Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2961 Damaged God Jian

"You have also obtained the sixth-order eternal magic weapon. From now on, the position of elder belongs to this holy son, right?!"

The Holy Son Kemo who was on the throne had a sullen face, glared angrily at Du Long who was excitedly looking at the sixth-order eternal god in his hand, and said through gritted teeth.

"That's natural!" Du Long nodded and said with a faint smile: "This sixth-level eternal god can be exchanged for the position of an elder. However, if His Highness the Holy Son wants the cities under Cliff's command, he will have to pay another hundred thousand copies. The eternal divine mine!”

Turning his hand to put away the sixth-order eternal divine vessel that made everyone jealous, Du Long still did not forget to collect all the benefits that belonged to him. He even knew how to ask the Holy Son for the fees of hundreds of cities.


With a cold snort from his nostrils, Saint Son Kemo turned over his hand and took out a space ring, then waved it and threw it towards Du Long and said: "Here you go! From now on, the money and goods will be cleared!"

Even a sixth-level eternal divine weapon was given away, and a mere 100,000 copies of the eternal divine mine could only be regarded as a fraction. Saint Son Komo did not bother with such a small issue in public.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Holy Son!"

Du Long reached out unceremoniously to catch the space ring. After confirming that the items inside were correct, he immediately saluted the Holy Son with a smile.

Looking at his expression that made people itch with hatred, Holy Son Kemo snorted with disgust, then turned to look at Protector Geqiu and said: "Protector Geqiu! This deal has taken effect, please The position of elder that originally belonged to Cliff was placed on City Lord Sur Tarot!"

"No problem!" Great Protector Geqiu immediately nodded and agreed: "His Royal Highness the Holy Son only needs to give Cliff's elder token to Suer to recognize him as the master, and I will update the record in the temple elders directory!"

Holy Son Kemo nodded slightly. He was still respectful to the Great Protector Geqiu. He immediately turned his head and glanced at Du Long coldly before leaving angrily.

This life-and-death duel challenge between the elders was over. Du Long, who was about to leave, was stopped by Protector Zhao Pojun. None of the senior leaders of the Saintess camp were in a hurry to leave.

"Lord Hongwu! Why did you sell that elder position to the Holy Son camp?! Do you know how detrimental this would be to our camp?!" An elder ranked eighth in the Holy Lady camp was the first to say. accused.

Facing this accusation, Du Long couldn't help but show a touch of disdain. He obviously couldn't accept the public accusation from the elder of the Saintess camp.

To be honest, his contribution to joining the Saintess camp was very huge, but the benefits he received could not match it.

Especially since the Elder Promotion Tournament, the weakness and selfishness of some people in the Saintess camp had made him secretly feel very unhappy.

"Haha!" Anger burned in his heart, but he laughed angrily: "Since this elder wants to do good for our camp so much, why not challenge an elder from the Holy Son camp, and then defeat him?" Can I give everything I earn to Her Majesty the Saint for free?!"

"You..." The elder who opened his mouth to reprimand was so angry that he pointed at Du Long and was unable to say anything to refute him for a while.

"Okay!" Zhao Pojun said at the right time: "Because of Elder Hongwu, our camp has successfully reversed the unfavorable situation, and the total number of votes it has at the top of the temple has successfully surpassed the opponent's camp by four votes!"

"We cannot blindly ask Elder Hongwu to continue to contribute to this camp. It is not wrong for him to choose to sell the elder position he just obtained. Everyone here has not contributed more to this camp than he did before, so you are not qualified to rebuke him. way of doing!"

Zhao Pojun's words were quite serious. The eighth-ranked elder's whole old face turned red. In full view of everyone, he finally turned around and left in anger.

"Elder Hongwu!" Saint Yin Feifei's face was still a little dissatisfied. After listening to Zhao Pojun's words, she seemed to be thinking for a moment, and then she squeezed out a slightly stiff smile and said, "I don't blame you for thinking about it. The position of elder will be sold to the highest bidder. According to temple practice, it is not a good thing if our votes exceed our opponents by too many!"

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Highness the Saint!" Du Long didn't want to offend the Saint's camp for the time being, so he immediately bowed and said, "If you have nothing else to do, then I'll go back!"

When no one asked to stay, he turned around and left the ring without hesitation, and rushed straight to the elder's mansion where he lived below the temple.

