Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3017 Breakthrough Opportunity

‘Ya Heng! How much do you know about the three dangerous core areas of Jinshan World? ! ’

In the inner world, on a certain divine planet, Ya Heng, the second elder of the Tarot family, suddenly heard Du Long's questioning voice in his ears.

As a being who rebelled from the Tarot family, Yaheng was not suitable to stay in the first elder's mansion inside the Jinshan Temple, so Du Long directly took him into his inner world.

"Master!" Ya Heng was just stunned for a moment, and then he immediately bowed respectfully and said: "There are some top secrets within the Tarot family, and only the family's supreme elder and the Holy Son have the right to access them!"

"Therefore, I have also been fortunate enough to browse through some secret collections related to the three major dangers, and I also have some understanding of the core areas of the three dangers..."

Under Ya Heng's narration, Du Long finally determined that the two major families behind the Holy Son and Saint Maiden really had top-secret information related to the core areas of the three dangerous areas.

The invincible ancestors of the two major families who were once the sixth level of Dzogchen had once braved through the core areas of three major dangers, and recorded what they saw and heard in the family's top secret collection.

Among them is the recorded information about an amethyst sun suspended above the huge pit in the core of Ziji Hanyuan, a huge Gobi desert in the core of the Valley of the Dead, and a giant skeleton gate suspended in the deepest part.

It's a pity that the sixth-level Dzogchen Invincible Realm expert from the Tarot family was frightened away after just a quick glance.

According to the records of the ancestor of the Tarot family, the core areas of the three dangerous areas must not be entered lightly. Even if a powerful and powerful person in the sixth-level Dzogchen Invincible Realm breaks in, there will be a great risk of falling!

It is precisely because of this that the two major families behind the Holy Son and Saint Daughter did not dare to break in easily, and in the end they simply opened the three major dangers to the outside world.

‘So it turns out that even the family behind the Saint Son and Saint Maiden only know this little bit about it? ! No wonder. . . Whether it is the Zijihan Abyss or the core area of ​​the Valley of the Dead, there are still a large number of eternal divine weapons scattered around that have not been taken away by outsiders! ’

‘If a strong person at the sixth level of Dzogchen Invincible Realm can easily break into it, then I will never expect to gain such a huge harvest from it! ’ After listening to Ya Heng’s story, Du Long nodded secretly and thought.

While he was distracted communicating with Ya Heng in the inner world, the confrontation with the six supreme elders of the Tarot family was not over yet. However, Du Long had already gotten the answer he wanted from Ya Heng, so naturally he was too lazy to continue. Stop talking nonsense to these people.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Du Long looked at Caesar with disdain and said: "How many eternal magic weapons do I have in my hand? Guan'er and other nonsense?! I have no obligation to explain its origin to you! A good dog doesn't block the way. Get out of here quickly!!"

"You bastard!" The irritable Thirteenth Elder immediately yelled angrily: "How dare you speak nonsense when you are about to die?! Unless you continue to be the coward, you will definitely be buried here today!!"

The atmosphere between the two sides became tense instantly, and Du Long had no intention of further retreating. The main reason was not that he was afraid of being scolded by the opponent, but that he did not think that the six opponents could successfully block his way.

"Haha!" Du Long laughed angrily and said, "We still don't know who will win, but you guys want me to be buried here?! It's just idiotic saying that you don't know whether to live or die!!"

As soon as the words "I don't know whether to live or die" were spoken, Du Long's whole body immediately turned into a faint stream of light and shot toward the six people. All kinds of magical weapons in the three-headed and thousand-armed fighting form were slashed out without hesitation.

Clang clang clang. . .

Suddenly, the six Caesars joined forces to fight back, and the sounds of gold and iron clashing instantly echoed throughout the world.

After just one wave of attacks, two eternal magic weapons were blown apart. It was the third-level eternal magic weapon in the hands of one of the Supreme Elders.

I don’t know what this guy was thinking. When facing a strong man like Du Long, he didn’t even take out the sixth-level eternal magic weapon. He was directly blasted to pieces by the ninth-level eternal magic weapon in his hand. .

Du Long, who succeeded in the attack, naturally would not let go of such a God-given opportunity, and directly shifted the focus of his attack to this unlucky man. The two ninth-level eternal spears turned into two lightning snakes that chose to devour the opponent and instantly engulfed the opponent.

ah! !

