Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2949 Start counterattack


A huge transparent energy shield rose gradually, completely covering the entire stone forest world. This transparent energy shield was still slowly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the stone forest world, Du Long did not immediately stop running at high speed. He was still running back and forth at high speed in the stone forest world.

He didn't want to miss any opportunity to comprehend and practice in the Stone Forest World. He was afraid that once he left the Stone Forest World, it would be difficult to come back to comprehend and practice.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

The whole person turned into afterimages that were almost invisible to the naked eye, running at high speed in the stone forest world, constantly verifying and comprehending the changing patterns of the stone forest passages extending in all directions with the mysteries of six-dimensional time and space.

Time is passing slowly, and in the eyes of outsiders, Du Long is like a trapped beast still fighting!

Of course, some people were suspicious, secretly doubting the purpose of running around like this, and more or less guessed that he might be comprehending some kind of mystery of heaven.

With various thoughts, he watched the transparent energy shield become smaller and smaller, and the space where Dulong could run and move also shrunk to the extreme.

Originally it was a stone forest world with a radius of tens of millions of miles, but now the space where he can run and move is less than ten thousand miles. Within this radius of thousands of miles, all the remaining contestants are trapped.

Because Xue Jing gave up the elder promotion competition, only nineteen contestants finally entered the world of Stone Forest Picture Scroll.

After Du Long killed four people one after another, there are now only fifteen contestants left in the entire Stone Forest World.

Among them, including Du Long, there are only nine people who are affiliated with the Holy Lady, and six people are affiliated with the Holy Son, including the extremely powerful eight-armed Budi!

Compared to these contestants who have all reached the peak six-star realm, the movable space of thousands of miles is like a group of fish stuck in a small pool.

The space that allows Du Long to continue running and moving is extremely narrow, but the transparent energy shield in the sky is still shrinking. It won't be long before he has to face Budi's threat.

'Pity. . . ’ A thought came to Du Long’s mind: ‘In the end, we still failed to completely verify and integrate the changing laws of the stone forest world with the six-dimensional space-time avenue. It feels like there is still a long way to go! ’

If his idea were known to outsiders, he would definitely be scolded by everyone for being greedy. How long did it take before he entered the stone forest world? !

In such a short period of time, he has improved all the way from the early stage of Six Dimension to the middle stage, and has improved a lot in the last period of time.

Although there is still a long way to go before the late stage of Six Dimensions, his rate of progress is already terrifying, okay? !

‘If that’s the case, then don’t blame yourself for taking advantage of those guys under the Holy Son. . . In addition to Budi, there are three elders and two city lords who want to make the Holy Son camp feel heartache. . . We have to use those elders to do the surgery! ’

In a flash of thought, knowing that there was not much time left, Du Long immediately decided to change from passive to active.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Now that he had made a decision, he would not hesitate at all. After flashing several times in succession, he rushed directly out of the hundred-mile range that Budi's consciousness could cover.

‘Hmph! He is already a turtle in a urn, no matter how fast his movement speed is. . . It's hard to escape from my grasp! ! ’

After being startled by his sudden acceleration, Budi gritted his teeth and uttered such self-comforting words, not taking the fact that Du Long was out of the scope of spiritual exploration into his heart.

With only a radius of thousands of miles and many of his informants around him, Du Long simply couldn't stay out of his control for a long time.

With such confidence, Budi continued to dodge and chase in the direction where Du Long disappeared. He had no idea that Du Long directly changed his direction after running for a distance at high speed.

He was rushing towards the location of an elder who belonged to the Holy Son in his memory. After making a large circle, he was able to throw Budi far away, even if he found that it would take some time to catch up again.

Compared with Budi's eyes, all the viewers outside the picture scroll world saw Du Long's every move, and many people guessed his plans.

