Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3011 Undead War

The Valley of the Dead, deep in the core.

Du Long turned over his hand and put away his message formation stone. Just now, he received a letter from the Saint's camp's spy in the valley, saying that the Saint's camp sent a large number of strong men into the Valley of the Dead to hunt him down.

"Sooner or later I have to go out and have a good meeting with you, but before that I have to explore the Valley of the Dead!"

Du Long looked towards the entrance of the valley with sharp eyes, murmured softly in his mouth, then turned around and lightning flashed towards the core of the Valley of the Undead.

However, the core area of ​​the Valley of the Undead was not that easy to break into. Not long after he penetrated deep, he was once again besieged by numerous undead life forms.

The densely packed undead life forms almost completely blocked the way forward.

Although Du Long really wanted to continue to change his body shape like Ziji Hanyuan, and then pretend to be an undead life form and sneak in quietly.

It's a pity that no matter how he changes his body shape and breath, he will eventually be seen through by these undead life forms in front of him at the first time.

His technique of changing body shape and appearance is called Nine-Nine-Eighty General Transformation Magical Power, which is completely capable of transforming into most life forms that can be seen in the world. In addition, the soul aura simulated by the divine vine still failed.

It can be seen from this that these undead life forms in the Valley of the Undead definitely have special characteristics that he is unaware of.

Puffy. . .

Completely surrounded by the dense undead life forms, Du Long could only desperately repel the undead life forms that besieged him, and then moved forward at an extremely slow speed.

This forward speed made him feel extremely depressed. Before the undead life forms in front of him were repelled, more undead life forms joined the melee.

All in all, before you want to completely kill the undead life forms that besiege you, you can never easily rush through this narrow valley blocked by the undead life forms.

"If you can't conceal their identification with the magical power of transformation, and you can't go on a killing spree, you will never be able to break out of this narrow valley!"

"Even if you spend a lot of time and finally manage to force your way through, there will definitely be more narrow valleys full of undead lifeforms waiting for you. It is definitely not a good idea to force your way in like this!"

"But if you don't want to force your way in, how can you sneak in quietly?! What kind of special attributes are hidden in these undead lifeforms in front of you that you haven't discovered yet?!"


With hundreds of millions of distractions, Du Long was thinking about his next plan while fighting. He knew in his heart that relying on brute force to break through like this would never lead to good results.

As a result, he began to carefully observe the undead life forms in front of him during the battle, hoping to find the special attributes in them that he had not discovered.

Why did I transform into the exact same form as them, and then simulate the same soul aura through the divine vine, but in the end I could still be recognized as real and fake at a glance? !

However, no matter how carefully he observed, he still could not find out what was special about the undead life forms. With no choice but to take action, Du Long could only kill two or three undead life forms in a row.

As these two or three undead life forms were killed, some of the characteristics they displayed before their complete demise were exposed, but no useful key information was still found.

"Isn't it because they have some kind of specialness?! But... they will determine whether the target is a member of their own tribe through some kind of spiritual connection, just like ants?!"

Since he couldn't find the answer from the appearance, Du Long, who was hundreds of millions of distractions, could only think from other aspects, and began to suspect that these undead beings seemed to have low intelligence, but in fact they should have a special contact method to ensure that they would not admit their mistakes. A member of this tribe? !

"Wait! If that's the case, then I can suppress some of them into the Star Tower, and then release them to other areas to observe and see if there are any abnormal changes?!"

A bright light suddenly flashed across Du Long's mind, which also made him have a new plan in mind, and he immediately began to implement it.

The Star-Suppressing Tower was released and launched the absorbing suppression power directly towards one of the undead life forms. The locked undead life form immediately began to struggle with all its strength, but it was not able to be sucked directly into the bottom of the pagoda? !


Du Long directly attacked the undead life form. The undead life form, which was still struggling to resist with all its strength, was instantly sucked into the Star Tower as if someone had kicked it into the bottom of the Star Tower.

