Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2897 Suspicious identity

‘City of disillusionment? ! The Churchills? ! ’

Du Long secretly muttered these two passages in his heart, and at the same time, he also entered the mind of the city lord Ouyang Lei through spiritual transmission, indirectly stating that he knew nothing about it and hoped to get an explanation.

Ouyang Lei explained in a sensible voice: 'The City of Disillusionment is also a city close to the ocean, and the Churchill family is indeed a big family in the City of Disillusionment! ’

'oh? ! ’ Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at him intently and continued to transmit the message: ‘Is City Lord Ouyang very close to the Churchill family? ! This Miss Selena. . . ’

'hehe! 'Although he didn't know why Du Long valued Selena so much, Ouyang Lei still chuckled and replied: 'Our Ouyang family and the Churchill family only have very few business contacts. The relationship between the two parties is actually very ordinary, but recently Selena came to the City of Goddess on the order of her family, I heard it was. . . ’

Ouyang Lei roughly told Selena's purpose and how she met his precious daughter.

'I see! ’ Du Long nodded slightly and said, ‘That means. . . This lady named Selina came to the City of Goddess after the battle to defend the city, and then she happened to become a good friend of Miss Rong? ! ’

'exactly! ’

The spiritual communication between the two ended here. Du Long finally got the answer he wanted from Ouyang Lei, and he also had a certain understanding of Selena, a woman who happened to appear in the City of Goddess.

If it is really just a coincidence, how to explain the dangerous aura on the other party? !

The coincidence, the dangerous aura, and her attention to him all indicate that there is an unknown secret behind it. According to Du Long's current understanding, Selina should be the person sent by the Eternal Temple to investigate him.

He never thought that Selina was actually Olin, the daughter of Odins, the Lord of the Soul Palace. She changed her appearance and hid her true aura. After all, no one could expect this kind of accidental thing.

But regardless of whether Selena's true identity is known or not, she is not much different from the threat to Du Long, and Du Long also needs to be alert to guard against this suspicious woman in front of him!

Until the end of the banquet, Olin did not take the initiative to find Du Long. She did not want to scare the snake away so as not to scare him away.

But Olin didn't expect it anyway. Just by looking at Du Long twice at the banquet, she was already alerting the enemy!

In the city lord's palace, Du Long still lives in the elegant courtyard where he lived before.

In addition to reading various classics every day, he spends time in seclusion to comprehend and practice. No one knows what his plans are next, and the City Lord's Mansion is willing to support him, a powerful person in the God Emperor realm.

First, he helped the Ouyang family defend the City of the Goddess, and then helped the Ouyang family cultivate an emperor-level disciple. Du Long could be regarded as a mountain of kindness to the Ouyang family!

Every once in a while, Ouyang Hong would come to visit. Although he did not express the master-disciple gift, he was still respectful.

Du Long accepted this readily and did not show any impatience. He also answered all Ouyang Hong's questions about his cultivation.

Time kept passing by day by day, and Du Long seemed to be living in the city lord's mansion calmly, but in fact he never forgot to investigate every move of 'Selena'.

Olin, on the other hand, has been living in the city lord's mansion since he came out of the inheritance land. In addition to staying with Ouyang Rong every day, he occasionally leaves the mansion to run some industries in various parts of the city.

Olin never met Wu Ci again. The two only exchanged a few words in secret through their spiritual consciousness. They did not dare to meet under Du Long's nose, lest all their efforts would be wasted if they were discovered.

There is no magic weapon that can change the appearance and soul breath in the hands of Wu Ci. It is estimated that the magic weapon is too low-level to hide Du Long's detection. Only by hiding in the big hotel and using the hotel's magic circle to protect the privacy of guests can Du Long be shielded. Exploration of spiritual consciousness.

"Sister Rong'er! Does Senior Du Long stay in the other courtyard where he lives every day?! Why doesn't he go out for a walk?!" Olin pretended to be natural after chatting with Ouyang Rong for a long time. asked this sentence.

In the other courtyard where Du Long lived, there was also a magic circle that could shield the detection of spiritual consciousness. At most, Olin could only detect that Du Long had not left the house, but she was completely unaware of his every move in the other courtyard.

