Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3027 Entering the God Realm for the First Time

The Cemetery of the Gods, a deserted and deserted void!

A figure is sitting cross-legged in the void, and you can see the colorful rays of light gushing out from his body. The colorful rays of light gradually become dazzling and dazzling from the dim light at the beginning.

At this moment, Du Long's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes. The world inside his body, which was originally a six-dimensional space-time, is gradually transforming into a seven-dimensional space-time at this moment!

Multi-dimensional space-time creation has one thing in common with other creation paths, that is, it is possible to break through to the seven-dimensional realm without reaching the six-dimensional Dzogchen realm.

You can feel the difference between the two with your toes, it's a world of difference!

Nowadays, Du Long has broken through and reached the sixth level of Great Perfection, which is to cultivate the secrets of six-dimensional space and time to the invincible state of Great Perfection. At this moment, it is not easy to break through and reach the seventh-dimensional time and space.

As the dimensions of the inner world continue to increase, the mysteries of heaven and earth contained in higher-dimensional time and space have become increasingly abstract and difficult to understand, and the various changes involved internally can also be described as endless.

The mysteries of space and time beyond seven dimensions can no longer be described and explained in words as before.

All in all, the mystery of seven-dimensional space and time is no longer something we ordinary people can understand and explain!

At this time, Du Long was distracted by millions of people, and all his minds were running at the highest speed, all contributing to the breakthrough to the seven-dimensional inner world to ensure that there would be no mistakes in this breakthrough!

You know, there are about fifty to sixty trillion cells in the human body, and the total number of cells in Du Long's body has reached hundreds of trillions since he has been practicing all the way!

Before breaking through to the seven-star realm, his cultivation reached the six-star Dzogchen Invincible realm, and a total of 60% of the cells in his body were transformed into small clones of the cell origin!

In other words, he now has a total of 60 trillion cell origin clones in his body, and his soul origin has also been divided into 60 trillion parts!

Calculated according to the calculation that each soul origin is equivalent to a computing core, Dulong at this time is like a supercomputer with 60 trillion core processors, and all processors are at their peak computing state.

This is definitely an unimaginable computing power, but even with this computing power, Du Long can only barely maintain the breakthrough of the main Dantian world in his body.

As for the other numerous large and small worlds within the body of 600,000 cells, there is simply no time to break through, and there is no more computing power to support them to break through at the same time!

Time is passing by minute by second, and the world of Du Long's main dantian is undergoing earth-shaking changes. The process of six dimensions rising to seven dimensions, and the process of six dimensions Dzogchen rising to seven dimensions is even more complicated and abstract!

He also maintains the peak of terrifying computing power, which barely meets the computing requirements for the six-dimensional Dzogchen breakthrough to the seven-dimensional world!

The seven-dimensional world and the six-dimensional world are only one-dimensional in comparison, but there is a huge difference between the two. This difference does not only involve changes in time, space and various materials.

It also involves changes in various species and creatures in the inner world. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this change can transform even an ordinary mortal in the inner world into a fairy.

That's right!

A large number of creatures living in the six-dimensional world have also benefited greatly from this breakthrough process. Ordinary mortals have been directly promoted to immortal gods. Even ants have evolved to a level far beyond human intelligence!

The entire inner world undergoes transformation from the inside out, in a silent and moistening way!

Ordinary creatures cannot feel this kind of transformation at all, and only those creatures who are relatively powerful will feel it, and then they will enter a state of seclusion and practice in an effort to improve the quality and quantity of benefits!


Until a certain moment, Du Long didn't know how long he had spent before a powerful aura suddenly burst out from him.

Under the impact of this powerful aura, the surrounding space and time trembled in a wide range, and a dazzling huge light pillar rose into the sky!

Feeling the violent vibrations and changes in the surrounding space and time, Du Long secretly rejoiced in his decision to enter the Tianshen Cemetery to break through despite the hardships. Otherwise, this breakthrough and ascension would surely alarm all forces.


