Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2971 Three major dangers

A large number of spectators once again gathered in the square in front of the Douzhan Palace.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing another exciting gambling challenge, and everyone wants to see whether Du Long, the new elder, can continue to defeat the elders who are ranked higher.

Unfortunately, everyone present, including Du Long, will obviously be disappointed this time!

No matter how much Du Long provoked the generals in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace, the elders who belonged to the Holy Son camp were all unwilling to accept the challenge of gambling, and were only willing to accept ordinary challenges without bets.

After being forced into a hurry by Du Long, the elders at the top simply encouraged his generals in turn, saying that if he had the skills, he would launch a normal challenge, and if he didn't, he would not waste time here, etc.

In short, none of the elders in the Holy Son camp were willing to accept the challenge of gambling. There was something strange behind this matter.

After tasting the sweetness brought by the gambling battle, Du Long was naturally unwilling to waste his energy on launching ordinary challenges. After winning such ordinary challenges, the most he could do was improve his elder ranking, and there was almost no benefit other than that.

"The elders who were just named do not dare to accept the challenge of gambling, so... I am too lazy to continue wasting time here, so let's just say goodbye!"

After bowing his hands to the people in the square in front of the Douzhan Palace, Du Long did not hesitate to leave the square in front of the Douzhan Palace under the surprised gazes of many people.


The entire square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace was immediately in an uproar. Many people who still wanted to watch the show gave up and reprimanded Du Longzhao for his behavior.

It's a pity that Du Long didn't bother to pay attention to the clamor of those people, and directly left the core temple and flew towards the mansion where he lived.

But before he could return to the elder's mansion, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind. It was Protector Zhao Pojun who secretly transmitted a message to him and said: "Elder Hongwu, don't go back in a hurry. If there is nothing urgent, you can go back." Come and sit in my house!"

After hearing that his immediate superior, Protector Zhao Pojun, was transmitting information to him, Du Long naturally did not refuse the other party's invitation. He turned a corner and rushed straight to the Zhao Mansion, one of the eight Protector's mansions.

The area of ​​these Dharma Protector's mansions is not small. Each one is at least one or two hundred miles in radius. Calculated, it covers an area as large as a first-tier city on Earth.

Such a huge mansion was no different from an ordinary small mansion for sixth-order peak powerhouses like Du Long. He quickly entered the Zhao Mansion and appeared in the hall where Zhao Pojun was.

Then they saw that in addition to Zhao Pojun sitting on the main seat in the hall, there were seven or eight elders sitting on both sides of the hall. They were all elders under Zhao Pojun.

"Elder Hongwu is here?! Find a seat and sit anywhere!" When he saw Du Long entering the palace gate, Zhao Pojun immediately reached out and gestured very casually.

There were thousands of seats in the huge hall, but there were only less than ten people sitting there, which seemed extremely empty. Du Long bowed to everyone and then found a seat to sit down.

"Haha! I originally thought that we would see another good show of gambling challenge today, but I never thought... Those weaklings from the Holy Son camp don't even dare to challenge?!" After seeing Du Long sit down, Zhao Po Jun immediately chuckled and opened his mouth to break the silence in the hall.

"Haha!" An elder sitting on the left side of Zhao Pojun laughed and responded: "Our elder Hongwu is so powerful, he can single-handedly force no one in the Holy Son camp to dare to challenge!"

"Yes! Just look at the ugly faces of the elders of the Holy Son camp in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace. How long ago did these arrogant guys have what they are today?!"


In the hall, several elders under the command of Protector Zhao Pojun laughed one after another. You could see the joy and wantonness on their faces. It was a kind of joy that the situation was finally reversed after being oppressed for a long time!

"Well!" When Du Long was about to say a few words of humility, Zhao Pojun interrupted: "The performance of Hongwu City Master has indeed made the Holy Son camp very uncomfortable, but next... Elder Hongwu must be careful about the coming of the Holy Son. The camp secretly counterattacked!"

The smile on Du Long's face faded slightly, and he could tell from Zhao Pojun's tone that this was not a joke. The Holy Son camp would definitely do something to him secretly.

"That..." Du Long said in a deep voice, "Master Protector Zhao! If the other party wants to deal with me secretly, in what general areas will they attack?!"