‘There’s a show! ’

After discovering that the Star-Suppressing Tower could really absorb and suppress undead life forms, Du Long's eyes immediately lit up, and he began to do the same with all his strength, suppressing one undead life form after another in the tower.

The bottom floor of the Star-Suppressing Tower is a prison and suppression space. The interior is divided into countless time and space of the same size, which can completely suppress an extremely large number of undead lives.

Du Long rushed forward along the way, suppressing the undead life forms blocking the way. In this way, his forward speed accelerated a little.

After he successfully broke through this narrow valley, it turned out that no less than 100,000 undead life forms had been suppressed in the Star Tower. Of course, a huge amount of time and energy was spent during this period.

There were still a large number of undead life forms chasing after them crazily, so he didn't bother to look back to deal with them, and just dodged and fled away quickly.

After running forward for a long time, the undead life forms chasing behind him reluctantly retreated after losing their target. Du Long once again came to another narrow valley occupied by a large number of undead life forms.

In the narrow valley behind him, an uninvited guest came. It was Caesar, the Supreme Elder of the Tarot Family, who rushed over.

There was too much noise when a battle broke out in this narrow valley. Caesar was attracted by this movement, but in the end he was blocked at the other end of the narrow valley and failed to encounter Du Long.

Standing at the other end of the narrow valley, Caesar looked at the area occupied by a large number of undead lifeforms with a gloomy face. As the supreme elder of the Tarot family, it was naturally not the first time for him to visit this area.

"That's not right!" After some observation, Caesar's expression changed slightly and he said, "Why do you feel that the undead life forms in this narrow valley have become much thinner? Could it be that...that boy Hongwu is killing them in large numbers without knowing whether to live or die? !”

After having this idea, Caesar's expression immediately became a little playful: "Since you have opened the way for me, let me break in and see what is going on!"

As soon as the words fell, Caesar rushed in without hesitation and started a fierce battle with the undead life forms that were rushing toward him crazily.

Caesar is extremely experienced, and every shot he makes has a very clear purpose. He can always push back the undead life forms that are charging towards him, as long as he is in enough position to dodge and rush forward.

Because tens of thousands of undead lifeforms disappeared in the narrow valley in front of him, this also made Caesar move much faster. He steadily moved forward step by step in the direction Du Long left.

Ahead, at the edge of another narrow valley occupied by a large number of undead, Du Long directly shot an undead life form out of the Star Tower.

It was like a cannonball shot out of the Star Tower, and in an instant it fell into the narrow valley ahead occupied by a large number of undead lifeforms. Du Long had hidden behind a huge rock early in the morning.

He is carefully observing whether the appearance of that life form will cause the siege of other undead life forms. Through this method, many problems can be clarified.

Woohoo! !

I heard that the undead life form that had just been released from the Star Tower, after seeing the densely packed figures around it, screamed and immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

However, before it could escape, a large number of undead life forms in the narrow valley rushed in crazily. After completely blocking its retreat, they immediately began to besiege it.

Seeing that the undead life form was torn apart in the blink of an eye, and its body was devoured by other undead life forms on the spot, Du Long finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

As expected, the undead lifeforms here have a strong sense of tribal territory just like inside Zijihanyuan.

Once the undead life forms of any different ethnic groups encounter each other, it will be a life-or-death situation, and the losing side will often only have the fate of being completely devoured by the opponent.

After thinking about this, an evil smile immediately appeared on Du Long's lips. He pointed the bottom of the Star Tower directly at the narrow valley in front, and then without hesitation shot out the tens of thousands of undead life forms suppressed in it.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Groups of undead life forms were ejected like cannonballs, and they soon fell into the narrow valley in front, and a war between the undead life forms immediately began.

Woohoo. . .

In the long and narrow valley of the undead, there were constant bursts of shrill and crazy screams. The sudden influx of a large number of undead life forms was immediately blocked by the full force of the undead life forms on the other side of the valley.