Ignoring the soaring light pillar beside him, and suppressing the attraction of being dragged into the time and space of the divine world by the light pillar at any time, Du Long exhaled a long breath and felt the current state he was in with some curiosity.

"Is this... the world inside the seven-dimensional space-time?! It really deserves to be a breakthrough that represents a high-level multi-dimensional space-time. I can feel that my overall strength has made a qualitative leap!"

"One to three dimensions are low dimensions, four to six dimensions are medium dimensions, and these seven to nine dimensions are naturally higher dimensions!"

"The world of higher dimensions can overlook almost all the worlds of lower dimensions. No wonder... the multi-dimensional space-time road is called an invincible existence of the same level!"

"In comparison, any other world created by the creation path belongs to a lower-dimensional world, whether it is Yin-Yang creation, Five Elements creation, etc.!"

"I couldn't personally feel the difference before, but after today's breakthrough to the seventh-dimensional realm, this feeling has become extremely clear and discernible!"

"The seven-dimensional space-time creation method makes you seem to be the true god among the many Xuantian creation gods, and all the other Xuantian creation gods have become extremely weak?!"


Standing in the beam of light, Du Long, who was sixty trillion times distracted, had hundreds of millions of different thoughts flashing through his mind. He also had a deeper understanding of the creation of the seven-dimensional space and time.

He is also suppressing himself from ascending immediately. He has just broken through and reached the seven-star realm. He still needs some time to consolidate his cultivation realm. At the same time, he also needs to figure out the huge changes in strength and other aspects after the breakthrough.

Only by having a clearer understanding of his own cultivation can he make the most correct responses when he encounters various dangers when he ascends to the God Realm.

"This is the highest level of time and space that ascends to the ruins of prehistoric battlefields...is it the passage to the divine world?!"

With hundreds of millions of thoughts whirling around, Du Long finally raised his head to look into the void where the light beam extended upwards, and then turned his head again to glance at the surrounding void in the Cemetery of Gods.

"I didn't expect that I could break through to the seven-star realm here, and still have time to ascend to the highest level of the prehistoric battlefield ruins?!"

"I don't know what kind of difficulties and obstacles I will encounter in the so-called God Realm above?! Can I continue to break through and reach the Nine-Star Great Perfection state there?!"

The mutterings slowly dispersed, and Du Long's body began to follow the attraction inside the light pillar, slowly flying upwards into the sky, until finally disappearing without a trace along with the light pillar. trace!

Jinshan Temple, Holy Womb!

The Great Protector Geqiu was having a drink and chatting with the Protector Zhao Pojun. The two looked at the distant sky, as if they could see the figure who was breaking through and ascending to the divine realm.

"Brother Ge!" Zhao Pojun picked up the wine pot and served Geqiu, the Great Protector, and said, "I don't know if Brother Hong... Du Long has broken through and ascended to the God Realm now?!"

"Don't think too much!" Great Protector Geqiu picked up the just-filled wine glass and said with a faint smile: "He should have left the Jinshan world and chosen an uninhabited place to break through and ascend. If we haven't received any news, it means everything is going well. ,on the contrary..."

"That's right!" Zhao Pojun also picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it down in one gulp: "According to the agreement between us and him, we only need to stay in the Holy Palace for a period of time, and then we can use him to practice in seclusion. If you refuse anyone to visit you, you should be able to buy it for a longer period of time!"

"Yes!" Great Protector Geqiu put down the empty wine glass with one hand, caressed Meisu with the other and said with emotion: "I hope little brother Du Long is well, and I also hope that... Her Highness the Saint can follow him and achieve something. reward!"

"That's right!" Zhao Pojun nodded solemnly and said: "The new civilization outside is really blessed by heaven, otherwise how could there be talented people like little brother Du Long?!"

"How long did it take in total from the time he participated in the City Lord Battle to the time he broke through and became an invincible strongman of the sixth level of Dzogchen?!"

"Yes!" Great Protector Geqiu nodded in agreement: "This is also the main reason why I support the saint to follow her and leave together. The old civilization era has ended long ago. If we don't follow the genius of the new civilization era, I'm afraid, ..."

