Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2875 Goddess Temple

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

A ray of golden light continued to fly forward in the void, and in the blink of an eye, Du Long had been wandering around this boundless prehistoric battlefield ruins for several years.


At this moment, a huge and dazzling light flashed from the void beside him, followed by a zigzag of lightning that suddenly flashed past him.

Feeling the threat of imminent death, Du Long subconsciously dodged away from the bright light, and a chill surged directly from the bottom of his heart to his forehead.

Over the years, this was not the first time he had encountered a similar encounter. Especially the first time, he almost lost his life. A similar bright light opened a horrific wound on his body that almost cut him in half.

Fortunately, this was only physical damage. As a four-star peak expert, he could repair it quickly, but he did not take it lightly.

Because, at the beginning, he was only scratched by the edge of the light and suffered such serious injuries. Once he was completely enveloped by that light, I am afraid that not even a bit of dregs would be left, right? !

After fortunately dodging the bombardment of this ray of light, Du Long continued to fly forward cautiously in the direction he chose. He did not stop his progress because of a dangerous encounter.

No matter how dangerous the inside of this prehistoric battlefield relic is, he will always continue to explore all the way forward. He can't be so frightened that he hides in one position forever just because of the danger, right? !


Not long after he had been walking along the road, there were bursts of whistling sounds that sounded like ghosts whimpering in his ears, which immediately made his already highly nervous mood sink.

He hurriedly stopped moving forward, and then listened carefully to which direction the whimpering sound was coming from. Then Du Long twisted around and changed direction to avoid the direction where the whimpering sound was coming from.

Places that can emit terrible whimpering sounds often have a large and terrifying storm. Such storms are invisible and have no quality, but they can only be discovered in advance by relying on the whimpering sound.

Once caught in the consequences, it will be completely dissolved at an extremely terrifying speed, and both the physical body and the origin of the soul will be completely extinct!

Du Long did not do any homework before coming in. He basically had a serious understanding of the various dangers inside the prehistoric battlefield ruins. Naturally, he also knew that this terrible storm actually had a name - eternity. The wind of death!

After circling far away, until he could no longer hear the whistling of the wind in his ears, he re-adjusted his flight direction and continued to fly in the direction he chose.

According to the information he got, if he didn't want to get lost in this endless prehistoric battlefield ruins, the best way was to choose a certain direction and then keep moving in that direction.

"The stable time and space is far beyond the Bodhi World. To reach this point, it should at least be a world of eternal perfection, right?!"

"After all, Master Bodhi is the creator god at the peak of nine stars. The Bodhi world he created has already reached a world that is infinitely close to the level of eternal perfection!"

"But even the time and space of the Bodhi World is not as stable as the prehistoric battlefield ruins in front of us. It is enough to see that this should be a world space that once reached eternal perfection!"

"Here, I am a four-star peak god, but I can't even teleport?!"

"The time and space at the eternal perfection level. The mystery of time and space here should have reached the level of eternal perfection, but my understanding of the mystery of time and space is still far from eternal perfection!"

"It is precisely because of this that I cannot teleport within this eternal and perfect time and space?!"

"In addition, the coverage of my divine consciousness is also greatly suppressed. I can only cover a distance of about four light years at most!"

"Four light years seems very far away, but in this boundless time and space, it is as small as a drop in the ocean!"

"Wait a minute! My strength has reached the peak of four stars, so my spiritual consciousness can only cover a range of about four light years. Can I understand it this way... Those monks who have reached the peak of five stars will have their spiritual consciousness covering a range of five About light years?!”

"It seems that we have to be more careful on the next journey. If enemies in the five to six-star realm discover their whereabouts in advance, I'm afraid there will be trouble!"


Du Long, who was capable of hundreds of millions of distractions at the same time, only divided his mind into a dozen or so to be responsible for tasks such as rushing on the road, and a small part of his mind was there to study his current situation.

As for most of the other minds, they have entered a state of hard work. In this seemingly eternal and perfect time and space, if you don't take the opportunity to work hard to understand the various mysteries of heaven here, then it is simply a fool's act to waste all natural resources!

"My current movement speed can reach a speed of nearly one light-year per moment when exploded at full strength. It seems that this seemingly eternal space-time does not have a particularly big limit on the speed of movement!"

"On the contrary, there seems to be no limit on the speed of movement here. As long as you are strong enough, the speed of movement can be increased infinitely?!"


Du Long continued to think wildly over there, but in fact it could not be regarded as random thoughts. He was conducting various deductive studies under certain conditions through various phenomena currently observed!

"Huh?! There is a huge land in front of you. There seem to be three stars orbiting it in the sky above that land. It seems that a natural ecological balance suitable for life has been formed on the land?!"

Stopping and walking along the way, this day he finally found a huge piece of land in front of him. It was such a piece of land suspended in the void, and there were actually three stars suspended above the land.

You can see that the three stars are orbiting the land, but they are not orbiting from top to bottom, but are circling directly above the land.

Because the land area is so large, the three stars can only shine on a small part of it. This cycle will eventually form an ecological balance.

"Go and investigate!"

After finally discovering an oasis in this dead void, Du Long naturally wouldn't miss it just like that. He twisted his body and changed the direction slightly before flying towards the huge piece of land.

He can achieve a terrifying speed of one light-year per second when he explodes with all his strength, but he does not dare to explode with all his strength now. He must always be on guard against all kinds of dangers that suddenly appear, and he must leave appropriate room for his movement to move.

Otherwise, if he were to plunge headlong into those destructive energy masses while running at full speed, he might not even be able to figure out how he died.