Accompanied by a shrill and horrifying scream, two lightning gun snakes swallowed the guy completely in an instant, blasting him into pieces of flesh and blood in the sky in the blink of an eye. The final result was that he was directly suppressed by the Star Tower.


It's a long story. Caesar, the supreme elder, was not an indecisive person. He released another supreme elder with a wave of his hand, and after reverting to six people, he directly launched the six-sided battle formation.

Taking advantage of Du Long's opportunity to suppress the unlucky man, the six-sided battle formation directly surrounded him completely, followed by the all-out attack from the six-person battle formation.

The sound of intense clashes of gold and iron could be heard endlessly. The six-sided battle formation combined the power of six people to launch an all-out siege against Du Long. However, he was single and numerous and had no intention of backing down, so he directly chose to confront his opponent head-on!

As early as Ziji Hanyuan, he had single-handedly defeated the Tarot family's six-sided battle formation. At that time, the leader of the battle was Ya Heng, the second elder of Taishang, and now he has become Taishang. Just go to the great elder Caesar.

At that time, under the conditions of extreme shortage of magical weapons, he was able to quickly defeat the opponent's six-sided battle formation. Now that he had a large number of high-level eternal magical weapons in his hands, his confidence was naturally doubled.

Sure enough, under the waves of frontal force, Du Long did not fall into the disadvantage at all with his own strength, and seemed to still have a certain upper hand.

The so-called six-sided battle formation gathers the power of six people to fight. The power of six people can rush to any one person at any time, but there is always a certain time lag between external force and external force.

If it can still have a greater upper hand against normal targets, but against a target like Du Long with three heads and a thousand arms that can attack and defend almost no blind spots, the advantage of the six-sided battle array will be seriously reduced.

After a fierce battle, Caesar and others were horrified to find that with the strength of several people, they were still reduced to such a situation? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

After some thought, Caesar once again released six more figures. They were the other six supreme elders of the Tarot family. All of them were strong men who had reached the sixth level of peak combat power.

These six people directly joined the six-sided battle formation after they appeared. If the original six-sided battle formation could only be regarded as the most basic six-sided battle formation, it has now become an upgraded version of the six-sided battle formation.

Although it is still not possible to reach the point where one plus one equals two, it has at least reached the point where one plus one equals one point nine or more!

Twelve sixth-order peak extreme realm powerhouses jointly used the six-sided battle formation. Duron, who was surrounded in the center, felt the pressure doubled. The various eternal weapons in his hands were no longer as smooth as before when launching attacks!

But even at this point, he still did not use the eternal magic weapon in his hand. As long as Caesar did not use the eternal magic weapon, he would not use it lightly.

The huge pressure did not crush his will to fight, but instead inspired the fighting spirit and potential hidden deep in his heart. The various magical weapons in the three-headed and thousand-armed combat form cooperated with each other more and more tacitly.

Clang clang clang. . .

The battle scene was filled with flying sand and rocks, and the fierce battle caused all kinds of sand and gravel to scatter and fly. Neither the enemy nor ourselves used eternal magic weapons to assist, but were competing against each other's true combat power.

Once any party takes the lead in breaking this tacit understanding, the war will become more complicated and unpredictable. This is a situation that neither side is willing to see for the time being.

The dazzling array of various eternal magic weapons in Du Long's hands is a great deterrent. He is the last person who wants to see the war prematurely degenerate into a competition over eternal magic weapons.

It is precisely because of this that he displays all the eternal magic weapons on his body. The purpose is to scare his opponents away from using the eternal magic weapons easily, so that he can have more time and energy to devote to the battle understanding.

Only through real combat power competition under strong pressure can he maximize his potential and have greater hope of finding an opportunity to break through the bottleneck of the sixth level of Dzogchen!

The fierce battle is still going on. The swords, axes, and spears in Du Long's hands are the main weapons. They are constantly interpreting the true meaning of multi-dimensional swords, spears, and axes, and then working hard to find a breakthrough under strong pressure.

This is like a reservoir full of floods. Seeing that the reservoir is about to overflow, you only need to find the best breakthrough point, and the flood inside can be released!

