Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3014 Desert of the Dead

Hundreds of high-level undead life forms successfully scared off several supreme elders of the Tarot family.

Caesar and a group of people fled in panic like bereaved dogs, never daring to return to the narrow valley occupied by hundreds of high-level undead lifeforms.

"Brother! What should we do next?! The road ahead has been blocked by second-level undead lifeforms. We can't rush through at all?!"

"Yes! I don't know how the man named Hong got through?! It's a pity that he had disappeared by the time we got here!"

"Alas!" Facing the discussions and inquiries from all the Supreme Elders, Caesar could only helplessly shake his head and sigh: "Although I don't know how that guy got in, it's easy for him to get in but it's much harder to figure it out. !”

"Now there are two possibilities left. One is that the kid died tragically in the deepest part of the Valley of the Dead, and the other is that he was lucky enough to come out alive!"

"If it's the first possibility, that would be great, but if it's the second possibility... then we'll stay here. If that kid wants to come back, he must pass by here!"

"Brother is wise!" An elder of the Tarot family said with bright eyes: "This is the only place for the other party to exit. There will not be any danger in this area. We can stay here with peace of mind. !”


The others all spoke up, obviously accepting the plan. A group of six people directly arranged various offensive and defensive formations on the spot, preparing to completely block Du Long's retreat.

Deep in the Valley of the Undead, Du Long did not know the plans of the Tarot family and his party. He transformed into a low-level undead life form, and was still there quietly observing a high-level undead life form in front of him.

After this continued for more than three years, he swayed and moved closer to the opponent. If he wanted to continue going deep into the Valley of the Undead, he had to bypass this high-level undead life form.

His approach will naturally attract the attention of the high-level undead life form, but now Du Long is almost indistinguishable from a real low-level undead life form during his march.

As a result, the high-level undead lifeform didn't pay much attention to his approach, especially when Du Long avoided the opponent in an extremely low-key manner.

After successfully bypassing the high-level undead life form, Du Long breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward. He needed to continue to penetrate into the deepest part of the Undead Valley.

Along the way, he found that the probability of high-level undead lifeforms appearing was increasing. Later, he even encountered two or three high-level undead lifeforms blocking the way.

Du Long continued to carefully bypass those high-level undead life forms. Although there were some minor twists and turns, he finally passed without any danger.

Passing through this narrow valley occupied by undead lifeforms, Du Long discovered that the number of high-level undead lifeforms in the valley was not many. In total, it was about 10 to 20% less than the previous narrow valley.

He was not surprised by this discovery, because he found that all undead life forms would always dive underground for a period of time before coming up again.

It is estimated that they will all rush out of the surface only when foreign enemies invade. In this way, the high-level undead life forms on the surface are only about half of the narrow valley at most, right? !

With such a guess in his heart, Du Long successfully passed through this narrow valley of the undead, and then soon encountered another narrow valley occupied by a large number of undead life forms.

He began to follow the same pattern, and continued to capture several low-level undead life forms, and then transformed into one of them and stepped into the narrow valley occupied by the undead life forms.

Sneaking forward, he collected some Jinshan Tokens he met along the way. When he encountered high-level undead life forms, he mustered up all the energy to go around them carefully.

Through this method, he passed through several narrow valleys occupied by undead life forms. On this day, when he passed through a certain narrow valley occupied by a large number of undead life forms, he finally encountered a third-level undead life form.

That's right!

When he saw the undead life form, he immediately knew that it was definitely not the high-level undead life forms he usually saw, and this also confirmed his suspicion in his heart.

That is, inside the Valley of the Undead, there are definitely more than just two levels of undead life forms. Now that he encountered a third-level undead life form, he directly named the opponent a third-level undead life form.

When Du Long's eyes fell on the third-level undead life form, the other party looked up with some feeling. This move almost scared Du Long to death, and he panicked before the other party's eyes met his. He lowered his head.

