Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2920 Overlooking all living beings

Boom boom boom. . .

In the square outside the gate of the Immortal Palace, a battle between gods and emperors was still going on, and the sounds of various metal and iron clashes mixed with the sounds of violent energy collisions were endless.

The terrifying energy shock caused the entire main holy city to tremble and tremble. It also made the native creatures in the entire main holy city feel fear and flew back away from the battlefield.

As the war continued, various buildings around the battlefield continued to collapse and crack, and some creatures that had escaped too late were affected and perished. Their number was no less than the two waves that were massacred before.

And this was despite both sides of the battle deliberately not harming the natives of the Main Holy City. Both sides only wanted to compete for control of the Main Holy City, and had no plans to completely destroy the entire Main Holy City.

After being secretly reminded by Du Long, the two elders relied on their own strength to attack Olin head-on, and barely blocked the space-time rift released by the Fire Phoenix Silver Shield with a highly condensed energy blade.

As a result, the battlefield where the two of them were was in a stalemate, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while. This also put the battle above the square in a state of balance.

Whoever can break the balance first will be the key to the outcome of this battle. People are paying attention to the two battlefields where Du Long and the second elder are.

In contrast, the success or failure of these two battles can truly break the balance and be the key factor that determines whether those losers make the final choice.


A ray of golden sword light went straight towards Du Long's electric slash. He habitually waved the Changjian in his hand to intercept. According to previous experience, Changjian could barely block the golden sword light by relying on the advantage of the long weapon.

While wielding the Eternal Divine Jian with all his strength to block, the several divine crossbows in Du Long's hands were not idle, and they shot a series of omnipresent arrows towards Hong Wu.

Through the interference of these all-encompassing arrow lights that were enough to threaten the opponent, he was able to prevent Hongwu from attacking him with all his strength, and was able to block the opponent from a safe distance.


Amidst the clashing sounds of the eternal magic swords, Du Long felt that his movements suddenly became a little slow. This feeling was very strange, although it was visible to the naked eye, but it was normal, but his body seemed to be slowing down. Feel.

I saw Hongwu gritting his teeth to avoid the frontal bombardment of several all-encompassing arrows, risking being hit on certain parts of the side of his body, and allowing one or two of the all-encompassing arrows to pass through his left arm, while he himself He continued to approach Du Long with his sword.

At this critical moment, Du Long's body reaction was half a beat slower, and an extremely dangerous feeling immediately surged into his heart.

He could only hold the eternal divine sword in his hand across his chest. While the divine crossbow in his hand continued to inject energy, a sword and a battle ax were also swung out with all their strength.

With three heads and twenty-four arms, his last line of defense is this sword and axe. Although he cannot compete head-on with the eternal sword, he can gain precious reaction time for himself.

In full view of everyone, Hong Wu tried his best to fight off the serious injury to his left arm, which was almost completely broken by the light of the Wanxiang arrows. He approached Du Long and slashed with all his strength with his sword.

clang! Click, click!

First, the Eternal God Jian blocked a sword, then a Creation God Weapon sword was instantly cut into two pieces, and finally even the heavy battle ax was shattered.

Du Long's body was dodging sideways and behind with all his strength, trying his best to avoid the fatal golden sword light. He had no intention of confronting it head-on.

After three consecutive collisions, although the golden sword light could not be completely blocked, it still gained the most critical moment for Du Long.

The golden sword light originally cut him in half diagonally, but in the end it just cut through the golden battle armor on his right rib, successfully slicing through the armor and leaving a deep bone-visible scar on his side waist.

It's a long story. The two sides of the battle were almost separated at the first touch. Du Long flew directly to the side and rear to get out of the way, and then shot out two of the all-powerful arrows that had been condensed.

It was precisely because of the blocking of these two all-encompassing arrows that Hong Wu could not continue to pursue the victory, and Du Long was able to widen the distance between him and his opponent again!

An extremely dangerous collision, like dancing on the tip of a knife, made Du Long's heart twist tightly. After successfully avoiding the fate of being dismembered by his opponent, he was instantly drenched in cold sweat!

This terrifying experience of wandering on the edge of life and death caused the adrenaline in his body to secrete violently, and millions of minds were frantically analyzing the horrific experience just now.

‘What happened in that moment just now? ! Why doesn't there seem to be any abnormality with the naked eye, and the spiritual sense detection is only slightly weird, but my body feels that the reaction is a beat slower than normal? ! ’

'wrong! It's not that my body's reaction was a beat slower. . . But at that critical moment, the time and space around the body changed abnormally, and the time flow rate of one's own time and space slowed down, while the time flow rate of the opponent's time and space remained normal? ! ’

‘When one goes back and forth, one will have such a weird feeling. How does the opponent do that? ! ’

‘The flow of time changes. . . A long time ago, his attacks were able to affect the flow of time, but after growing up to reach the realm of Xuantian's creation, the impact on the flow of time was limited to the extreme. ’

'Why is this so? ! It should be that the energy used in the Xuantian Creation Realm is extremely huge. If you want to change the rules of time with such huge power, you need to have a more profound application of the rules of time? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

With millions of distractions, millions of thoughts flashed through Du Long's mind when his potential exploded at the critical moment. He also reproduced and deduced the details of the attack Hong Wu had just launched.

Vaguely, he had a new understanding of his breakthrough to the six-dimensional realm, but for the time being he failed to grasp how to apply this understanding into reality.


The attack failed and hit one of his left arms. Hong Wu became furious and dodges again and charges towards Du Long.

Of course, while killing Du Long, the injury on his arm was also being repaired rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Repairing this injury in the Xuantian Creation Realm only required the blink of an eye.

Facing the opponent who was once again killing him, the Eternal Divine Jian in Du Long's hand stabbed out again, instantly turning into a series of afterimages like snakes, completely blocking Hongwu's path forward.

