Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3022 The Flame Behemoth

Chi boom!

Chi You, who is hundreds of miles tall, possesses the Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills. His swords, spears and axes are like a giant winch that shakes the world. Any object in front of him will be shattered and exploded wherever he passes!

The flaming landscapes, the flaming tornadoes, and the flaming behemoths blocking the way were all easily penetrated and shattered without exception!

Du Long transformed into a high-speed rotating one-horned dragon, charged fiercely in front of the flaming beast, and then blasted towards the opponent without hesitation.

One side is a body that is tens of thousands of miles long, and the other side is only about a hundred miles long. The gap between the two is a terrifying hundreds of times.

However, at this moment, Du Long is an existence in the sixth-level invincible state of Dzogchen, and he is also an invincible strongman who has taken the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation.

The figure spinning at high speed was like an electric drill drilling into the wall in an instant. With just a slight pause, it immediately penetrated into the body of the flaming behemoth, and then continued to advance vertically and horizontally inside its body while maintaining the attack form of Chiyou's Poison Dragon Drill combat skill!


Drilling all the way forward, it didn't take long for him to emerge from the other side of the flaming beast's body. Du Long didn't stop there, he twisted around and continued to charge into the flaming beast's body.

As this process was repeated several times, the giant flame beast, which was tens of thousands of miles long, continued to emit bursts of painful wails, and blazing flames could be seen constantly spurting out from its mouth, nose and other places.

It was as if an ordinary giant beast had been severely wounded inside, and then blood spurted out from its mouth, nose, seven orifices, etc. It was enough to see that Du Long had repeatedly strangled it in its body and caused extremely serious damage to it!

On the sea of ​​flames, a large number of flame monsters let out bursts of pain when they saw the boss. Many of the flame monsters had frightened expressions in their eyes, and they retreated involuntarily.

The giant flame beast, which had always been almost invincible in their eyes, was now so weak in front of that seemingly small human being. This made many flame monsters fearful!

Just like this, under the horrified gaze of a large number of flame monsters, and after an unknown number of entries and exits, the tens of thousands of miles long flame monster finally let out a howl, and then its huge body collapsed.


Du Long emerged from the left side of the flame beast's head. This time, he did not attack the big guy in front of him again. Instead, he ducked not far away and silently watched the opponent collapse.

With a muffled sound, the huge body of the Fiery Flame Beast crashed directly onto the Fiery Flame Ocean, immediately stirring up layers of huge waves of Fierce Flame lava, rolling in all directions!

Such a terrifying huge wave, even if it is just an ordinary sea wave compared to an ordinary person, it is enough to destroy everything!

However, above this sea of ​​​​fiery flames, the terrifying flaming lava waves will not harm any living beings. The living beings that can live here are naturally powerful beings who are not afraid of the blazing flames.


After successfully killing a terrifying flaming beast, Du Long finally couldn't help but let out a long breath of hot breath. Even his body became extremely hot after staying in the flaming beast's body for a long time.

Glancing at the wave of numerous flame monsters that were scared away, Du Long was not prepared to stay here for long, and immediately dodged and continued to shoot towards the depths of the core of the flame ocean.

A large number of flaming monsters scattered and retreated wherever they passed. They were obviously frightened by the scene of Du Long killing the flaming monster, and they could no longer muster the courage to fight with them!

Naturally, Du Long felt much more relaxed and accelerated his electric beam directly towards the core of the flaming ocean, and soon rushed out of the flaming ocean in front of him that was occupied by a large number of flaming monsters.

As he continued to move forward, Du Long encountered similar waves of flaming beasts several times. As long as he showed the strength of the sixth level of Dzogchen invincibility and killed the most powerful flaming beasts one after another, those flaming beasts would often also I dare not continue to block his way.

In this way, he made his way unimpeded to the deeper core area, but was eventually blocked by a large group of flame monsters.

From the depths of the endless tide of flame monsters, seven or eight extremely huge flame beasts rushed out!

You can see that the leaders are three powerful flaming giant beasts. One is a flaming fire phoenix, the second is a flaming one-horned dragon, and the third is a flaming Kunpeng!

