Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 311 Hidden conspiracy

When the barrel formation was laid out, the 500 heavy armored gun and shield soldiers of the Zhongwu Legion deliberately deployed two more layers of defense lines in the direction of charging towards the Blue Moon Empire. A gap was torn open in the first layer, and there were two more layers behind it. layer was not affected.

Therefore, the heavy armored gun and shield soldiers on each layer of defense quickly changed their formations, allowing the opponent's cavalry to pass, and then used their spears to kill these high-speed charging cavalry from the side!

As the spears struck again and again, many cavalrymen of the Blue Moon Empire were knocked off their horses. The flaming horse cavalry who made a frontal attack rushed to the second spear-shield defense line in an instant.

The elite heavy armored spear and shield soldiers of the Zhongwu Legion put the other ends of their spears on the ground and pointed their extremely sharp spear points at these flaming horse cavalry!

Under the control of the flame horse cavalry, the flame horses in the front row once again sprayed out balls of flame. However, this time because the distance was too close, they could only shoot at random targets in front of them.

Peng. . . Peng. . . Peng. . .

The flame balls hit the thick shield one after another, and some fell into the heavy armored gun and shield soldiers behind. At this moment, the desperate ferocity of these elite gun and shield soldiers was revealed.

Many soldiers with heavy armor, spears, and shields whose heavy armor burst into flames endured the severe pain of the flames burning on their bodies and withstood the thick spears and shields without flinching!


The flaming horse cavalry finally collided with the spear and shield defense line. Many cavalrymen and horses were pierced by the hard spear and turned into candied haws skewers!

Some people were lucky enough to escape, but the war horses under them were still stabbed by the spears. The war horses let out a mournful cry, raised their hooves high, and knocked the cavalry on their backs to the ground. They were hit by the war horses that rushed over afterwards. Trampled to bloody pulp!

The huge impact, despite causing heavy casualties, still broke open the second line of defense of the Zhongwu Army. Unfortunately, the gap that was opened was filled with the corpses of flaming horses and cavalry. The entire passage Tightly blocked!

The cavalrymen of the Blue Moon Empire, who then rushed over at full speed, could not hold back their forward momentum at all, and could only let their horses continue to rush forward. For a while, they were trampling on each other, and a chaotic scene emerged.

At this time, the sharpshooters behind the third line of defense showed their power again. At such a close range, they began to take advantage of the sharpshooters. Every arrow they shot must be shot towards the gap in the enemy's armor!

For a time, the cavalrymen of the Blue Moon Empire were shot off their horses one after another like raindrops!

"Everyone, dismount your horses and fight on foot!" The commander of the Blue Moon Empire's thousand-man squadron was not overwhelmed by the chaos and directly issued a reasonably reasonable order.

However, after getting off the horse and the threat of the sharpshooter subsided slightly, a new threat appeared again!

The pikemen hiding behind the heavy shields began to surround them closely, using the power of their spears to kill the cavalry who fell on the ground mercilessly!

As the saying goes, an inch long, an inch dangerous!

The iron spear in the hand of the pikeman was several times longer than the sword in the hand of the cavalry. Before the sword could reach someone, he was stabbed to the core. Even if some people were lucky enough to escape the spear attack, they found out when they got closer, His sword can only hit the thick shield. Apart from creating some sparks, how can he hit the heavy armored gun behind the shield? !

At this time, the dozen or so martial arts masters hidden among them began to show their power. The existence of the dozen or so Qihai level was the heavyweight killer prepared by the Blue Moon Empire for this battle!

Their appearance did cause a lot of trouble to the soldiers of the Zhongwu Army. The thick shields were directly blown away by them, revealing the heavy armored gun and shield soldiers behind them, who were jointly killed by the Blue Moon Empire cavalry who then swarmed up!

At this time, among the archers of the Zhongwu Army, twenty sharpshooters holding special crossbows suddenly appeared. They raised the unique crossbows in their hands and pulled the triggers one after another!

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Black light flashed out from these special crossbows and shot straight at the dozen or so Qihai level masters, several times faster than ordinary bows and arrows!

On the spot, there were five or six Qihai level masters who failed to dodge and were shot to the ground, and were dug into a hornet's nest by the gun and shield soldiers!

Six out of ten, and the other four were so frightened on the spot that they no longer dared to be the first to show off. They could only hide in the large group of people and wander around to launch attacks from time to time!

Without the ten martial arts masters breaking through the gun-shield defense formation in front, the cavalry of the Blue Moon Empire were suddenly in a dilemma. They retreated but did not dare to mount their horses and retreat, and advanced but could not break through the heavy-armored gun-shield formation of the Zhongwu Army!

As a result, under the siege of the Zhongwu Army's heavy armored gun and shield formation, and under the hidden arrows of five hundred unharmed sharpshooters, a large number of the eight hundred people who rushed over from the Blue Moon Empire quickly fell down!

The more people they fall, the greater the pressure on the survivors. As one goes, the rate of casualties also increases!

Soon, all the cavalry of the Blue Moon Empire fell, naturally including the three hundred flame war horse cavalry. In this battle, the flame war horse showed strong combat power, but unfortunately, it also exposed many shortcomings!

