Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2954 Direct Promotion

In the picture scroll world, there was originally only a ten-mile radius of movable space left, and it continued to shrink!

The remaining twelve contestants in the six battlefields had to gradually move closer to each other under this situation, and all contestants were under tremendous pressure.

No one wants to die at the last moment. Everyone hopes to survive until the last moment and successfully advance to become a temple elder who is admired by thousands of people and become a influential figure with a certain say in the Jinshan Temple!

Of course, compared to those contestants who have enjoyed the power of the elders for a long time, they are more eager to save everything, and more importantly, to save their lives.

It is precisely because of these considerations that even if the space within the last ten miles is compressed and reduced again, no one is willing to change the current balance situation easily.

Seeing that they have gradually been able to see the battle between each other with the naked eye, they still maintain a certain tacit understanding. While always being on guard against each other, they continue to be the salty fish who are unwilling to stand up!

As the movable space continues to be compressed and reduced, it seems that only about one mile in radius is left. Compared to the contestants at the peak of the six-star realm, it has almost reached the limit of continued compression.

One mile in radius and only about 500 meters in diameter!

Within this 500-meter radius, there are still six battles to be accommodated. It would be better if this happened in the mortal world, but in the battle between the six-star creation gods, it has obviously reached the limit.

With a single step, even if the movement distance is compressed to the maximum, it can easily span tens to hundreds of meters, not to mention that the range that the aftermath of the battle can affect has long exceeded a radius of 500 meters.

Six battles were fought in such a small space. To put it bluntly, as long as the movements were a little more violent, the shock waves that erupted would affect each other.

Clang clang clang. . .

In the center of this 500-meter radius, a fierce battle seemed to have not been affected in any way, and it was still fighting there with all its strength as if there was no one around.

Du Long and Budi unceremoniously occupied the central area of ​​​​a 500-meter radius, and the other five battles were consciously scattered in five directions, leaving only a very small isolation area for each other.

The ten contestants in the five battles around them were all silently paying attention to the battle in the center, knowing very well in their hearts that the outcome of this battle was closely related.

'space. . . It turns out that this is the mystery of space among the mysteries of six-dimensional space and time. Space and time are the combination of time and space. They are not two completely separate mysteries of heaven, but an existence that can fit together with each other! ’

‘The mystery of six-dimensional space and time, the mutual agreement of space and time, although I have just found the point of agreement, it can be regarded as a real introduction! ’

During the fierce battle, while still trying his best to observe Budi's actual use of space, Du Long finally gained a deeper understanding of the six-dimensional space and time.

‘Time and space, time and space, precisely because they can fit in with each other, can interfere with each other. When I release the power of time, most of it will be offset by Budi’s power of space! ’

‘Because of this, the power of time alone cannot seriously interfere with Budi, but what will be the effect if the power of time and space is released at the same time? ! ’

With hundreds of millions of distractions, Du Long quickly made many associations, and he immediately released the power of time and space fusion that he had just realized.


In the six-dimensional parallel space-time within his body, a fusion of the power of time and space suddenly erupted, and the entire six-dimensional parallel space-time came to a standstill in both time and space.

This force of time and space instantly spread out of the body, and then acted directly on Budi. As for the other players who were compressed to a radius of 500 meters, they were undoubtedly affected.

As the first opponent to bear the brunt, Budi withstood the frontal attack of this force of time and space, and his whole body instantly fell into a state of stasis.

Under the dual effects of the power of space-time fusion, the power of space he released was completely powerless to resist!


Du Long, who was well prepared before launching the attack, would naturally not let go of such a great opportunity and directly use his strongest attack and killing skills.

He thrust forward suddenly like a one-horned dragon. The rotational force that was enough to distort time and space, combined with the eternal sword and ax, instantly pierced through Budi's body.

That's right!

Even with eight arms, when time and space fell into a state of stasis, Budi was unable to make any resistance at all. He was almost completely defenseless against Du Long, and became a living rake for Chi You's Poison Dragon's combat skills!

