Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2987 Sky-Opening Ax Technique

In the virtual battle space, after being rejected by two elders in succession, a playful sneer appeared on Du Long's lips.

Deep down in his heart, he already understood what the elders of the Holy Son camp wanted to do. It was clear that they did not want to continue being his free sparring partner and did not want to see his strength continue to grow.

"Tsk tsk!" In front of everyone, Du Long shook his head loudly and sighed: "Are some people afraid to accept even the safest virtual battle challenge?! Or maybe they received instructions from someone and dare not accept it anymore? My challenge?!"


Du Long's words were clearly a challenge to the entire Holy Son camp in public. There were some things that you couldn't say directly even if you knew them in your heart, but Du Long just didn't want some people to get their wish.

"Forget it! Since some elders would rather shamelessly admit defeat than accept my challenge to fight, then I'm happy to see that I can advance easily!"

"I want to continue to challenge Elder Zhao Tianyu, who is ranked 45th, and I hope Elder Zhao can give me some advice!"

After continuing to make a sarcastic comment, Du Long finally issued a challenge application to an elder in front of him, and a man in silver armor with an imposing manner stepped out of the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace.

"Haha! Since those cowering turtles don't dare to fight, let them continue to shrink their heads. Now I will accompany Elder Hongwu to fight two moves!"

As Zhao Tianyu flew towards the Battle Hall, he let out bursts of sarcastic laughter, obviously mocking the two elders who had not dared to fight just now.

Of course, the two elders were not actually afraid to fight, they were just unwilling to fight because they received the order.

Although Zhao Tianyu knew the truth, he still showed disdain that the other party did not dare to fight. He was clearly deliberately trying to find trouble.

Under the angry gazes of everyone in the Holy Son camp, Zhao Tianyu swaggered into the battle hall and soon appeared in the virtual battle space.

"Brother Hongwu!" In the virtual battle screen, Zhao Tianyu looked up and down at the opponent in front of him with a smile on his face: "Brother, I am really impressed by your performance!"

"Thank you, Elder Zhao, for your generous teaching!" Facing the enthusiastic elder in front of him, Du Long liked his temper from the bottom of his heart: "It seems that the elders from our camp are more reliable!"

"Haha!" Zhao Tianyu was immediately amused: "Who says it's not true?! Some people are obviously afraid of you to death, and in the end they don't even dare to accept the virtual battle challenge, tsk tsk!"


Elder Zhao Tianyu's funny words made some people in the Douzhan Square outside burst into laughter on the spot. These people were naturally members of the Holy Lady camp and were not afraid of being outed by the Holy Son camp.

Once upon a time, whenever the Saint's camp suffered setbacks on such occasions, the people in the Saint's camp would behave countless times more excessively. Now, the performance of the Saint's camp can only be regarded as repaying a little interest at best.

In the virtual fighting space, Du Long and Zhao Tianyu exchanged a few polite words before starting a fierce and exciting battle!

It can be seen that Zhao Tianyu has tried his best, showing no signs of mercy, and has put more or less pressure on Du Long.

Du Long, on the other hand, worked hard to integrate theoretical insights into actual combat during the battle, until at a certain moment he felt that he could no longer improve his strength.

"Okay! I think the fight is almost done!" Zhao Tianyu seemed to feel that his help to Du Long was limited, and immediately said with a smile: "Remember to come and sit in my mansion when you have time, you are very cooperative." My appetite!"

"Definitely!" Du Long stopped attacking at the right time, bowed his hands to Zhao Tianyu and said, "Thank you, Elder Zhao, for your advice!"

"Alas!" Zhao Tianyu immediately changed his face and sighed with a bitter and funny expression: "But I failed to inspire you to make a breakthrough in combat power, so I don't have the shame to look for you like Yao... shamelessly. I need a favor!"

"Elder Zhao's words are serious!" Du Long shook his head helplessly and replied: "In any case, I have accepted your favor today. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you with a drop of water!"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Tianyu immediately shook his head and laughed loudly: "I am really a drop of kindness, but I really don't dare to shamelessly ask you to repay Yongquan. All in all, Elder Hongwu's friend Zhao is settled! "

"I am willing to take the initiative to admit defeat! Alright! Brother Hongwu, I hope you can achieve the sixth level of perfection and eternal invincibility as soon as possible! See you later!"