"It's very simple!" Zhao Pojun replied in a deep voice: "I guess what you need most now is the Jinshan Token?! I believe that you should have gained a lot in the secret territory of Jinshan!"

"Therefore, you should also understand that just a very small amount of Jinshan Tokens is not enough to allow you to reach the sixth level of peak perfection. Your demand for Jinshan Tokens will be huge!"

"Previously, you successfully obtained more than a dozen Jinshan Tokens through gambling challenges. Those tokens seem to be a lot, but for those who want to increase their strength to reach the sixth level of peak perfection, there are only It can be considered a drop in the bucket!"

"In short, if you want to achieve the sixth level of peak perfection in this Jinshan world, you will definitely need to consume a lot of Jinshan Tokens just like you!"

"This also applies to me as a protector. Although I still have a small amount of inventory on hand, it is just a drop in the bucket compared to the huge amount needed for practice!"

"In the entire Jinshan world, I am afraid that only the Holy Son and the Saint are qualified to spend almost unlimited amounts of Jinshan Tokens, because the families behind them control several stable channels to obtain Jinshan Tokens!"

"Except for those stable channels, there are only a few remaining channels for obtaining Jinshan Tokens. If Elder Hongwu wants to obtain a large number of Jinshan Tokens, people from the Holy Son camp will surely seize the opportunity to secretly attack him!"

Protector Zhao Pojun, who never spoke much, now made an exception for Du Long, an elder under his command, and it was very rare for him to speak so many words.

And Du Long also got a lot of information from it, which was another kind of news about obtaining Jinshan tokens in large quantities!

"Thank you, Protector Zhao, for this analysis!" Du Long bowed his hands to Zhao Pojun, who was sitting on the throne, and said with tears of gratitude: "I have heard before... There are many dangerous secret realms in the Jinshan world, and Jinshan tokens can be obtained randomly in those secret realms. ?!"

"Haha!" Zhao Pojun said with a grin: "You only know a little bit about it. There are indeed a large number of dangerous secret realms in the Jinshan world, and a very small amount of Jinshan tokens can be obtained randomly from them."

"However, the tokens obtained in most secret realms are very rare. Many times when you enter a dangerous secret realm, you may not even get one token. If you are lucky, you will get three or two tokens, which will not be enough for you! "

"In short, there are several dangerous secret realms in the Jinshan world where a relatively large number of Jinshan Tokens will appear. Several of them have been controlled by the families behind the Holy Son and Saint Daughter. Only three secret realms are still unavailable due to reasons such as being too dangerous. Any force can completely control it!"

"I understand!" Du Long finally understood what Zhao Pojun wanted to say. He couldn't help but shake his head and said with a bitter smile: "That means... If I want to obtain a large number of Jinshan Tokens, I must only Can you enter those three dangerous secret realms to take risks, and they are also the places where the Holy Son’s camp secretly lays out killing plans?!"

"Of course!" Zhao Pojun slapped his thigh hard and said with a smile of appreciation on his face: "Unless you don't want to obtain a large number of Jinshan Tokens, the forces will inevitably need to enter those three dangerous situations!"

"Lord Protector! I need detailed information about those three dangerous places!" Du Long simply asked for the information since he was a member of Zhao Pojun's command.

"Haha!" Zhao Pojun pointed at him and laughed loudly: "You, you! You are not polite at all. The three secret realms are not a secret. After all, you have successfully squeezed into the top two hundred. Ranking, you are qualified to obtain this information! Here you go!"

A formation stone recording information flew directly in front of Du Long. He grabbed it and did not put it away. He directly devoted a small amount of his attention to observing the information in it. It did not affect his continued communication with Zhao Pojun and others at all. dialogue.

Under the exploration of his spiritual sense, he read the information in this recording formation stone in an instant. The content recorded in it was too little, only the coordinates of the three dangerous entrances, and then some basic information about entering and exiting them.

In addition, there are some existing maps after entering the three dangerous areas, which also mark which areas are dangerous and forbidden areas, which routes are safe, etc.

"Hongwu!" While Du Long was distractedly exploring the recorded information, Zhao Pojun's voice sounded again: "I have called you here today. In addition to reminding you to be careful, I also want to tell you You already have the preliminary qualifications to join the adventure team I lead!"

