Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2985 Overlapping waves


In the square in front of the Douzhan Palace, just when everyone was staring at the golden figure in the virtual screen with shock on their faces, the virtual screen disappeared out of thin air.

The only reason why this happened was that there was no one left in the virtual battle space, which also meant that Du Long had withdrawn from the virtual battle space.

Everyone stared at the entrance of the Battle Hall with doubts on their faces. The first one to appear was Dylan, who had just been defeated. Faced with many scorching eyes, he lowered his head and ducked directly to a group of friends.

No one made any comment on his failure. The fierceness and excitement of this battle were enough to illustrate Dylan's strength!

In full view of everyone, another figure appeared again in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace. It was the elder Hongwu who had just defeated many opponents in a row!

"Okay!" Faced with many scorching eyes, Du Long grinned and said: "Today's challenge is over. After I come out from the Jinshan secret realm again, I should continue to challenge all the top fifty elders here. , I hope all the elders will be able to give you some advice at that time! Thank you!"

At the end of the speech, Du Long bowed slightly, then raised his head and looked at the people including the Saint Yin Feifei and the Great Protector Geqiu. He hugged them with a faint smile and then walked away.

His movement speed was elegant and fast, and he disappeared within the scope of the Dou Zhan Palace in almost the blink of an eye. After everyone's consciousness was released, they discovered that he had entered the time and space gate of the Jinshan Secret Realm again.

After repeated challenges, he won a large number of Jinshan Tokens, which was enough to support him to continue practicing in the Jinshan Secret Realm inheritance space for a long time.

'hateful! ';Watching his back disappearing into the entrance gate of the Jinshan Secret Realm, the Holy Son immediately roared in his heart: 'He actually directly entered the inheritance place in the Jinshan Secret Realm again? ! It’s really troublesome to kill this guy! ';

No matter how depressed the Holy Son was in his heart, Du Long's continuous challenges to advance to the 50th place among the elders spread like a whirlwind to all the forces in the Jinshan world.

The secret realm of Jinshan, the land of multi-dimensional time and space inheritance!

Du Long, who has reached the peak of six-dimensional creation and is close to the Great Perfection, does not need to comprehend the mysteries of multi-dimensional time and space in the next time. Instead, he needs to consolidate the various battle insights from continuous challenges.

The place of inheritance of multi-dimensional time and space can display the mystery of multi-dimensional time and space in front of Du Long through a form similar to formations.

At this moment, he is like a scientist sitting in the library, trying to verify some of the results he has just developed with the large amount of theoretical knowledge in the library.

It's like a scientist, checking various books there, and verifying the knowledge and research results in the books with each other.

This process may seem redundant, but in fact it can greatly deepen Du Long's understanding of various theoretical knowledge, making it easier to integrate it into practical applications.

In the multi-dimensional time and space inheritance space of the Jinshan Secret Realm, a golden light was moving back and forth in the void. Along with the movement of the golden light, various sword lights and shadows continued to appear.

Although there is no one as a sparring partner in this inheritance space, Du Long is still able to continuously improve the integration of theory and practice during the training process.

This is mainly thanks to the winning streak of previous challenges. He is now sorting out the gains from previous challenges and winning streak, and finally consolidating them into his own cultivation and strength!

The high-speed movement technique incorporates the understanding of the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Space-Time Footwork during the challenge. Now this set of footwork needs to be renamed. It should be more appropriately called the Five Elements Wind Thunder Multi-dimensional Space-Time Footwork.

While working hard to consolidate his body skills, he continued to strengthen his attacks with swords and axes, and worked hard to integrate various theoretical insights into actual combat.

Under the mutual verification of the gains from previous continuous challenges and the inheritance of time and space, Du Long's understanding of the six-dimensional creation has become more and more profound. Both the speed of movement and various attack and killing methods have all been significantly improved!

Time passes like this year after year. When one day he successfully studies the rewards of continuous challenges, it will be very difficult to improve his strength without fighting.


The high-speed moving figure suddenly stopped. After Du Long exhaled a long breath, he looked at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar land of six-dimensional time and space inheritance in front of him with a complex expression.

The originally bizarre void was now like an ordinary airspace without many secrets in front of his eyes. He had already fully understood the various bizarre energy haloes.