"Elder Zhao, walk slowly!"

Amidst the polite greetings from the two people, Zhao Tianyu withdrew from the virtual fighting space, and the battle ended with him voluntarily admitting defeat.

On the surface, it seems that he is trying to help Du Long, but in fact, only he himself knows that he has tried his best to defeat Du Long. This only shows that Du Long must be letting things go.

Therefore, Zhao Tianyu is naturally happy to see Du Long successfully advance and continue to advance towards a higher ranking!

In the virtual battle space, Du Long continued to challenge one elder after another. Even though he knew that the elders from the Holy Son camp would not participate in the battle, he still would not miss the opportunity to challenge those elders.

Of course, as long as the opponent being challenged belongs to the Saintess camp, the opponent will usually accept the challenge, and all the elders of the Saintess camp will be happy to sell him a favor.

Obviously everyone can see that Du Long is definitely a person who values ​​love and justice. Selling him a favor today is a timely help. Is it possible that one day he will be repaid by a gushing spring? !

In this way, challenge matches are repeated one after another in the virtual battle space!

Since almost all participating elders are affiliated with the Saintess camp, this also makes the two combatants too respectful to each other, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of this challenge.

This situation was not only felt by the person involved, Du Long, but also by many people outside the court. It has to be said that the Holy Son's efforts to remove the fuel from the cauldron were very effective and indeed greatly delayed Du Long's road to invincibility.

Time continued to pass, watching Du Long challenge and advance from the 50th place to the 30th place, after he successfully forced the 30th-ranked elder of the Saintess camp to voluntarily admit defeat.


In the virtual battle space, Du Long let out a long sigh of habit, and then looked up at the countless spectators outside the venue with a complicated expression.

He found that the later he went, the less efficient he was in improving his own strength. The three elders he challenged in the end were of little help. The key reason was not that the other side was not strong enough, but that they lacked pressure and fighting spirit!

'It is to continue to challenge the elders who are ranked higher. . . Or should we get married for the time being and think of other options? ! ';

'If you continue to challenge, at most your ranking will continue to increase, but your improvement in cultivation will be very limited? ! ';

'When there are not many benefits, it would be unwise to expose too much of one's strength. It will only increase the risks when one goes out to explore in the future. . . ';

With millions of distractions, various thoughts flashed through Du Long's mind, and he was obviously hesitating whether to continue the challenge.

'It doesn't matter so much! '; After many thoughts flashed through, he finally made up his mind and said: 'Let's see if we can meet a truly powerful elder of our camp, and see if we can put real pressure on ourselves through the other party. Only in this way can we stimulate ourselves to continue. Improve your strength! ';

Although hundreds of millions of different thoughts flashed through his mind, to outsiders, it seemed to outsiders that Du Long had already made a decision in just one breath, and then continued to challenge the 29th-ranked elder Zhou Baojin. .

Zhou Baojin happened to be an elder belonging to the Saintess camp. He readily accepted Du Long's challenge and soon appeared in the virtual battle space.

"Elder Hongwu! I think you should owe me a favor today!" Zhou Baojin just appeared and said immediately with a half-smile.

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up as he was still a little uninterested: "It is my supreme honor to be able to owe Elder Zhou a favor. I also ask Elder Zhou to do his best and never do anything to me. Show mercy!"

"no problem!"

Zhou Baojin smiled faintly, and then began to transform into a fighting form. However, his fighting form surprised Du Long. The opponent actually transformed into a headless Xingtian, holding a thick battle ax in each hand.

Xingtian is headless, has eyes in his belly, and is tall and strong!

As Zhou Baojin entered the fighting form, the aura on his body became extremely violent, and a killing energy rushed straight towards Du Long.

"Haha! Don't worry, Elder Hongwu. Naturally, you won't hold anything back in this virtual battle space. I hope you won't capsize if you stay here!!"

Amidst the laughter, the two thick battle axes turned into two divine weapons that seemed to be able to split the sky and split the earth, and they struck at Du Long's left and right sides one after another.


