Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 308 Hexi Corridor

"No, no, no!" Du Long waved his hands wildly and said as if he was overly frightened: "Qing...Princess Qingwen! I...I, Du Long, am not that kind of person. I will never take advantage of others' danger. What's more! Your Chishui Kingdom has formed a secret alliance with me, and I promise that I will never attack the Chishui Kingdom! You don't have to wrong yourself like this!"

"What if! I don't feel that I have been wronged, and I really want to be your concubine?! Can you accept it?!" Ouyang Qingwen didn't even think about it, and rushed to express her feelings on the spot.

"Well... I am Du Long! Fire Phoenix and Qinglian are enough in this life! I don't dare to have other extravagant wishes!" Du Long could only respond with a wry smile, the expression on his face was serious, and there was no hint of insincerity in his words.

"Husband!" Huo Feng was moved into his arms on the spot and cried with emotion: "How lucky Huo Feng is to meet such a good husband like you in this life! I have decided that as long as you are willing, I will not oppose you. Get one or two more concubines!”


Du Long was irritated by Huofeng's contrasting performance, and choked on his saliva again. He shook his head and patted her soft and boneless arms with a wry smile, and then hugged Xia Qinglian, who was also moved to the side. Into the arms.

"That..." Du Long held a beautiful woman in each hand, raised his head, looked at Ouyang Qingwen and Princess Qingling with a faint look, grinned and said: "Princess Qingwen, you saw it too! I only have Two hands can only hold two people, and there really are no more hands to hold other women!

Even Du Long's heart couldn't hold other women at this moment! Therefore, you. . . There is really no need to wrong yourself! Du Long believes that Princess Qingwen will definitely be able to find a better destination! "

Du Long's words made the two girls in his arms hug him tighter, but the faces of the other two beauties revealed infinite disappointment and envy. In the end, Ouyang Qingwen managed to squeeze out a smile and said: "Haha, Qingwen Got it! I really envy Sister Huofeng and Sister Qinglian! I heard that there was a stupid woman who couldn’t wait to break off her engagement with Lord Du. It’s incredible!”

"I think so too! Hehe, I have to thank that silly woman, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to find such a good husband!" Huofeng replied with a proud smile.

"Haha!" Ouyang Qingwen responded with a stiff smile: "Um...Lord Du Long! Since you don't want to take a little girl as a concubine, can our dark alliance be changed to an open alliance now? !”

"No problem at all! We had not yet broken up with the Blue Moon Empire, so we signed a dark alliance with your country that has more symbolic meaning than actual effect. Now that the war has reached this point, I can use the name of commanding the three armies of the Haotian Empire to Please ask His Majesty the Emperor to sign a formal alliance with your country!" Du Long nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"Great! As long as we can keep the Chishui Kingdom, we are willing to pay tribute to your country every year!" After talking about this issue, Ouyang Qingwen, who was originally a little disappointed, immediately became excited and swept away her previous gloom.

As a result, everyone began to discuss in detail the alliance between the Haotian Empire and the Chishui Kingdom, and even Princess Qingling joined the discussion. After all, the future status of Qingyun Grassland had to be discussed.

. . . . . .

The fifteenth day of the first month of the year 1010 in the star calendar!

The Chishui Kingdom sent an envoy to go north to the Haotian Empire capital to begin negotiations on alliance matters. The general direction had been drawn up long ago, and it was mainly just a formality, and some details were settled by the way.

Just as the Chishui Kingdom envoys were heading north, the war that had been suspended for more than half a month started again!

Du Long, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Haotian Empire and the youngest military god in the Star Continent, issued several general orders one after another and began to mobilize troops. Unsurprisingly, the target was pointed at the area east of Qingyun Grassland!

According to the Nazgul beauty's idea, the first strategic goal to be achieved is to completely bring the vast area north of the Hansi River into the possession of the Haotian Empire, and then use the river as a boundary to slowly find the Blue Moon Empire. Trouble!

On the Qingyun Grassland, Zhongwu, Zhenwei, and Guide each had 200,000 troops, plus 300,000 horses from the grassland people, a total of 900,000 troops, marching east together!

At Yulin Pass, in addition to the 100,000 troops left behind to guard the city, the Jinglin Army, 200,000, and the Dunwu New Army, 300,000, a total of 500,000 troops marched south. The defenders of the Haotian Empire at Yulin Pass took the initiative to attack for the first time. , the target is Haoyue City!

The news that nearly one million troops were marching eastward from the Qingyun Grassland and that the 500,000 troops from Yulin Pass were marching south to Haoyue City soon attracted the attention of the Blue Moon Empire. The Blue Moon Emperor's headquarters ordered the mobilization of the 600,000 troops behind Haoyue City. , plus an army of 400,000 slaves, a total of 1 million troops marched westward to meet the enemy!

As for Haoyue City, 400,000 troops were left behind to deal with the invasion of the two legions from Yulin Pass!

Because the fall of Hansi City exposed the secret of the Haotian Empire's powerful siege weapons, the Blue Moon Empire no longer dared to rely on the danger of Haoyue City to resist the four major coalition forces in the direction of the Qingyun Grassland of the Haotian Empire.

