Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 305: Defeating Hans Easily

Under the attention of countless forces in the Star Continent, the four major army's millions of coalition troops surrounded Hansi City in a half-moon shape. Only the south of the city was not surrounded because it was close to the Hansi River!

Many people originally thought that the Battle of Hansi City would definitely be a protracted battle!

After all, at this moment, the natural Hansi City is in the hands of the Blue Moon Empire. As the attacker, the Haotian Empire has organized an army of millions, but if it wants to capture Hansi City, which is garrisoned by more than 200,000 troops, At least it will take a lot of time and money to do it!

It's a pity that Du Long's performance is destined to once again shock the jaws of all forces in the continent!

First of all, before attacking a city, the attacker must first set up camp outside the city to prepare for a protracted war. This is the most basic element in the training courses of various universities in the mainland.

But Du Long did the opposite and announced on the day the army besieged the city that there was no need to set up camp to avoid wasting time and energy!

Then, he directly ordered the entire army to prepare for an attack. An army of one million people actually formed an attack formation without even setting up a camp? !

Two miles northwest of Hansi City, Du Long, under the gaze of countless enemies and enemies, waved his hand to take out a dozen rectangular metal boxes from the space ring. Then, with the help of hundreds of soldiers, he began to play with these rectangular boxes. metal box.

These hundreds of soldiers were transferred in advance from the secret base of Heixuan Iron Mountain. They also brought a dozen strange-looking chariots. On the way to Hansi City before, many people saw such weird tanks at first. Even the chariots didn't know their purpose, and now they were finally going to find out.

Obviously, these hundreds of soldiers were very familiar with the functions of rectangular metal boxes. It didn't take long to install all the metal boxes properly, and then with Du Long's approval, they began to adjust the tilt angle of the metal boxes!

With the beauty of the Nazgul, this angle can naturally save the step of wasting ammunition and testing, and you can shoot directly, and the error will be controlled very small!

When the last square metal box was adjusted to its angle and fixed, Du Long secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to look at these treasures with bright eyes. Their terrifying destructive power had long been proven by experiments. Just need a practical test!

"Open the protective cover!" Du Long ordered in front of everyone.

Soon, the protective covers of a dozen metal boxes pointed at the distance were lifted, revealing a large number of dark round holes inside!

"Prepare torches!" Du Long ordered again.

Soon, a dozen torches soaked in kerosene were lit. The soldiers holding the torches looked at Du Long with excitement, waiting for his next order.

"There is no need to calibrate the angle, just shoot out all the ammunition!" Finally, Du Long gave the final attack command excitedly. Under the gaze of many people in confusion, ten torches ignited the fuse behind the metal box almost at the same time. So!

Chi. . . Chi. . .

The scene was filled with blue-white gunpowder smoke, and the fuse was glowing and burning inwards. Soon, under the shocked gazes of countless pairs of eyes, dozens of square metal boxes with round holes were shooting out streaks of fire one after another. He shot away towards Hansi City in the distance.

Choo Choo Choo. . .

A thought suddenly popped up in everyone's mind. Could it be that the young military god who was so famous in the mainland wanted to use fireworks to destroy the city? !

However, their guesses were quickly shattered by the reality in front of them. Firelights shot out, all concentrated on similar points. Although there was some error, it was not too big!

boom. . . boom. . . Rumble. . .

In the direction of Hansi City, loud rumblings were heard one after another, and the entire Hansi City shook violently in the loud noise. The city gate, which was mainly cared for by these flame bombs, suffered more than a dozen frontal bombardments and finally became unbearable. The heavy burden collapsed in the smoke and dust!

At this time, streaks of fire continued to shoot out from the square metal box, heading straight towards Hansi City in the distance and continuing to blast away. This continued for a long time before stopping.

Outside Hansi City, millions of soldiers from the four major coalition forces of the Haotian Empire were all dumbfounded. For a moment, they forgot what they were doing here.

After the smoke and dust cleared, in the northwest direction of Hansi City, not only the city gate was blown away, but also the city wall was blown down in a violent explosion, with a length of hundreds of meters!

On the city wall, with the explosion point as the center, no defenders could be seen within a thousand meters to the left and right. They were either stunned, knocked down under the city wall, or blown to pieces by being hit on the spot!

"My order!" Du Longmo shouted with all his strength: "For a frontal assault, we must capture Hansi City before dark! Otherwise, no one will have dinner tonight! Once Hansi City is captured, today Let’s have a big banquet in the evening to reward the three armies!”


Under Du Long's angry orders, the four major coalition forces, who finally came to their senses, waved their weapons and rushed towards the large gap of more than 100 meters in Hansi City!

It wasn't until the four major coalition forces were about to rush to the gap that the defenders in Hans City were stunned by the bombing and realized that they organized a limited defense line to prevent the coalition forces from rushing into Hans City!

Unfortunately, the defenders of the Blue Moon Empire, who had lost the natural protection of the city, were no match for this group of wolf-like coalition forces. They almost collapsed at the first touch and were completely defeated in an instant. The city was full of Blue Moon Empire soldiers fleeing in all directions.

These soldiers of the Blue Moon Empire all understand that if they want to survive, they must run to the port in the city. Only after boarding the ship can they escape to the south bank of the Hans River, which is the land of the Blue Moon Empire. Only then can there be safety. Word.