In short, he has thoroughly understood the theoretical knowledge of multi-dimensional space and time revealed here, and all the mysteries of multi-dimensional space and time contained in any light spot are invisible to him.

What he still lacks now is how to apply this theoretical knowledge in actual combat. Once actual combat can incorporate all the mysteries of six-dimensional time and space, his strength will surely reach its peak!

"It took nearly a hundred Jinshan Tokens to completely consolidate and integrate my actual combat insights. If I want to improve the actual combat integration to the final peak, I will need at least a thousand Jinshan Tokens to have any hope." !"

"I only have more than a hundred Jinshan tokens left on my body. It is almost impossible to collect enough tokens through gambling. After all, the elders are not stupid and will not easily come up with a large number of tokens to follow." Bet on your own!"

"It seems that sooner or later, I will have to go to the three dangerous areas again. However, if those three dangerous areas need to be entered from the war fortress, my whereabouts will definitely be leaked. By then..."

In a low voice, Du Long finally shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He directly asked the formation spirit in the inheritance space to send him out, and his appearance without any surprise once again attracted the attention of all parties.

He spent hundreds of Jinshan tokens, and he stayed in the secret realm of Jinshan for tens of thousands of years in real time. This time was not too long compared to the powerful people in the Jinshan world.

In the square in front of the Douzhan Palace, a large number of spectators soon gathered. People looked expectantly at Du Long, who was standing next to the saint and the Great Protector Geqiu.

"Elder Hongwu! Are you planning to launch a series of challenges again?!" Protector Geqiu looked at the extraordinary man in front of him with an amiable smile.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded without hesitation and replied with a smile: "I need a lot of actual combat to verify various insights!"

"So..." the voice of Protector Geqiu sounded again: "Have you successfully cultivated in the inheritance space of the Jinshan Secret Realm and reached the peak of almost the Great Perfection?!"

"That's almost it!" Du Long didn't hide anything and nodded directly and replied: "I don't know if the Holy Son camp will accept the challenge. I just hope that the elders of this camp can give me some advice!"

"This is natural!" Protector Geqiu replied with a smile: "I believe our elders will not refuse something like this that can greatly enhance the strength of our camp!"

"That's very good!" Du Long nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the Saint with a smile and said, "Your Highness the Saint! I have a few questions... I hope that Your Highness can answer them."

"Elder Hongwu, please ask whatever you want. As long as it's not too special a question, I will tell you everything!" Saint Yin Feifei replied with a pleasant smile.

It would be great for her to be able to sell Du Long well, so that she could completely bind Du Long to the Saintess camp and make him sincerely loyal to the Saintess camp.

'first question! Du Long directly changed his voice to his spiritual consciousness and said: "In the history of Jinshan World, are there really only two people who have broken through and reached the invincible state of the sixth level of Dzogchen?" ! ';

During the process of exploring the Ziji Hanyuan with Zhao Pojun, Du Long learned that the sixth level of Dzogchen was called the invincible realm. He also knew that there had been an invincible realm strongman in each family behind the Saint Son and Saint Daughter.

'more than! '; Saint Yin Feifei was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Du Long's first question would be this: 'In addition to the emergence of an invincible strongman in each family behind the Saint Son and Saint Maiden, in the history of Jinshan World, there have been There have been a few invincible strong men. ';

'only. . . After the breakthrough, most of them ascended to the God Realm, and no one stayed for too long. This was the main reason why all parties were not very clear about this matter. ';

'I see! Du Long suddenly nodded and said: "If I break through to the sixth level of invincibility, I will definitely break through to the seventh level in a very short time and ascend to the divine realm, and I will not stay in the Jinshan world for a long time!" ';

Saint Yin Feifei's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, she looked at Du Long with a smile but not a smile and said: "It seems that Elder Hongwu is very confident that he can break through the invincible realm?" ! Why don't you plan to stay in Kingsoft World for a while? ! ';

'I'm not that interested in power! ' Du Long shook his head and replied with a bitter smile: 'Instead of wasting so much time on power, why not invest all your time in improving your own strength? ! ';

'hehe! '; Saint Yin Feifei covered her mouth and chuckled: 'I now believe that Elder Hongwu has the possibility of breaking through to the invincible realm. According to legend, all the strong men who have broken through to the invincible realm are like you! ';

Invisibly, Saint Yin Feifei has already addressed Du Long as "you"; this honorific title is enough to show that Du Long's status in her heart has risen to a very high position.

'Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness the Saint. Now I will continue to ask the second question. ';Du Long raised his hands and bowed politely: 'I heard that His Highness and several guardians have reached the peak of the Great Perfection, which is close to the sixth level. Do you all want to break through and reach the invincible realm before ascending to the God Realm? ! ';

'this. . . '; Saint Yin Feifei was once again asked this question. She pondered for a while before continuing to explain via voice transmission: 'Everyone wants to break through and reach the invincible realm, but how many people can really achieve it? ! ';

'Actually, we should be considered a group of people who are fettered by the secular power of the Jinshan world, right? ! Do the math. . . We people have actually gone a little astray! ';

There was a hint of melancholy in the sweet voice. In the process of answering Du Long's question, Saint Yin Feifei seemed to have discovered her own serious mistake.

Du Long instantly understood everything from the change in her expression, and immediately smiled lightly and said: "Many times, power can bring endless resources, but power can also make people get lost in it, thus forgetting that true strength can only be found in endless crises." Only in this way can we break through step by step and reach the highest point! ';

After saying this, Du Long walked directly to the entrance of the Dou Zhan Palace. He stood at the entrance and looked at the crowded square in front of the palace: "I want to challenge the 49th-ranked Elder Yao Bao." ! Please give me some advice from Elder Yao!"

"Haha!" A middle-aged man with black hair laughed loudly and said, stroking his stubble on his chin: "Yao has been waiting for Elder Hongwu's challenge for a long time. He was prepared last time, but he never thought that he would wait until today!"

"Haha! Elder Yao has been kept waiting for a long time. Thank you for your willingness to teach me!" Du Long bowed his hands politely to Yao Bao and said, "Elder Yao is also invited to enter the battle hall with me!"


Yao Bao walked directly to Du Long, then waved his hand and said "please" very cheerfully. The two of them entered the fighting hall hand in hand, and then chose a fighting room together.

In the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace, the virtual screen lit up again, and Du Long and Yao Bao could be seen all entering fighting form.

At this moment, Du Long only entered a fighting form with three heads and six arms, while Yao Bao opposite him was in a normal human form, wearing a black armor and holding two strange-shaped scimitars in his hands.

"Hehe! Elder Hongwu! Today I will let you taste the power of my double swords! Look at the swords!!"

Elder Yao Bao was not polite at all. After he finished speaking, he waved the two swords in his hands and charged straight towards Du Long.

"Double swords?!" Du Long grinned with a confident smile and said, "Forget it! Then I will use the double swords to fight Elder Yao head-on today!"

Under the three heads and six arms, one pair of arms also held two swords, and they went straight towards Yao Bao's two swords and blasted him.

Clang clang clang. . .

In the virtual fighting space, bursts of gold and iron clashing sounds sounded like exploding beans, and the four combat knives turned into whirring sword lights and continued to blast towards the opponent head-on.

After just a tentative confrontation with Hong, Du Long admired the elder Yao from the same camp in front of him. As expected, none of the elders who were able to reach the top fifty were good.

The sword light unleashed by Yao Bao is like a wave advancing layer by layer, and the power of each layer of sword light will increase. No one knows how strong the sword light will be in the later stages when the layers are added up.

The sword light that Du Long unleashed was like a rock bombarded by waves. Although it could block the invasion of layers of waves, it was always in a passive position to be beaten.

Facing the waves of sword light coming at him, instead of feeling frightened, Du Long showed excitement on his face, and he swung the two swords in his hands faster and faster.

Having just come out of the Jinshan Secret Realm inheritance space, he had made great progress in actual combat attacks with swordsmanship. However, under the pressure of Elder Yao Bao, Du Long vaguely found room for improvement again.

'Since your sword light is layered with waves, then my sword technique is like multi-dimensional time and space. The layers of parallel time and space are endless! ';At this moment, Du Long vaguely understood the true meaning of the application of the mystery of multidimensional time and space to sword techniques!

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