Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2895 Prepare for breakthrough

In the small hall, Du Long sat cross-legged quietly, staring blankly at the nine creation pictures on the wall.

From the destruction of the immortal world, to the creation of the prototype of a new world, to the complete birth of an incomparably perfect world.

‘This is a set of creation techniques that have almost reached eternal perfection, and because of this it can only be carved on the wall in the form of simple patterns! ’

‘A nearly eternally perfect world. . . Whether it is the understanding of various mysteries of heaven or the establishment of the world, they all vaguely follow a natural way of heaven. ’

‘These nine pictures point out a clear path for Xuantian’s creation within the body, but they are only a path to eternal perfection. There should be many, many paths to eternal perfection in the world. . . ’

‘Obviously, the Xuantian creation path guided by the set of exercises in front of me is not suitable for the creation path taken by my current avatar. After all, my avatar has already embarked on the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation! ’

'But even if the two are not the same, they still have some things in common, for example. . . The mystery of time and space contained in this set of creation techniques in front of us are some of the rudiments of multidimensional time and space! ’

‘The prototype of multidimensional space-time. . . Multidimensional time and space should exist in most naturally born worlds, and the creation technique in front of us points directly to eternity, so it naturally contains the mystery of multidimensional time and space. ’

‘. . . . . . ’

With hundreds of millions of distractions, Du Long continued to find out the mysterious rudiments of multi-dimensional time and space contained in the nine creation diagrams by peeling off the cocoons, and then integrated them with his own multi-dimensional time and space creation path.

As time went by, he discovered that the multi-dimensional mysteries of time and space contained in the nine creation diagrams in front of him seemed simple, but in fact were intricate and intricate. The more he studied, the more unfathomable he felt.

Not only did this discovery not make him feel depressed, but he felt that his blood was boiling. He vaguely felt that he had found a key piece of information about the creation of multi-dimensional time and space.

This feeling is very mysterious and can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. With such an excited mood, Du Long began to practice along this path.

Ten years, a hundred years. . . Thousands of years, ten thousand years. . .

Accelerated by a million times of time, Du Long spent tens of thousands of years there, constantly peeling off threads and cocoons to deeply study the multi-dimensional mysteries of time and space in the nine creation diagrams.

With hundreds of millions of distractions, he was like a supercomputer with billions of cores, thoroughly studying the multidimensional mysteries of space and time contained in the nine creation diagrams.


On this day, Du Long finally woke up from his hard work. After exhaling a sigh of relief as he had become accustomed to, he silently raised his head and looked at the nine creation pictures on the wall.

"Who are these nine creation pictures left by someone?! It obviously does not follow the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation, but the multi-dimensional space-time mystery contained in the creation process is so mysterious?!"

"It can be seen from these nine creation pictures alone that the person who carved these nine creation pictures is definitely an extremely powerful being. At the very least, he is absolutely unable to draw them with his own strength!"

"After years of unraveling, my understanding of the mystery of multidimensional time and space has reached a new level, but this level is not a quantitative change, but a qualitative leap!"

"I can vaguely feel that I am still short of the final step, and I will be able to fully understand how to break through and reach the most perfect five-dimensional time and space. At that time, the Xuantian world in my body will be able to advance to another level and upgrade to Xuantian." The five-star realm of creation!”

"The creation of the four-dimensional Xuantian is to open up a large number of parallel time and space in the Dantian world. Parallel times and spaces can only be connected to each other through space, while the creation of the five-dimensional Xuantian should be to establish a connection between all parallel time and spaces based on time. , Xuantian world with multiple interconnected spaces!”


Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Du Long murmured these words. After practicing hard in seclusion here for more than three million years, he finally found a way to break through and reach the five-star realm.

However, he only found the direction to break through. He really wanted to break through, but he still lacked the final kick.

This last kick may break through at any time and at any time, or it may take endless years to fail to break through. No one can say when a key bottleneck like this will be broken through.