The Blue Moon Empire's response is to take the initiative and no longer defend the city. Once the city is breached, the morale of the military will fluctuate, which will be detrimental to the defenders!

On the contrary, if he takes the initiative to attack, even if Du Long has a sharp weapon that can break through the city wall, it will not be of much use when the large army confronts him!

There is nothing wrong with Blue Moon Empire's arrangement, it can be said to be very reasonable!

It's a pity that they never expected that when they started to mobilize their troops, the Nazgul Beauty analyzed the subtle changes in the intelligence feedback and analyzed that the Blue Moon Empire would respond in this way!

Therefore, Du Long also started to make plans according to the analysis and suggestions of the Nazgul Beauty.

As time passed, the two legions finally faced each other three hundred miles away from the easternmost boundary of Qingyun Grassland. To the north was the branch of the Monster Forest, which was also the forest dividing line between Haotian and the Blue Moon Empire, and to the south was the Hansi River!

Between the mountains and the Hansi River, there is a passage sixty to seventy miles wide, known as the Hexi Corridor. The Hexi Corridor has always been a strategic artery connecting Qingyun Grassland with several states in the east.

But today, this Hexi Corridor has become the site of an important battle between the Haotian Empire and the Blue Moon Empire. Because of this battle, the Hexi Corridor is destined to be familiar to all humans in the Star Continent!

Here, we need to briefly introduce the military strength of the two warring countries. Otherwise, it may seem like the Blue Moon Empire has an endless supply of troops!

Let’s talk about the Blue Moon Empire first. It is called the most powerful empire on the mainland for a reason!

First, all the people in Qingyun Grassland are soldiers (already occupied by Du Long); second, there are tens of millions of slaves (who can be requisitioned and converted into slave armies at any time); third, the fertile land can support a large number of soldiers. ; The fourth one is naturally having more soldiers and more generals!

In the Blue Moon Empire, the army was divided into four war zones. Among them, the northwest Qingyun Grassland War Zone was finished. Now there are still four war zones in the northeast, southeast and southwest!

The main army in each theater, plus the slave army, has over a million people!

In addition to the 600,000 Guards Corps within the central capital of the Blue Moon Empire, and the hundreds of thousands of slave legions, the number of soldiers in the central region has exceeded one million!

The entire Blue Moon Empire has a total of five to six million troops. This is why the Blue Moon Empire is so powerful that the surrounding countries are shocked by it!

As for the Haotian Empire, there are no slave legions, and there is no federal country with great war potential like Qingyun Grassland, only major main legions!

The three major defense zones facing the Blue Moon Empire: Chilong Gorge, Yulin Pass, and Tonghaiguan. Each defense zone has about 200,000 troops plus reserve corps. That is, each defense zone has a strength of about 400,000. The entire defense line has three major defense zones. That’s 1.2 million troops!

The total strength of the three major defense zones is only the strength of one theater of the Blue Moon Empire!

However, relying on three natural defenses, it was able to resist the invasion of the Blue Moon Empire again and again!

In the Haotian Empire, in addition to the three major defense areas, there are 400,000 troops on the border defense line near the Manhu Kingdom in the north, 200,000 legions near the monster forest in the northwest to defend against monster invasion, and a 100,000 navy in the east. And then Royal Guards Regiment 400,000!

In other words, the Haotian Empire only has a total strength of more than two million. Its strength is more than twice that of the Blue Moon Empire, and its war potential is completely inferior to others!

This is why the Haotian Empire has been bullied and invaded, but never dared to fight back!

But not long ago, Du Long successfully conquered the Qingyun Grassland and brought all the grassland people into Haotian's territory. As the strength waxed and waned, the gap in strength narrowed sharply!

The Haotian Empire finally had the courage, and under the leadership of Du Long, launched a full-scale war against the Blue Moon Empire!

In the Hexi Corridor, armies of about one million each faced each other on the east and west sides, with a distance of thirty miles in between, and began to set up camp!

Du Long didn't dare to rely on his power this time, and he didn't dare to set up camp. He could take down his million-strong army with just a thought!

In the handsome tent, above Du Long's high seat, two girls, Huofengqingqinglian, stood behind him. They were also dressed in military uniforms. There was also a sword on the waist. They looked heroic and had a unique temperament!

Old man Du Fengzhong sat aside to listen. Below him sat the four army generals, including Du Zhentian, and some of their most capable staff lieutenants. There were a total of twenty people in the entire command tent!

"I heard! The commander of the three armies on the opposite side is actually Jin Shencheng, the second prince of the Blue Moon Empire?! Haha, there is something good to watch this time!" The Prairie King looked at Du Long with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Hahaha..." After hearing this, everyone at the scene burst into bursts of knowing laughter.

"Second Prince Jin Shencheng?!" Du Long rolled his eyes fiercely and said, "Before he sent people to snatch my two fiancées, I looked at him twice! But now..."

"Hahaha!" Everyone at the scene laughed again. The two beauties standing behind Du Long heroically were blushing to the roots of their necks under the burning gazes of so many generals.

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