Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2873 Vortex Channel

Boom, boom, boom. . .

In the Realm of Ten Thousand Buddhas, waves of melodious bells continue to ring in the core area, which also means that something big is about to happen in the Realm of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Accompanied by the ringing of the bells, Du Long and other selected Buddhist disciples began to gather at the designated location and rushed to the main city of Gaye through the teleportation array.

The square where the teleportation formation in the main city of Gaye is located is already overcrowded. A large number of selected Buddhist disciples continue to gather here, and the huge square is filled with people.

One after another, the teleportation arrays are constantly lighting up at the highest frequency. After each time the light shines, more or less Buddhist disciples will arrive here.

"Senior Brother Du Long! Senior Brother Du Long! Come here quickly, you are the only one missing!"

When Du Long first appeared on the teleportation array, a joyful call came to his ears. He immediately saw that the people calling him were Tiangangzi and other friends.

"You guys came quite quickly?!" Du Long came to everyone in a flash, nodding and saying hello to everyone with a smile.

"This is a must!" Tiangangzi grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, and replied matter-of-factly: "That is a legendary prehistoric battlefield relic. As long as we can harvest an eternal magic weapon from it during this trip, then we can It’s so developed!!”

"Eternal Divine Weapon?!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Every Eternal Divine Weapon that comes out will inevitably lead to endless bloody killings. Are you sure that you can grab the Eternal Divine Weapon from the hands of many strong men?" ?!”

"Hehe!" Tiangangzi scratched his head and laughed dryly: "There are no absolutes in the world. Who stipulates that the eternal magic weapon must be snatched?! Maybe I am lucky enough to get one quietly?!"

"What a beautiful idea!" Before Du Long could respond, Lingchanzi's joking voice immediately sounded from the side: "If the eternal magic weapon could be picked up so easily, then the world would have been flooded with disasters long ago. How could it cause such a disaster? How much eager attention is there from the nine-star peak god?!"

"That's right!" Zhang Tianxuan, who is also a lay disciple, also added with disgust: "Take our World of Ten Thousand Buddhas as an example. It is said that only the ancient Buddha Kayapa possesses an eternal magic weapon, and this is also his achievement. The support of the first of the nine ancient Buddhas!"

"In the entire world of Ten Thousand Buddhas...only the ancient Buddha Gaye possesses an eternal magic weapon?!" It was obviously the first time Du Long heard this information, and he couldn't help but murmured and repeated.

"That's right!" Zhang Tianxuan looked at him with a smile and explained patiently: "According to legend, the ancient Buddha Kaye once entered the prehistoric battlefield ruins, and with the help of many high-level Buddhist gods, he was lucky enough to successfully seize a high-level item. Eternal Divine Weapon!"

"High-level eternal magic weapon?!" Du Long once again grasped this keyword.

"Yes!" Zhang Tianxuan seemed to know that he had just entered the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy and was not very clear about many secrets. He immediately nodded and continued to explain: "According to legend, the eternal magic weapon is divided into four levels, namely junior, middle and high levels. There is the ultimate eternal magic weapon!"

"So that's it!" Du Long suddenly nodded and said: "It's really not easy for Ancient Buddha Gaye to obtain a high-level eternal magic weapon..."

"That's natural!" Zhang Tianxuan sighed proudly: "That is not only the support of the ancient Buddha Kaye, but also the support of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm to deter all forces!"

Du Long raised his eyebrows, and then nodded slightly, having a deeper understanding of the rarity and importance of eternal magic weapons.

As Zhang Tianxuan said, the eternal magic weapon, especially the higher-level eternal magic weapon, is not just a magic weapon, it will also be a force that can deter all parties!

"Well..." Du Long pondered for a moment before speaking again: "What about the primary and intermediate eternal magic weapons?! Are there many in this world?!"

"How many?!" Zhang Tianxuan suddenly raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and sighed: "Eternal divine weapons are extremely rare regardless of their grade, even the elementary and mid-level eternal divine weapons!"

"Of course! Those of us disciples who have reached four to six stars in strength should be uniformly arranged into the corresponding level areas when entering the prehistoric battlefield ruins. If there is a chance to compete for the eternal gods in the future, more than 90% of them will be the middle-level eternal gods. Are you ready?!"

