Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3005 Selling Tokens

Oh? !

Both the Son and the Saint have a chance to pardon their crimes. This seems to be very fair and just to both parties, but no matter how you look at it, is this pardon order prepared for the Son? !

After listening to Protector Zhao Pojun's explanation of the origin of the pardon order, Du Long once again felt speechless about this bullshit pardon order. He immediately understood in his heart that the so-called pardon order seemed not biased, but in fact it was still biased towards the side of the Holy Son. .

Given that the members of the Yin family like to convince others with their virtues, the saints of the past dynasties had no time to protect their own image, so how could they resort to various conspiracies similar to those used by the saint against Du Long? !

Therefore, on the surface, the amnesty order that seems fair and just is actually a kind of protection for the Holy Son in most cases!

At this point, the elder Hongwu challenged the Holy Son camp alone and confronted him in public. The final result was reached. In the end, Hongwu won the victory.

But despite the apparent victory, many people knew very well that the Tarot family behind the Holy Son would never let him go.

Today's confrontation has seriously damaged the prestige of the Holy Son camp. If it cannot be completely eliminated, how will other forces view the Holy Son camp in the future? !

Of course, these are all things that will happen later. Now Du Long, surrounded by protector Zhao Pojun and others, entered the Jinshan Temple in a swagger.

All the people above the Holy Palace have dispersed into the palace, and only the Saint Yin Feifei and the Great Protector Geqiu are left above the Holy Palace. They seem to be waiting for Du Long to board the temple to talk to them face to face.

Just kidding, although this matter has been resolved for the time being, the two of them still have countless questions lingering in their minds about Du Long's trip to Ziji Hanyuan.

If they can't get the answer they want, both of them may lose sleep tonight.

Du Long did not refuse the invitation of the two, and went directly to the Saintess' Palace with Protector Zhao Pojun. As for the rest of the team, they all dispersed.

In the Saint's Palace, when Saint Yin Feifei specially summoned Du Long, there was no peace at all in the Saint's Palace.

Because of the rebellion of the Second Supreme Elder Yaheng, the Holy Son Komo and the Supreme Elder Caesar vented all the anger in their hearts on the clan members of Yaheng.

A massive clean-up operation was launched within the Tarot family, and all the direct lineage behind Ya Heng were implicated. Even if they were actually innocent, they could not escape the blame.

Of course, compared to monks who have survived for endless years, many people have hundreds of millions of descendants behind them.

Yaheng had long since taken those clansmen who were close to him away from the family. As for whether the remaining descendants were dead or alive, he didn't care at all.

Within the Tarot family, following a great purge, hundreds of millions of clan members headed by Ya Heng were directly crossed out from the Tarot family's genealogy. Among them, in addition to Ya Heng, the second elder, there were two or three others. Or the elder of the temple.

They were all taken away by Ya Heng, and they were called out to testify in public before. Naturally, they could not return to the Tarot family.

"Elder Hongwu!" Just as the Tarot family was cleaning out the traitors, in a certain hall in the Saint's Palace, Saint Yin Feifei asked with a complicated expression: "Have you... reached the legendary sixth level? The invincible state of Dzogchen?!”

In this hall, in addition to the saints Yin Feifei and Du Long, there are four guardians belonging to the saint camp, including the great guardian Geqiu and the guardian Zhao Pojun.

In fact, everything that happens in this hall will be secretly transmitted to the Yin family's Grand Elder Meeting Hall.

More than a dozen elders of the Yin family were sitting in the main hall quietly watching a virtual scene.

"We haven't reached the sixth level of Dzogchen invincibility yet!" Du Long simply shook his head and denied, "But there is only one final kick left before finally breaking through to the sixth level of Dzogchen invincibility!"

"Have you not broken through the invincible realm of the sixth level of Dzogchen?!" Yin Feifei blinked her beautiful big eyes and muttered with some confusion: "Then how can she defeat six people who used the six-sided battle formation with her own strength? The Supreme Elders of the Tarot Family?!"

"Maybe..." Du Long didn't really want to answer this question in his heart. In the end, he could only find an excuse and said: "I can only be considered lucky, right?! I happen to have some means to restrain the opponent!"