At the critical moment, the ten Qihai level masters who suddenly appeared were suppressed by the twenty special crossbows within the Zhongwu Legion. These crossbows were the special crossbows in Dulong's territory!

Black black iron is used as the crossbow arm, crossbow barrel, and crossbow arrows, and it can be wound continuously. One crossbow barrel can hold thirty crossbow arrows, and the crossbow arrows fired are extremely powerful, enough to kill Qi Hai level beings!

In this battle, relying on the advantage of troop restraint, remote command at critical moments, and the suppressive effect of twenty special crossbows at the last moment, the Zhongwu Army easily defeated the Blue Moon Empire's thousand soldiers with less than 200 casualties. Team!

For a time, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Zhongwu Army cheered and were excited about the victory!

"Hahaha! His Highness the Second Prince! Are you convinced?! Do you want to continue the gambling battle?!" Du Long looked at the Second Prince in the distance with a smile and laughed.

"Hmph! It's just a small test! There's no need to be proud, the gambling battle will continue tomorrow!" The second prince snorted with a sullen face. Obviously, he was very unhappy when he lost to Du Long in the first battle!

"Haha, then tomorrow's gambling battle will still be a 10 million bet?! Let me state in advance that if the bet is less than 10 million, the gambling battle will automatically stop!" Du Long smiled as he looked at the deputy general of the Zhongwu Legion in the distance and successfully jumped from the opponent's side. He grabbed the twenty million gold ticket in his hand and continued to ask with a smile.

"This prince can still afford ten million gold coins! Don't worry, tomorrow's gambling battle will still be for ten million gold coins. By then, we don't know who will win and who will lose!" The second prince said harshly. After speaking, he led his 10,000 soldiers and left in embarrassment.

Only then did Du Long, together with the generals, bring 10,000 Zhongwu Legion cavalry, plus about 800 surviving warriors, and returned to the camp in high spirits!

After returning to the camp, he fulfilled his promise in public and distributed 100,000 gold coins to about 800 warriors. He also specially took out another 100,000 gold coins and told the loyal general Du Zhentian to send the money to the homes of the dead warriors as pensions!

Countless soldiers were envious of coach Du Long's generosity, but also secretly admired him!

After finishing these tasks, Du Long began to summon the generals to discuss matters in the commander's tent. In the tent, he looked at the confident generals and said in a deep voice: "Everyone thinks that the Blue Moon Empire cavalry is vulnerable, right? ! We actually only lost less than 20 people and wiped them all out!"

"Haha, this is all the work of the marshal. He actually expected that they would use all the cavalry in the formation, and even sent out a special lineup to restrain the cavalry to deal with it!" the Prairie King complimented with a smile.

"That's right! In this battle, we won because our arms were just right to restrain our opponents!"


Du Long quietly looked at the generals below who were discussing with excitement. After everyone had reached the point where they were talking, he reached down and pressed his hand downwards and said: "Although we will win this battle very easily, but... .”

At this point, he deliberately let it slip and glanced at the generals before continuing: "But don't you think there is something weird about the Blue Moon Empire?!"

"Oh?! What's the lofty opinion of the Marshal?! Could it be that the people of the Blue Moon Empire have some conspiracy?!" Kang Tuo, the commander of the Guided Army, hesitated.

"Most likely, they must have some conspiracy waiting for us! Unfortunately, I don't know what they want to do now! Therefore, for the sake of safety, starting from tomorrow, you should not go to watch these gambling battles. Stay in the camp and let the soldiers below be ready to attack at any time!" Du Long nodded with a serious face.

"General, I obey!" Everyone in the commander's tent, including Du Zhentian, accepted the order with their hands in hand.

"Okay! The meeting is over. Remember to keep the spies far away, and always pay attention to the situation inside the Blue Moon Empire. Don't be careless!" When Du Long announced the adjournment of the meeting, he did not forget to give a serious reminder.

The generals dispersed, leaving only Du Long and his family in the handsome tent. Du Zhentian and the old man were both there, as if they wanted to get a tip from him to see if he knew anything about the situation.

However, Du Long didn't say anything. He just seemed to be studying the military map of the Hexi Corridor in the commander's tent. In fact, he was secretly talking with the beautiful Nazgul.

"Ling'er! Are you sure that the superficial fellow of the second prince has any conspiracy?!" Du Long asked the Nazgul beauty from the bottom of his heart. In fact, the one who suspected that the Blue Moon Empire had a conspiracy was also the Nazgul beauty***** There must be a ***** conspiracy! However, this guy seems to be hiding very deep, and has not even revealed it to his cronies. He only leaks it occasionally, and he still has a real trump card that he is not ready for! "The Nazgul beauty, who has been closely monitoring the second prince, analyzed with certainty.

"Isn't he talking big words?! Bragging or something like that?!" Du Long hesitated.

"Impossible! You can tell from his expression that he is not lying!" The Nazgul beauty denied on the spot.

Du Long had always believed in the words of the Ringwraith beauty, so these words also made him worry. After all, he was now the commander of a million-strong army, and any deviation could lead to unforeseen serious consequences!

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