"In the four- to six-star realm, we can only compete for the middle-level eternal magic weapon?!" Du Long was slightly startled, and then said with a sudden look on his face: "I understand, I guess even if we go in... we should only reach the prehistoric battlefield. Intermediate area, right?!”

"That's right! According to legend, monks who reach the three-star realm will be teleported to the outermost part of the battlefield after entering. Those of us who are four to six stars will be teleported to the inner area, and those who are in the seven to nine-star realm will be teleported. Go to the core area!" Zhang Tianxuan explained patiently.

There were constant discussions throughout the teleportation square. Many Buddhist disciples gathered in twos and threes according to their relationship, and almost all of their words revolved around the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield of the Great Destruction.

As time went by, the frequency of the teleportation array flashing gradually decreased, and the melodious bells gradually stopped.

In the teleportation square, a void suddenly distorted, and hundreds of figures with shocking auras appeared out of thin air.

Bodhi, Sumeru, Jialan, Manimo and other familiar figures to Du Long were prominently listed, and there were also a large number of high-level ancient Buddhas that he had never seen before.

"Alright! The limited time has come. Those who have not arrived yet will be deemed to have given up. All disciples who are preparing to go to the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield of destruction should stay in my portable cave world for the time being!"

Ancient Buddha Xumi stepped forward and shouted. Immediately, invisible forces fell on everyone present, and the originally crowded teleportation square was cleared instantly.

"Haha! It's finally our turn!" After successfully collecting the ordinary disciples in the square, Ancient Buddha Xumi looked at the high-level Ancient Buddhas beside him with a smile.

As his words fell, all the high-level ancient Buddhas disappeared without a trace. Only then did Ancient Buddha Sumeru dodge to one of the ultra-long-range teleportation arrays and directly activated the ultra-long-distance teleportation mode.


Around the teleportation square, those who were not qualified to participate burst into discussions.

Many people did not just give up the opportunity to enter the prehistoric battlefield ruins, and began to form groups to collect travel expenses and plan to rush over to get a share of the pie.

The prehistoric battlefield of great destruction reappeared after endless years. There were quotas allocated among the major forces, but they could not completely prohibit the spontaneous participation of other disciples.

It's just that the journey there is extremely long, and disciples who don't get a quota have to pay for their own travel if they want to go there.

It’s not that the senior leaders of the Buddhist sect are too stingy and don’t want to bring so many people with them, but they don’t want too many disciples from the sect to leave the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, lest the defense of the entire World of Ten Thousand Buddhas become empty!

There was silence all the way, and no force from any party dared to intercept Ancient Buddha Xumi on the way, and after spending several months, he finally came to such an airspace.

This airspace should be in the Northeast Outer Territory, and Ancient Buddha Xumi was able to arrive here in a few months. In addition to his strong strength, another very important factor is that this outer area is far away from the high-end airspace. close.


When Du Long and many other Buddhist disciples were released, they immediately found themselves standing in the chaotic void of Xuantian, with densely packed human figures everywhere they looked.

A dense crowd of monks was surrounding a deep whirlpool, all looking at it eagerly, wishing they could rush into it immediately.

"This... is the passage leading to the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield of great destruction?!" Du Long looked at the deep space-time vortex in front of him with a face filled with astonishment.

"Yes! But it should not be fully opened yet. Anyone who dares to rush in at this time will definitely die, even the nine-star peak powerful man is no exception!" Zhang Tianxuan's voice sounded again. He seemed to be very familiar with the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield. .

"Then how long will it take for it to turn on?!" Du Long continued to ask.

"It's impossible to say for sure... it may take several years, or it may only take a moment to open..." Zhang Tianxuan was finally unable to give an accurate answer.

"Junior Brother Tianxuan is right!" Lei Bao's voice suddenly sounded from the side: "The ruins of the prehistoric battlefield of the Great Destruction are hidden in the complex space-time interlayer. No one knows when it will emerge one day, even if it just enters It is beyond our ability to detect when this passage will be firmly formed!"

"Brother Du Long! You monks from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm have finally arrived!" A familiar voice in the distance reached Du Long's ears. As soon as he turned his head, he saw several familiar figures such as Sun Xiaosheng.