Behind these three flaming giant beasts are four or five weaker giant beasts. To say that they are weaker means that they are slightly weaker than the three giant beasts in the middle. But after all, they are not as strong as Du Long. The giant flame beast that started killing was weak!

In this way, the three giant flame beasts clustered in the middle should be existences whose strength has exceeded the peak limit of the sixth level, and is infinitely close to the invincible state of the sixth level of Dzogchen!

Oh ho!

The three giant flaming beasts seemed to have seen Du Long, who was rushing forward quickly. They raised their heads to the sky and let out angry roars. Their anger made Du Long secretly surprised in his heart.

After all, this is the first time I have encountered them. Logically speaking, I shouldn't be so hostile, right? !

Could it be that it was because they learned about the fact that he had killed several giant flame beasts in the periphery that they were so resentful towards him? !

With these doubts in his mind, Du Long didn't even pause in his steps. He dodged directly and charged towards the wave of flaming monsters in front of him.

In the three-headed and thousand-armed combat form, with all kinds of ninth-level, sixth-level and third-level eternal magic weapons in his hands, he directly used the most powerful version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill!

After his strength broke through and reached the invincible realm of the sixth level of perfection, Du Long seemed to become more and more courageous, and had no intention of backing down in the face of the powerful wave of flame monsters.

Of course, he also has plans to test his current strongest combat power and see which area of ​​the Fiery Ocean he can forcefully break into!

The breakthrough in strength has reached his current level. If he doesn't find a reference to compare with, he really won't be able to fully understand his own strength, which will definitely cause an extremely unfavorable situation in the future.

Therefore, in order to avoid bleeding in the future, he now needs to test the limits of his strength with these flaming beasts in front of him, and want to find out what step his current strength can achieve!

Chi boom!

The body that was hundreds of miles tall turned into a high-speed rotating dragon, and many eternal magic weapons were enlarged to fit the size of his current body. He used the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill to fiercely charge into the flaming beast tide.

It was as if a dragon hundreds of miles long suddenly appeared above the sea of ​​flames and was raging. Any flame storms and fire tornadoes in its path would be easily dispersed.

His figure quickly rushed into the tide of flame monsters. The place he passed was like a snow plow, and a large number of flame monsters were chopped up and scattered in all directions.

Oh ho! !

Witnessing a large number of flaming monsters in front being crushed and scattered in all directions, the high-level flaming monsters behind roared and lost their voices, and then impatiently took steps to rush towards Du Long.

The seven or eight giant flaming beasts can reach a body of more than 100,000 miles in length, and a body of about 10,000 to 20,000 miles in length at the shortest. Such a step immediately causes the entire sea of ​​​​flaming lava to surge!

The entire sea of ​​​​flaming flames was stirred by this, and the formations of countless flaming monsters were also shattered to pieces, but the high-level giant beasts did not seem to care about this.

Seeing the seven or eight giant flaming beasts rushing towards him impatiently, Du Long not only had no intention of retreating, but instead accelerated towards one of the flaming Kunpengs.

The goal of this battle is to attack the three high-level flaming behemoths. Only in this way can we test our true combat power and see if we can confront the flaming behemoths of this level head-on!

Oh ho!

Seeing Du Long charging toward him, the flaming Kunpeng looked up to the sky and let out an excited roar. Then he bowed slightly and pointed a hole in his head at Du Long, spraying a blazing white beam of light directly at him!

Seeing a beam of blazing white light coming towards him, Du Long's Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond suddenly twisted and turned around, narrowly avoiding the frontal bombardment of the beam of light.

After avoiding the frontal attack of the light beam, he continued to accelerate towards the Kunpeng giant beast that was hundreds of thousands of miles long!

Woo! !

After watching him dodge his own beam of light and attack him head-on, and quickly shoot lightning towards him, the giant Kunpeng suddenly opened its bloody mouth and spit out a blazing pillar of lava.

This lava column exploded in the wind and turned into a terrifying flame that covered the sky and the sun and rushed towards Du Long in a fan shape, leaving him no room to dodge at all.

Faced with such a large-scale attack, Du Long could only grit his teeth and accelerate forward. In this case, it was too late for him to fight hard.


