breath, and then keep going! ’

‘The second thing is that you can’t take the route that will meet the Yin clan, you have to take a slight detour! ’

‘The third is to avoid the life world controlled by members of the Tarot family. The location where Yamos was intercepted is one of the areas under the jurisdiction of members of the Tarot family. I must not fall into the trap! ’

‘Fourth. . . Even if he successfully reaches the life world where the core holy city of the God Realm is located, he can no longer ask the Yin family to help lead the way into the Jinshan World! ’

‘In that case, even if you successfully enter the Jinshan World, you will definitely be intercepted by people from the Tarot family, and you will definitely be unable to move in the Jinshan World! ’

'Even if Master Bodhi helps in secret, it is useless. After all, the Jinshan world is the territory of local forces, and there are many powerful people there who are not weaker than Master Bodhi! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Du Long, like Yamos, was constantly analyzing and deducing, making sure to comprehensively consider all the unfavorable factors to avoid some unnecessary mistakes in the subsequent actions!

With millions of distractions, this deduction soon ended, and Du Long also embarked on the ultra-long-distance teleportation journey again.

After receiving Yamos's reminder, he no longer made some stupid mistakes during the subsequent journey. During the period, he would stop for a while and change his appearance and breath when he needed to.

Of course, the places where he chooses to change his appearance and aura are always in some life worlds where the Tarot family and its camp have weak control, and he also chooses to enter places with shielding magic circles.

There are various shielded exploration areas inside each main city, and Dulong often chooses some relatively large commercial buildings, or some large luxury hotels and other places.

He would check in at those big hotels for a long time, and then leave quietly after changing his appearance and atmosphere. In short, just delaying for a while was enough.

Time continues to pass day by day, and Du Long is constantly moving forward on the route gradually away from the Yin clan. As he gradually moves away, the surveillance he receives becomes weaker and weaker.

Just the opposite is Yamos, because he is still teleporting in the direction of the Yin clan. The closer he gets, the more intense the surveillance by the Tarot family intelligence personnel becomes.

Because of this, he was intercepted several times by people from the Tarot family in the following days, but the suspicion was temporarily eliminated because of his full cooperation.

Yamos even took the initiative to tell the interceptors of the Tarot family the truth about the life world he was traveling to. The general idea was that he was going there to buy some local specialties and then take them back and resell them to make money.

This excuse was a business information he obtained through eavesdropping with his spiritual sense on the way. In order to successfully complete the task assigned by Du Long and save his life, he went all out!

On this day, Yamos took the lead in arriving at the world of life where he and the Yin clan members met - Yuntian World.

'Owner! The subordinate has successfully arrived at the Yuntian World specified on the road map, and there are still about ten days left before the master's limit of one and a half months! ’ After Yamos arrived at the target Yuntian World, he immediately sent a message to Du Long while leaving the teleportation array.

'very good! ’ Du Long quickly wrote back: ‘Have you been interrogated by strong strangers during this period? ! ’

'have! Yamos hurriedly replied: "My subordinate accidentally heard that there is a very famous specialty in Yuntian World in a living world. He immediately used the excuse of coming to Yuntian World to purchase this specialty, and then he dispelled those strange and powerful people." doubts! ’

'very good! ’ Du Long still replied with praise in an instant: ‘In that case, don’t rush to join those people. For the time being, go around in the name of purchasing special products, and try to make some thoughtful people think that you sincerely want to purchase those people. A businessman who grows specialty products! ’

'yes! Owner! ’ Yamos replied excitedly: ‘I will wait for the master’s instructions at any time before joining that group of people! ’

'Um! Go for it! ’

Du Long successfully arranged for Yamos, and then continued to teleport towards the world where the core holy city was located. He was in no hurry to contact Yin Qiankun.

Once the Yin clan members arrive at Yuntian World, Yin Qiankun will naturally contact him, and then he can buy himself some time on the grounds that he has not yet arrived at Yuntian World.

As long as he buys more time, he can take the opportunity to rush towards the life world where the core holy city is located. It is not necessarily that he can find other ways to enter the Jinshan world quietly.

Time continues to pass day after day, and the Tarot family has still not been able to find any trace of Hong Wu. There are a large number of suspicious people reported back from all parties.

When fishing in a large area like the Tarot family, it is inevitable that many non-mission targets will be caught by mistake in one net!

Among the many suspicious targets, Yamos is also one of the top-ranked targets. The reason is that his route is almost unreservedly presented to the eyes of the Tarot family intelligence personnel.