In addition to Sun Xiaosheng, there are also several other new friends he met in the Star Competition, such as the stone giant Goren, Ge Xiaotian from the Wood Immortal Tribe, Huo Beilei from the Fire Spirit Tribe, etc.

The Five Elements Alliance's territory is located in the northeast of the advanced civilization world, which happens to be relatively close to this airspace. They are naturally one of the first groups to arrive here.

"Little Saint!" Du Long said with a smile as he looked at Sun Xiaosheng who was flying towards him happily, "You guys came fast enough!"

"Hehe! That's natural. Who made the Monster Alliance's territory closer to here?!" Sun Xiaosheng grinned dryly, and then changed his voice transmission and said: 'Brother Du Long! That Wukong brother has arrived at the Divine Monkey Clan safely, and has also successfully become a disciple of an old man from the Stone Monkey Clan who is born with spiritual intelligence. His future achievements will definitely be no worse than ours! ’

‘I have to thank my little holy brother for this! ’ Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, and secretly conveyed his gratitude: ‘Brother Wukong can return to the monkey clan, and that is his own creation! ’

The two exchanged a few words in secret and ended. Then they began to continue chatting with others, and the topic naturally revolved around the space-time vortex channel in front of them.

As time went by, more and more forces and teams came over, and the number of monks outside the space-time vortex channel also increased.

The number of people in the team of Du Long and others is also increasing. Basically all the friends they met in the star competition are here. Such a huge opportunity will naturally give every young hero a chance to participate.

"I'm so annoyed! Why hasn't this space-time channel opened yet?! How long will it take for it to open?!"

Time continued to pass day by day, and Sun Xiaosheng gradually became a little manic from being excited at the beginning. Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they saw him scratching their heads and ears.

"Why are you so anxious?!" Princess Lingshan rolled her eyes angrily and said, "When the space-time vortex channel is truly opened, we will have to wait for the first batch of low-star monks to enter before it will be our turn. Six-star monk!"

"Princess Lingshan is right!" Zhang Tianxuan immediately took over the words and said: "Everyone must remember one thing, that is, after entering, you may be randomly transported to different locations. Before you meet up with close friends, , we must remain extremely vigilant!”

"Even if you gather with friends, you can't be too careless, especially you, the monkey... You must be careful that there are various deadly substances inside, which can kill you at any time!" Princess Lingshan He looked at Sun Xiaosheng as if he was warning but also teasingly.

"I know! It's so verbose!" Sun Xiaosheng said impatiently: "Sir, I have checked the relevant information a long time ago, how could I not know these dangers in the prehistoric battlefield?!"

"Think of good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs!" Princess Lingshan rolled her eyes angrily and said, "I am too lazy to care about the life and death of your monkey head! Huh!"

Under the strange gazes of everyone, the monkey and the girl were chatting with each other wordlessly. They looked like a pair of happy enemies.


At this moment, an invisible energy wave suddenly spread from the space-time vortex, radiating directly from everyone around him, causing everyone's heartbeats to skip a beat.

Countless monks at the scene were alarmed, and they all turned their heads to look at the huge space-time vortex with surprise on their faces. The originally dark Eye of the Vortex began to glow faintly.

This is a sign that the space-time vortex has opened a channel, and it also means that the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield of great destruction are about to be opened!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the light in the center of the space-time vortex gradually brightened, growing from a small dot at the beginning to a larger size.

It wasn't until the light spot expanded to two or three meters in diameter that its expansion speed slowed down. Although it continued to grow, it was much slower.

"Alright! As soon as you guys reach the three-star realm, you can go in first!!"

A loud shout suddenly rang in everyone's ears. As the sound rang out, several figures immediately rushed out, dodged and rushed into the bright passage of two to three meters and disappeared without a trace.


It was like someone pouring cold water into a boiling oil pan. Many monks who had reached the three-star realm rushed towards the space-time vortex impatiently.

ah! !

At this moment, a scream suddenly resounded at the entrance of the space-time vortex passage!

I saw a monk accidentally squeezed into the vortex at the edge of the passage. He only had time to let out a scream before he was twisted into a ball of blood mist by the vortex. In the end, both the fragments of flesh and blood and the origin of his soul were all swallowed up by the dark space-time vortex. .

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