For his ambiguous answer, everyone who looked at him was obviously very dissatisfied. Finally, Protector Geqiu continued to ask: "Elder Hongwu! I said before that you practice the rare multi-dimensional space-time creation. World Kung Fu, it must be because of this that you were able to gain combat power that has almost reached the sixth level of Dzogchen invincibility, right?!"

"That's right!" Du Long saw that it was the kind-hearted Protector Geqiu who asked, and his tone immediately softened a lot: "Those are just some of my personal advantages in combat power, not the most critical basis for victory!"

"So..." Saint Yin Feifei couldn't help but asked again in a sweet voice: "Elder Hongwu has other key tools in his hands?! May I ask what these key tools are?!"

Du Long raised his eyes and looked at the saint Yin Feifei who was sitting on the throne. He had to say that this beautiful girl of the Yin family was beautiful and beautiful, but her weak performance when facing the enemy made him feel uncomfortable. Can't get the slightest bit of favorable impression.

"That's all!" Du Long waved his hands expressionlessly: "Anyway, some of my secrets will be leaked out by the Holy Son camp sooner or later. In this case... Then I will briefly talk about this Ziji Hanyuan. Experience it!”

When everyone heard this, they all sat upright with expectant faces. Even the supreme elders of the Yin family were no exception. They all subconsciously shuddered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Du Long briefly recounted what was no longer a secret. In addition to the general process of being hunted by the Holy Son camp again, his adventures in the core area of ​​Ziji Hanyuan were also deleted.

He did not transform himself into the core pit and then reveal everything he saw and heard in it.

He just said that in order to avoid pursuit, he accidentally entered a certain cave in the core area, and was lucky enough to get an eternal magic weapon pagoda and so on.

Even the severely edited version of the information was shocking to everyone at the scene. Everyone was dumbfounded and fascinated!

"Elder Hongwu!" Saint Yin Feifei took the lead in asking after listening to Du Long's story: "So, in addition to the eternal pagoda magic weapon in your hand, you have also successfully obtained items such as the diamond treasure wheel, the ancient bell and the wooden fish. Multiple eternal magic weapons?!"

"That's right!" This was all the information he confessed. Du Long nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Those are the trophies I got from the three Tarot family elders!"

He is not worried that the Yin family will be jealous and ask for benefits from him. He has made outstanding achievements in joining the Saintess camp, and it is unlikely that the other party will not only receive no reward, but also have the nerve to ask for benefits from him.

In this regard, judging from the usual behavior of the Yin family, they should not engage in such shameless behavior.

In the main hall, everyone looked at each other and could see a little enthusiasm in each other's eyes.

Even the saint Yin Feifei here probably doesn't have as many eternal magic weapons as Du Long, let alone the other four guardians.

"Elder Hongwu!" Saint Yin Feifei finally couldn't help but said: "I wonder if you have any plans to sell some of the eternal magic weapons?!"

"No!" Du Long shook his head and refused without hesitation: "Everyone here must know that I have a three-headed and multi-armed fighting form. In this fighting form... I have only a few eternal magic weapons. It’s not enough!”

Seeing everyone at the scene nodding in agreement, he changed the subject and said: "However... I also harvested a large number of Jinshan Tokens this time. They are no longer of much use to me, so I might consider selling them all! "

According to Du Long's plan, as long as he breaks through and reaches the invincible state of the sixth level of Dzogchen, he will definitely break through and fly away in the shortest possible time unless he has something to do.

Therefore, one of the most important things he did when he returned to the Jinshan Temple this time was to sell all the Jinshan Tokens in his hand and exchange them into various useful resources that he could bring out in the future.

"A large number of Jinshan Tokens?!" Saint Yin Feifei was slightly disappointed, but still a little curious: "I wonder how many Jinshan Tokens Elder Hongwu harvested in the core area of ​​Zijihanyuan this time?!"

"There are probably tens of thousands of them!"

Du Long did not directly report the real number, which would definitely cause a sensation and may also lead to a serious reduction in the token selling price.

After all, it is an eternal truth that things are rare and valuable. Once the quantity of an item suddenly breaks the balance of market supply and demand, its value will inevitably shrink rapidly.

Du Long collected nearly 100,000 Jinshan Tokens in the Zijihan Abyss. If he completely announced this terrifying number, it would definitely cause a major fluctuation in the Jinshan Token market!

"Tens of thousands?! Jinshan tokens?!"