‘Good boy! ’ Zhao Pojun’s voice resounded directly in the minds of the senior leaders of the Holy Lady camp: ‘Is he finally going to deal with the elders under the Holy Son? ! Ha ha! ’

‘Guardian Zhao’s guess should be correct! ’ A higher-ranking elder under the Holy Lady smiled and replied: ‘As long as City Lord Hongwu can kill another elder under the Holy Son, our right to speak at the top of the temple will be successfully reversed! ’

'Ha ha! In order to vent his anger, that guy from the Holy Son asked Budi to deal with the Lord of Hongwu City, but perhaps not only failed. . . There is also the possibility of stealing the chicken but losing the rice! ’

'Hahaha. . . ’

Everyone who belonged to the Saint's camp burst out laughing. They had been suppressed by the Saint's camp for many years. They had been holding in their hearts for a long time and had not been able to vent their anger. Now they finally found a very good vent.

In contrast, many people in the Holy Son camp seemed to understand Du Long's plan, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

In order to ensure the fairness of the Elder Promotion Tournament, the spectators outside the venue can only see and hear all the movements in the scroll world, but they cannot secretly communicate with the contestants of their own camp.

Those in the Holy Son's camp were all eager, as if they wished they could yell in Budi's ears to remind him, but unfortunately they could only watch helplessly as Budi rushed away from Du Long.

At this moment, even Du Long himself didn't know Budi's location. He could only roughly deduce his approximate location based on the direction he led him away.

It's a long story. Less than a minute later, Du Long finally rushed into the hundred-mile range where the target elder was hiding.

His appearance immediately attracted the elder's attention, but Du Long had rushed past him several times before and had no intention of taking action against him.

Therefore, his appearance this time did not arouse the elder's vigilance. The other party just shouted loudly as agreed to report Du Long's appearance within the scope of his spiritual consciousness.

Du Long didn't seem to be heading straight for him, and continued to cross the area covered by the elder's consciousness in a straight line, which also made the elder's vigilance drop again.

Just when Du Long reached the point closest to the elder, the figure that was supposed to continue moving in a straight line suddenly turned a corner, and then shot straight towards the elder at a terrifying speed that made people palpitate.

It wasn't until this moment that Du Long revealed all his true body speed!

As his research on the changing patterns of the stone forest passage became more and more in-depth, his understanding of the mystery of the six-dimensional space-time avenue became higher and higher, and his running speed in this environment also increased a lot.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Then he saw that his whole body turned into afterimages, approaching the elder in an instant. Only then did the other party realize what was going on, and he suddenly jumped up and flew away like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"No!! Elder Budi, come quickly! Hongwu is chasing me at full speed..."

While running away at full speed in a panic, he shouted to Budi for help. The elder who was slow to react was almost ashamed of his bowels at this moment.

He hated himself for being so careless and insensitive!

Knowing that the opponent has the ability to quickly kill ordinary elders, the moment he discovers the opponent, he should not give the opponent a chance to get close to him!

Unfortunately, there are all kinds of medicines in this world, but there is no regret medicine!

The terrifying speed of movement displayed by Du Long made the pupils of the elders under the Holy Son shrink, which also meant that the fear in his heart reached its extreme.

"Run towards me at full speed! I'm already approaching you at full speed!!"

Budi's voice was transmitted from a distance, and there was some delay due to the distance, but it was still transmitted in a very short time.

Hearing Budi's response, the unfortunate elder not only showed no joy, but also showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Du Long should have considered this possibility a long time ago, so he chose to pursue the same direction as Budi. If the elder wanted to join Budi, he could only avoid him at a distance.

However, the huge gap in speed between the two sides prevented the elder from wasting even half a second on taking a detour!

He was driven away by Du Long like a sheep, running away at full speed away from Budi, but even so, he was still caught up by Du Long in a short time.

"No!! City Lord Hongwu! As long as you don't kill me... I'm willing to agree to any of your requests!!"

At the critical moment of life and death, the elder under the Holy Son begged for mercy without dignity. As a temple elder, he didn't even have the courage to fight his opponent.