With a lot of caution and care, Du Long rushed forward, and it took him half a day to get close to the huge piece of land.

This really corresponded to the saying of "looking at the mountains and running to death". Only when he came to the continent suspended in the void could he seriously explore the continent in front of him.

This is a piece of land with a radius of at least a hundred light years. Three extremely huge stars are suspended in the sky above the land, spinning around the land over and over again.

Perhaps because of the relatively large land area, when a three-star star orbits it, a large area will always be at the far point of the star's light for a long time.

At the far point, there will be a lack of heat. Those areas at the far point of the star will enter the cold winter, while those in the near point area of ​​the star will enter the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn respectively.

Looking around, the entire continent has distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the central part of the continent is a huge ocean that is more than ten light-years long. Huge waves hundreds of meters high can be seen everywhere on this ocean!

Standing high above the continent, Du Long had a panoramic view of the huge land in front of him and quickly made a simple analysis of the continent.

"You can never understand the deep mysteries of this land by just observing from a distance. In that case... let's start investigating from the area where higher civilization has obviously been developed!"

Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly and fixed his sharp gaze on an area close to the inland ocean coast, where traces of advanced civilization could be seen.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Now that he has locked the target, there is no need to waste any more time. He directly uses the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork to shoot in that direction at a controllable speed at any time.

In the blink of an eye, he had appeared on the land in that area, standing on the top of a mountain overlooking a huge city below!

This is a city with a radius of nearly a thousand miles. The city walls are more than ten feet high and five or six feet thick. You can see a large number of fully armed soldiers patrolling above the city wall. The entire city is extremely well-defended.

"Where are they defending against the threat coming from?! Why are almost all other cities within the detection range of their spiritual consciousness such a heavily defensive posture?!"

"Also, their physical appearance is similar to that of the outside world, but there are many different races living together. This is a world where multiple races are integrated into one?!"

After a brief observation, Du Long transformed into a warrior carrying a sword on his back. This image of him seemed to be relatively common in the world in front of him.

Then he appeared on the official road outside the city in a flash, and then he blended in with the crowd who were preparing to enter the city, and walked slowly towards the city gate in front.

As he moved forward, he was also observing the surrounding situation. He could see that ordinary people entering the city did not seem to strictly verify their identities, which was somewhat incompatible with the strict security on the city wall.

If these cities were to guard against the invasion of other city forces, it stands to reason that they should strictly check the identity information of all people entering the city. Such a tight internal and external loosening approach made Du Long feel confused.

Soon, his eyes were attracted by the shocking scratches on the city wall. Those marks did not look like they could be caused by ordinary human battles. Many huge scratches looked like claw marks left by giant beasts!

'wrong! Those marks should not be caused by ordinary soldiers from other cities, but caused by the attack of some huge creature that I don't know! ’

Du Long was slightly shocked in his heart, and at the same time, he immediately released all his spiritual consciousness, trying to find the root cause of all this!

However, when he released his divine consciousness with all his strength for exploration, he was shocked to find that the coverage of his divine consciousness had shrunk again, from the four light-years he could detect in the void outside to less than 40,000 miles? !

Within a range of 40,000 miles, in addition to dozens of cities of different sizes, no large group of giant beasts could be detected. This also left Du Long's doubts in his heart still unanswered.

"Could it be that...the threat to these cities is not on land...but in the vast ocean that is several light-years in diameter?!" Du Long pondered for a moment, and immediately stared inland with wide eyes in astonishment. The location of Wang Yang.

At this time, he also discovered that the number of huge scratches on the city wall facing Wangyang was denser, which vaguely verified some of his guesses.

With so many doubts, Du Long entered the city step by step with the flow of people, and then walked along the main road that was dozens of meters wide. With his eyesight, he could easily see a towering tower standing at the end of the main road. 's temple.

The tall temple is located in the center of the city. There is a peak there that has become the foundation of the temple. On the top of the temple is a pagoda that is thousands of feet high. There is also a huge ball of light embedded at the top of the tower.

Du Long's eyes fell on a huge stone sculpture halfway up the mountain. It was a white jade statue of a woman, carving a heroic beauty wearing armor and holding a divine crossbow.

"Temple of Diana?!"

The name of the goddess Diana was engraved on the base of the tall goddess statue, and Du Long could see the small words directly from hundreds of miles away.

"Haha! Is this the first time this brother has come to the city where the Temple of Poseidon Diana is located?! Then you are in the right place. If you are lucky, you may meet the goddess to perform miracles!"

He must have heard Du Long subconsciously talking about the Temple of the Goddess Diana. An enthusiastic uncle on the side immediately took over the conversation, and his eyes towards the Temple of the Goddess were full of reverence.

"Does Goddess Diana often show miracles?!" Du Long moved slightly at the end, but pretended to be indifferent and asked.

"I can't say that often..." The enthusiastic uncle scratched his head, grinned and smiled, revealing white teeth that didn't match the brown-red skin at all: "Normally, only when this city is attacked by a tide of sea beasts, Only then will we have a certain chance to see the goddess showing her miracles!"

"How long will it take for this city... to be attacked by a wave of sea beasts?!" Du Long once again grasped the key points and quietly inquired about the city's information.

"It's impossible to tell... In the long run, it only happens once or twice in a thousand years. In the short run, it's not necessarily that it will happen several times in a hundred years. In short, everything still depends on the mood of those damn sea beasts, right?!" Enthusiasm When the uncle talked about sea beasts, his tone obviously became a little deeper.

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