Chiyou's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill blasted the flames head-on, and instantly spun and strangled a huge vortex of flames in the flames. He was like a high-speed spinning one-horned dragon, rushing towards the other end of the vortex of flames. past.

In front of everyone's eyes, as the terrifying flames flew away, the figure successfully penetrated the flames and rushed in front of the flaming Kunpeng beast, and then rushed directly into the opponent's huge mouth that had not yet been closed.

It wasn't until Du Long rushed in that the flaming Kunpeng beast hurriedly closed its huge mouth, as if it wanted to bite its opponent into pieces.

Unfortunately, Du Long certainly wouldn't give it any chance to bite him. He had already transformed into a high-speed rotating one-horned dragon and bombarded the throat of the flaming Kunpeng monster without hesitation.

In this way, he performed the drilling technique again, and instantly penetrated from the Kunpeng beast's mouth into its body, and then continued to gallop back and forth in the body of the flaming Kunpeng in the form of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond!

Oh ho! !

The terrible pain of various organs in the body being crazily minced caused the flaming Kunpeng giant beast to let out bursts of screams of agony, and its huge body began to flip and sway crazily in the air and on the sea.

But no matter how it tossed and swung, it couldn't get rid of the Du Long that had penetrated deep into its body. It could only let it wreak havoc inside its body until almost no intact organs could be found in its body.

With a desperate cry, the body of the Blazing Kunpeng beast collapsed, and its life breath continued to disappear.

Du Long, who sensed this change in his body, finally came out, transformed into a high-speed rotating one-horned dragon, and continued to charge towards the other flaming giant beast.

His target this time was the blazing fire phoenix, mainly because the fire phoenix was the closest!

Seeing that the guy who had just killed the giant Kunpeng beast was charging toward him, the flaming fire phoenix flew back like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.


The flaming fire phoenix let out a horrifying scream and fled away into the distance like crazy. Du Long, who used Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill, was unable to catch up in the first place.

He could only twist and charge towards the other flaming one-horned dragon, obviously intending to regard this one-horned dragon as another target to be killed.


The one-horned dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar. It was obviously angered by Du Long's behavior. It did not flee immediately like the fire phoenix, but ducked and accelerated towards him.

In other words, this flaming one-horned dragon was preparing to confront Du Long head-on. It must have been unconvinced that his small body could still kill his companions.

In its opinion, Du Long was lucky enough to rush into the Kunpeng beast's mouth. Only then was he able to rush into the body from the weakest part, and finally succeeded in killing the Kunpeng beast!

Therefore, as long as you don't make the same mistake and don't give the other party a chance to penetrate your body, you don't have to be afraid of the guy in front of you!

Seeing the one-horned dragon charging towards him, a faint sneer appeared on Du Long's lips.

As a being who has reached the invincible realm of the sixth level of Dzogchen, and has many eternal weapons that have reached the ninth level in his hand, it would be strange if he did not even dare to face a head-on collision with a giant flame beast!

Then he saw that the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill he used suddenly accelerated, making bursts of terrifying wind sounds as he rushed toward the flaming dragon. He obviously planned to face the flaming one-horned dragon in front of him.

In the sea of ​​​​flaming flames, waves of flaming lava are rolling in the air.

It was as if two one-horned dragons, one large and one small, were charging towards each other, but the size gap between the two was too huge. From a distance, it looked like a giant dragon was preparing for a head-on collision with a small snake.

This kind of picture looks a bit peaceful, but this is just the appearance seen by the eyes. At most, there is only a huge quantitative gap between the enemy and ourselves, but the internal qualitative gap is completely opposite!

The sixth level of Dzogchen invincibility is not called for nothing, especially since Du Long is still at the sixth level of Dzogchen invincibility following the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation. There is absolutely no doubt about his qualitative strength!

Rumble. . .

When the two collided head-on, it was like a burst of thunder sounded over the sea of ​​​​fiery flames, and terrifying sound waves rolled in all directions!

A terrifying mushroom cloud rose over the sea of ​​​​fiery flames. Accompanied by the blazing and dazzling light, no living being at the scene could see clearly the detailed process and final result of this head-on collision!

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