Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2997 Prepare to leave

'Huh? ! Unable to collect it directly? ! ’

He repeated his old trick of lying on the top of the pagoda. After many attempts, he still couldn't take away the pagoda buried underground. Du Long had to think of other ways to take away the pagoda.

First, the pagoda must be completely dug out of the ground. Du Long could only secretly dig the ground at the edge of the tower tip with his right hoof. Only after digging did he find that the ground here was extremely hard.

No wonder he couldn't bring the pagoda directly into the inner world. He could only patiently remove the mud and rocks next to the tower's tip, and a mottled pagoda that had been buried underground for endless years slowly emerged.

This is a round pagoda that is only one foot high. The tower body has nine floors. Because it has been buried for too long, the tower body is mottled and it is not yet clear what grade of magic weapon it is.

Seeing that the entire pagoda was dug out, Du Long tried to collect it again. The nine-story pagoda finally disappeared out of thin air and reappeared in the main world of the body.

Looking excitedly at the nine-story pagoda in front of him, Du Long directly scattered a drop of blood on the top of the pagoda, and then watched the changes in the pagoda with expectation.


As the drop of blood was absorbed by the pagoda, the nine-story pagoda, which was originally covered in mottled rust, suddenly began to tremble and tremble. The rust on the surface of the pagoda began to fall off, and the surface of the pagoda immediately bloomed with golden light.

An invisible energy force field spread from the nine-story pagoda. The multi-dimensional parallel world in the body that was originally extremely stable was faintly trembling. A large number of creatures on countless living planets became restless.

Just the recognition and awakening process of the nine-story pagoda actually caused tremors and fluctuations in the entire multi-dimensional parallel world, which is enough to show that the origin of this nine-story pagoda is absolutely extraordinary.

As the master of this multi-dimensional parallel world, Du Long was naturally able to experience the extraordinary power of the nine-story pagoda. He began to look expectantly at the nine-story pagoda in front of him, quietly waiting for the moment when it was completely refined and recognized as its master. .

Only by being completely refined and recognizing the master can he fully gain control of the nine-story pagoda and figure out the origin of this nine-story pagoda.

Perhaps because of too much anticipation, Du Long felt like every second seemed like years, as if every second passed countless times slower than normal.

Under this kind of torture that lasted for seconds, the nine-story pagoda was finally completely refined and recognized its owner. Thousands of golden lights bloomed from the surface of the pagoda. From a distance, it looked like a bright star suddenly appeared in the starry sky. of stars.

Du Long didn't pay attention to the changes on the surface of the nine-story pagoda. At this time, all his attention was focused on the huge amount of information that was constantly pouring into his mind, and he quickly grabbed a key word from it - the Star Tower!

With the appearance of this tower name, Du Long began to accept the huge flow of information that continued to pour in, and gradually sorted out the various functions of the Star Tower in front of him.

First of all, the first powerful function is that the nine-story pagoda can turn into a tower-shaped meteor, carrying terrifying power enough to shatter stars, and kill all powerful enemies head-on.

Secondly, the second powerful function is that the nine-story pagoda has amazing defensive power. The owner of the pagoda can hide in the tower and be able to defend against the bombardment of the ninth-level eternal magic weapon without breaking into pieces.

There is also a third powerful function, that is, the nine-story pagoda has a certain amount of soul defense. Even if the enemies from the outside launch powerful soul attacks, at most they will not be able to survive after passing through the nine-story pagoda.

Then there are some auxiliary functions. For example, the Star-Suppressing Tower can be used to suppress powerful enemies. Once suppressed, unless the tower owner takes the initiative to release it, even the Nine-Star Powerful One will never be able to escape!

"It can withstand the all-out attack of the ninth-level eternal magic weapon without breaking, and it can also suppress the nine-star powerful... This is definitely a ninth-level eternal magic weapon!" After figuring out the various functions of this nine-story pagoda , Du Long immediately made a judgment excitedly.

The fact is just as he inferred, the grade of this Star Tower must definitely reach the ninth level of eternal magic weapon. Otherwise, how could it achieve such terrifying effects? !

The world inside the body is in the starry sky.

A small clone of Du Long's cell origin controlled the Star Tower to launch various attacks and defenses. He needed to adapt as soon as possible how to control this extremely powerful magic weapon.

Normal human form, three-headed and six-armed form, three-headed and twenty-four-armed form, three-headed and thousand-armed form, etc.