"Alas!" Watching his back disappear into the distance, the Great Protector Geqiu sighed: "Po Jun is right! Elder Hongwu's contribution to our camp has been huge, and we can no longer blindly ask others to continue to contribute. Got it!"

"Yes!" The fifth-ranked elder nodded in agreement: "After all, Elder Hongwu has just joined this camp not long ago, and he doesn't have a strong sense of belonging to this camp!"

"That's right!" Protector Zhao Pojun took over the words and nodded solemnly: "Especially in the elder promotion arena, the weakness and selfishness of some people have seriously hurt Elder Hongwu's heart!"

To be honest, Protector Zhao Pojun had some opinions on the Saint.

In the competition for the eldership just now, the opponent Holy Son Komo was willing to take out a sixth-level eternal magic weapon, but the Saint was reluctant to take it out.

Even if the elder's position is not of great effect to the Saint's camp at present, even if the Saint is considering compensating for Du Long's contribution, she should come up with the sixth-level eternal magic weapon more simply than the Saint!

It's a pity that Saint Yin Feifei has no intention of bringing out the sixth-level eternal magic weapon.

What she did was actually very selfish. How could she have the nerve to scold Du Long for ignoring the interests of her own camp? !

When the permanent general manager of Elder's Mansion No. 271 asked Du Long if he wanted to move to Elder's Mansion No. 250, he shook his head and refused without hesitation.

He doesn't want to be the owner of Elder's Mansion No. 250, for the reason that everyone knows.

Sitting alone in the huge practice secret room, with the sixth-order eternal divine instrument lying across his knees, Du Long was looking at the sixth-order eternal divine instrument with bright eyes at the moment.

Since entering the prehistoric battlefield ruins, he has obtained many eternal magic weapons, but only the one in front of him has reached the sixth level!

Just the sharp edge radiating from the blade makes people feel like they dare not touch it. If it is stabbed on the body, it will definitely be enough for anyone to drink a pot.

"Unexpectedly! The Holy Son actually gave out a sixth-level eternal magic weapon in exchange for the position of elder?!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Although it is only a sixth-level eternal magic weapon, it will improve his strength. But it’s huge!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he sprinkled a drop of blood on the Eternal Divine Bottle, and the originally dim and bleak Eternal Divine Bottle instantly bloomed with thousands of brilliance.

"Eh?! This is actually a sixth-order eternal divine weapon left over from ancient prehistoric times?! It's not a sixth-order eternal divine weapon that was just refined?!"

The moment the Eternal Divine Jian was recognized as its owner, Du Long immediately discovered the anomaly of this Divine Jian. It was a magic weapon passed down from ancient times to the present day.

"This divine sword seems to have some damage?! When I hold the divine sword in my hand, I feel that the energy is running slightly sluggishly in it. It should be an abnormality caused by damage to a certain part, right?!"

After injecting the power of the world within his body into the Eternal Divine Jian, Du Long immediately discovered the anomaly of the Eternal Divine Jian, and his entire face instantly darkened.

"Damn it! No wonder the Holy Son simply agreed to exchange it for the sixth-order Eternal Divine Jian. I bet he knew that there was internal damage to this Divine Jian?!"

"That's not right! I obviously suggested that it would be best to exchange for the Jian-like divine weapon. Is it because of my bad luck?!"

Holding the sixth level eternal divine weapon in his hand, Du Long muttered to himself with a depressed face, obviously depressed because of the internal damage to the divine instrument.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In a flash of thought, he no longer wasted time and directly performed a set of marksmanship techniques in the secret practice room.

In an instant, the entire practice chamber was filled with thousands of lights, and the light in the sky seemed to be able to easily penetrate the void, shining continuously in this practice chamber.

"That's not right! The power displayed by this sixth-order eternal divine spear is definitely many times more powerful than that of the third-order eternal divine spear. What kind of strong man is such a powerful sixth-order eternal divine spear that can hit it so hard? Woolen cloth?!"

After practicing a set of marksmanship, Du Long already fell in love with the sixth-order Eternal Divine Jian in his hand, and he also had a more intuitive understanding of the power of the Divine Jian.

In comparison, even if it is damaged internally, it is still much more powerful than those third-order eternal gods!

Wherever the extremely sharp ray of light passes, it is almost able to penetrate the void in front of him. If there is no damage inside the body of the ray, Du Long has reason to believe that it can easily penetrate the time and space of this world!


After some practice, Du Long put away this astonishingly powerful eternal god, and then took it into the inner world with some unfinished thoughts, and placed it on the three-dimensional line representing the energy of the creation flame in the six-dimensional world.