While the two guardians were drinking and chatting in the Holy Womb, Du Long had broken through and ascended to the so-called God Realm. In fact, he knew very well that this was just the highest level of time and space in the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield.

"Is this the so-called time and space of the God Realm?! Apart from the fact that the time and space here is relatively stable, I don't feel that there is much difference between it and the lower world?!"

Standing in the void shrouded by nebulae, Du Long curiously looked at the starry sky around him, and the look of expectation on his face gradually turned into disappointment.


A charming figure appeared beside him out of thin air. It was the saint Yin Feifei who had been brought to the divine world with him, and she finally appeared.

"Even if this is the world of gods..." Saint Yin Feifei took over the words with a smile but not a smile: "There are also a large number of ordinary people living here. In essence, it is not much different from the world we just left!"

"That's true!" Du Long nodded and replied with a smile: "Miss Feifei! Do you think the so-called Three Realms... are just an inner world created by an eternal god?!"

"Impossible!" Yin Feifei shook her head and denied without hesitation: "After the ancient world-destroying war, there were no more eternal gods. After those eternal gods fell... all the inner worlds they created would collapse and be destroyed. There would be no It will remain to this day!”

"Yeah!" Du Long nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with her statement: "That's true, even after the death of the Eternal God, the world inside his body will collapse and disintegrate, but if... the inner world created by the Eternal God King Can there be exceptions in the world?!"

"The Eternal God King?!" Yin Feifei looked slightly startled and murmured: "That is not an existence that we can speculate on. After all... we don't know the strength of the Eternal God King at all. powerful."

Du Long nodded lightly and did not continue to dwell on this fruitless issue. After sweeping around, he looked at Yin Feifei with bright eyes.

"Master Du!" Feeling a little uncomfortable under his scorching gaze, Yin Feifei said coquettishly: "What do you mean by staring at me so closely?! Could it be... You just ascended to the God Realm? Have you revealed your true nature?!"

"Ahem!" Du Long was a little embarrassed by the other party's half-joking words. He coughed twice and said with a red face: "Miss Feifei is overthinking. I just want to remind you that it's best to change your appearance and soul breath. Don’t let anyone recognize your true identity!”

"That's it!" Yin Feifei seemed to be relieved and said, "This is the God Realm. It's not easy to meet someone who knows me!"

"It's hard to say!" Du Long waved his hand and said directly: "Miss Feifei was once a saint in the Jinshan world below, and she can be regarded as a public figure known to everyone in the lower world!"

"You may not know all the people who have ascended, but that doesn't mean they don't know you!"

"Okay!" Yin Feifei could only accept the reality and said, "Then I'll just change it!"

As her voice fell, the appearance and aura of a holy goddess instantly transformed into a relatively ordinary-looking beauty.

"Very good!" Du Long nodded with satisfaction and said, "The most critical soul breath has also changed, so I don't have to worry about being recognized. I should also change before I can continue to walk in this world of gods!"

After saying these words, Du Long also transformed, and immediately turned into an ordinary-looking young man. Standing next to Yin Feifei, you can still see that there are three or four similarities in his facial features and temperament.

"From today on, you are my sister Du Xiaofei, and my name is Du Xuan. Remember not to make a mistake!"

"Why did Mr. Du change his body and appearance?! Could it be that... you are also afraid that you will not be recognized by people in the God Realm?!" Yin Feifei asked curiously.

"Remember to call me brother!" Du Long corrected him first, and then continued to explain: "I said before that there are people from all forces in the new civilization outside entering this place, so it is definitely good to be cautious!"


"Let's go! Brother, I will take you to explore the world of gods!"

Yin Feifei secretly rolled her eyes, and was led by Du Long in a certain direction, where there was a huge land of life stretching across the void.

After having the experience of wandering into the lower realm before, Du Long understood the general scene of this prehistoric battlefield ruins in his heart. The most important thing for him at the moment was to figure out where this place was in the God Realm.

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