In front of everyone, Elder Budi, who was considered to be powerful in everyone's eyes, was suddenly penetrated by a single blow, and his whole body suddenly exploded into pieces of flesh and blood that scattered all over the sky.


It wasn't until his body exploded that an exclamation full of disbelief and reluctance suddenly sounded. This was Budi's unwilling roar after his body was destroyed.

However, how could Du Long miss the great opportunity to pursue victory? With a wave of his hand, he put all the fragments of Budi's body into the inner world, and then burned them to ashes with a handful of Xuantian's creation flame!


After succeeding in the attack, he had no intention of stopping and simply dodged and shot in a certain direction.

With the brand-new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork at full use, he appeared in front of an elder who was affiliated with the Holy Son as if teleporting. This guy was the elder who had luckily escaped from him before.


As if knowing that he was doomed, the elder screamed like a frightened bird, and then tried to escape, completely losing the idea of ​​resisting.


Before he could escape, a force of time and space suddenly burst out. The steps he had just taken stopped momentarily, and then he saw the light of swords and shadows of axes slashing down like crazy in the sky.

Puffy. . .

In the blink of an eye, the unlucky guy who was locked again suffered countless bombardments. Before he could completely wake up from his sluggish state, his body and soul suffered countless bombardments.

Even if each bombardment can only kill 1% of the soul's origin, after countless bombardments, it will basically be wiped out, and both the physical body and the soul's origin will disappear completely.

In just one encounter, another elder died tragically in Du Long's hands!

The elder of the Saintess camp who was still fighting had just woken up from his sluggish state. There was only fear and awe in his eyes when he looked at Du Long!


A Qingyue bell suddenly rang in the world of Tujuan, and then the voice of the Great Protector Geqiu was heard throughout the world.

"The Elder Promotion Tournament is finally over! All contestants are not allowed to attack anymore, please come out!"

As this voice sounded, an invisible force field descended on all the contestants, and they were all moved out of the picture scroll world without anyone resisting.

Outside the picture scroll world, at the gate of Jinshan Temple.

Ten figures appeared out of thin air in front of the audience, and almost everyone's eyes fell on Du Long. Their eyes widened in shock, and they still haven't woken up from the shocking scene just now.

No one would have imagined such a result.

Elder Budi, who was originally the least likely to die, actually fell during the Elder Promotion Tournament, and he died at the hands of a city lord in a head-on battle? !


After a brief silence, the entire square was immediately in an uproar, and many spectators couldn't help but start talking loudly.

Du Long stood among the ten contestants and looked up at the center of the hundreds of seats at the entrance of the temple. He naturally met the eyes of the saints, saints and other senior officials.

Facing the looks of many high-level temple officials with different expressions, he behaved neither arrogantly nor humblely, and his character was secretly admired by both the enemy and ourselves.

Of course, His Royal Highness the Holy Son's entire face was darkened at this moment, and the look he was looking at Du Long could almost spit out murderous flames.

The saint Yin Feifei sitting next to him had a smile on her face. She looked at Du Long with admiration and inquiry in her eyes, as if she was very curious about his performance.

After all, this kind of elder promotion competition that can challenge so many levels and defeat opponents has probably never happened in the entire history of Jinshan Temple, right? !

Jinshan World, especially the high-level strength rankings of Jinshan Temple, are all real.

Any elder who wants to improve his ranking can challenge the elder above him. If he wins the battle, he will occupy the opponent's ranking. The ranking of the losing party will automatically drop to the challenger's position.

It is precisely because of this kind of constant challenge that there is basically no water in the ranking of each elder. The greater the gap between the front and back rankings, the greater the gap in strength!

In short, before Du Long successfully integrated the power of time and space, he could only be considered as powerful as Budi at best.

And Budi's strength ranks only over 200 among hundreds of elders. How strong must those elders who are ranked in front be? !