‘Brother! this. . . This kid is really too evil! Twelve of us teamed up to use the six-sided battle formation, but we were still unable to defeat it head-on. . . ’

'yes! This child's talent is rare in the world. Once he grows up, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous. He will definitely become the Tarot family's biggest enemy! ’

'no! He must not be allowed to live, otherwise the Tarot family will face the risk of annihilation. . . ’

‘. . . . . . ’

After a hard battle, seeing that the twelve people had only gained some upper hand together, and the hope of defeating their opponents head-on in a short period of time was far away, the elders of the Tarot family became a little anxious.

Everyone can only wait expectantly for Caesar's answer, hoping that he can come up with a good solution to the current predicament, otherwise no one can guarantee that something unexpected will happen if this continues.

‘That boy has a large number of eternal magic weapons in his hands. Once we use the eternal magic weapons, . . It will definitely stimulate him to use various eternal magic weapons mercilessly! 'Caesar murmured, his words full of worry.

‘But if the stalemate continues like this, it will be even more unfavorable! ’ Immediately, a Supreme Elder said: ‘We must find a way to solve the current predicament as soon as possible, otherwise. . . ’

Everyone nodded, obviously agreeing with this statement. The terrifying strength displayed by Du Long made them all feel frightened.

‘Don’t use the eternal magic weapon yet! 'After thinking for a while, Caesar finally made a decision and said: 'Everyone will use the strongest means. From now on, two people will take turns to use their full strength to see if they can force the opponent to expose the defense loopholes. Then he will attack with all his strength. Let’s decide the outcome! ! ’

Everyone agreed and accepted the order, and then began to follow Caesar's suggestion, forming a group of two opposite corners, taking turns to launch an all-out attack on Du Long.

That is to say, at the same moment, two people will launch their ultimate move to attack Du Long. There are twelve people on the scene who can be divided into six groups when they join forces. This can also be regarded as a method of wheel battle.

As the enemy changed tactics, the pressure on Du Long doubled again. He had to deal with powerful attacks from different directions, but the attacks from other directions were the same as before.

As a result, he became somewhat passive, and the imbalance of attacks from all directions made it more difficult for him to deal with it.

Under great pressure, he was a little flustered at first, but as time went by, he gradually stabilized his figure.

But the pressure on his body still reached the limit, so he could only grit his teeth and persevere, trying his best to suppress the idea of ​​using the eternal magic weapon.

Although the various functions of the eternal magic weapon are very powerful, it is a pity that they are always auxiliary external forces. Even if he successfully defeats his opponent through this, it will not be of any help to his practice.

Therefore, no matter how great the pressure he is currently facing, as long as his opponent does not use the eternal magic weapon, he will not use it easily.

Clang clang clang. . .

Under the strong pressure, Du Long gradually became immersed in a strange state of battle perception. He slowly let go of his obsession with winning or losing the battle and devoted all his main attention to the wonderful battle perception.

The sound of various metals clashing was endless, and the counter-shock force generated by each hard collision was no longer a pressure, and the swords, axes, and spears in his hands seemed to merge into one.

No longer distinguishing between the fourth dimension which should be the sword technique, the fifth dimension which should be the master technique and the sixth dimension which should be the marksmanship, he gradually understood the attack and killing methods of the sword, axe, and spear in his hand.

Until a certain moment, Caesar's full blow broke through the outer spear defense line and went straight to the middle sword defense line with a fierce blast. Du Long subconsciously swung his sword and slashed out.


A deafening sound of gold and iron clashing resounded throughout the world, and Caesar was shaken backwards by the huge force, and the halberd in his hand was also knocked towards him.

The sudden change not only shocked Caesar, but also Du Long, the instigator, looked confused.

However, the confused look on Du Long's face was instantly replaced by ecstasy of surprise. After a long hard battle, he finally realized the opportunity to break through to the sixth level of Dzogchen.

'Ha ha! That’s it, that’s it! If you want to break through the six-dimensional space-time creation and reach the invincible state of Dzogchen, you need to integrate the four-dimensional, five-dimensional and six-dimensional attack and killing methods. Only in this way can you truly achieve the invincible state of six-dimensional Dzogchen! ! ’

Inwardly, he laughed wildly with surprise. Du Long's aura suddenly surged, and the world suddenly changed color. The narrow valley of the undead, which was originally dark and difficult to see light, suddenly bloomed with thousands of splendors!

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