Shielding arrays like this are installed in many slightly larger mansions. After all, this is a world of cultivation. Unless there is no other way, who wants their privacy to be explored at will? !

"Who knows what that guy thinks?!" Ouyang Rong replied angrily: "Huh! Ever since I met that guy, I've known that he is a weirdo with an extremely weird temper!"

It could be heard from her tone that the daughter of the city lord still had her resentment towards Du Long, and she had never regarded him as a senior.

"Haha!" Olin covered her mouth and chuckled: "No matter what, I am also a great benefactor of the City of Goddess. Sister Rong'er should also respect Senior Du Long!"

"Hmph! If that were not the case, I would have kicked him out of the City Lord's Mansion long ago. How would he be qualified to live in the City Lord's Mansion for a long time?!" Ouyang Rong snorted unhappily again.

"Okay!" Olin obviously didn't want to waste time with her anymore, and directly brought the topic back to the topic: "Well...it seems that only Brother Hong often comes in and out of Senior Du Long's yard, and he doesn't know about Brother Hong either. Do you plan to keep Senior Du Long in the mansion forever?!"

"Impossible!" Ouyang Rong shook his head and denied without thinking: "Even if our city lord's palace wants to keep him, that guy probably won't live here forever!"

"How do you say this?!" Olin's expression moved slightly, but she tried to act as naturally as possible: "Why doesn't he always live in the City Lord's Mansion?! After all... The conditions in the City Lord's Mansion are better than those in that remote mountain village. It’s countless times better!”

"After your cultivation reaches the realm of the God Emperor, what's the use of even the best living conditions?!" Ouyang Rong said disapprovingly: "According to the conventions of our world, if that guy wants to take his cultivation to a higher level, he has to Let’s go to the Eternal Temple to find opportunities!”

"Eternal Temple!" Olin's expression tightened, and then she changed the subject and said, "That...Sister Rong'er! Can we go over and pay homage to Senior Du Long?!"

"Meet him?!" Ouyang Rong jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and then looked at Olin strangely as if he thought of something and said: "Selena! You can't really treat him..." ."

"No, absolutely not!" Olin hurriedly waved her hands and assured her before she could finish her words: "I just... want to know what the seniors in the God Emperor Realm would do if they locked themselves in a small courtyard every day. That’s it!”

"Tch!" Ouyang Rong obviously didn't believe her explanation, and he was very sure that she was making excuses for herself: "It would be weird if she didn't! But... we can be considered sisters, so I'll take you with me. Come and take a look around!”

Perhaps because the origin of the soul was somewhat influenced by Olin, Ouyang Rong was unable to have the idea of ​​​​rejecting in the end, and could only reluctantly agree.

The two women walked hand in hand to the other courtyard where Du Long lived. Aolin had a faint smile on her lips. No one knew why she wanted to see Du Long.

Du Long hasn't been seen for such a long time. Although Ouyang Hong comes in and out of the courtyard from time to time, no one can guarantee whether Ouyang Hong will get Du Long's instruction? !

For example, if Ouyang Hong took Du Long into the cave world and took him away from the other courtyard, Olin would only stare.

It was precisely because of this worry that Olin wanted Ouyang Rong to take her to see it with her own eyes, otherwise she would definitely feel uneasy.

Even if it might arouse Du Long's vigilance or even alert him, she could only admit it.

When the two girls came to the gate of the courtyard where Du Long lived, they could see that there were no guards at the gate of the courtyard, and even the door was open.

Most people in the entire city lord's mansion knew that the courtyard in front of them was the residence of the God Emperor. There was no need to arrange any guards at the door, and no one dared to enter the courtyard casually.

And this is now convenient for the two girls. For Ouyang Rong, there is no courtyard in the entire city lord's mansion that she dare not enter, so she walked in with Olin like this.

After passing through the gate of the other courtyard, the magic circle that shielded the outside world from detection immediately failed, and Olin immediately detected Du Long sitting in the small garden of the other courtyard, holding a classic in his hand. Reading through it slowly.

He was not moved at all when he discovered that the two girls had entered the other courtyard, and continued to read the books in his hands without raising his head, as if he did not know that anyone had entered.

