Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3002 Temple Confrontation

Jinshan Temple, a mysterious hall in the Holy Palace!

The top leaders of the Tarot family, including the Holy Son Komo, gathered together. At least those present were at the level of elders. Their existence was also the cornerstone for the entire Tarot family to enjoy the top resources of the Jinshan world.

"Second brother!" The old man sitting on the main seat in the main hall shouted calmly and asked: "What happened?! Why did two supreme elders die?!"

"Brother!" Ya Heng, the second elder of Taishang, hurriedly bowed and replied: "Even when the six of us joined forces to use the six-sided battle formation, we still...were defeated by that elder Hongwu!"


Before the Supreme Elder could speak, bursts of exclamations immediately sounded in the hall, and everyone present could not believe the news they heard.

"Second brother!" Caesar, the supreme elder of the Tarot family, said with a sullen face: "That kid defeated the six of you head-on with one against six, and he still used the six-sided battle formation. ?!”

"That's right!" Ya Heng, the second elder of Taishang, nodded in frustration and replied: "That man named Hong is too evil. We are really... We have tried our best!"


The conversation between the two made the atmosphere at the scene extremely solemn. Yaheng was sitting with the other three elders who had escaped, and they were jointly accepting questions from everyone at the scene.

During this trip, six Supreme Elders were sent out to deal with Du Long. In the end, two of them died and one was captured alive. However, no one saw the scene of Ya Heng being captured alive.

Therefore, at this moment, no one at the scene would suspect that he had surrendered to the enemy, and Yaheng himself lowered his head and did not dare to look up at others.

"How is this possible?!" The Supreme Elder Caesar was silent for a long time before accepting the reality and said: "With the strength of six of you... you still have a few powerful eternal magic weapons in your hands, but you can't defeat Hongwu. That boy?!"

Everyone at the scene nodded, obviously having similar doubts as the Supreme Elder Caesar, and wanted to know how Ya Heng would explain all this.

"Alas!" Ya Heng was heard sighing: "That guy also has several extremely powerful eternal magic weapons in his hands. Our eternal magic weapons are restrained and do not have the desired effect!"

"He also has several eternal magic weapons in his hands?!" The Supreme Elder Caesar was shocked again: "How is this possible?! How long did it take for that kid to be promoted to an elder?! Where did he get the eternal magic weapons? ?!”

"It should be the eternal magic weapon obtained in the core area of ​​Ziji Hanyuan, right?!" Ya Heng replied with some uncertainty: "That guy came out of the core area. Other than that, I can't think of other possibilities. !”

"Could it be that..." Supreme Elder Caesar pondered again and said undecidedly: "That boy had an adventure in the core area of ​​Zijihan Abyss?! He encountered a treasure cave that was not too dangerous?!"

The hall fell silent again, and everyone's faces showed thoughtful expressions, as if they were considering whether this possibility was true or false.

"Great Elder!" After everyone was silent for a long time, Holy Son Komo finally couldn't help but said: "How should we solve this matter next?! Should we go all out to deal with the person who dares to confront the Tarot family? Fanatic?!"

Saint Son Kemo has long hated Du Long deeply in his heart, and naturally hopes most to kill him completely. That's why he is so eager to know how the family will deal with this matter.

"Hmph!" The Supreme Elder Caesar snorted coldly: "The dignity of the Tarot family cannot be insulted. That boy dared to kill two Supreme Elders of the Tarot family in public. Such behavior must be severely punished. I believe Yin Your family won’t fully confront us just because of a mere elder, right?!”

"What the elder brother said is true!" A Supreme Elder immediately echoed angrily: "If such a madman cannot be killed with all his strength, it will definitely seriously damage the deterrence of our Tarot family!"

"That's right..."

There were constant sounds of agreement in the hall. This group of people were used to being domineering in the Jinshan world, so naturally they would not easily compromise with a newly rising elder.