When the thick battle ax slashed down, two terrifying force fields immediately covered Du Long, and layers of shadows seemed to appear in the space and time between the two sides of the battle!

'this. . . What kind of ax technique is it? ! ';

Facing the numerous ax shadows, Du Long seemed to have a shooting star passing through his mind. Although he could not understand what this sudden aura was, it still made him vaguely understand why Zhou Changcai said those words before.

The battle challenge has not even begun yet, but he is so confident that he wants to make Du Long owe a favor. How dare the lover family really have such strength?

Although all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, compared to Du Long, who was distracted by hundreds of millions of distractions, a large number of minds responsible for combat vigilance played their due role very conscientiously.

He did not hesitate to choose to use a pair of battle axes, and then used the superposition effect of multi-dimensional parallel time and space when the two axes were swung out. The pair of battle axes barely exerted a short-lived effect.

Dang, Dang!

The two pairs of battle axes collided in the air, making two deafening loud noises, and then Du Long was seen flying back due to the terrifying force.

Just a head-on collision immediately showed the strength of the two people. Du Long, who was wary of the Holy Son camp, actually fell into a clear disadvantage under this blow.

"Haha! Brother Hongwu! If you use a battle ax to display attack and killing skills suitable for sword techniques, you will naturally be at a significant disadvantage!" Zhou Baojin said with a smile.

"The battle ax uses sword skills?!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, and soon thought of many things: "I understand a little bit, those two axes you just used..."

With some realization in his heart, Du Long once again dodged and flew toward his opponent, slashing with all his strength with both axes in his hands.

In this kind of virtual battle space, he doesn't worry about accidentally injuring and killing his opponents, so he will naturally spare no effort when he strikes!

Clang clang clang. . .

In full view of everyone, a pair of tomahawks began to collide head-on. Du Long tried hard to find the feeling of attacking with a tomahawk, while observing his opponent's attack method, trying to find inspiration that suited him.

As time passed, he quickly saw clearly that Zhou Baojin's ax attack method contained extremely strong power of time and space, and there were also vague shadows of multiple time and space overlaps.

'Elder Yao Bao made himself understand before, the overlapping shadow of sword light in multi-dimensional parallel time and space, but it is obvious that it is only suitable for use in sword techniques, and can exert its peak ultimate combat power when the sword light is slashed! ';

'But the attack method seems not suitable for heavy battle axes, tomahawks. . . Time and space? ! The Pangu world that I grew up in when I was a child was created by the Pangu ancestor who used a giant ax to open up the world! ';

'But the world created by Pangu is not suitable for him. He is walking on the road of multi-dimensional space-time creation. Should he find an attack method suitable for the ax method on the road of multi-dimensional space-time creation? ! ';

'Multi-dimensional parallel time and space belongs to the four-dimensional parallel time and space, and it has been successfully used in sword techniques. So how suitable is the ax technique to be integrated with the mystery of several dimensions of time and space? ! ';

'Five or six dimensions? ! ';

With hundreds of millions of distractions, all kinds of thoughts kept popping up in his heart. Du Long quickly peeled off the cocoons from the countless thoughts to find the next direction of cultivation.

Clang clang clang. . .

The attack and killing methods of the two tomahawks changed drastically, and the loud bangs of the tomahawks could not be heard. While observing the opponent's axe-drawing method, Du Long was silently thinking about which direction he should start from.

'Time and space, the creation of heaven and earth. . . Can an ax come out of the sky and open up the earth? ! ';

'The key point of the mystery of five-dimensional space-time lies in the numerous connections between parallel space-time and time. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call the five-dimensional space-time parallel space-time! ';

'The giant ax is thick, thick enough to split the sky and split the earth! ';

'Just like that piece of broken multi-dimensional void that was cut out on the side of Genlong Palace? ! ';

As his mind flashed, Du Long's inner understanding was instantly sublimated, and he vaguely understood how the broken multi-dimensional void on the side of Genlong Palace came to be.

It was this understanding that made the light of his ax immediately become majestic, as if every swing of the ax was creating a new world.

As his opponent, Zhou Baojin experienced firsthand what pain was, and it was the kind of monster he had trained that brought pain and happiness!

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