Both sides of the battle have no idea that this is a conspiracy. They only know that any foreign invaders must be completely eliminated, otherwise they will be wiped out by the other side and completely swallowed up.

The screams of the undead lifeforms could be heard in his ears. Du Long watched the battle in front of him quietly, not feeling guilty at all because he was the instigator.

The intelligence of undead life forms like this is extremely low, just like when humans see a war breaking out among ants, they will never feel sorry for the horrific casualties. Most people will only find it very interesting.

As time went by, as the two warring parties fought each other, the hundreds of thousands of undead life forms released by Du Long temporarily gained the upper hand, and the battle line began to slowly advance forward.

Du Long followed easily behind, marching forward with the battle line in a swagger. His eyes fell on the fierce battle line, carefully observing any abnormalities in the undead lifeforms on both sides of the battle.

It's a pity that even if there are two undead life forms for comparison, he still can't tell the difference between them. It seems that this question will never be answered.


Suddenly, the aura of an undead lifeform that was constantly devouring its opponents in front of it exploded. It was as if after devouring a sufficient number of its kind, its strength also improved and transformed.


The undead life form with an explosive aura suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out a scream. Many undead life forms around it subconsciously squatted on the ground, seeming to be afraid of the undead life form that had just mutated.


Deep in the narrow valley, another scream suddenly sounded, and an undead life form with an equally astonishing aura rushed out quickly, heading straight for the life form that had just advanced to the next level.

The two undead life forms quickly tore each other apart, and a void immediately formed around them. The other undead life forms subconsciously made room for them to fight.

Of course, the melee between other undead lifeforms did not end because of this, but the two parties became more and more crazy.

Du Long saw this scene from a distance and felt speechless for a moment. The scene he least wanted to see finally appeared.

That's right!

The appearance of these two high-level undead life forms indicates that there must be more powerful undead life forms deep in the core of the Valley of the Undead. Their existence will definitely be the biggest obstacle to their exploration of the Valley of the Undead.

‘There seem to be relatively few high-level life forms in the Valley of the Undead. I have only encountered two of them after I have gone deep into this place. It is much less than the Zijihan Abyss. ’

'Could it be that. . . From here is the real core area of ​​the Valley of the Dead? ! Do you still have a long way to go? ! ’

‘Since this is the real core area, in addition to rushing on the road, I also have to start looking for some treasures scattered everywhere! ’

After being distracted, Du Long carefully watched the battle in front of him and began to look at the surrounding environment, hoping to see if he could be lucky enough to find some benefits.

'Huh? ! Are there two Jinshan Tokens in front? ! ’

After some searching, Du Long finally saw two Jinshan Tokens scattered on the edge of the battlefield, but no other treasures could be seen.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh. He pocketed the two Jinshan Tokens without hesitation, and then continued his treasure hunting journey in the Valley of the Dead.

But as time went by, he found that the treasure hiding rate in the Valley of the Dead was too low, and there was no way to compare with the Ziji Hanyuan.

What Du Long didn't know was that what he had broken into was the deepest part of the core area of ​​Ziji Hanyuan. This place was at the edge of the core area of ​​the Valley of the Undead, so naturally it could not compare with his previous gains.

'Huh? ! The battle between the two high-level undead lifeforms seems to be coming to an end soon? ! ’ Du Long’s attention was once again attracted by the fierce battle on the field.

I saw that the undead life form that had just advanced was at a clear disadvantage, being suppressed by the high-level undead life form that rushed out from the depths of the narrow valley.

Terrifying scars were being torn open all over his body, energy bodies were being torn off and devoured by his opponents, and his strength was also declining.

Under the circumstances, the situation for the high-level undead life form, which was already at an absolute disadvantage, became increasingly unfavorable to it.

‘Good guy! Could that high-level undead lifeform be deliberately waiting for the opponent to advance to a higher level, and then come out to devour it? ! ’ Du Long immediately had such an idea in his heart.

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