As a monk who has cultivated from an ordinary person to the great God of Xuantian, Du Long knows very well that bottlenecks like this are often very difficult to break through by immersing himself in hard work. This is why he got out of the state of hard work.

"Eh?! Is that kid finally standing on the last step?!" After reviewing various insights, Du Long finally turned his attention to Ouyang Hong who was on the body-forging inheritance channel.

"He hasn't removed the burden yet?! This guy has some potential! He is indeed the person selected by the Ouyang family to accept the inheritance of the Emperor Realm. His cultivation talent is pretty good!"


Now that he had accomplished his goal of coming here, Du Long didn't want to sit in the small hall anymore and appeared on the platform in front of Ouyang Hong in a flash.

"Du...Senior Du Long!" Standing on the last step, Ouyang Hong saw Du Long suddenly appearing in front of him, and hurriedly gritted his teeth and saluted respectfully.

"Yeah!" Du Long nodded slightly, and then continued: "Why don't you take off the weight on your body?!"

"I... I want to wait until my body reaches its endurance limit, and then... remove the weight from my body!" Ouyang Hong said this word for word with great difficulty.

You could see that the muscles all over his body were trembling slightly when he said these words, and he was sweating profusely, which was enough to tell that he was under great pressure.

"You can take off the weight on your body!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "After taking off the weight, continue to practice boxing on the steps. I believe that when you can perform a complete set of boxing techniques on the last step, your physical body will It should also meet the minimum requirements for promotion to the Imperial Realm!"

"Okay!" After a slight hesitation, Ouyang Hong finally accepted Du Long's proposal and put away the heavy armor with a slight sway of his body.

After removing the weight from his body, Ouyang Hong felt relaxed and no longer struggled to speak as before.

Immediately afterwards, he began to practice a set of fist and palm techniques in front of Du Long, each move was extremely slow.

"Very good! Remember! When you can practice the boxing technique at normal speed on this level, it means that you have completely strengthened your physical body to the requirements for promotion to the Emperor Realm!" Du Long smiled faintly, and then waved his hand. Throwing a futon on the ground, he sat cross-legged on the small platform and started practicing with his eyes closed.

Ouyang Hong continued to practice his fist and palm skills on the last step. Occasionally he looked at Du Long with a trace of doubt in his eyes. After holding back for a long time, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Du... Senior! You Why don’t you continue to stay inside that palace?!”

"It's no longer necessary!" Du Long replied calmly: "I have already studied the method of advancing to the Emperor Realm here. As long as you can complete the last body-forging inheritance test, I can help you break through and reach the God Emperor Realm!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention!

Du Long's words made Ouyang Hong feel excited. Compared with the creatures in their world, being able to break through and reach the realm of the God Emperor is the highest wish of all creatures in their lifetime.

Any living being in this world, when they know that they have a great chance of breaking through and reaching the realm of the God-Emperor, I believe they will be as pleasantly surprised as Ouyang Hong!

"Senior Du! Regardless of whether you can help me break through and reach the realm of the God-Emperor, I hope you can... I will join your sect. I wonder if Senior is willing to accept me as a disciple?!" After Ouyang Hong regained his senses, he immediately couldn't bear it. Just open your mouth and make such a request.

"I won't accept you as a disciple!" Du Long shook his head and refused: "Because I won't stay in the City of Goddess for too long. As long as I help you successfully break through and reach the realm of the God Emperor, it's almost time for me to leave. Got it!"

The look of anticipation on Ouyang Hong's face was instantly replaced by disappointment. He lowered his head in despair and thought for a moment. Finally, when he looked up at Du Long again, only determination remained in his eyes.

"Senior! No matter whether you accept me as your disciple or not, in my heart you will be my forever master, Ouyang Hong!" Ouyang Hong said word by word: "In the future, no matter where my master needs my help, I will definitely help him." Do your best!"

Faced with his solemn promise, although Du Long was a little moved in his heart, he did not open his mouth to change his mind.