There are also those guardians who are ranked above the elders, as well as the saints and saints. How powerful will they be? !

"Okay!" Just as all parties were discussing, the voice of Protector Geqiu brought everyone back to reality: "I am very happy that this elder promotion competition has ended successfully, and the temple has selected ten outstanding elders! "

"As usual! Elders who are successfully promoted will receive corresponding rewards. Especially those elders who have just been promoted from city lords can live in the elders' mansion according to their respective rankings!"

"From now on, all of you will be promoted to become an elder of Jinshan Temple. I hope you can do..."

Protector Geqiu stood at the gate of the temple and began to make a long speech for the Elders Promotion Competition. It could be seen that he was in a very good mood. This should be the reason why the Saintess camp benefited a lot from the Elders Promotion Competition this time.

Only three players from the Holy Son camp persisted to the end, and if the traitor was included, only four players could qualify, while a full six players from the Holy Lady camp advanced to the elder level.

On the surface, it seems that there is only a gap between two people, but in fact, it is not the case. You must know that there was one more contestant in the Holy Son camp, while the Holy Lady camp was able to win with two people even though there was one less person.

Under the circumstances, just this elder promotion match has completely changed the situation where the saint camp has always been at a disadvantage.

Now, the saint's camp has gained an advantage of two votes, which is enough to gain a dominant say in the temple's senior leadership!

All in all, Du Long's outstanding performance in the Elder Promotion Competition directly reversed the right to speak between the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter. How could this not make the Holy Son furious? !

You know, in addition to the death of a few elders ranked at the bottom, he also lost a relatively high-ranked elder Budi.

In order to deal with Du Long this time, I really lost a lot of rice by stealing chicken!

"Okay!" After a long speech, Ge Qiu changed the topic and said: "In view of Hongwu City Lord's outstanding performance in the promotion of elders, you now have an opportunity to challenge higher-ranking elders. Are you planning to challenge? Where is a certain elder?!"

On the martial arts stage, Du Long heard his name being called, and after hearing the question from Protector Geqiu, a faint smile appeared on his lips: "I want to challenge Elder Andrew, who is ranked 271st! "


As his words fell, the scene immediately went into an uproar. Everyone looked at the elder named Andrew thoughtfully, and they all understood why Du Long challenged him in public.

There is no other reason. Andrew was the one who challenged Elder Budi before, which gave Budi the opportunity to participate in the Elder Promotion Competition.

Andrew himself was very weak and ranked at the bottom of the last ten among the 360 ​​elders. He originally planned to wait for Budi to complete his mission before finding an opportunity to return the ranking to him.

Who would have thought that Budi's strength would still fall in the Elder Promotion Tournament, and he would die in the hands of Du Long, a city lord who stood out from the City Lord Competition? !

"I surrender!"

In full view of everyone, Andrew's old face turned slightly red, and he spoke directly and chose to admit defeat on the spot.

"Very good! Because Elder Andrew voluntarily admitted defeat, General Hongwu will be directly promoted to the 271st elder from now on!" Protector Geqiu immediately announced the result loudly.


An elder ranking challenge only took a moment for the two parties to open their mouths, and the result was achieved, and the scene was once again in an uproar!

At this point, this elder promotion competition has finally come to a successful conclusion!

Du Long got another Jinshan Token. Now he had two Jinshan Tokens in his hand, which also meant that he could enter the Jinshan Secret Realm twice in the following days.

In addition, he also received the Elder's Mansion No. 271. From now on, he can live in it directly and become a member of the highest level of Jinshan Temple!

‘Elder Hongwu! You should go back to the mansion to rest for a while. Later, I will send someone to invite you to the Sainte's Palace to celebrate the competition. You are the protagonist of this banquet and must be present! ’

Just as all parties were gradually withdrawing, the voice of Protector Zhao Pojun suddenly sounded in Du Long's mind. Naturally, he would not refuse the request of his immediate superior, Protector Zhao.

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