In his other arms, several divine crossbows have re-condensed the all-encompassing arrow light, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the opponent anytime and anywhere. Of course, these arrow lights can only serve to interfere with the opponent's attack rhythm.

The battle between the two started again. In the normal offensive state, Hong Wu would be violent from time to time, suddenly changing the flow of time in a very small range, and then launching a desperate attack on Du Long.

This battle has fallen into a long-term stalemate, which is definitely a phenomenon that Hongwu does not want to see. In fact, he knows very well that the people he brings are not completely reliable.

As time goes on, those people's hearts will become increasingly difficult to control. Any disturbance may immediately trigger a domino effect, and their situation will become even more unfavorable.

After once again successfully escaping from the edge of danger, Du Long finally discovered that the source of his opponent's strange attack was the horn on Hong Wu's forehead.

Whenever he wants to activate the method of changing the flow of time, the horn on his forehead will emit an invisible wave of energy, which is enough to change the flow of time in a smaller range.

‘Could it be that this guy’s method of changing the flow of time is his innate ability? ! After Du Long discovered this mystery, a guess immediately flashed through his mind: "I am taking the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation. It was related to the change of time when I broke through the fifth dimension. Now I want to break through and reach the six-dimensional realm." We must have a deeper understanding of the changes in time rules! ’

‘First we need to determine a relative timeline point, and then extend a timeline from this timeline point, that is, Hong Wu’s horn. . . Can it be regarded as a relative timeline point? ! ’

As his mind raced, a bright light suddenly flashed in Du Long's mind, and a possible plan came to mind.

'No! At best, this guy's unicorn is only a talent method. It cannot be compared with the mystery of the timeline point, but it has a very important enlightenment effect on himself! ’

‘There are endless parallel time-spaces within my body. With so many parallel time-spaces being far or near in terms of space, is it possible to establish a time axis in terms of time? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

With hundreds of millions of distractions, Du Long continued to analyze and study while fighting his opponent.

The method of changing the flow of time used by Hong Wu seemed very simple to him, but it was a powerful method that even he himself could not do for the time being.

While analyzing Hongwu's method of controlling the flow of time, and verifying it with his many years of perception and deduction in the colorful time and space of the inheritance space, he gradually gained more and more understanding of the determination of relative time axis points.

‘Timeline point. . . Relative timeline point! The so-called relative means a relatively static point, but time is an illusory existence that is always flowing forward. How can I find a relatively static point in the timeline in the ever-moving river of time? ! ’

‘The guy in front of me obviously uses that unicorn as the axis point, but why can this unicorn become the timeline point? ! Is it because of the opponent's time talent? ! Or does this horn have some unknown secret? ! ’

'The many worlds in my body are based on the Xuantian world of the main Dantian as the core, and then there are the immortal and mortal worlds inside the original clones of billions of cells as branches! ’

‘Then can we use Xuantian World, the main dantian world, as a timeline point, and then extend timelines outward? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

All kinds of ideas kept flashing in Du Long's heart. Although many of them were a bit unreasonable, the truth is that it is in this kind of unconstrained imagination that a truly reasonable and perfect path can be found? !


Just as various thoughts were springing up in Du Long's mind, Hong Wu once again activated his talent to change the flow of time and launched a desperate attack on him.

Feeling that his body's reaction was a beat slower, and under Du Long's undivided attention, the Xuantian World in his body's Dantian suddenly stagnated, and the Eternal Divine Jian in his hand subconsciously stabbed out.


The sharp jade tip that should have been easily avoided by Hong Wu actually penetrated Hong Wu's body like this. The long jade sword penetrated his body and the sharp jade tip emerged directly from his back.

The scene that suddenly appeared, not only Hong Wu who was penetrated by a spear was dumbfounded, but also Du Long, the instigator, was stunned on the spot, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

Perhaps because of the severe pain in his body, Hong Wu woke up from his dazed state first, and subconsciously flew back like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

The sharp point penetrated his back again, and then came out from his chest to bring out the fragments of flesh and blood from his body. Hong Wu himself grunted and retreated crazily.

Du Long, who was in the fighting form with three heads and twenty-four arms, finally came to his senses, but he did not immediately take advantage of the victory to pursue him. Instead, he allowed Hong Wu to retreat, staring at the opponent with a slightly hollow look.

At this moment, Du Long's heart felt like a turbulent wave, and his mind was filled with the scene of the stab just now. Hong Wu could obviously avoid it, but in the end he did not avoid it because his body paused.

‘Timeline point. . . Is this a relative timeline point? ! As the master of the inner world, he is completely able to stop the time in the main Dantian world, and then he can also reflect this time stop on the enemy? ! ’

'I see! The so-called timeline point is actually the time change of the world inside your own body, haha! As the master of the inner world, you can easily create a timeline point in your body, and then easily draw a timeline! ! ’


At the moment when he suddenly figured it out, the Xuantian world in the main Dantian of his body suddenly stopped, and an invisible but real time rule descended on this Xuantian world.

Almost at the same time, a powerful aura burst out from Du Long. Although he did not absorb any energy of heaven and earth in Xuantian's chaotic world, his cultivation was still growing rapidly.

'this. . . Is it the six-dimensional Xuantian world? ! On the surface it looks like nothing has changed, but. . . The rules of time here have changed, although the rules of time are invisible and intangible. . . But he can still make a qualitative transformation in his own strength! ’

Such a thought flashed through his heart, and Du Long's piercing eyes swept around him, and he could see many people looking at him with doubtful eyes.

At this moment, although he had just broken through and reached the six-star realm, when he looked at the strong men of the same level at the scene, he had a strange feeling like a god looking down at ants.

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