Fortunately, his reaction was quick enough, otherwise if his eyes met, who knows if the third-level undead life form would recognize him? !

Just from the behaviors he saw of the third-level undead life form, he could tell that the other party's intelligence was much higher. It would not be surprising at all if he was accidentally recognized.

Du Long lowered his head and wandered there pretending to be casual. His every move was exactly the same as the other undead life forms around him. Because of this, the third-level undead life form quickly withdrew his gaze.

Since he never dared to raise his head to check the opponent's situation, and was unable to use his spiritual consciousness to investigate here, Du Long wandered in place for a long time, and then secretly looked at the third-level undead life form in the distance with the corner of his eye.

Perhaps because his eyes were too distracted, this time it did not arouse the alert of the third-level undead life form, and Du Long then secretly explored and studied the third-level undead life form.

Through comparison, it was found that the body of the first-level undead life form is light white and transparent and has a weak aura. The body of the second-level undead life form is white and transparent and has a much lower base. After reaching the third-level undead life form, it shows a light blue color and the aura on the body becomes more intense. fear.

As for their strength, Du Long was not familiar with the third-level undead life forms, and he had never done anything with them, so there was no way to compare them.

He just felt that there was a dangerous aura on the third-level undead life form. Although this dangerous aura was not particularly strong, it was enough to show that its strength was absolutely very powerful.

After observing secretly for a long time, Du Long swayed closer to the opponent. If he wanted to go deep into the core of the Valley of the Dead, he had to go around it.

Du Long, who had a lot of stealth experience, moved forward at an extremely slow speed. This speed was so slow that you wouldn't notice that he was moving forward without paying special attention.

He seemed to be wandering aimlessly like this, sometimes retreating a certain distance, but the final result was still more forward.

In order to successfully avoid the attention of the third-level undead life form, it took Du Long a month to get around it. When he passed by, he would behave respectfully like other low-level undead life forms. Please be careful.

After successfully bypassing the third-level undead life form, Du Long breathed a sigh of relief when he was surprised to find a glimmer of light in a remote corner at the bottom of the cliff not far ahead.

'That is. . . An eternal bracelet? ! ’

After seeing clearly that the light was a strange-shaped bracelet, Du Long immediately had such an idea flash in his mind, and his figure floated in that direction without hesitation.

Before he got this bracelet, he couldn't guarantee that it was an eternal magic weapon. Maybe it was just an ordinary space magic weapon.

So far since he entered the Valley of the Undead, he has not obtained any Eternal Divine Weapon. Now that he is lucky enough to encounter a treasure that is not a Jinshan Token, he is naturally full of expectations.

He quickly came to the bracelet, ducked and covered it up, and after his figure swayed past, the bracelet disappeared out of thin air.

In the world inside the body, a simple-looking but rusty device appeared out of thin air, and a clone of Du Long's cell origin also appeared in front of the bracelet.

"I actually found an ancient bracelet?! I hope you are not just an ordinary space magic weapon, but at least a third-level eternal magic weapon, right?!"

Du Long murmured to himself hopefully, and then scattered a drop of blood on the surface of the bracelet. The drop of bright red blood disappeared without a trace in an instant, apparently being absorbed by the bracelet.


The moment the blood was absorbed, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed from the surface of the bracelet, and the rust on the surface of the bracelet could be seen falling off.

When all the rust was gone, a glittering golden bracelet immediately appeared in front of Du Long's eyes. A golden divine dragon was carved on the bracelet's surface. At this moment, countless divine patterns appeared on the surface of the divine dragon's radiant light.

A large number of golden divine patterns intertwined and converged in mid-air to form a golden dragon with divine patterns. This dragon with divine patterns looked up to the sky and let out a long, sad and deep roar, as if it wanted to vent all the resentment that had been suppressed in its heart for endless years.