Only the four supreme elders who had fought with Du Long, including Ya Heng, remained silent at the scene. Ya Heng, from the bottom of his heart, did not want the Tarot family to continue to trouble Du Long.

However, it is not good for him to say words that are contrary to everyone's opinions when the vast majority of people agree. This will only make others doubt himself.

He didn't speak up to express his opinions. At most, everyone at the scene thought that he was too shameless to express his opinions because he failed in the mission, and they would not think of other aspects at all.

"Since everyone agrees with this opinion, we must make arrangements in advance and make sure to deter all parties so that they will not dare to stand up and speak for that boy Hongwu!" Caesar, the great elder, saw that everyone had no objections. Start giving orders immediately.

"First of all, we must pay close attention to the whereabouts of that boy Hongwu. The moment he walks out of the Zijihan Abyss, we must pass on the news!"

"Secondly, we need to spread the news that that boy Hongwu killed many of our elders in the Zijihan Abyss, and also killed two supreme elders of the Tarot family!"

"We want all forces to feel the Tarot family's wrath, and let them understand that this matter will never go well. If any force dares to speak for him, it must be prepared to bear the wrath of the Tarot family!"

"Especially the Saintess camp, we must make it clear to them that if they dare to continue to support Hongwu, they must be prepared for an all-out war with the Tarot family!"


Instructions were passed on one after another. Caesar, the supreme elder of the Tarot family, was decisive in killing and knew how to make use of this matter.

Soon, the news that many elite elders from the Holy Son camp and two supreme elders were killed by Hong Wu spread instantly as if they had grown wings.

All forces have received warnings from the Tarot Family, which roughly means that anyone who dares to support Hong Wu or help Hong Wu hide his whereabouts will be deemed to have declared war on the Tarot Family.

At that time, the Tarot family will deal with those forces who dare to support or help Du Long at all costs.

Once this matter spread, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the entire Jinshan world. All forces were stunned by the news they had just received.

Everyone understood that the newly emerged elder Hongwu had dug a hole in the sky!

Saint Lady's Palace, in the main meeting hall.

At this moment, all the guardian elders of the camp, including the saint, gathered together. Of course, those guardian elders who went out to perform tasks failed to come back. Among them, guardian Zhao Pojun and his team who received the task of protecting Elder Hongwu also failed to return.

"Everyone, let's talk about it! How should we deal with this matter?!" The saint's cold voice had a hint of solemnity.

"The Tarot family has gone too far. Without investigating the cause and effect of the incident, they directly accused one of our elite elders with a felony. If they are allowed to act like this, will they be able to use the same excuse in the future? What about anyone here?!" Elder Zhao Tianyu shouted angrily.

He had sold favors to Du Long in the fighting space, but the favors had not been returned yet. Naturally, he did not want to watch something happen to Du Long.

With him taking the lead to speak, those elders and guardians who were extremely unhappy with the Holy Son's camp all spoke up and agreed. Naturally, they didn't want to see the elders of their camp being bullied without supporting him.

After those who supported it had almost finished speaking, those who opposed it also expressed their opinions. Most of them did not dare to offend the Tarot family to death. If a confrontation between the two camps really broke out, it would be troublesome. .

Within the entire hall, opinions for and against continued to ring out, and the entire hall became noisy, just like a vegetable market in the mortal world.

"Quiet!" The saint was so upset by the noise that she could only scold: "Now let's express your opinions by calling names. Those who are not called by name are not allowed to speak!"

"Great Protector Geqiu!" After the saint saw that the hall had finally calmed down, she looked at Geqiu worriedly and said: "What do you think of this matter?! Do we really want to give up on such a rare person like Hongwu? Evil elder?!"

"Alas!" Great Protector Geqiu shook his head and sighed: "I think everyone here should be very clear about the cause and effect of this matter, right?!"

Geqiu paused slightly at this point, and then glanced at everyone present before continuing: "According to the behavior of the Holy Son camp, they must have wanted to secretly deal with Elder Hongwu like they did in previous years, but unexpectedly... Stepping on a steel plate!"