As a result, a great escape from the northwest city gate to the southeast port began. The soldiers of the Blue Moon Empire who lost the dangerous pass of the city wall no longer had any intention of resisting.

Pu Zhongyong, the defender of Hansi City, took the lead in taking his personal guards on the warship and rowed straight to the south bank of the Hansi River. At this time, he was extremely shocked. The reason was not because of the defeat, but because of his defeat. I saw a familiar guy and finally learned an amazing secret!

That is, he finally saw the legendary leader of the three young wizards in the mainland - Du Long on the city wall!

As a result, they were horrified and inexplicable to discover that Du Long, the so-called leader of the three young prodigies in the mainland, was actually Mu Jiu, who appeared briefly in the Blue Moon Empire, the murderer who killed the sixth prince and his own nephew Pu Junjie!

He finally understood why the guy named Mu Jiu, after he killed people in the Blue Moon Empire and showed his face in the Chishui Kingdom, could no longer be found!

Pu Zhongyong finally found a good excuse to atone for his abandonment of Hans City, and that was the secret identity of Mu Jiu and Du Long!

Even the generals were scrambling to escape. How could the defenders in Hans City still have any fighting spirit? Some surrendered and some fled. Within one day, Hans City fell. This major event spread throughout the world again, making all countries panic. Look sideways!

Weapons that can restrain city walls finally appeared in Star Continent. Emperors of various countries have issued strict orders. No matter how much it costs, they must find a way to get samples of this weapon!

Whether it was bought, stolen, or robbed, at any cost!

Unfortunately, Du Long had long realized that this weapon would seriously affect the strategic balance of the countries in the Star Continent, so he asked Ou Yezi to secretly produce a batch and then seal up all the blueprints and core production technologies.

Moreover, this kind of ammunition that can be fired has been improved by the beauty of the Nazgul. Even Ou Yezi does not know the formula of the ammunition. Even if he leaks this technology, other forces can only produce fireworks with average power at best. !

In short, no matter how concerned all parties were about this weapon that could directly knock down the city wall, Du Long personally led the four legions to successfully enter Hansi City. He fulfilled his promise that night and rewarded the three armies with a feast!

At this point, the thousands of miles of fertile land in the Qingyun Grassland north of the Hansi River no longer belongs to the Blue Moon Empire, and is directly integrated into the territory of the Haotian Empire!

Haotian Empire, Royal Palace!

After receiving the news, the new and old emperors were both excited and a little unbelievable!

"Alas! Old man, I still underestimated this brat from the Du family! I originally thought that it would take at least a month or two for him to conquer the Qingyun Grassland, and that was only if he used a powerful legion of monsters! But..." Emperor Jing shook his head and sighed.

"But! He didn't even mobilize the powerful Monster Legion. Actually... With the Zhongwu Legion's mere 200,000 defenders, he first recruited the Zhenwei Legion, then recruited the Slave Legion without any blood, and then directly Let the Prairie King's 300,000 elite cavalry turn their guns! And also trap the two main legions of the Pu family, Ningyuan and Zhaowu of the Blue Moon Empire, in Chilong Gorge!" the new emperor added with excitement.

"Also, Pu Zhongyi lost a lot of rice by stealing a chicken, and lost hundreds of thousands of infantry in Hassam City, and fled in panic! It took two days to clear out tens of thousands of enemy soldiers in Chilong Gorge. After the army, the army arrived at Hansi City, but they didn't even set up camp and captured Hansi City on the same day!" The old emperor continued to add.

"Father! Can you tell me whether this brat born to the Du family is still a normal human being?!" The expression on the new emperor's face looked very strange, whether he was happy or worried.

"Regardless of whether he is a normal human being or not, old man, I can still see that this kid is not rebellious by nature. Therefore, don't suppress him. Instead, support him with your broad mind and all your strength! I believe that in the near future, A new great empire will be born in his hands!" the old emperor replied in a deep voice.

After the secret talk between the old and new emperors, in the court hall that day, the new emperor praised Du Long, who was in charge of the Golden Dragon Order, in front of all the civil and military officials, praising him as indeed worthy of being the youngest military god in the mainland!

And with the decree, Du Long was promoted to another level of military rank, and Du Long immediately transformed into a second-grade Cavalry General, which is the same level as his father Du Zhentian!

The emperor ordered that Du Long still command the three armies in a full-scale war against the Blue Moon Empire, and agreed to his various requests for support, and generously rewarded the meritorious ministers.

Among them, Du Zhenhai, the fourth oldest member of the Du family, finally broke through his shackles and was promoted to the second-grade Zhenwei General, officially becoming the commander-in-chief of the Zhenwei Legion. He who might have never been able to take this step in his life, finally took the position of the commander-in-chief of the legion!

As for the slave legion, according to Du Long's wishes, Kang Tuo temporarily took over the post of legion commander. His personal charm and leadership experience vaguely resembled that of a general. It was he who persuaded the slave legion to surrender and officially became part of the empire. In the formation of the legion, it is normal for him to temporarily take over the position of general.

Therefore, the emperor not only agreed to Du Long's request, but also generously gave the slave army a name - the Guide Army!

The implication is that the suffering slaves of the Blue Moon Empire surrendered to Haotian, a virtuous empire, and from then on became official soldiers of the Haotian Empire, broke away from their slave status, and had official citizenship of the Haotian Empire!

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