Ouyang Rong led Olin all the way to the small garden. The arrogance on her face gradually weakened, and in the end turned into a trace of fear.

No matter how pampered she is, no matter how much she doesn't take Du Long to heart behind her back, when she really faces this powerful God Emperor Realm expert, she can't help but feel panic and uneasiness in her heart.

"Du... Long!" When Ouyang Rong came to Du Long, her inner self-esteem finally made her unable to let go, and she actually called him by his first name: "I... I brought Sister Selena to see you. !”

Even if he calls him by his first name, Ouyang Rong's tone still contains a trace of vibrato, which clearly reveals his true inner emotions.

Du Long finally looked away from the book, but he once again ignored Ouyang Rong's existence, and looked at Olin with a slightly scrutinizing gaze.

"Selena has met Senior Du Long!" Compared to Ouyang Rong's unbearable performance, Olin behaved neither arrogantly nor humblely, without the awe of a weakling at the lower level when facing a strong one at the upper level.

After all, she is a strong person who has reached Xuantian's six-star realm. Her basic strength is two levels higher than Du Long. How can she be as unbearable as Ouyang Rong? !

Her performance fell into Du Long's eyes and further confirmed her suspicion, but Du Long did not show any abnormality, just nodded calmly and said: "What do you two do to come to me? !”

Ouyang Rong didn't know how to answer for a while, but Olin beside him took over the conversation with a smile: "We have wanted to come to visit Senior Du Long for a long time, but we have never found a suitable opportunity. Today we have the audacity to visit Hope. Senior won’t be offended!”

"Well! Now that we've met, if you have nothing else to do, please come back!" Du Long waved his hand rudely and directly issued an order to expel the guest.

Both women were stunned, obviously not expecting that he would issue an eviction order so directly. This was almost like a slap in the face on the spot.

"Hmph! Sister Olina, let's go! I just said there's no need to come to see this annoying guy, right?!" Ouyang Rong, who had only been in front of Du Long a few times since he was a child, couldn't help turning around anymore. He held Orin's hand and wanted to leave.

As if Du Long didn't see her reaction, he continued to turn his gaze to the book in his hand. It seemed that the book in front of him was more attractive than the two beauties.

His performance angered Ouyang Rong even more. Under her full force, Ouyang Rong had no choice but to follow him out of the other courtyard. This visit to see him ended just as it began.

Olin was not too disappointed. After all, she had accomplished her goal of the trip, which was to confirm that Du Long himself was indeed still staying in the other courtyard and had not left.

In the courtyard, after the two girls walked out of the gate, Du Long looked up from the book and looked at the two beautiful figures outside the courtyard, watching the two girls leave slowly.

‘Are you afraid that you will leave the City Lord’s Mansion secretly? ! Finally couldn't help but come to the door to confirm whether you are still here? ! ’ Du Long thought secretly in his heart: ‘This is enough to explain. . . The woman named Selena didn't come to the City of Goddess by chance! ’

‘If she dares to cause trouble for herself, this woman is at least a strong person who has reached the realm of the God-Emperor. If she really comes from the Eternal Temple, why doesn’t she dare to investigate her identity openly? ! ’

'Could it be that. . . Is she planning to snatch the eternal god in her hands? ! Not just want to investigate your own identity? ! ’

‘Knowing that she once killed a powerful emperor-level dragon and sea beast with one blow, she still dared to take advantage of the eternal god in her hands. Unless this woman has a strength of six stars or above! ’

‘A strong man from the Eternal Temple with a strength of six stars or above would put down his body and lurk in the City of the Goddess for a long time for a mere piece of Eternal Divine Weapon, which is not too high-level, and would also use all possible means to sneak into the city lord’s palace? ! ’

'wrong! Logically speaking, if the other party is really a five- to six-star powerful person in the Eternal Temple, she shouldn't go to such lengths. She should have countless ways to deal with herself! ’

'Could it be that. . . Isn’t she an emperor-level expert from the Eternal Temple? ! But if you are not from the Eternal Temple. . . Where will it come from? . . etc! Is she the same as myself? . . ’

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