"If this is indeed the case, then do we really want to watch the Holy Son camp helplessly and continue to ignore the rules and deal with the elders of this camp openly?!"

"One day in the future, if the Holy Son camp wants to use this method to deal with someone here, will this camp continue to watch the show on the sidelines, without even having the courage to uphold justice for the people of this camp?!"


As the words of Protector Geqiu fell, the scene fell into a state of silence for a long time, and some of the elders who had previously been opposed turned red in the face.

"Great Protector Geqiu!" One of the elders said, seemingly unconvinced: "After all, this matter is just your speculation, even if it is the truth... But if Elder Hongwu doesn't have any evidence, then we can't There’s nothing we can do against the Holy Son’s camp?!”

"Haha!" Great Protector Geqiu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No one can guarantee whether Elder Hongwu has evidence, but so far I have only heard one side of the story from the Holy Son camp!"

"Therefore, I personally suggest... that the Holy Son camp should be given a reply that is neither arrogant nor humble, and that is to investigate the truth of the incident."

"If Elder Hongwu did not violate any temple rules, but it was the Holy Son camp that violated the rules first, then we will not allow them to act recklessly, even if it causes a war between the two camps! "

Ge Qiu has always given people an image of a fair and peaceful good man, but now he actually said such explosive words, which shocked everyone present.

"Great Protector of Geqiu!" Saint Yin Feifei's face became more and more worried as she said, "If we do this... wouldn't there be a great possibility of triggering a full-scale confrontation between the two camps?!"

"Alas!" Great Protector Geqiu looked at Yin Feifei with a complex expression and said, "For so many years, we have been suppressed by the opponent. It was only after Elder Hongwu appeared that we were relieved."

"If we cannot protect Elder Hongwu today, will everyone in the world think that this camp is not worthy of support and service?!"

"If things continue like this, all the elites from all sides will fall into the arms of the opposite camp. By then, we may not even have a place in the Jinshan world!"

"This..." Saint Yin Feifei obviously did not expect that the good old Protector Geqiu would say such sharp words today, and she was a little speechless for a moment and said: "Then I'll have to worry about Protector Geqiu!"

The meeting of the Saintess camp did not end with this, but the reply letter drafted by the Great Protector Geqiu himself had been sent to the Holy Son. After seeing the reply from the Saintess camp, the Holy Son's face turned green.

Obviously, the threat issued by the Tarot family did not achieve the most critical effect, that is, the Saintess camp did not seem to buy it.

While the two camps were still arguing about this matter, the teams led by Du Long and Zhao Pojun appeared at the war fortress at the exit of Zijihanyuan at the same time. News of their appearance was immediately sent to all parties. In the hands of Fang forces.

The group did not stay in the war fortress, but directly left the time and space confinement range of the war fortress, and then quickly rushed to the Jinshan Temple through ultra-long-distance teleportation.

"Hongwu!! You actually have the guts to return to Jinshan Temple?!"

Almost at the same time that Du Long and others appeared at the gate of the Jinshan Temple, an angry shout sounded like muffled thunder over the temple. The Holy Son Komo and a dozen of the Supreme Elders of the Tarot Family appeared almost at the same time.

Above the Palace of Saints, Saint Yin Feifei led a group of elders to fly out, and then more than a dozen supreme elders from the Yin family also appeared in front of the various forces.

Of course, only a handful of people know the identities of those Supreme Elders, and most of the others only know that they are a group of powerful men with amazing auras.

"Haha! What you said is too ridiculous, isn't it?! I am an elder of Jinshan Temple, and I stand up straight! Why don't you have the guts to return to Jinshan Temple?!"

Facing the sound waves that were radiating away, Du Long, surrounded by Zhao Pojun and others, roared back without showing any signs of weakness.

The fact is just as he said. He behaves upright and stands upright, so why should he be criticized by those people? !

Since the Tarot family is not embarrassed, why don't I dare to confront them face to face? !

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