Even if Du Long only released a number of tens of thousands, it still shocked everyone at the scene, and the entire face of the Great Protector Geqiu changed color.

Of course, as a great protector who has reached the peak limit of the sixth level, Geqiu himself does not have much demand for the Jinshan Token. However, as a person who has survived in the Jinshan world for endless years, the number of descendants of his family behind him is extremely large. huge.

The huge base will naturally lead to huge demand. No matter how many Jinshan Tokens and Geqiu Great Protectors there are, I'm afraid they won't have enough time.

"Let's do this!" Saint Yin Feifei relied on a woman's seventh sense to sense Du Long's dissatisfaction with her. In order to show her kindness, she directly said: "I am willing to come forward on behalf of the Yin family and purchase it from Hongwu Protector at the average market price. Five thousand Jinshan Tokens!”

"Thank you, Your Highness the Saint. Here are five thousand Jinshan Tokens. Please check them, Your Highness the Saint!" Du Long directly waved a space ring and sent it to Yin Feifei.

"That..." Saint Yin Feifei obviously did not expect that he would be so straightforward, and directly delivered the five thousand Jinshan Tokens to her hands without bargaining. After confirming that there were indeed five thousand Jinshan Tokens in the space ring, , then she pondered and asked: "I wonder what resources Elder Hongwu wants me to use to purchase these five thousand Jinshan Tokens?!"

"If possible... try to exchange it with all kinds of heavenly, material and earthly treasure resources!" Du Longlue pondered and immediately made a decision.

The most common resource in the Jinshan world is the eternal ore, and Du Long already has a considerable amount of the eternal ore in his hands. It would be good if he could exchange it for other resources this time.

"Okay!" Saint Yin Feifei was not embarrassed at all, and nodded directly and agreed: "Later, I will have someone sort out a treasure of heaven and earth that is enough to purchase five thousand Jinshan Tokens, and send it to Elder Hongwu! "

"Thank you!" Du Long thanked him with his hands.

"Elder Hongwu!" After seeing the two of them reach a deal, Protector Geqiu said: "I am also willing to buy three thousand Jinshan Tokens from you at the average market price, but I don't have many other resources in my hands. It can be exchanged for eternal divine ore."

"No problem!" Du Long nodded in agreement without hesitation, and then sent a space ring to Ge Qiu: "This is three thousand Jinshan Tokens!"

Seeing this, the remaining three guardians expressed their willingness to buy the remaining two thousand Jinshan tokens in Du Long's hands at market prices, and they soon received the corresponding number of tokens.

At this point, 10,000 Jinshan Tokens were sold directly in Du Long's hands, and this was achieved without changing the current market price.

"Um..." After the Jinshan Token transaction was over, Du Long asked in deep thought: "I want to continue to challenge the elders at the front and strive to get the position of the number one elder. I don't know if there is anything wrong with doing this. Where are the rewards and benefits?!”

"Haha!" Geqiu, the Great Protector, caressed his beard and chuckled: "You must also know that the ranking of elders is related to the allocation of resources. The higher the ranking, the greater the rewards. However... compared to the wealthy Elder Hongwu, it is just a mere Then a little incentive salary is not worth mentioning at all!”


Waves of good-natured laughter immediately erupted in the hall. Now, it is really appropriate to describe Du Long as rich and powerful.

After all, there are no large family members behind him who need massive resources to cultivate. It is no exaggeration to say that he has so much wealth in his hands that he is rich.

"Besides rewards and salary, aren't there any other benefits?! If there were no benefits, I wouldn't bother competing for the so-called elder ranking!" Du Long touched the tip of his nose and said slightly embarrassed.

"The current number one elder is named Yamos, and he belongs to the Holy Son camp. Don't you want to kick him off the number one spot and move into the first elder's mansion?!" Zhao Pojun saw him He looked like he couldn't afford to go early, and rolled his eyes on the spot and asked.

"This is a very good reason!" Du Long shook his head helplessly and sighed: "In that case, I will directly challenge the first elder Yamos. Who told him to belong to the Holy Son camp?!"

"Haha!" Zhao Pojun laughed heartily and said, "That's right! We just want to dampen the spirit of that boy Yamosi. From now on, both the elder and the number one protector will belong to our camp. ah!"


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