In various forms, he would hold such a nine-story pagoda in his hand. Sometimes he would throw the pagoda forward as a meteor, and sometimes he would point the bottom of the pagoda in a certain direction to form a terrifying attraction field.

In the attraction field, if the enemy's body is exploded, the body fragments will be instantly sucked into the pagoda and suppressed.

The interior of the lowest floor of the nine-story pagoda is divided into countless confined spaces. There are cages used by the Star Tower to suppress prisoners.


After several days of continuous control training, Du Long finally stopped and breathed a sigh of relief, and then put away the Star Tower with some reluctance.

In order to better control these eternal magic weapons, Du Long chose to gestate them all in the creation flame of the world inside his body. Only by constantly nurturing them with the creation flame can the intimacy between these eternal magic weapons and their masters be increased.

In the sunken place, Du Long finally opened his eyes after closing his eyes and 'sleeping' for a long time, then stood up unsteadily and started to 'forage' in the sunken place.

He deliberately showed dissatisfaction when he passed several pieces of amethyst ore along the way, so he walked back and forth in the sunken land several times before selecting a piece of amethyst ore with the best quality.

During this period, many of the Jinshan Tokens he passed by disappeared, but he was very careful when collecting these Jinshan Tokens, and they would never disappear directly wherever he passed.

All in all, after he collected most of the Jinshan Tokens, the Jinshan Tokens were still evenly distributed throughout the sunken land, and the frost monsters with low intelligence could not see any abnormalities at all.

‘The Jinshan tokens here can no longer be collected. If they are collected again, the secret will definitely be exposed. Next, you can continue to explore the narrow valley in front of you and see if you can find treasures such as eternal magic weapons or magic weapons? ! ’

While pretending to absorb the energy of refining amethyst, Du Long was secretly thinking about his next goal. After the number of Jinshan Tokens reached a certain level, they would become worthless.

He did not want to collect all the Jinshan Tokens in Ziji Hanyuan. After all, he did not need to enter the Jinshan Secret Realm now. The Jinshan Tokens collected could only be exchanged for a certain amount of various resources at most.

If he takes out too large a number of Jinshan Tokens, it will definitely disrupt the Jinshan Token exchange market and arouse the covetousness and vigilance of all parties.

To put it simply, it is not a good thing to have too many Jinshan tokens. This is one of the main reasons why he did not collect all the remaining tokens in the sunken land.

In the narrow valley, Du Long walked forward unsteadily, collecting a large number of Jinshan tokens and two sixth-level eternal magic weapons along the way, and soon arrived at the other end of the narrow valley.

He looked up and saw a nearly seventy-degree slope in front of him. He could vaguely see a large number of Frost King realm monsters gathered on the top of the slope, and there were even Frost King realm monsters among them.

This scene made Du Long hesitate. He obviously didn't want to face the frost monsters that had reached the imperial realm. Who knows if their intelligence had transformed and sublimated. If they recognized his true identity, it would be too late.

With such worries, Du Long turned around and walked back without hesitation. Of course, in order to collect more Jinshan Tokens, he turned slightly to the bottom of the cliff on the other side of the narrow valley, and just walked back while collecting the tokens that appeared from time to time. Jinshan Token.

'Huh? ! Is that an axe-shaped eternal weapon? ! ’

Just when Du Long came to the corner of a cliff, he suddenly found a battle axe-shaped eternal magic weapon inserted diagonally into a pile of amethyst ore. The amethyst ore was currently occupied by a small monster of the Frost King realm. .

If he hadn't discovered the battle axe, Du Long would have definitely bypassed the amethyst ore without hesitation, but now he was unlikely to bypass it.

After only a moment of hesitation, he raised his feet and walked towards the amethyst ore. When he saw the little Frost King monster that was approaching him, he immediately raised its head and tried to drive him away with a low roar full of warning.

Hearing the warning growl, Du Long not only did not stop, but continued to speed up towards the amethyst ore, and waves of low growls began to sound in his mouth.

It was obvious that he was not going to back down this time.

Hearing the low roar from his mouth, the little Frost King-level monster was obviously stunned for a moment, and then something unexpected happened to Du Long. The little King-level monster lowered its head again and continued to devour the refining products as if no one was around. Amethyst energy.

Du Long was confused by this scene, but he was also happy to see such a good thing that he could enjoy it without doing anything, so he walked directly to the amethyst ore in a swagger.