"We will go on an adventure to one of the dangerous places in a few days. I wonder if you would like to join the team and go with us?!"

Du Long looked at the eight elders and protector Zhao Pojun with some surprise. It was no coincidence that these people gathered together. They had already formed an adventure team, and he was honored to be qualified to join.

After just a quick glance, he was shocked to find that he was the last member of the group. Everyone else was ranked within two hundred, and they were all elders in front of him.

He finally understood that these elders, including himself, should be regarded as the core elite force under Protector Zhao Pojun.

"Lord Protector!" After thinking about all this, Du Long continued to ask without any pretense: "I dare to ask... After the team enters a dangerous situation like this, how should the Jinshan tokens obtained be distributed?!"

"It's very simple! If we all discover the token together and work together to get it, I will take 30% of it, and you will distribute the remaining 70% according to your contribution!" Protector Zhao Pojun stated the distribution method directly.

After seeing the slight change in Du Long's face, he immediately added: "Everyone here is under the command of this protector. According to the usual practice, this protector will naturally occupy 30% of the share. As for the distribution of the remaining shares, this protector will definitely use the most fair and just method. They have participated before and all have no objections to the distribution plan, so they will continue to participate!"

Several elders on the side nodded, obviously agreeing with Yue Pojun's statement.

"Elder Hongwu!" Elder Li Zhen, who was sitting next to Zhao Pojun and ranked 56th, intervened at the right time: "Zhao Hufa is not only our immediate boss, but his personal strength is definitely far beyond your imagination. He occupies a very large 30% share." It’s reasonable, and Protector Zhao’s distribution plan is absolutely fair and reasonable!”

"Yes!" Du Long immediately nodded and replied with a smile: "I believe that Protector Zhao is also willing to take me into the team to go to those dangerous situations to get a share of the pie for my own good, so I have no reason to refuse this invitation!"

"Very good!" Zhao Pojun said with great satisfaction: "No more polite words. Welcome Elder Hongwu to join our elite adventure team. Today's meeting is over. Everyone will gather here in three days!"


The small meeting headed by Protector Zhao Pojun ended quickly. Du Long also left Protector Zhao's Mansion with the elders and went back to the Elder's Mansion to prepare.

In terms of preparation, he actually had nothing to prepare. At most, he could learn more about the three major dangers from the Mansion Formation Spirit, and then combine it with the recording formation stone in his hand to deepen his understanding.

Since it would make even protector-level beings feel in danger, the insides of the three dangerous areas were definitely unusual. He had to sort out all the information he had at hand.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Du Long and several other elders returned to the Zhao protector's residence to gather again, and then a group of ten people flew away towards the outside of the Jinshan Temple in an honorable manner.

As the top team of the Jinshan Temple, they must report when they team up to go to the dangerous situation of Jinshan. It is basically impossible to hide the side of the Holy Son camp.

Unless Du Long goes to the three dangerous areas alone, even his death in the secret realm will have very limited impact on the top brass of the Jinshan Temple. The most he can do is send someone to retrieve the elder token, and then whoever finds the token will be qualified to recommend the elder spot. That's right.

"I didn't expect that! That kid actually joined the adventure team led by Protector Zhao Pojun. It will be difficult to deal with him secretly now!" In the Holy Son's mansion, Holy Son Kemo said with a depressed face.

"Haha!" Protector Cisse said with a faint smile: "You don't need to think too much. After going to the three dangerous places and tasting the sweetness, that guy will naturally be obsessed with the feeling of getting the Golden Mountain Token quickly. It probably won't take too long. Time will make you unable to resist going alone!"

"Haha! That's true!" Holy Son Komo laughed in relief and said: "If you want to kill that guy without anyone noticing, you can't do it overnight. I guess that day won't be long." ah!"

"We can't give up this opportunity!" Cisse shook his head and continued: "After all, no one can guarantee whether that kid will be separated from Zhao Pojun due to some accident?! Once separated and acting alone, we will take action. What a great opportunity!"

"That's right!" Holy Son Kemo narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "Continue to pay attention to which dangerous place they went to, and let the people there be prepared. Unless there is no chance to take action... otherwise it won't happen. You can't just kill that damn bastard!"


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