And as time goes by, the Yin clan is moving closer to Yuntian World, and the closer they get, the greater the suspicion on him!

It's a pity that for a suspicious target like Yamos who makes no secret of his hiding place, unless he really comes into contact with the Yin clan, his suspicion will be reduced a lot.

On this day, the group of people sent by the Yin family to pick up Du Long finally arrived at Yuntian World, and Yin Qiankun also sent a message in time to inform them of this matter.

Du Long immediately followed the plan formulated later without hesitation, reasoning that in order to prevent being discovered by the intelligence personnel of the Tarot family, he had to take a detour and wasted a lot of time. It was estimated that it would take some time to reach Yuntian World.

He also apologized repeatedly to Yin Qiankun and hoped that the Yin clan could wait a few more days.

He also said that they could stay in the most luxurious hotels and enjoy the most luxurious services, and he would bear all the expenses, etc.

All in all, Du Long was trying to appease the Yin family in a very low profile. With all the sugar-coated bullets to appease them, the Yin family didn't have much dissatisfaction.

After all, those who eat people are soft-spoken and short-handed, so just treat this trip as a tourist trip!

"What?! The group of people sent by the Yin family stayed in Yuntian World?! And it seems that there is no sign of continuing on their way, and they went directly to check into the most luxurious hotel in the area?!"

After receiving the news, the full-time intelligence executive of the Tarot family immediately raised several questions in succession, and all of his questions were quickly confirmed.

"In this case, let's take Yuntian World as the center point, sort out the suspicious targets that have already led to Yuntian World... and are about to go to Yuntian World, in order to find the real target!"

As expected, he was worthy of having been engaged in intelligence work for many years. He quickly made the most correct arrangements for this matter, and Yamos's ranking among the many suspicious targets instantly rushed to the top three.

Soon, Yamos's information also fell into the eyes of the intelligence executive. After seeing the different information clearly, his eyelids kept twitching.

"It happened to appear from somewhere near the Kunbu World, and then went straight to the Yuntian World. According to the other party, this trip was for the specialties of the Yuntian World?!"

"No matter whether it is a comprehensive investigation of him or the explanation of the purpose of his trip, there are no flaws, but so many coincidences have happened to this person. It would be strange to say that he has no problems at all!"

"Having only reached the late sixth level of almost peak combat power, after a comprehensive exploration of the world inside his body, his cultivation level will definitely not be false."

"Therefore, judging from his cultivation strength, it is definitely not Hong Wu. Then is he just an indirect accomplice carrying the target person?!"

"After a comprehensive investigation, all the space artifacts on this person... including the world inside his body are invisible. Logically speaking, it is unlikely that there is a target person hidden on his body!"

"Can we launch an investigation into his true identity?! There are a large number of large and small forces in the God Realm who are unwilling to register their identity information. This kind of investigation will only waste a lot of time and energy!"


Being distracted, the high-ranking intelligence officer of the Tarot family thought about many things in an instant. Deep down in his heart, he felt that Yamos was very suspicious, but he could not find any evidence.

"That's it! Since we can't find enough evidence, there is only the simplest but most direct way!"

"A mere little person in the late sixth level is simply not worth wasting so much time and energy on research and exploration. In this case, you can only blame yourself for your misfortune!"

Yuntian World, Yamos has been wandering around this life world for several days!

During this period, in order to hide his identity, he deliberately searched around for information about local specialties, pretending to be looking for a high-quality and low-price merchant to purchase them.

He didn't know that the group of people he was going to meet on this trip had already arrived in Yuntian World, and it was precisely because of the arrival of those people that he, the smoke bomb, was forced into danger.

On this day, when he was going to a certain place again to see the goods, a figure directly blocked his way.

This was a thin old man with a hooked nose and a cold face. He exuded an aura that frightened Yamos. This aura made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

The eyes of the hawk-nosed old man looked at him, giving him the terrifying feeling of being secretly watched by a beast in the forest. This feeling made his back wet with cold sweat.

"Sir! You keep blocking my way...why?!" Yamos' words became awkward, and he could already see the cold murderous intent in the other party's eyes.

"Hmph!" The old man with a hooked nose snorted coldly: "I am only here for one thing... and that is to take your life, go to hell!!"

As the cold and biting words fell, the old man with a hooked nose stretched out his right paw and grabbed Yamos' neck.

The skinny claws fell directly on Yamos's neck. Yamos stood there like a fool, unable to move, and could only watch in horror as the claws took off his head.

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