The little king-level monster just raised its head and glanced at him, and immediately began to devour the refining amethyst energy as if no one else was around. Only then did Du Long feel relieved and walked towards the battle axe.

When the battle ax entered the multi-dimensional parallel world inside his body, Du Long breathed a sigh of relief, but did not swallow the amethyst ore that was refining all over the ground, but continued to leave swaggeringly.

His behavior immediately attracted the attention of the little king-level monster, but when he saw the back of Du Long leaving, the little king-level monster actually showed an expression that looked like a smile.

Du Long didn't bother to pay attention to the mood of this silly monster. As he swaggered away, he also began to refine the newly acquired battle ax in his inner world.

The process of refining and identifying the owner was very fast. When Du Long saw the grade of the battle ax clearly, he almost stumbled to the ground. He never expected that he would be able to obtain a ninth grade one here. The eternal battle ax? !

‘Ninth level eternal battle axe? ! this. . . This thing actually appears here? ! I am really prosperous this time! ’

‘It seems that few outsiders have entered the core area of ​​Zijihanyuan, at most it was the exception of the prehistoric war. ’

In the narrow valley, Du Long, who had just received a ninth-level eternal battle ax by accident, could only be described as ecstatic at this moment.

He never expected that on the way out of this narrow valley, he would unexpectedly obtain a ninth-level eternal battle ax suitable for him? !

While he was distracted in the inner world to familiarize himself with the attack and killing methods of the ninth-level battle ax, he was also distracted there thinking about what kind of dangerous place the Ziji Hanyuan was.

First of all, it is certain that Ziji Hanyuan is located on the surface of Jinshan World. Secondly, an extremely tragic war broke out here. If there are no accidents, there should be Eternal God participating in this war.

If this were not the case, how could the ninth-level eternal magic weapon fall here and no one would pick it up? !

With this thought in his mind, Du Long subconsciously looked up at the amethyst sun hanging high above the huge crater. He secretly guessed that the war that year would break out here. Is it related to the amethyst sun? !

However, he could only guess secretly in his heart. The giant Imperial and Imperial amethyst beasts at the bottom of the giant pit completely blocked any hope of him continuing to explore the Amethyst Sun.

‘The Imperial Realm and Imperial Realm amethyst behemoths in the giant pit should be at the invincible realm of the sixth level of Dzogchen. Logically speaking, they should be unlikely to participate in the battle involving the Eternal God, right? ! ’

‘Then what happened to the battle that took place here? ! Why can't even the Eternal God occupy the Purple Extreme Cold Abyss in front of him? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Various conjectures continued to pop up in his mind, but Du Long knew very well in his heart that he might never get the answer.

Even if he breaks through and reaches the invincible realm of the sixth level of Dzogchen, he may not be able to single-handedly clear out the many Imperial and Emperor-level amethyst behemoths in the giant pit.

With such a regret in his heart, Du Long did not stay at the bottom of the valley. After searching several times and finding no more treasures, he left the valley with satisfaction.

Climbing up again along the route that came down, he would naturally pass by the dangerous area during the process, but after the experience of passing by before, the Frost King Realm monsters seemed to no longer pay attention to his passing.

Du Long climbed to the top of the narrow valley easily, and then continued to search the outer areas of the giant pit, collecting all the Jinshan Tokens and some magical weapons scattered everywhere.

By the time he successfully searched the outer area, he found that the number of Jinshan tokens on his body had reached nearly 100,000, as well as dozens of sixth-level eternal magic weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds.

As for the eternal magic weapon, I rarely encountered it again. I just encountered a set of broken golden armor. Finally, I successfully identified the owner and found out that it was a set of sixth-level eternal armor that was 70% damaged.

The surface of a damaged armor will naturally have holes in its defense, but the undamaged parts still possess considerable defensive power.

After successfully squeezing around the outside of the giant pit, Du Long was still ready to leave. Apart from being able to collect some more Jinshan Tokens, staying inside the giant pit would probably not bring any benefits.

As for the core areas occupied by Imperial and Imperial realm monsters, he didn't want to venture in there yet, and the faint uneasiness in his heart made him stay away.

‘It’s finally time to leave. I didn’t expect that I would be able to conquer the core of Ziji Hanyuan. . . ’

Standing at the top of the passage leaving the giant pit, Du Long looked back at the giant pit with a complicated expression, then turned and left without stopping.

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