During this period, Du Long's clone did not move, but looked at the strange scene of heaven and earth in front of him with a calm expression, and a large amount of information began to pour into his mind.

"Flying dragon, phoenix dance?! It seems that these bracelets are a pair, but I only have one of them, the flying dragon bracelet in my hand?!"

"Flying Dragon Bracelet, a ninth-level eternal magical weapon?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up: "The Flying Dragon Soaring Technique can be released once every epoch year, and its power is equivalent to the Great Perfection of the user's level of strength. An invincible blow?!"

"That means... I am now at the peak limit of the sixth level, and the flying dragon flying sky released is equivalent to a blow of the sixth level Dzogchen Invincibility?! But its accurate time is as long as an epoch year? !”

While Du Long was overjoyed with surprise, he also secretly felt a little regretful in his heart. He was obviously disappointed that the cooldown time of his ultimate move was too long.

"If the Phoenix Dance Bracelet can be found, the power can be increased by more than ten times?!" As more information poured in, Du Long once again received another news that shocked him.

"In addition, the flying dragon bracelet can also activate the soul defense array, which can greatly weaken various soul attacks..."

Gradually, Du Long became more and more understanding of the function of the bracelet in front of him, and finally understood that it was a ninth-level eternal magical weapon of soul protection, and it also had the powerful function of the physical soul attack and killing ultimate move Feilong Xiangtian.

"What a treasure!" After figuring out the powerful function of the Feilong Bracelet, Du Long said excitedly: "It's really three years without opening, and three years after opening!"

"Just by getting this ninth-level eternal magic weapon of the Flying Dragon Bracelet, my trip to the Valley of the Undead was not in vain!"

"Fortunately! This treasure fell in such a remote corner, and the surface is covered by a lot of rust. If you didn't look carefully, it really looks like a useless stone lying there?!"

With these excited thoughts in his mind, Du Long did not stay in the Valley of the Dead, but continued to wander towards the core of the Valley of the Dead.

After the first level 3 undead life form appeared, the probability of the next level 3 undead life form appearing was getting higher and higher, while Du Long continued to circumvent them cautiously.

On this day, he finally came to a dark world that seemed vast and uncultivated. As far as he could see, undead life forms of all levels were floating in a dark world that was like the dangerous shoals of the Gobi Desert.

"The end of the Valley of the Dead... Why is there such a huge Gobi Desert?! There is no end in sight... Boundless?!"

"In addition, there are endless undead life forms in this area... and the number of high-level undead life forms is also extremely scary!"

"If my guess is correct, this should be the real core area of ​​the Valley of the Dead. If you want to find out the secrets hidden in it... then you need to go deep into the core area of ​​the Gobi Desert, right?!"


Standing at the entrance to the endless Gobi Desert, countless thoughts flashed through Du Long's mind, and he finally decided to take the risk and break in.

After finally reaching the core of the Valley of the Dead, how could he give up when he was just about to reach the door? !

Before he can go in, he still needs to be prepared, that is, he must first find a target and then transform into its appearance, and then enter this dangerous desert of the undead.

He quickly locked onto one of the second-level undead life forms, and then began to explore the other party's body with all his strength. Du Long's body was constantly changing into its shape and aura.

He didn't end it until he felt that there was no problem, then bypassed the second-level undead life form and sneaked in from an inconspicuous corner of the Gobi Desert.

Du Long was not in a hurry to go deep into the core of the Gobi Desert, but slowly wandered around the outer areas. According to the original plan, his first goal was to find rare treasures scattered everywhere.

This Gobi Desert has obviously not had outsiders come in for endless years. Jinshan Tokens can be seen everywhere along the way. Du Long knows very well that he is probably going to make a fortune this time.

He is very much looking forward to being lucky enough to meet the phoenix dance bracelet that matches the flying dragon bracelet. He is looking forward to the explosion of power after the two are combined into one. He also wants to see what powerful special functions the phoenix dance bracelet has!

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