Since this eternal divine vessel is damaged, use the creation flame in your body to warm it up. Although the possibility of repair is close to zero, it is still better than no repair at all.

After putting away the Eternal God, Du Long had no intention of leaving the secret practice room. Instead, he closed his eyes slightly and began to enter a new state of practice.

In the previous life-and-death duel with Cliff, the main reason why he was able to easily kill the opponent at the last moment was because he broke through to the late stage of six-dimensional time and space at that time.

The breakthrough from the early to late stages of six-dimensional space and time allowed him to completely master the integration of six-dimensional time and space, and also learned how to apply it in actual combat.

Before, he only knew how to apply the time and space together to the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space footwork, but now he can finally apply it to attacks.

With the attack and killing skills blessed by six-dimensional time and space, the overall power naturally exploded, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to kill Cliff beyond everyone's expectations!

His eyes were slightly closed, and after reorganizing the previous battle in his mind several times, Du Long opened his eyes and took a step forward.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

His whole body kept flashing in the secret practice room, and he began to try to integrate the secrets of the six-dimensional time and space into the five elements, wind and thunder time and space footwork.

As time goes by, countless figures seem to appear densely in the secret practice room. This is a manifestation of the extreme speed of the movement.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

When the movement speed reached the limit, streaks of sword light began to flash in the secret practice room, and Du Long began to integrate the six-dimensional time and space into the sword light.

Every time the sword is struck, it can always bring about the blessing of the power of six dimensions of time and space, greatly increasing Du Long's total combat power output.

After this continued for a long time, Du Long transformed into a fighting form with three heads and six arms, holding swords and axes in his hands to hold three eternal magic weapons, and continued to practice in the secret training room.

Whether it is swords, axes or swords, they are constantly integrating into the mystery of six-dimensional time and space, allowing their attack power to continue to grow.

Time passed slowly, and after Du Long gradually became proficient in this six-dimensional attack and killing method, he once again transformed into a fighting form with three heads and a thousand arms.

In the form of three heads and a thousand arms, he kept slashing out all kinds of magical weapons in his hands. He wanted to make sure that no matter what weapon he used to attack, he could perfectly integrate into the power of six-dimensional time and space!

The power of six-dimensional time and space, which is the initial fusion power of time and space, Du Long in the form of three heads and thousands of arms transformed into a whirlwind of swords and shadows, roaring back and forth in the huge training chamber!

With hundreds of millions of distractions, he was able to master this attack method very efficiently, and his personal strength quickly stabilized.


In the secret training room, a whirlwind of swords and swords finally stopped, and finally revealed the figure that had returned to its normal form.

"This is an attack supported by the fusion of the power of six dimensions of time and space. Compared with before the breakthrough, the strength has been greatly improved. It's a pity...compared to the kind that can bombard a vast area in the corner of the Dragon Secret Realm Palace. In the multi-dimensional space-time fragment area, my current strength is still too weak!"

While Du Long was secretly excited about his improvement in strength, he was also comparing it with the corner of Genlong's Secret Palace, which also gave him a clearer understanding of his own strength.

Although his strength has skyrocketed due to his breakthrough, compared to those who are truly the strongest in multi-dimensional time and space, his strength is still far behind!

"Six-dimensional time and space... I have only reached the late stage of the six-dimensional space, and I have only just entered the late stage. There is still some distance to go before I can reach the peak of Dzogchen, and this is also the goal I need to break through to continue practicing in the Jinshan world! "

"If you want to break through to the late stage of the Six-Dimensional Space-Time Great Perfection as soon as possible, you must enter the Jinshan Secret Realm to accept the inheritance. Unfortunately, there is only the last Jinshan Token left in your hand. The time limit of a mere hundred years in real time is not enough to allow you to break through. Reach the pinnacle of Dzogchen!”

"In this case, we must find a way to work hard to obtain more Jinshan Tokens..."

"When the elder's position was auctioned in public before, the Holy Son and Saint were willing to give up several Jinshan Tokens in exchange for the elder's position at first. Unfortunately, in the end, I chose the sixth-level eternal magic weapon!"

"Since they can have so many Jinshan Tokens in their hands, it must not be too difficult to obtain such tokens. Next, I will have to work hard to find ways to earn more Jinshan Tokens!"

With hundreds of millions of distractions, Du Long quickly figured out what he needed to focus on right now, and then left the secret practice room.

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