Outside the picture scroll world, the entire face of the Holy Son turned dark. This elder's cowardly behavior was equivalent to a slap in the face in public.

Even if the elder succeeds in being promoted alive in the end, the Holy Son's vengeful character will not make it easy for him.

Faced with the begging for mercy of the elder who was already in front of him, Du Long didn't have time to slowly argue with him, so he rushed over waving all kinds of eternal magic weapons in his hands.


Just when the elder was gritting his teeth and preparing to resist desperately, an invisible time fluctuation instantly covered him, and time in his area came to a standstill.

Before he could wake up from this state of time stasis, all kinds of eternal divine weapons continued to bombard him. The eternal divine spears and snake spears broke into his body one after another, and then the more deadly eternal swords and axes followed. thereafter.

ah! !

This unlucky elder only had time to let out a scream, and his whole body was exploded by various eternal magic weapons. Then he was taken into the inner world by Du Long without any chance to repair himself.

Du Long didn't delay at all this time, and directly threw the opponent's body fragments and soul origin into the creation flame of the world inside his body, and they were burned, destroyed and killed in an instant.

In an elder promotion competition like this, he didn't want to capture his opponents alive again, so as not to be blamed after the competition. If he tried to kill these opponents then, he would probably encounter a lot of unnecessary interference and resistance.

His guess was not wrong. Almost at the same time that the elder was killed, the Holy Son outside discovered that a soul jade talisman was broken. It was the soul jade talisman that had just killed the elder tragically.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

After instantly killing his opponent in a single blow, Du Long cleared up the battlefield in an instant and shot out again in a direction away from Budi.

It was just another killing of an enemy elder. Du Long was not very satisfied with this. He also wanted to take advantage of the last moment of shrinkage of the transparent energy shield to harvest more targets!

Not long after he left the battle scene, the eight-armed Budi finally arrived at the battle scene in a hurry, and instantly realized that he must have arrived a step too late.

"Ah!!" Eight-armed Budi looked up to the sky with great anger and roared: "Hong Wu! If you have the guts, come over to me!! You coward who only dares to hide all the time!!"

How could Du Long, who was already far away, pay attention to his opponent's obviously irritating words? The direction he was running in was clearly the direction of another elder under the command of the Holy Son.

The incident that just happened had alarmed all the contestants in the stone forest. The contestants under the Holy Son all became frightened, and they all guessed that Du Long had killed another elder.

Especially Budi's angry roar just now made the remaining people tremble with fear. They all fully expanded their consciousness and were always ready to turn around and run away as soon as they found Du Long.

After witnessing Du Long's terrifying and deadly strength, everyone at the scene except Budi knew in their hearts that their only fate would be to be killed instantly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Running at full speed, Du Long once again entered the range of the spiritual consciousness of another elder under the command of the Holy Son. The other party immediately escaped without hesitation the moment it detected his appearance.

"The Lord of Hongwu City is on my side...Elder Budi, come quickly to support!!"

While running away at full speed, he also frantically shouted for help. The extremely urgent cry for help spread far and wide, making countless people inside and outside the Tujuan world secretly frightened.

Since the start of the City Lord Contest, who would have thought that Du Long would grow to such strength and be able to frighten his opponent who is an elder into such a state? !

"Run away! Don't let him catch up... Run at full speed while shouting to keep in touch!"

"The remaining people should all move closer to me. Don't give that kid another chance to defeat them!"

Budi ran at full speed towards the direction from which the sound came, while shouting instructions. In addition to reminding the elder who was being hunted, he also reminded other players in the same camp to move closer to him.

Seeing that the transparent energy shield is getting smaller and smaller, as long as it is delayed for a short period of time, there is no need for others to spread out to track Du Long.

There are two elders and city lords under the Holy Son camp, including Budi. One of the elders is being chased by Du Long, and the remaining three are approaching Budi at full speed.

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