Once his true identity is leaked, regardless of whether Ouyang Hong still has the courage to help him, Du Long does not want to implicate the innocent Ouyang Hong because of his master-disciple relationship.

"What you think in your heart is your own business!" Du Long said with a serious expression as he thought in his mind: "But I don't allow you to say that I am your master in front of anyone!"

His words were a bit heartless, leaving Ouyang Hong unable to say a word for a long time. In the end, he could only nod his head with aggrieved face to express respect for his decision.

After this, the two of them stopped talking. One sat there and practiced quietly, while the other stood on the steps and continued to perform fist and palm techniques.

Perhaps because of the anger in his heart, Ouyang Hong also became very hard when practicing fist techniques. He seemed to be about to vent the anger in his heart into his practice.

Du Long didn't say a word about this, but continued to sit cross-legged and practice with his eyes closed, sinking his mind into the world of the main Dantian, and carefully studying the layers of parallel time and space.

Regardless of whether he is just one final step away from a breakthrough, it is definitely not a mistake to make more preparations before the breakthrough. This is the saying that sharpening the knife will not make mistakes in chopping firewood.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years passed quietly between the fingers. On this day, Ouyang Hong was finally able to perform the entire fist and palm technique at normal speed on the last step.


After observing for many days, Du Long slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath: "Okay! Your physical body has been trained to the point where you are almost ready. Now follow me into the palace to break through and reach the realm of the God Emperor!"

"Yes! Senior!"

Ouyang Hong bowed respectfully, rushed up to the small platform with an excited but complicated expression, and then followed Du Long into the small palace.

"You have been here before, so you must have studied these pictures and texts thoroughly, right?!" Du Long pointed at the creation pictures on the wall.

"Yes!" Ouyang Hong replied hurriedly: "I have studied them all!"

"Very good!" Du Long nodded with satisfaction: "In this case, we can save a lot of time, and now we can study and discuss these nine pictures. I want to know your understanding and understanding of these nine pictures. view!"

"Yes! I think these nine pictures are..." Ouyang Hong immediately explained his understanding of the nine pictures in detail. In order to make Du Long understand his true situation, he explained it in great detail. .

After he told all his opinions, Du Long started to explain his understanding, especially the differences from Ouyang Hong's understanding in great detail.

After listening to Du Long's explanation, Ouyang Hong's eyes became very bright. It was obviously the first time for him to hear such profound cultivation knowledge. You must know that Du Long combined a large amount of information from the outside world to finally form such an opinion. .

Ouyang Hong then raised all the doubts in his mind, and Du Long helped him answer them one by one until he had no doubts at all.

"Okay!" Seeing that Ouyang Hong no longer had any questions, Du Long concluded: "The most important reason why you were unable to break through and reach the imperial realm before is that you have not even passed the body-forging inheritance!"

"For the creation of the world within the body, the strength of the physical body is the foundation. If the foundation does not meet the requirements and a forced breakthrough is made, the only end result will be that the physical body will burst and the spirit and form will be destroyed!"

"You felt the danger and quit when you were just about to break through. This was a very wise choice. Now that your physical strength has reached the required level, you can naturally follow the breakthrough technique to break through and reach the realm of the God Emperor step by step!"

"Thank you for your advice, senior!" Ouyang Hong bowed sincerely: "Will this junior start to break through to the God Emperor realm now?!"

"Okay! I'll be on the side to protect you. Don't worry. If there is danger, I will help you. But you must remember that the process of the immortal world being destroyed and re-established will be painful and difficult. This can only be done by You can carry it yourself!" Du Long nodded in agreement and added at the same time.

In this way, Ouyang Hong finally began to prepare for the retreat to break through to the God Emperor realm, while Du Long sat quietly and distracted while practicing, and was always paying attention to Ouyang Hong's condition.


As Ouyang Hong entered a state of breakthrough, the originally normal energy of heaven and earth began to boil, and a large amount of energy of heaven and earth began to pour into the seemingly ordinary small palace.

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